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PS I really want some more of Nicholas, and definitely Tiamamma!
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ NEVER THE PLAYED THE GAME.To old to make Souls Type gaming masochist designs viable with my present commitments.Still loving it though. Read all GOT novels 3 or 4 time through, years before ebooks were even viable litertature medium. George Martin is and will be a c_*t of an author to me, despite current glorified mainstream media portrayal. Keep up the good work writing ff. I love all your work!
Very easy to find a reason to hate or drop for many I'm sure. I finished all Chapters released before the translator went awol and dropped it. Wish I could find MTL or at least the original title since I dislike this type of issue and irresponsibly the most.
OP Writing Without Shame (which I have no issue with). 🔰♾️🔰♾️🔰 Only palatable with a high enough percent of brain activity disabled, and super immunity to the endless possibilities writers come up with to inevitably ruin their own effort.
Good review
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