

GodOFGames12 · Sejarah
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38 Chs


''Before that, can you take out my weapon, Mom?'' Liana runs back to her mother. Actually, I don't even know what weapon she uses.

''Alright, dear, be careful.'' Marchioness Seymour reaches her left hand into the air and seemingly pulls out a scythe out of a black hole thingy.

So it's space magic, I'm jealous. I'll make sure to learn it later. Rather, her weapon is a scythe? An unusual one, huh. That one looks even taller than her. But still just a normal plain scythe it seems. Wait no, at the end of the metal handle is another small blade, pointing in the opposite direction as the main one.

Liana grabs her weapon and mana coats only the blade, then proceeds to coat her whole right arm holding the scythe as well. After spinning and swinging a few times to warm up, she turns to Dad: ''I'm ready, Your Majesty.''

''Okay, I remember you were 4-star Intermediate last time, right? So I'll do an orc then.''

So she is pretty strong for her age, 4-star Intermediate at 9 years old. Are all high elves this strong? That certainly seems to be the case.

Just like last time, mana begins to accumulate on the other side of the field, forming an orc... Wait, that's way uglier than I thought, and disgusting, I'm pretty sure I'm frowning right now. I read they do rape women as well, how awful. Regardless, it is very intimidating, around meters tall, with green skin, and bulging muscles. This guy could win Mr.Olympia with his muscles, jeez.


The orc follows the command and charges straight forward, and so does Liana, wait, what?

Orc puts his hands together like a club and slams them straight down, but Liana steps to the right and jumps up, swinging her scythe towards the orc's neck, unfortunately, the orc jumps back just in time. Liana's swing only manages to graze his right bicep a bit.

This one is tough.

The two go in again, this time Orc tries to throw a punch with his right hand. Liana immediately jumps up vertically to dodge and swings her scythe one more time. This time the blade went pretty deep into the orc's traps, causing it to fall back, clutching his wound.

This pattern is repeated a few more times, they go in, and the orc tries to attack, but Liana dodges and deals damage to him. Eventually, his body collapses with numerous small and big wounds, Liana spins back to us, still panting with sweat, making a V sign with her hand. That's very cute, except for the orc's mangled corpse behind her.

We give her a round of applause, Marchioness Seymour lets out a sigh with a smile. I guess she's pretty worried about her daughter.

''That was pretty good, lady Seymour.'' My dad praises her.

''It's an honor, Your Majesty!'' Liana does a 90-degree bow before going towards her mother to hand back the scythe. The blood on the scythe disappears suddenly, obviously, because it's just an illusion.

''Guess I'm the last one.'' I turn to my dad.''What will you summon this time, dad?''

''Hmm...'' Dad ponders a bit before he suggests: ''How about a troll? Can you handle it? We never tested your rank so this is based on my evaluation here.''

''Dear! Trolls are too much for her, who would let a 5-year-old fight trolls?'' My mom intervenes, frowning.

Mom's concern is valid, though, trolls are basically orcs, but bigger, stronger, and have ridiculous healing capabilities.

''Trust me on this one, my love, I can cancel my illusion anytime if it gets dangerous. I really want to see my daughter's strength this time.'' 

''...'' Mom closes her eyes and thinks for a moment. ''...Fine, but promise me, don't let her get injured or anything, alright?''

''Absolutely, now, get ready, my little genius.'' Dad turns to me and smiles.

I smile back, too, I'm happy they're worried about me, really.

''You don't use weapons, Sylvie?'' Liana asks me with a curious gaze.

''I don't have one. Yet.'' I give her a wink before turning my back to them. ''Go ahead, Dad.''

After a while, I can see a giant figure standing some distance away from me, his height I reckon should be about five meters tall, that's insane. His skin is like a muddy green, he has fur patches everywhere except the front, red hungry eyes staring at me. AND he got a big tree log in his hand as well. Yep, this is terrifying, no wonder my mom was so worried about me.

But I got this. I think, even if he has insane healing power, at the end of the day he, is still a humanoid creature. I should know his weakness.


The troll immediately brings his right hand holding the log up, preparing to throw the log at me.

But before he does that, I raise my right hand first and point my index finger at his face. I then start to focus my mana control to the best of my ability, gathering almost all of the mana in this training field, condensing all of it to form a ring outside the troll's head, right around his nose, tightening it. Then with all my power, I rotated the ring counterclockwise, my finger moving from top to bottom, leaving a blue trail of the letter 'C' in the air. And-


The troll's head turns unnaturally behind his body, and he collapses forward with a thud. Dead.

Just as I thought, the nervous system is still there, so I just need to sever it. Well, that was pretty good, GG.

As I turn around, I can see everyone's jaw dropped, even Emy has her mouth like this ['o']. Heh, that's what I can do when I'm serious.

So naturally, I put on my smug face. ''We-''

''What the hell was that?!'' Someone shouts, surprisingly it is Marchioness Seymour. ''How did you even do that?'' There goes her gentle image.

''Well, I was just thinking of a way to deal with it more efficiently. I don't want to fire magics blindly, that wouldn't do anything to the troll.'' This is true, even I am not very confident in taking the troll down with elemental magic, that's why I used telekinesis, it was tough as hell though, I've never used telekinesis on this level before.

I see Emy and Liana's eyes looking at me practically glowing, it doesn't help that they both have golden eyes, so bright, Jesus. This is why I despise those inferior websites that don't have dark mode. The adults, or the elderly are still dumbfounded though.

I have to help them snap out of this. ''Well, what is there to be surprised about, with years of experience (In games) in dealing with monsters, this much is natural.'' I said while puffing out my (Soon) giant milkers, hands on my waist.

''...Sylvia, you're 5.'' 

That's not the point, Mom.

And what about my applause?

''...This is insanity, if she keeps up this pace, we might finally see another World-class mage after 500 years.'' Abe mutters.

I've heard of that before. A World-class mage is a title above Archmage, given to those who surpassed the realm of 5-star Archmage. The pinnacle of magic, they say. There are also World titles for sword users, healers, tankers, and such as well.

''The last World-class mage was the first Emperor of Aragon, right? Wasn't he a Saint?'' Says Liana, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

''That's right, Emperor Kira Alistaire Aragon was the third World-class mage in history, and the 17th Saint as well. Unfortunately, he died fighting the demon king at the time though.'' Mom answers back.

When I asked the goddess about this, she explained that there are generations to the whole demon king and saints mess. Every now and then, a new demon king will spawn in the land of demons and try to lead them to invade the continent. But every time that happens, the goddess will select a suitable soul from Earth to reincarnate here and fight back the demons. One generation is around 70 years.

She said that summoning requires quite a lot of energy, so she couldn't do it often. She also rambled about how other planets have multiple deities but she is the only one governing this world. The misery of a working-class woman.

The results were quite satisfactory though, there were several close cases, but the demons never managed to invade the whole continent or the whole world. The geography here is weird, there's only one giant continent covering about 60% of the planet's surface.

Anyway, there were Saints who died fighting the war, there were survivors, those who died of old age,... The list goes on, but ultimately there are still saints left in this world living somewhere.

But enough about that, I'm hungry, let's stop the exercise here and go grab some food, I'm craving some steak.

...They're still discussing Saints though, I guess I have to stop them first.

''Well, Saints are nice and all, but it's almost dinnertime already, can we go eat?'' I interrupt the enthusiastic scholars.

''Ah, sure, we can continue discussing while eating.'' Dad snaps out, they really are interested in the Saints, don't they?

After that, we moved back to the dining room, and now there's a heated discussion going on.

They're basically arguing about who was stronger, first Emperor Kira or another dude named Antony, who apparently was a World-class Swordmaster. There are two teams in this battle, my dad and Marchioness Seymour, whose name was Adela, are on the side of Kira, while Abe and my mom are on Antony's side. This is like, the usual 'conflict' between knights and mages that I saw in fiction works? Whatever, I'm not interested.

And what am I doing at this time? I'm stuffing my face with food, of course, the best position you can take in a conflict is the spectator one, it's very entertaining. The other two kids are also busy eating after moving around so much as well.

Mhmmm~ This pudding is so good, I might even have an orgasm here. Royal chefs are the best. It looks like Emy has the same thought as me, just look at her face flushing. Hey, let's reach climax together, my friend. 

''Phew, we're going nowhere with this.'' Mom gave up, it seems. ''Let's just finish the meal.''

''I agree, let's finish eating and then we can move on to work.'' Dad also gave up. So it's a draw, then.

After that, I just went back to my room after having an orgasm with Emy over the puddings and saying goodbye to her and Liana. If that sounded wrong, that's a you problem, not mine. It feels pretty good to have friends who you can play with, actually, I never really had friends in my past life.

Following that was a bath.

While showering, I remembered my dad telling me that the three of us could go outside to play tomorrow while four of them were going to do some more work. It's hard being rulers, it seems.

Now then, it's time for some night entertainment, let's watch some YouTube stuff, maybe listen to music...

It's 7 in the morning the next day. I wake up and get refreshed, I'm a lazy bum, so I leave all the tidying to my maids. Pray to the maids, I love you guys.

Now that I look good again, let's go to the living room.

As I open the door to the living room, I can see two little girls sitting on the couch, fiddling with chess pieces and the chessboard on the table.

''What's going on here, guys?''

Liana and Emy notice me. ''I was getting taught by Emilia.''

Fair enough, it's good that she wants to learn. But now's not the time for that.

''Let's go have breakfast then head out to play, you guys will stay here for a few more days, right? Better use that time to have fun.''



Great. It's explore time. I've never bothered to go out of the castle before, but now I have friends so I'm sure it'll be fun.

 After having breakfast, we are now heading out of the castle. As we step out of the main door, I can see a familiar face standing outside.

''Hey there Justia, what are you doing here?'' It's Justia, the gal who escorted me to the library last time. She is now wearing a green uniform, similar to a military one back on Earth, with a cap as well.

''I've been tasked to guard Your Highness and the ladies during your trip. I hope you can pardon my intrusion.'' Justia says with a smile.

Liana bends her neck to look up. ''That's fine, I don't think our parents want us to be stranded or anything.''

I'm starting to feel pity for her now, she has the same height as me but four years older...

Well, she's right though, that means our party now has four people.

''His Majesty told us to use the car to go, the city's pretty far from here, I'm afraid.'' Justia points to a roofless black car parked on the left side of the door.

Nice, we got a car. Dad said it's still very hard to get a car, as they're very expensive and rare. It looks different from a normal modern car though.

But we get in anyway, as Justia starts the engine, I see her controlling the mana stored somewhere inside the car and the tires start to roll. I wonder what's the moving mechanism here.

Surrounding the castle is unsurprisingly a forest, the trees are so tall I think I might have a neck problem looking at the trees. The trunks are very thick as well.

In the end, elves are still elves, they love trees and nature. I myself feel nicer when I'm around trees as well, as I am now an elf with proper long and pointy ears. There's just a subtle feeling of freshness whenever I'm around plants.

That's why I have several potted plants in my room, and there's more around the castle as well.

But anyway, I've heard a bit about the city from Dad before, I hope there is lots of fun there.

As we drive out of the forest, I can see glimpses of our capital city.

''We're about to reach South Ayr.'' Justia announces.

The geography of our kingdom is pretty straightforward, I think. Although we named our country 'Kingdom', our territory is only one vast forest, bordering the empire and several other countries, and there's only one city in the huge forest, that's it.

The forest's name is Ayr, so the city is also Ayr. Our castle is in the heart of the forest, surrounded by a sizable ring of trees, then the city itself is also shaped like a huge ring, and the rest is just forest.

It's kinda like Attack on Titan, a bit. The royal family divided the city into four parts, East, West, South, and North. We're now heading to South Ayr.

As the car enters the city, Justia parks the car in front of one of the bigger houses and gets out of our vehicle.

''I think we should leave the car here and go explore by feet, Your Highness and ladies. It would attract too much attention.''

I was about to suggest that, too. ''I'm fine with it, how about you guys?'' I turn to my two companions.

''I think we should do that as well.''

''No objection.''

That's decided, then.

We start to get out of the car as well. Though I think our appearances will attract attention anyway.

Justia is looking very obvious already, her clothing screams royal guards as that's the only squad that uses green military uniform.

And then there's us, I'm wearing a white shirt with a beige skirt, Liana is wearing a white one-piece with the usual twin-tails, and Emy is wearing black short pants with a white shirt just like me.

But that's not the problem, the problem is our hair color, most normal elves have bright blonde hair, like Justia, other hair colors are only seen in high elves. My hair is somewhat fine because it's just a pale blonde, but those two with bleach-white hair and green hair, they'll get a lot of looks, I'm sure.

While I'm thinking that, Justia has gone over to a dude and is talking with him near the entrance of the 3 stories house.

Then she walks back to us.

''Please wait here for a moment, I'll go park the car in a secured location.''

''Sure.'' I reply.

After a while, she comes back to us, and we head to the city.

 As we finally walk through the main street of the city, I can see many more elves walking around. It's not at the level of crowded, but definitely quite a lot.

And we also get looked at frequently, as expected. It doesn't seem like anyone in our party cares though, and I doubt anyone can do anything harmful to us. 

To begin with, everyone here so far is looking pretty friendly, and second, Justia is a 3-Star Advance mage, that is very strong for normal standards.

Aside from that, I also notice that the buildings here are quite well built, most of them are 1 or 2 stories tall, but occasionally there are some 3-story buildings like the one before as well. All of them have green roofs though, unsurprisingly seeing they love trees and plants.

''Alright, what do we do first?'' Sys Liana, who has been walking silently with us for a good 2 minutes.

'''' No idea. '''' That's me and Emy. I have no idea what to expect, really.

Liana snorts. ''Heh, then let your older sister here guide you.'' 

Well said, the one who is significantly shorter than Emy over there.

So we follow little Liana for a while, and she stops at a jewelry shop. That's a good start.

''Let's see some jewelry first.'' And she goes inside.

Walking into the shop, I can see all kinds of accessories being presented behind glass displays, there are several rows of them, actually.

I saw quite a lot of jewelry shops earlier as well. That's probably because of 2 reasons:

Firstly, jewels and gems in this world are not rare at all like on Earth.

Subsequently, the big reason, is gems can store mana, so they're pretty much essential for mana users, hence why there are quite a number of shops. They made it into jewelry so that you won't have to hold a gemstone while fighting like an idiot, and also for aesthetic reasons, obviously.

Finding out what kind of gemstone would suit you is quite a daunting task, though. Every person has their unique 'affinity' for a type of gemstone, one could be comfortable drawing out mana from Sapphires, another could be adept at using mana from Aquamarines, things like that.

So usually you can have the shops provide you the service of testing with a minimal fee. I've done that already, I work best with Lapis Lazuli, so Lapis is 'my' gemstone, and hey, same color as my eyes, that's pretty neat.

I'm curious about those two gemstones.

''Hey owner, mind showing me some Emeralds?'' Liana talks to the shop owner behind the counter, who is a young woman. And she seems nervous as well. I don't know her age though. ''How about you two? You guys knew your gems already, right?'' She turns to us.

''Show me obsidians.'' So Emy's gem was obsidian, those really suit her, appearance-wise.

''Lapis Lazuli for me.'' I got Dad commissioned for me several pieces already, but it doesn't hurt to see more.

''Understood! Please sit at the table and enjoy some refreshments, I'll go prepare in the meantime.'' The nervous lady replies and starts to collect the gems from the displays.

So now we go to the table. Having sat down, me and my comrade Emy start to munch on the cookies while the other two are looking at us worryingly.

After my seventh piece, I can see the owner comes to our table and places a wooden tray, on it are 3 rows of 3 different gemstones as we ordered. She then excuses herself.

There is a reason as to why one would seek gemstones regularly, the purer the gemstone is, the better it's functioning as a mana battery. So always looking out for a purer gemstone than your current one is obviously not a bad idea.

There's a lot of confusion as well, a mage could have a lot of gems on his body because his gems were trash. Or he could be bluffing, or he was just overly careful. No one really knows.

When choosing a gemstone, usually feeling it directly is the best method, so here we are, touching and trying out different jewelry.

Mhmm, these are not quite as pure as the samples I got back in the castle, though, I think I'll pass. ''Nah, not feeling it.''

It looks like Liana also feels the same. ''The ones at my house are better than this, I'll pass.''

''This one is pretty good, I'll take this.'' Emy seems to have found a good one, a pair of obsidian earrings.

''Alright, Emy, let's go pay and continue exploring, then.''


We walk back to the counter, then Emy places the earrings on the counter. ''Have these made into a bracelet for me, send it and the bill to the Campbell mansion.''

''U-Understood, I'm assuming you're lady Campbell, is that correct?''


''I've received your order, the bracelet will be ready in 2 weeks, my lady.''

 After that, we went to a lot of places, there was a kind of theme park, I had fun riding the rollercoaster, I bet one madlad from Earth invented that.

We also went to clothing stores and bought some nice dresses, and had lunch at a local restaurant, it was nice.

And now as we are walking on the street, something suddenly catches my eye. A hot spring. My Japanese blood is screaming for me to get into that ASAP right now.

''Hey, let's try the hot spring.'' So I call out to my party.


''Why not.''

Yes!! Wait for me hot spring, I'll be there soon.

The interior of the building is very Japanese-like, apparently, this hot spring is inspired by another one in the empire, another Earther, huh.

Liana immediately proceeds to rent a private hot spring, that's good, I like privacy.

I finished undressing first, threw a towel onto myself, and got into the outdoor hot spring. It's been a really long time since I've been to one, so I'm super excited, I'm definitely telling my parents to build one of these in our castle, but first, gotta wash.

Thinking that, I hear the door open again and I instinctively turn my head towards the sound to see Emy and Liana wrapped in towels standing there. Oh, and also Justia.

''Hey there, l-let's wash first.'' The reason why I sound weird is because I accidentally saw a bump below their navels, so they're really futanaris, huh... It's strange seeing one, I mean two in real life.

 '''' Haaah. ''''

This is it, this is the feeling I've been missing. This one must be in the castle, at all cost.

''It feels so good.'' Says Liana


''Haah'' Justia is melting.

So we had a wonderful time in the hot spring, then we decided to get home before dinner. Today was fun, very enjoyable. Maybe I should do this with these two more later.

The walk back to the car was pretty painful though.