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I am new to the story, so i want to ask before starting, is he going to imitate deathstroke? because that is awesome i have yet to read 1 ffc where the mc get just a supersoldier serum and star doing merc jobs, because why the heck would one be a villain or hero is boring, i dont want to bother reading 30 chapters to find that they threw a system and 5-10 weird powers for the heck of it. Just asking, i hope i dont offend anyone.
Amazing story, but damon and stefan vs klaus and rebekah its a one hit show.
Its not the pairing nor the predator/grooming thing he has that bothers me, is that i dont really care for the mc teaching the 2 girls just for the heck of it, when it looks like you send the mc for missions and looks like that the story is going forward you put chapters after chapters of stupid romance instead of something interesting.
Good story bro, good story, i would like to see your character traveling in the galaxy searching for holocrons and jedi/sith text etc. I will await for more!
Yeah, you did good, after season 2 you would have to watch bad writing, bad power ups and nerfing to absurd levels, it had good moments you know, but you had to watch 10 chapters, and you would have a good scene and nothing more. The same happen to me with the arrow, the first 2 seasons were amazing, season 3 was interesting but nerfed a little ras al ghul, after that it was really boring, nerfed oliver a lot. The only cw show that i watched and enjoyed till the end was legends of tomorrow supergirl was quite good to be honest. But the flash, was ruined.
AMAZING! I really loved zoom in the cw flash. Keep them coming bro!
I like it, voldemort in the world of wotmw? amazing, i want to see what kind of techniques he would create, are you going to make him a warlock or follow the path of a normal magus? i would like to see it as a magus, i have read a couple of warlock ffcs. One thing for sure, is that i want to see voldemort in the open experimenting on everything like a madman jajaja. Overall its a really good story bro. Sorry for my english i am from Uruguay and i dont use my english that much.
Doesnt wells have cameras there? why is he saying all that ?
Good story, but i hate that you wasted 3 chapters just fking around in the hogwarths express and the sorting. I will await for more.
Its really annoying, every movie gets atacked for some reason