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Is the other character you are talking about Merlin?
While true… it also seems fair with the type of world he lives in. There are probably some real monsters out there with with far more broken abilities. Wouldn’t be surprised if there was someone who can see past present and future from anywhere in the universe. Maybe even someone who can see even theoretical things like other peoples fantasies, destinies, or karma.
True, bending a steel rod is probably as easy as breathing to the players at this stage, if not easier.
Or that time he was casually killing all the sea creatures that killed him in that one ordeal.
Cool concept though. That means fights will be elevated to a higher plane than just physical and spiritual they could start covering conceptual now.
Jake fighting against an army alone while practically aether crippled? Barely sounds like a fair fight for the army. Odds are still in his favor.
What book are y’all talking about?