Master in the dao of procrastination.
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That's dumb. That would only incentive people to do the same. How many are gonna try to get on studio to get a shot at fame? It's especially dangerous when they film explosions and stunts.
Aaaaah.. Wanted. The scene with the keyboard would always be one of my favorite scene ever.
The movie is Fight Club for those who don't know.
Why do you always asked those questions at the end? Aren't you like a 100 chapters in advance on Patreon? Have you ever change anything based on comments from webnovels? Just curious tbh.
It was mentioned that he also wrote Bruce almighty. I wouldn't be surprised if he wrote a few others.
1. I'm a bit disappointed they both won tbh. Taken wasn't that good of a movie. After being nominated and losing, they would have work harder and victory would have been sweeter. 2. I rather like Matt Damon in Jason Bourne but if you have good options its fine too. 3. I don't know for the lady. Cameron Diaz? I don't remember anyone else that could have been foreshadowed. Also, MC is like super stoic, we don't even know if he was happy to win and then at the end of chapter we just learn that he is so happy he get drunk. Feel a bit forced.
That comment about Kazir being a chad alpha was so cringe. How about you describe what about him makes it so instead?
Superman? Yes. Batman? No. The Christian bale Batman trilogy was pretty good and I don't think it would be forgotten that easily.