
~'•MCYT x reader Oneshots•'~

This is an x reader book, about real men :D about MCYT people specifically. This story is also available in wattpad!

Kimmywasfound · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


This is a Dream x reader story! <3

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"Love? What's that?"

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Warnings: Cussing

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Genre: Fluff

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Summary: You were never thought how to love as you were believed to be a weapon used bring peace towards the land. You travelled and stumbled upon the Dream SMP and met Dream. Dream told you about the things in the SMP and invited you to stay. You accepted and after quite some time, you began developing feelings towards Dream but you never acknowledged it. One night while staring at the sunset, you asked the meaning of the feelings and he said it was love. You asked what it was and he showed you.

Are you ready to face the consequences of the phenomenon known as love...?

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Gender Neutral

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IRL Minecraft

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𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚎𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍.  •   ゚.

  . .    .    . ..

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• 𝙸 𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚞 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 •.

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There is no war yet

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Your POV

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I wake up to the sound of screaming outside of my house. 'Why are they already screaming this early?' You thought to yourself.

You quickly changed your clothes and went downstairs to eat some food.

Before you could even went down the stairs, you heard a sudden bang.

You ran downstairs to see your spruce door, broken down to pieces by Tommy, The child.

"HEYY IT'S (Y/N)" Tommy screams from where he's laying down at.

"What do you think you're doing, child?" I said calmly while walking to my kitchen and making coffee.

"HEY! I AM NOT A CHILD (Y/N)" Tommy says as he stands yo from where he's laying and walking up to the counter.

"It's early in the morning. Will you stop shouting?" I asked politely while taking a sip of my coffee.

"And why would you break my door?" I looked at him while pointing at the broken door, seemingly trying to survive from brokeness.

"Well you see, the thing is, Sapnap was chasing me. " He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Where's Tubbo? " I asked, looking outside from the window next to the kitchen.

"He's at the bee farm. " Tommy looked out from the window as well.

You walked towards your ender chest and handed Tommy his promised sword as a Christmas gift from you.


"Stop shouting or I will take that away from you. " You warned, making Tommy hug the sword and stay quiet.

"Let's train later today. I have to talk with Dream." I say as I put on my netherite boots.

"Are you and Dream having some kind of affair or something? You always hang out with him. " Tommy huffs as you and Tommy head out the house, having to make some iron bars to serve as the temporary door.

"It was never like that. You know the reason as to why I'm always with him. " You reasoned while walking with Tommy to the bee farm.

"Bring peace. Why don't you talk to Wilbur? He likes that. Plus, revolution. " He suggests.

"Tommy, I'm trying to get Dream not to declare war. " You pat his head.

Tommy seems to like the pats you gave him, resulting him forcing you hand going up and down his hair.

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Time skip

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You and Tommy arrived at the bee farm, to see Tubbo laying on the grass, with bees flying around him.

Tommy runs towards Tubbo and jumped on top of him, and lands on Tubbo, who's suffocating.

You walked towards them, hearing them laugh and Tubbo pleading Tommy to get off.

"Behave, both of you. I will be gone for quite a while and training will be at 3 sharp. " You say, strictly.

The two boys quickly stand up and salutes.

You giggled at the sight and waved, walking away to find Dream.

A little bit of the walk, you spotted Dream on his ender chest near the church.

You creeped up from behind and tapped his shoulder.

"HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK" Dream screams as he turns around to face your almost laughing face.

"WHAT THE FUCK (Y/N)??? " He shout at you, making you drop to the grass and start wheezing.

"I-I'm sorry-" You bursted out laughing once more.

Dream stares at your laughing figure.

After a minute he started finding it funny and wheeze with you.

"Don't do that again, (Y/N). You're scaring me. " He says.

"Anyway, what were you taking about the other day? " Dream asks, looking back at his ender chest.

"I was taking about how you shouldn't start a war between you and L'manburg. " You say firmly, standing up and leaning into the wall.

"Why not? " Dream asks, not looking back at you.

"They are still our friends, Dream. Plus, they just wanted to make their own society where everything is peaceful. " You said as you walked towards him, putting your hands on his shoulder, making him turn to you.

He adjusted his mask and took a good look at his sword.

"I made the SMP because I wanted us to be one. " Dream explains.

"Look, Dream. They want that too but they just don't want someone to command them around. I promise if you don't declare war... " You say, cutting off at the end to peak his interest.

Dream looks at you.

"I will be an permanent citizen in the SMP if no war happens. " You say to him.

Dream had been pursuading you to become a permanent citizen in the SMP.

This seems to interest Dream as he perks up after hearing the words he wanted to hear from you.

"REALLY??? YOU WILL??" He holds your shoulder.

"Yes, Dream. I will stay if no war occurs. " You assured him.

You can see Dream's mask move, knowing that he's smiling.

"Okay. I won't declare war. Just for you to stay and become one of us. " Dream decides.

"Well that was fast, Dream. " You smirked at him.

"Aw, c'mon. This is the only way I'll make you ever stay. " Dream says, as he turns back to his ender chest.

You smiled behind his back. You started feeling butterflies in you stomach as you stared at Dream.

'What is this feeling..?' You thought to yourself you went outside the church and climbed up a hill.

You stared at the sky for quite some time, forgetting you still have to train with Tubbo and Tommy.

As you stare into the sky, you recalled the times when you met Dream.

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You were walking in an unknown forest that you seem to memorize already from your journey.

You stopped halfway and looked both ways.

You realized you never really went right so you went that way.

Soon enough, you stumbled upon a wall.

You carresed your hand on the wall and heard shouting.

You climbed at the wall through the other side.

When your foot sets down at the grass, you turned around to see a boy with big white glasses, another guy with a bandana and a boy with a green hoodie and a smiley mask.

They noticed you and turned to you, seemingly alarmed.

They pulled out their sword and you pulled out yours.

They charged at you.

You sheilded yourself from the guy with big glasses using your sheild as you pulled out your loaded crossbow and shot at the boy with bandana.

Both the guy with glasses and bandana fell on the ground, bruises on their skin.

You pointed your sword at the Hooded green boy with a glare.

He stands still.

You put your sword away slowly and bowed.

"My name is (Y/N). I am a weapon used to bring back humanity and peace. " You introduced.

"What? A weapon? You? " The guy with bandana says as he manages to stand up even with his body filled with bruises.

"I apologize for the fight. If needed, I shall come with you and I shall heal your bruises. " You say as you look at them firmly.

"Are you sure you're not trying to kill us? " The guy with glasses said.

"That is not my job" You say, accidentally dropping a netherite piece.

"Hm. My ingot fell off. " You said as you stared at it from the floor.

"Are you really not some kind of intruder or something? " The hooded green boy finally spoke.

"No. I wanted to see what's on the other side of this wall. It seems there is a community here. " You looked around from where you're standing.

"You're fighting skills are... " The hooded boy got interrupted.

"AWESOME!!! " A blonde boy appeared from behind the three boys.

All attention were turned to him.

"What are you doing here, Tommy? Are you spying on us? " The big with bandana says.

"Uh well... " The boy so called 'Tommy' rubbed the back of his head.

And since then, memories were made.

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Flashback end

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Your thoughts were interrupted by Dream hovering over you.

"Staring into the sunset? " Dream says, sitting beside you.

"It's the only thing to do here at the moment. " You explained.

Dream hummed.

"Dream, I have a question. " You told him.

"Ask away" He says.

"Whenever I'm with a guy that I am very fond of, I always feel butterflies in my stomach. I always feel content and happy when I'm around him. Tell me, Dream. Why do I feel that way? What is the feeling called? " I asked the Green Man.

Dream thought for a second.

"It's love" Dream says.

"What? What's that? Love? I've heard of it before" You recalled the people you met saying that love is a great feeling.

"Well, I guess I'm in love with you, Dream" Your words seem to catch dream off guard, causing him to grunt a bit.

"That was a blunt confession, (Y/N).

Do you really... Feel this way? " Dream asked, looking at you.

"I do. But I'm not sure what to feel" You confessed.

Dream suddenly cupped your cheeks and kissed you.

The feeling was new.

The feeling of happiness.

You've never been this happy before.

It's all new to you.

But you never want it to end.

You leamed closer, deepening the kiss.

You both stayed like that but of course, oxygen.

You both pulled away, both with red faces.

"That was all new to me... " You admit.

"Was it too fast? " Dream asked.

You shook you head.

"I like it... " You smiled at him.

Dream snaked his arms around your shoulder.

Love indeed is a great feeling.

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Story end

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