
~Demon Guardian~

In a world where everyone is born with a demon companion whose sole purpose is to make their life a living hell, Ryu is an exception. He was born with a girl named Hanako, whose life is already a nightmare due to circumstances beyond her control. Ryu's fellow demons expected him to revel in making Hanako's life even worse, but he had a different plan. Instead of tormenting her, Ryu decided to help Hanako heal and grow. He understood that she had suffered enough and wanted to make a positive impact on her life. At first, Hanako was skeptical of Ryu's intentions, but as she got to know him better, she realized that he was genuinely trying to help her. As Ryu helped Hanako navigate her difficult life, he also found himself getting into trouble with the demon higher-ups. They couldn't understand why he would want to help a human, and his actions were seen as rebellious and dangerous. Ryu knew that he was risking his own existence by going against his nature, but he was determined to help Hanako no matter the cost. Together, Ryu and Hanako faced many challenges, both from the human world and the demon realm. But through it all, they formed a strong bond that transcended their respective natures. Ryu learned that being a demon didn't have to mean causing harm, and Hanako discovered that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better future.

Emna_Najar · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs


Sitting in the classroom next to Hanako has never felt so boring. I've never been to school before this, demons don't have schools. I've been trained for years by Genji, my mentor, but other than that, I've never had to go through this. Now I understand why people hate it so much, it's unimaginably boring.

I watched the sky outside the window to distract myself, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that I'm forgetting something, something that seems important. I shook my head trying to remember, Hanako looked at me in confusion. I buried my head in my palms when I remembered what it was, Genji's stupid promotion party...

I quickly excused myself from class and ran towards an empty corner of the school, making sure I wasn't spotted by anyone passing by.

I traveled to the demon realm through a portal I made that took me straight to the royal castle. I'm not exaggerating when I say everyone from the demon realm was here, and I mean, everyone. The castle looked like it would overflow, there were demons covering every square inch of the castle, how many friends does Genji have?

I made it to the main room, the throne room where all the important guests were. The room was rectangular shaped, with large windows on each side decorated with flowing red curtains hanging from the top. It had a giant chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling, illuminating the entire room, and beautiful creepy-looking paintings adorning the walls.

The demon lord's throne was at the other side of the room, right across from the door, where he was seated gracefully watching everyone's movements with great focus, he didn't look different from what Genji had described him as.

He had the darkest black hair that rested on his shoulders, it was long. His eyes were bright red, just like mine, and his skin was pale he almost looked dead. He wore a fancy white kimono that fit him perfectly and made him stand out from the other guests. He's truly a majestic being, no wonder he is so well respected amongst everyone here. He looked terrifying you wouldn't even dare look at him in the eyes.

I walked forward slowly, admiring the beautiful decor of the room and searching for Genji at the same time. I finally spotted him, talking to 3 demons, they must be the other top three demons he mentioned. I walked towards him, feeling slightly anxious at his reaction to meeting me here.

As soon as he saw me, he waved with a wide grin plastered on his face. I cringed at his laughable expression and walked towards him with my hands inside my pockets, looking annoyed. I did not want to be here, the last thing I wanted to do was to leave Hanako alone at that god-forsaken school with Tenshi the angel and all the other fake delusional students there. But Genji's done a lot for me and I could not let him down.

"Hey, Ryu! You're here!" He said enthusiastically, putting his hand out for me to shake it. I shook his hand lazily "Hey"

He looked at me with slight disappointment appearing on his face "You look like shit, why the long face? Have fun this is supposed to be a fun social gathering!" His voice rang in my ears as he spoke. Why does his voice have to be so annoying? "Stop being so loud Genji, your voice hurts my head!" One of this demon's friends complained. "Shut it Belial, his voice is absolutely beautiful! Right, Sora? " Another one spoke. "Guys stop fighting! You're embarrassing me in front of our guests"

The 3 demons beside him argued. The first one, Belial, didn't look like he'd belong to the highest demon ranks. He had beige short hair with long red horns resting on top of his head, his wings were small and his eyes had different colors, red and blue. He was shorter than the rest of us, about the height of a middle schooler. It's a shame, his human probably died at a young age, which explains why he's stuck like this.

He's well known in the demon realm for being quite the flirty type, his strongest ability is his charisma and he knew it. He can be annoying and loud at times but from what I heard, he's generally well-loved amongst a lot of demons here.

The other demon next to him was Kai, one of Genji's closest friends. No one truly knows how he got to this point in his life, he is by far the dumbest living being I've ever met. The type who'd push a door that says 'pull'... He had dark short hair with bright green eyes that could probably glow in the darkest of places. He was taller than me, a lot larger, and had a wide scary smile every time someone spoke.

Although he's not the smartest demon alive, he does have incredible healing powers, which is probably why he's this high up in the ranks. He's also quite vigilant and brave, ensuring his friends' safety on every mission they go on.

The last demon of the 4 highest rankers was Sora. She came from the ice region of the demon realm, where not a lot of people originate from. She looked different than most of us here, from the fire region. She had light blue long hair and white long horns, no wings, and a pair of beautiful light blue eyes that looked like diamonds.

She probably possessed the only brain cell that this group seemed to share, she was the only one of the 4 that had her head screwed on. She's known for being quite cold and harsh, but once you get to know her, it is said that she'll show you a beautiful side to her that not a lot get to see.

Throughout the party, I learned a lot about Genji's new 'friends'. They seemed to take their job a little too seriously and always seemed to follow the rules, no matter what. I mean with a king like lord Megumi as their boss, you wouldn't want to risk getting into any trouble, well not in my case...

After a while of chatting and laughing with Genji and his friends, we heard the high-pitched loud sound of a bell. It was coming from the throne, I turned around and saw a little girl, she looked around 9 years old.

She rang the bell aggressively, trying to get everyone's attention. She was lord Megumi's right-hand girl or child... Nailo was her name. She's a second-rank demon that lost her human at a young age too, just like Belial. People say that the king felt bad for her and took her in as his own, but she just acts as his assistant all the time.

"Everyone, pay attention, please! Lord Megumi would like to give his speech now!" She yelled loudly in her obnoxiously loud voice. Everyone turned to look at the demon as she smiled and walked away.

She looked quite odd, it was my first time seeing her in person, she is quite famous in the demon realm. She had black hair that was put up in two small buns on top of her head, big round glasses that rested on her nose and ears, and a small black dress for this occasion. Her wings were tiny and her horns were even tinier, but she is a rank above me so she could probably do much more than I'm capable of even without them.

After she disappeared behind the crowd, the demon got up from his giant throne and took a few steps forward to face the mass of demons in front of him. He looked unbothered, his face showed no emotion as he slowly marched closer. He stopped at the edge of the high platform his throne was on and scanned the room with his bright, blood-red eyes. I gulped.

I was startled a little when Genji walked towards him with his 3 friends, leaving me alone inside the crowd. They stood behind him forming a horizontal line, with their hands behind their backs, waiting for him to begin his speech. "I thank you all for coming to this gathering" he finally spoke "We gather here today to celebrate the new member of the top 4 highest ranking demons of our realm, Mister Genji"

Everyone clapped and cheered as Genji slowly walked towards the demon lord, waving and blowing kisses at the crowd. He stopped in front of the demon lord and bowed down. The king nodded slightly and slowly placed a badge on his chest after he stood up straight again.

"Thank you, your Highness." The guests clapped harder when the badge was placed, Genji looked happy, genuinely happy. He has worked his whole life for this promotion, and I think he deserves it. The king then proceeded to give a long boring speech about the importance of rules and laws in our kingdom and Genji's example of success.

After the king finished rambling, the party truly began. Drunk demons were littering the halls and rooms of the castle, everyone was enjoying themselves. All kinds of fancy foods you've never seen in your life were served for everyone to enjoy, and enjoy they certainly did.

A little while later, I spotted Genji, drunk and dazed. Leaning on a wall alone. "What happened to you?" I asked as I walked towards him with a concerned look. "Ryu... Hey" he said, his voice raspy and slow. Oh god, I'm not going to deal with this. I started walking away when he suddenly called out my name "Ryu! Wait" he called out.

I turned around at the mention of my name "I saw you that day you know" he muttered. My eyes widened and my teeth clenched as soon as I heard his words. "At the rooftop the other day, I saw you." He paused. He wasn't making any sense, he paused between every word and stuttered often. I have no idea about what he knows or what he saw, but I'm sure it's no good.

My hands formed into a fist of nervousness as I tried to remain calm, if he didn't know about my secret I wouldn't want him to get suspicious of me. "You need to go home Genji, you've had too much to drink," I said, walking closer to him, taking his arm and placing it around my shoulders to help him walk home.

After I made sure he returned safely to his home, I teleported back to the human world. I hated taking care of someone who's already more than capable of taking care of his well-being, but again, Genji is one of my closest friends.

He has been there for me ever since I was born, guiding me through life and making sure I don't do any mistakes. He's like an older brother figures to me, and no matter what, I can not let him down. I needed to go back to school now, I wonder what Tenshi and Hanako are up to.