


Reader from the state of California!

2017-04-19 BergabungUnited States





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  • TwinHeart

    Use magic. Confundus charm

    He can pretend to be a person, but it is impossible for him to get along day and night without revealing any flaws. This has nothing to do with the strength of his magic power, but just different habits.
    I became Voldemort
    Derivasi dari karya · HornyFBI
  • TwinHeart


    "It seems Lord Orochimaru aims to comprehend this natural power, or perhaps seeks ways to counter the power of the Fifth?"
    Naruto: Family System
    Komik · SoftCrow
  • TwinHeart


    "After all, the power emitted from that curse mark is quite similar to the Sage Mode used by the Fifth. Or perhaps, saying it's a natural power would be more apt."
    Naruto: Family System
    Komik · SoftCrow
  • TwinHeart
    Balas Jugemu_jugemu

    Love that presentation, it’s master class

    Among the audience, a journalist was scribbling away, barely pausing as they whispered to themselves, "This could redefine mobile technology as we know it."
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart

    Should have done Steve Jobs’s original presentation. Was soo good

    Then, the moment of revelation arrived. Shinro Suzuki announced, "We're here to introduce a product that will change the world." The LED screen behind him displayed the image of the iPhone 1, as he proudly announced, "The iPhone."
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart

    Bro if you already developed the Switch, ain’t no need for the Wii

    Holding the prototype remote for the latest KiShin Wii, Shin felt a surge of pride and anticipation. This device, along with the family-oriented Switch handheld, underscored KiShin's dedication to making gaming accessible and enjoyable for people of all ages. But the KiShin Wii was a side project from the console research team, marking a new venture alongside the development of the more advanced KS3, an upgrade to the KiShin PlayStation.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart
    Balas Jugemu_jugemu

    Yup, in order to promote smaller companies or something, it was no royalties until 100k units sold But that might have been the vg engine and not unreal engine maybe?

    In a strategic move to the two major competitors, KiShin responded by releasing a more accessible version of the "Unreal Engine," targeting individual developers and smaller studios. This version was designed to be more user-friendly, allowing single developers to create and release their own games. KiShin offered an enticing deal: no royalty fees would be charged until a game's sales exceeded $100,000. This approach significantly lowered the entry barrier for aspiring game developers.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart
    Balas Hayayh_Basha

    Share in their patents and provide access to his people for more data and information

    Understanding the complex and multidisciplinary nature of quantum computing, Shin saw the wisdom in joining forces with established leaders in the field. The synergies that could be unlocked by combining KiShin's innovative drive with IBM's pioneering research and Stanford's academic excellence were immense. Such collaborations would not only accelerate KiShin's research efforts but also enrich them with diverse perspectives and expertise.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart
    Balas MarinXGrayfia

    Don’t know if he had a close call or not but he was supposed to announce his return from retirement on the morning of 9/11. He had signed a two year contract He donated his contract salary to family of the victims when he played after that

    Moreover, there were rumours that other celebrities, such as Michael Jackson, had also had close calls with the events of 9/11. These stories, whether confirmed or speculative, serve to underscore the profound impact of that day, reminding people of the fragile thread by which life hangs, even for those whose lives seem most removed from the possibility of sudden tragedy.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart
    Balas MarinXGrayfia

    All purchased of publicly traded companies can be tracked down. Those purchases will have a name associated with it

    In recognition of KiShin's burgeoning influence and success, Forbes, a publication renowned worldwide for its business insights, began an in-depth investigation into the company's financial health and strategic ventures. The year 2001 became a focal point for Forbes' journalists and researchers, driven by the magazine's intention to feature Shinro Suzuki, the visionary behind KiShin, on its cover once again. This decision came after a considerable gap since Shinro Suzuki's last appearance in Forbes, highlighting the enduring and evolving impact of KiShin's endeavors on the global stage. Through these efforts, Forbes aimed not only to uncover the financial intricacies of KiShin's empire but also to showcase the remarkable journey of its leader, further cementing the company's legacy in the annals of business and innovation.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart

    He’s not a US citizen so he wouldn’t qualify for some of these

    Furthermore, George proposed offering KiShin positions on advisory panels, committees, or task forces related to national security and aviation safety. This would not only give KiShin a voice in policy and strategy discussions but also ensure its interests were well represented in decision-making processes.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart

    I just realized that nowhere has this novel mentioned Star ocean, C:SoTN, legend of dragoon, Valkyrie Profile, and so many other insanely good games from this past era. Or Final Fantasy Tactics

    They weren't merely developing games, they were immersing themselves in the mind of a creative genius.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart
    Balas RealBanana19

    That may be hard, black rock basically used Aladdin to give advice to the US government, which allowed it to grow so rapidly

    However, KiShin's private ownership shielded it from direct influence through stock ownership. BlackRock and other investment firms couldn't directly dictate KiShin's direction. Nevertheless, Shin acknowledged the indirect influence they exerted through their sway over banks, companies, and other entities that KiShin partnered with. These partnerships, crucial for KiShin's operations and growth, could be indirectly impacted by the investment giants' decisions.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart

    For their 128 bit games, do they still have to rely on Kishin for the engine?

    The 128-bit era roared to life, sending ripples through the global gaming landscape. Studios scrambled to adapt, shifting their focus to developing for the powerful new platform. Excitement crackled amongst gamers, particularly in the US and parts of Asia, as they eagerly awaited the launch of the latest consoles.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart

    They should have aimed for June, so they could have dissected his console. Isn’t that what the MC wanted ? 🤣

    Then, in a surprise move, the announcement of the highly anticipated KS2 console arrived, slated for a December 1999 release. The industry buzzed with excitement. But amidst the hype, a ripple of shock spread as Tora and Suzuki, seemingly spurred by the KS2's launch date, announced their own consoles, both aiming for a January 2000 release.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart

    Shouldn’t Arena have launched like, 6 years ago already by another company ?

    Elder Scrolls
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart
    Balas Creatur

    They changed it because philosopher has magical connotations in Europe but not in the US. This was done to make it feel more aligned with the idea of magic for US audiences, particularly because many wouldn’t know what the philosophers stone was either from a historical idea

    While the year 1999 was filled with exciting releases like "Titanic" and the rise of "Sailor Moon," KiShin Pictures UK was quietly embarking on a project that would change the landscape of children's cinema. The production of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (later known as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in North America) was already underway, with the hunt for the perfect cast in full swing.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart
    Balas Xboxgorgo18

    He didn’t win though

    Adding to the film's triumphant journey, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio received well-deserved accolades for their poignant portrayals of Rose and Jack. Winslet, captivating audiences with her emotional depth, took home the award for Actress in a Drama Motion Picture. DiCaprio, with his charming portrayal of the star-crossed lover, was nominated in the same category, though the golden statue went to another actor that night.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart

    No golden eye? 👁️

    Online gamers were booming in popularity at the end of 1996, and if there were functions such as chatting, the online gamers were definitely having a competition of words in video games such as "Doom" or "Quake"...
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714
  • TwinHeart

    Space jam is iconic though, and was probably 250$ million box office. Crazy

    In the first week, KiShin Pictures' "Spider-Man" movie box office sales for the week were a staggering 140 million dollars.
    Tycoon of Video Games
    Derivasi dari game · NewComer714