I'm just a normal human.
Membaca buku-buku
Nah I don't have a problem with his internal strife.The problem I have with this whole "arc" ad you call it is that after 216 chapter he's had no character development, instead he has regressed. What I mean by he regressed is that earlier in the story he acknowledged these feelings knew that they were unhealthy and wanted to move on, but now he seems to refuse to accept his feelings and would rather ignore them and "run away" as he put it. his internal struggles just become so dull after reading about them for so long with on progress, and at the same time taking actions that contradict his feelings.
Oh I just realized that you could have been talking about strongest as in most well rounded and not in terms of raw power output. If that's what you were talking about just ignore my post and my bad if I did misunderstand you.
I hate to break this to you but moderate fast twitch isn't stronger than plain fast twitch. It also isn't it own category of muscle but rather a subset of fast twitch muscles in general. but it is true that this type of muscle is overall better than fast twitch as it doesn't tire as easily, along with the fact that while they are both anaerobic in there function true fast twitch muscles or llx muscles do not entirely activate until the muscle you are straining is already fatigued. so in terms of raw power it would go type 1 (slow twitch), lla (moderate fast twitch), then llx (true fast twitch). For the endurance though it is the exact opposite llx, lla, type one.
i'm still hoping for your return
I don't think it's talking about his S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats, but rather his skill stats, like guns and repair.
I'm still awaiting your return
I know it's unlikely but I'm still waiting your return
thanks for the chapter and what's the discord
keep up the good work
At this point I feel like the reason Jim did this isn't for Sarah, but because he is a coward trying to save his own skin because he believed the colony can't win. I think that's the true reason he wanted to run away, and he was just using Sarah a a way to mask that. Don't get me wrong though I'm not saying he doesn't care about Sarah just that he wants to protect his own skin at all cost