


Don't explain yourself to anyone, because people who like you don't need it, and people who hate you won't believe it. IG @azzahra_tina FB @Tina Agustiana.

2019-01-21 BergabungGlobal





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Ketika Cinta Menemukan Tuannya

"Aku Mencintainya, walaupun aku tahu kalau itu berbahaya! " ............... Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan seorang wanita asal Indonesia yang memiliki pengalaman buruk akan cinta. Calon suaminya terpaksa harus menikahi sepupunya disaat undangan pernikahannya sudah tersebar. Ditengah ke malangan nya itu, ia melarikan diri ke Korea Selatan. Di Hari pertamanya ia malah bertemu dengan Kim Lion yang merupakan lelaki kejam yang berkuasa di Seoul. Kim Lion menjalankan perusahaan milik keluarganya sebagai CEO di KI Grup yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan paling berpengaruh di Korea Selatan. Sayangnya, Kim Liom adalah lelaki sombong yang menganggap dirinya paling sempurna sehingga tidak ada wanita yang pantas untuk menjadi pendampingnya. Suatu hari Kim Lion bertemu dengan gadis yang aneh dan terlihat sangat biasa. Gadis itu adalah satu-satunya wanita yang membenci Kim Lion karena selalu mengusik hidupnya yang tenang, dia adalah Nana perempuan mungil asal Indonesia yang tidak cantik dan tidak juga jelek. Semenjak bertemu dengan Nana, Lion pun merasa resah dan tidak tenang karena ia selalu memikirkan Nana seperti orang gila. Kim Lion menggunakan segala cara agar Nana menjadi miliknya sehingga pada suatu hari, Nana terpaksa menjadi pelayannya. Kim Lion tahu kalau dia jatuh cinta sama Nana, namun dia tidak tahu bagaimana cara menyampaikannya. .......................................................................... "Dasar Iblis, apa yang kamu inginkan dariku?". Nana melotot ketika melihat Kim Lion memblokir tubuhnya di dinding kamar mewah itu. "Kenapa kamu selalu menolakku?". Wajah Lion semakin mendekat sehingga Nana merasa Frustasi. "Kenapa aku harus menerima Iblis sepertimu?". Nana memberanikan diri menantang tatapan jahat Kim Lion. "Karena Aku adalah Kim Lion. Lelaki tampan dan kaya raya yang dipuji oleh semua wanita. Jika kamu bersamaku, maka aku pastikan akan membuatmu menjadi wanita paling beruntung. Bagaimana?". Jawab Kim Lion sambil tersenyum licik. ......................................................................... Bagaimana dengan Nana? Akankah Dia mau hidup bersama lelaki kasar dan sombong seperti Kim Lion? Atau, dia memilih lelaki lain yang merupakan musuh sekaligus sahabat Kim Lion yang super baik dan tampan?. Temukan jawabannya dengan mengikuti setiap bab di novel ini. Kalau Kalian suka, jangan lupa dukung novel ini dengan memberi Power Stone sebanyak-banyaknya. Dan tulis pendapat kalian di kolom review dan komentar agar saya bisa memperbaiki yang salah. Satu Power Stone dan Komentar atau Review dari kalian adalah penyemangat saya untuk menulis. Happy Reading! Instagram. @azzahra_tina mampir Juga di Karyaku yang Lain. 1.Istri Kecil Tuan Ju 2. Pelengkap Hidupku. 3. Flower Of Evil

Tinaagustiana · Perkotaan
1120 Chs

Istri Kecil Tuan Ju

(PERHATIAN : KONTEN DEWASA) "Julian, apa itu malam pertama? Kata orang, itu adalah malam yang paling di tunggu sepasang kekasih setelah menikah. Memangnya apa yang dilakukan pada malam itu? " ........................................ Qiara adalah gadis berusia 17 tahun yang memiliki wajah cantik. Dia memiliki mimpi untuk menjadi orang yang terkenal di masa depan. Namun, sepucuk surat wasiat melemparnya ke dalam pernikahan bersama tuan muda yang merupakan calon suami kakak nya sendiri. "Menikah ? Apa Mama gila? Qiara baru saja berusia 17 tahun dan memiliki banyak mimpi. Haruskah aku menikah dengan lelaki yang lebih tua dua belas tahun dariku? "Air mata mengalir diwajah Qiara karena tidak menyangka kalau Ibunya akan meminta hal yang tidak pernah dia bayangkan. "Setidaknya, kamu menikah dulu. Setelah itu kamu boleh bercerai dan melanjutkan mimpimu!"Jawab Mama tanpa emosi. Tuan Muda Julian Al Vero adalah pewaris JJ Grup yang namanya selalu memenuhi halaman pertama di situs internet dan majalah. Dia tampan dan berkuasa hingga digilai banyak wanita, tapi tidak dengan Qiara yang memiliki ambisi tinggi ingin menjadi gamer sekaligus pelukis terkenal. Bagi Qiara, Julian hanyalah seuntai debu yang tidak penting dan tentunya sangat dia benci karena dia telah merenggut masa mudanya. "Ini hanya pernikahan rahasia!" Ucap Julian dengan ekspresi yang dingin sebab ia juga terpaksa melakukan pernikahan ini. Menikah sama gadis kecil apa dia gila? "Baik, aku akan menikah denganmu! "Jawab Qiara seraya menyeringai jijik kepada Julian. Akankah Qiara bisa mengujutkan mimpinya dan bercerai dengan Julian sesuai keinginannya? Atau mungkin sebaliknya? ~Bagian Dua~ Karena ingin hidup dengan lebih baik, Qiara terpaksa menyamar menjadi orang lain dan menyembunyikan identitasnya. Sayangnya, saat dia ingin bertemu putranya, dia malah tidak dikenali walaupun dia sudah memberitahunya kalau dia adalah Ibunya. Disamping itu, saudara tirinya selalu mencari masalah dengannya serta berusaha merebut apa yang dia miliki. Ini adalah kisah manis dan pahit seorang remaja yang belum saatnya menikah dan memiliki mimpi yang tinggi untuk menjadi terkenal namun terpaksa terikat dalam jaring pernikahan. Kalau kalian suka kisah ini, simpanlah di perpustakaan kalian. Dan jika kisah ini menurit kalian sangat menarik, maka mohon dukungannya dengan memberi power ston agar saya bersemangat untuk mempublis ceritanya. Terimakasih! Selamat menikmati! Instagram. @azzahra_tina

Tinaagustiana · Perkotaan
500 Chs

Cinta Yang Dirindukan

"Jika kamu adalah luka itu, maka aku adalah gadis yang pernah kecanduan olehmu. Sedangkan dia adalah ketakutan yang ingin aku peluk dengan erat!" Mutiara Senja. ................ Sinopsis : Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan Mutiara Senja. Ia adalah perempuan biasa yang harus menelan pil pahit karena pengkhianatan calon suami yang sangat ia cintai. Karena rasa sakit itu, Tiara bertekad untuk balas Dendam. "Aku akan pastikan kalau aku adalah penyesalan terdalam yang mustahil bisa dia dapatkan kembali. Balas dendam itu perlu agar dia tidak menyakiti orang lain lagi!" Ucap Tiara sembari menyeka air matanya dengan kasar. Ditengah ke malangan itu, ia mendapat lamaran yang begitu mendadak dari seorang dokter muda keturunan campuran antara Indonesia dan Korea Selatan. "Kita memang tidak saling kenal, tapi aku ingin menikahi mu dan tidak bisa di tawar lagi!" kata Arya dengan tatapan yang lembut. Arya Wiguna Muhammad Hyeon adalah dokter muda yang di kenal misterius, berdarah dingin, jenius sekaligus calon pewaris kerajaan bisnis keluarga nya di Korea Selatan. Banyak orang mengatakan kalau Arya adalah manusia berhati dingin layaknya Vampir. Ia tidak berperasaan dan selalu menyendiri. Tidak ada yang berani mendekatinya atau berdebat dengannya. Bahkan Tiara sendiri berjanji tidak akan pernah jatuh cinta pada lelaki mengerikan seperti Arya. "Aku sangat menyukai novel 'Ketika Cinta Menemukan Tuannya' Karena aku selalu berharap akan memiliki kisah seperti Nana. Dan sekarang, aku bertemu dengan lelaki yang hampir sama dengan suami Nana yaitu Kim Lion. Tapi, kami memulai kisah dari jalan yang berbeda. Akankah kisahku akan sama dengan Nana?" Gumam Tiara setelah membaca novel favorit nya itu. Disaat Tiara sedang berusaha untuk memahami suami nya, tiba-tiba mantan kekasihnya muncul, ia datang untuk merebut Tiara kembali dari tangan Arya padahal ia sudah memiliki istri dan anak. Tidak hanya itu, setelah menikah Tiara juga harus menerima kenyataan kalau masa lalu suaminya sangat mengerikan. Akankah Tiara tergoda oleh mantan kekasihnya atau bertahan dengan suaminya? Dan sanggupkah Tiara bertahan melewati bahaya yang setiap saat mengintai kehidupannya semenjak ia di boyong ke Korea Selatan? Temukan jawabannya dengan mengikuti setiap bab di novel ini! ............... Please dukung novel ini dengan memberikan Review, komen dan batu kuasa nya. Karena novel ini tidak akan berarti apapun tanpa dukungan kalian. Jika kalian ingin tahu tentang novel-novel ku, kalian bisa menghubungi ku di media sosialku di bawah ini! IG : azzahra_tina Facebook : Tina Agustiana. Terimakasih!

Tinaagustiana · Perkotaan
267 Chs

Married To An Heir (Season 2)

The story in this novel is a continuation of the story in the previous novel, "Married To And Heir". In this second novel, all is revealed and several new chapters begin. The second novel also tells about the love journey of Jeha, Shin and Jo Kwangsu which is very complicated and invites tears. Not only that, they also have to fight to survive for the throne and the honor and safety of many people. .......... Synopsis! "I love you but I forgot that we never walked the same path". Shin said as she lowered her head and held back her tears. "Then what do you want?". Jeha asked expressionlessly. "She will be my wife, and we will be married soon". Jo Kwangsu said that it suddenly appeared between Shin and Jeha. Immediately, Jeha and Shin turned their heads, while Jo Kwangsu stood confidently while looking at the two people in front of him. Jo Kwangsu knows that Shin loves Jeha very much, but he doesn't know how to give up in his life. Will their story have a happy ending? In this novel, there are also Kim Lion and Nana who are still haunted by danger because of Lion's unyielding desire to find out the truth about his birth mother. "How could I give up when I already have a clue? I will risk my life to bring her back and uphold the truth". Leon didn't want to back down after he found many clues about his enemy's cheating and ugliness. "Are you sure?". "Of course, I am Kim Lion who is not easy to beat. Trust me! I will not let you down!". Lion replied while hugging Nana. Nana nodded and returned Lion's hug. Nana believes that Lion can protect her and achieve her goal. Even though he still has worries in her heart. And will Kim Lion and Nana be able to escape danger and live in peace? Find the answer by following their storyline in each chapter that will be published every day! "Happy reading". »Instagram» @azzahra_tina »Facebook» @Tina Agustiana

Tinaagustiana · Perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
81 Chs

Dendam Termanis, Calon Pengantin Alpha.

"Aku memberikanmu hatiku, tapi kamu menipuku. Jadi tetaplah bersamaku karena aku mencintaimu!” Rafela Valen. ..... Valen membencinya lebih dari apa pun di dunia, karena dia adalah putra raja Vampir yang membunuh keluarganya dan memperbudak rakyatnya. Klan Vampir menjadi penguasa di kota A sejak Raja Vampir berhasil menghancurkan semua Pack manusia serigala ratusan tahun yang lalu. Ia menjadikan manusia serigala yang menjadi tahanan sebagai budak. Raja Alpha yang berhasil membangun Kekuatan diam-diam bekerjasama dengan Valen yang merupakan keturunan terkuat untuk menghancurkan Klan Vampir. Valen menyetujuinya dan berniat akan membuat Raja Vampir membayarnya semua yang ia lakukan pada keluarganya. Cinta segitiga antara Valen, Putra Vampir dan Raja Alpha membuat api dendam menjadi tidak seimbang. Karena dendam di hatinya, Raja Alpha tidak tidur nyenyak dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Seorang Raja yang tidak bisa memiliki Mate nya seutuhnya. Karena anak Raja Vampir yang rupawan sudah mengikat hati mate nya yaitu Rafela Valen. Anak Raja Vampir yaitu Pangeran Justin tidak seperti ayahnya. Dia berbeda darinya. Terlalu berbeda. Dan ketika Valen ingin menipunya untuk membuatnya membayar dosa Ayahnya, ia mengetahui betapa berbedanya Pangeran Justin dari ayahnya. Raja Alpha yaitu Kenzo, tidak bisa mengampuni perbuatan orang yang dia anggap sudah mengkhianatinya. Cinta yang muncul diatas kebencian yang mengakar, sudah membuat kehidupan menjadi lebih buruk. Rafela Valen adalah manusia serigala berusia 20 tahun dengan sebuah kutukan. Dia satu-satunya yang memiliki darah campuran antara manusia biasa dan Manusia serigala di kawanannya. Dia berupaya mati-matian untuk menolak takdirnya tanpa menyerah terhadap hasrat jasmaninya. Tetapi ketika dia bertemu Justin sang Pangeran Vampir dan Kenzo sang Alpha, dia lupa akan tujuan utamanya. Akankah kisah yang di balut oleh dendam dan gairah cinta yang membara itu akan berakhir dengan pertumpahan darah atau bahagia?  Kutipan : "Kamu milikku! Dan aku tidak perduli dengan ikatan takdir yang buruk diantara dua makhluk yang berbeda seperti kita. Aku hanya akan menjadi milikmu maka percayalah!" Bola mata kecoklatan itu menatap tajam kearah lelaki yang sekarang ada di sampingnya. Tangan lembut Valen bergerak dengan sangat nakal di tubuh berotot milik Justin. Seketika itu Justin merasa seperti tenggelam dalam gairah. Ia segera membalik badan Valen lalu menindihnya. "Apakah kamu sedang mempermainkan aku?" Valen tersenyum. Setelah itu ia melingkarkan kedua tangannya di leher Justin lalu mencium bibirnya dengan sangat lembut. Justin tidak bisa menolak serangan nakal dari Valen. Ia mencintainya dan tidak perduli dengan ikatan takdir yang menghalangi mereka. Sesaat kemudian, Justin melepas ciuman nya yang penuh gairah. "Aku tidak perduli dengan ikatan takdir. Karena yang aku mau hanya bersamamu. Tapi, mungkinkah dua makhluk yang berbeda seperti kita bisa bersatu?" Bisik Justin sambil menggigit pelan daun telinga Valen. "Kalau begitu gigit aku agar kita bisa menjadi satu! Biarkan aku menjadi milikmu selamanya!" Bisik Valen sembari tersenyum licik. Justin tersenyum dengan tatapan yang dipenuhi oleh nafsu. "Jika itu mau mu!" Setelah itu Justin merobek pakaian Valen lalu merayapi seluruh tubuhnya tanpa terlewatkan. Namun, Justin tidak menyadari kalau dirinya sudah masuk dalam perangkap Valen dan Kenzo. Bagaimana akhir kisah mereka? Temukan jawabannya dengan mengikuti setiap babnya. Berikan dukungan juga! Terimakasih!

Tinaagustiana · Fantasi
158 Chs

Come And Hug Me

{WARNING : MATURE CONTENT) "Falling in love with you is a crime I did on purpose!". ........................... When they were teenagers, Sophia and Michael were desperate to marry without the blessing of their teens and after that they lived together in a place where their families could not find them. However, a storm came after two months of their marriage, circumstances forced them to separate, leaving a mad hatred and longing for the figure of a husband who disappeared without news when she was pregnant. Eight years later, Michael returns with his best charm to make up for eight years of longing and force Sophia to live together again as before. Unfortunately, Sophia is not the woman he used to know. The girl was filled with anger and hatred and resentment that filled the recesses of her heart. However, Michael does not know the word surrender because he loves Sophia with all his life even though he is ready to become a slave to Sophia's love. Will they find a way to get back together to live happily ever after, or vice versa? The second part. Dreams and hopes. "Honey, tonight I will definitely make you happy. The problem is I forgot what style you like". Sophia asked in surprise. "What style?". Sophia looked confusedly at Michael while swallowing her saliva deeply. Michael climbed into bed topless, it was the first night after their struggling second marriage to take place. He should have immediately released all the pent-up desire for eight years to the stubborn girl who had broken his arrogance. However, Sophia got off the bed instead using trembling legs and eyes covered by both hands. Michael smiled because he felt challenged by Sophia's frightened attitude. Michael chased after Sophia then hugged her waist from behind while whispering in her ear. "Does this mean that you want the style of a raging horse?". Is the conversation real? Or is it just a dream of a man missing his ex-wife? Find the answer by following each chapter in this novel! ........................ If you like this story, please support the author by giving Power Stone and comments and reviews. Also read my other works! 1. Mr. Ju's Little Wife : My Husband Is Too Kind. 2. Flowers Of Evil. 3. Flash Marriage With Perfect Result. 4. Marriage To An Heir

Tinaagustiana · Perkotaan
231 Chs

Princess Of Wolf : Love And Revenge

"I gave you my heart, but you tricked me. So stay with me because I love you, Valen. ............................. Valen hates him more than anything in the world because he is the son of the Vampire King who killed her family and enslaved her people. The Vampire Clan has been the ruler of the city since the Vampire King managed to destroy all Pack werewolves hundreds of years ago. He made the werewolves who are prisoners as slaves. The Alpha King who managed to build power secretly cooperates with Valen who is the strongest descendant to destroy the Vampire Clan. Valen agrees and intends to make the Vampire King pay for everything that she did to her family. The love triangle between Valen, the son of the Vampire, and the Alpha King made the fire of vengeance unbalanced. Due to the grudge in his heart, the Alpha King couldn't sleep well in recent years. A king who couldn't have his Mate completely because of a child The handsome Vampire King has tied his Mate's heart namely Rafela Valen. The son of the Vampire King, Prince Justin, is not like his father, he is different from him. Too different, and when Valen wants to trick him into making him pay for his father's sins, he finds out how different Prince Justin is from his father. The Alpha King, cannot forgive the actions of those who are considered to have betrayed him. Love that rises above deep-rooted hatred already makes life worse. Rafela Valen is a 20-year-old werewolf with a curse, she's the only one with mixed blood between a normal human and a werewolf in her Pack. She desperately tries to resist her destiny without giving in to her physical desires. But when she meets Justin, the Vampire Prince, and Kenzo the Alpha, she forgets her main goal. Will the story that is wrapped in revenge and passionate love will end in bloodshed or happiness? Quote: "You are mine and I don't care about the bad fate bonds between two different beings like us. I will only be yours, so believe me!" His brown eyes stared intently at the man who was now beside him. Valen's soft hands moved very mischievously on Justin's muscular body. Instantly Justin felt like he was drowning in passion, he immediately turned Valen's body and put him on top. "Are you playing me?" Valen smiled, then she wrapped her arms around Justin's neck and kissed his lips very gently. Justin can't resist Valen's naughty attacks, he loves her and doesn't care about the bonds of fate that stand in their way. A moment later, Justin broke his passionate kiss. "I don't care about the bond of fate because all I want is to be with you. But, is it possible that two different beings like us can unite?" Justin whispered while biting Valen's earlobe lightly. "Then bite me so we can be one! Let me be yours forever!" Valen whispered while smiling slyly. Justin smiled with a gaze filled with lust. "If that's what you want!" After that Justin tore Valen's clothes and then crawled all over her body without being missed. However, Justin didn't realize that he had fallen into Valen and Kenzo's trap. How will their story end? Find the answer by following each chapter. Please provide support too! Thank You! Check all my novels on Instagram: azzahra_tina

Tinaagustiana · Fantasi
164 Chs

Mr. Ju's Little Wife : My Husband Is Too Kind

(MATURE CONTENT) "Julian, what is the first night? People say, it is the night that most lovers await after marriage. What did you do that night?". ...................................................... Qiara Larez is a 17 year old girl who has a beautiful face. She has a dream to become a famous person in the future. However, a will threw her into the marriage with the young master who was her sister's future husband. "Getting married? Is Mama crazy? Qiara has just turned 17 years old and has a lot of dreams. Should I marry a man who is twelve years older than me?". Tears rolled down Qiara's face, because she did not expect that her mother would ask for things that were never imagined. "At least, you got married first. After that you can divorce and continue your dream!". Her mother answered without emotion. Young Master Julian Al Vero is the heir to the JJ Group whose name always fills the first pages of internet sites and magazines. He is handsome and powerful to the point where many women are crazy, but not Qiara, who has high ambitions, wants to become a famous gamer and painter. For Qiara, Julian is just a dust that is not important and of course she really hates it because he has taken away her youth. "This is just a secret marriage!". Said Julian with a cold expression because he was also forced to do this marriage. Married to a little girl is he crazy ?. "Fine, I'll marry you!". Qiara replied, grinning disdainfully at Julian. Will Qiara be able to make her dream come true and divorce Julian as she wishes? Or maybe the other way around ?. ~ Part Two ~ Because she wants to live a better life, Qiara is forced to disguise herself as someone else and hide her identity. Unfortunately, when she wanted to meet her son, she was not even recognized even though she had already told him that she was his mother. Besides that, her half-siblings are always looking for trouble with her and trying to take away what she has. This is the sweet and bitter story of a teenager who is not yet married and has high dreams of becoming famous but is forced to be tied in the net of marriage. If you like this story, keep it in your library. And if you think this story is very interesting, then ask for your support by giving a power stone so that I will be excited to publish the story. Thank you! Enjoy! Also read my other works! 1. Come And Hug Me 2. Flowers Of Evil. 3. Flash Marriage With Perfect Result. 4. Marriage To An Heir Instagram. @azzahra_tina

Tinaagustiana · Perkotaan
579 Chs

Married To An Heir

"I love him, even though I don't know if it's good or not". ............... This novel tells the story of a woman from Indonesia who has a bad experience of love. Her prospective husband was forced to marry her cousin when the invitations for her wedding had spread. In the midst of her misfortune, she fled to South Korea. On the first day she even met Kim Leon who was a cruel man who ruled in Seoul. Kim Leon runs his family owned company as CEO of KI Group which is one of the most influential companies in South Korea. Unfortunately, Kim Leon is an arrogant man who considers himself the most perfect so that no woman deserves to be his best man. One day Kim Leon meets a strange girl who looks very ordinary. That girl is the only woman who hates Kim Leon for always disturbing his quiet life, she is Nana, a tiny Indonesian woman who is neither beautiful nor ugly. Since meeting Nana, Leon has felt restless and uneasy because he always thinks of Nana like crazy. Kim Leon used everything he could to make Nana his own so that one day, Nana was forced to become his servant. Kim Leon knows that he is in love with Nana, but he doesn't know how to convey it. .................................................. ........................ "You devil, what do you want from me?". Nana glared when she saw Kim Leon blocking her body against the wall of the luxurious room. "Why do you always reject me?". Leon's face is getting closer so Nana feels frustrated. "Why do I have to accept a devil like you?". Nana dared to challenge Kim Leon's evil gaze. "Because I am Kim Leon, a handsome and rich man who is praised by all women. If you are with me, then I will make sure to make you the luckiest woman. How?". Kim Leon replied with a sly smile. .................................................. ....................... What about Nana? Will she want to live with a rude and arrogant man like Kim Leon? Or did she choose another man who was Kim Leon's super good and handsome enemy and best friend? Find the answer by following each chapter in this novel. If you like it, don't forget to support this novel by giving as many Power Stones as possible. And write your opinion in the review and comments column so that I can correct what is wrong. One Power Stone and your comments or reviews are my encouragement to write. Happy Reading! Instagram. @azzahra_tina

Tinaagustiana · Perkotaan
391 Chs

Flower Of Evil (Indonesia)

KONTEN DEWASA17+ "Kamu adalah kutukan termanis dalam hidupku. Karena mencintaimu adalah kesalahan terbesar yang tidak ingin aku lepaskan." ...................................................... Di hari pernikahannya, calon suami yang akan menikahinya malah memanipulasi keadaan sehingga ia disalahkan oleh keluarga besar Zu dan Lin. "Gadis Jalang itu sudah membuat malu keluarga besar Lin di hadapan keluarga besar Zu. Bagaimana kita bisa memperbaiki semuanya? Dasar keponakan tidak tahu diri!" Ekpresi Nyonya Zhang sangat buruk karena semua yang sudah ia rencanakan hancur begitu saja. "Ibu tenang saja! Aku akan bicara dengan keluarga besar Lu agar mereka mau memaafkan keluarga kita. Saya pikir kakak Xia Lin memiliki alasan kenapa ia kabur dari pernikahannya. " Kata Lin Yue sambil tersenyum licik. Setelah mengetahui dirinya di khianati, Lin Zhi bertemu dengan laki-laki misterius yang merupakan salah satu orang paling berpengaruh di Cina bersama Lu Xian. Akankah Lin Zhi bisa menghadapi segala rintangan dalam hidupnya setelah kehilangan kedua orang tuanya dan terpaksa tinggal bersama keluarga bibinya yang jahat? Dia bertahan hanya untuk kakek nya yang mencintainya. Dan akankah ia bisa menemukan lelaki yang mencintainya sedangkan saat terburuknya dia bertemu dengan orang yang tidak mungkin ia miliki karena adanya penghalang yang mengerikan. ....... Jika kalian suka dengan novel ini, tolong beri saya dukungan berupa Power Ston dan beri saya review agar saya tahu perkembangan cerita yang diharapkan pembaca. Kritik dan saran serta dukungan kalian membuat saya bersemangat untuk tetap update dan rajin menulis cerita selanjutnya. Selamat membaca!

Tinaagustiana · Fantasi
220 Chs

Flower Of Evil

"You are the sweetest curse in my life. Because loving you is the biggest mistake I don't want to let go of." .......... "Give me your womb! In exchange, I will fulfill all your wishes!". Prince Zayn said. "Are you crazy? How can I get offspring if you take my uterus?". The poor princess's eyes lit up wildly as if ready to devour the man before her. "I will give one offspring for you, then I will take your womb, how?". You are crazy! What does a woman without a uterus mean? Moreover, I am a candidate for the queen. ............ Synopsis: Anna Lee is the most famous princess in all the kingdoms in Korea, everyone is competing to be able to see her because it is said that, just by looking at her beautiful face, that person will have a lifetime of luck. However, she had to escape from her palace because of betrayal which led to her parents' terrible death. After that, the royal government system went awry. Therefore she is determined to become the strongest, demanding justice again so that she can restore the royal government system to the way it was before so that its people live in peace. Unfortunately, she doesn't have any abilities and nowhere to go. Unfortunately again, she was trapped in the forbidden forest. While desperate to find a way out, she met a man with horns and bright red eyes. The man volunteered to help her commit suicide. The red-eyed man turned out to be a prince nicknamed the bitter tongue who ended up as a guardian of the forbidden forest. Will that poor princess be able to get her revenge to reclaim the throne that should belong to her? Whereas she was only a princess who lived in a golden shell, never knew weapons and did not know how to fight or tactics to win wars. Impossible to win? But, there is always a possibility even if it is very small! ............. If you like this novel, please give me your support in the form of Power Ston and give me a review so that I know the story development that readers expect. Your criticisms and suggestions and support make me excited to stay updated and write the next story diligently. Happy reading! @azzahra_tina

Tinaagustiana · Fantasi
178 Chs

Flash Marriage With Perfect Result

One day the demon king sent his son and wife back to Nerline city to fulfill his promise when he wanted to marry Bella, who is a very beautiful and beautiful Nerline flower. When Prince Austin arrives in front of his grandparents' house, everyone is scared and nervous because of the rumors circulating about Prince Austin being the second son of the Demon King having a bad face, fangs and scary horns. After living for a long time in the dormitory built by his grandfather, Prince Austin was involved in a conflict with a female student named Lisya. Angel or devil, Lisya couldn't tell the difference between the two which she deserved to attach to the figure of Prince Austin who was willing to redeem her from a debt collector. Prince Austin bravely reveals himself to marry Lizya without the Demon Lord's knowledge. Prince Austin urged his grandfather and mother to bless the marriage in order to save Lisya. To Lisya, Prince Austin was a dashing and charming noble figure, he came like a knight without a horse. After marriage, circumstances forced them to separate, leaving behind crazy hatred and longing for the husband who disappeared when. "It is very important to remove weeds so that fine grass and beautiful flowers will grow well in the Royal garden". Part Two. "I never dreamed of becoming a princess, but being with you makes me like a queen". Eight years later, he returns with his best of charm to make up for eight years of longing and force him to live together again. For girls who were not of royal blood, they were only considered weeds and had to be removed repeatedly. The kingdom is shrouded in dark clouds with enemies that are difficult to find as they gather among family, friends. Prince Austin must be able to find them if he is to live a comfortable and happy life. The struggle for the throne is never separated from those who are greedy for power so that they ignore the existing rules. Prince Austin couldn't just let his entire dynasty fall apart, because the image of pain manipulated him so that fear became a weakness that made him unable to think well. Letting Lisya stay by his side was a sign of danger, but he believed things would go his way and it just took effort and faith. Could it be that Prince Austin was able to reunite his dynasty and bring back Lisya in peace, or things would get worse? Instagram: azzahra_tina

Tinaagustiana · Perkotaan
150 Chs