Membaca buku-buku
The idea is good but the writing is very bad. Sometimes i feel like i am reading all emotionless character. The depiction of Momo in this fic is so bad and inaccurate. Also there is nothing interesting going on. Suddenly they started their school at USA which feels like pointless and boring. The paraphrasing is also bad.
Bad representation of their relationship and Momo's character......
i am excited for the development of the story but most of the chapters are author's rants and the chapters are very short which is effecting the immersion in the story. For example this chapter just feels like character description and author note with a pinch of story in it. I hope the author rectify it. The is really no point in doing daily updates when the chapters are this short and filled with fillers which we can easily skip.
whats the name of this meme?
read upto chapter 31. The novel is pretty boring. its a DXD world where the powers of MC seems lack luster and not interesting. There is no buildup and climax in the story. Feels very boring to read also with the mixing of different anime feels very unpolished. Mixtures of different powers also feels clanky. Mostly feels like reading a story for muscle headed gym rat. Still gave a 5 star cause u know, if i give criticisms with low start it will get deleted by author.
adding zero two is not the issue, the implementation is kinda aprupt and cringe.
big brain, its called a novel review, not only 5 star rating. So readers will write the review according to what they feel after reading it. But not according to your whims.
The story was kinda good , but i missed the futa tagged, so i read uptill chapter 20 and i dropped it. I think the author would get much more readers and reorganization if he didnot mess up with the futa thingy, as not many people can relate to it which breaks the immersion. But still nice writing though and interesting but its not my cup of tea. Best of luck author.