

GodOFGames12 · Sejarah
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38 Chs



Life at the top is not always as carefree as some people might think.

Together with power, there must be responsibilities and restrictions. My existence itself is the literal manifestation of that idea.

I was born as an Imperial Princess in the biggest empire 20 years ago. As a princess, I have only three paths that I could choose for my life.

First of all, I could try to compete with my siblings for the throne and become the one and only Empress. But I gave up that thought as soon as I saw the examples of royal heirs competing for the throne in the past. It's brutal and exhausting. I didn't want that.

Furthermore, being the Empress would only make me do more work and take away my freedom, if I ever have any to begin with, I didn't want that either.

So I gave up my right to inherit the crown when I was merely nine, I left it for my two older brothers.

The second idea was to marry a foreign royal family member, or a powerful noble house and live a tasteless, loveless life. I abandoned this idea as well.

That left me with only one way left—establish a name for myself and become independent. Only then would I have the power to escape the eventual arranged marriage, go on adventures, and enjoy things I like.

I had to do it.

If I stay powerless, soon the Emperor will find me a suitor and marry me off to a stranger for some political gains. That's bullshit.

Fortunately for me, I have a talent for using spears, and I can use mana fairly well. That means I can probably aim to be a professor at the academy. It is a very prestigious occupation, they're nurturing the best talents from all of the Empire after all.

It will not keep me from being sold off by the Emperor forever, but I can still stall for some years at least. There were imperial children in the past who had their own choices in marriage, but I'm sure I won't. I know how the Emperor is, his only concern is to make the Empire stronger and stronger, he won't hesitate to sell me off to a noble house in exchange for their support.

Tasteless. Truly tasteless.

My goal for now is to reach the Master's level. Because they are few in number, the Empire will grant each Master a title and a piece of land, in exchange for their service. If I become a Spearmaster, I can have a separate domain to rule for myself. Even if they still want me to marry a random stranger, I think I can escape with my strength by then.

So I trained, and trained. People called me the best genius in decades, so I think I did pretty well. Now I'm a fourth-year student at the academy, but I already reached 2 star Advance, surpassing a number of professors, and keep rising. At this point, I think I can reach the Master class soon.

Ever since I had the thought that I would be able to live freely, my life suddenly became much better.

I still trained very hard, but I also learned to have fun. I started to try different dishes from various cultures, I got into enjoying music, I started to learn how to make myself more beautiful,...

Now the only thing I need is someone to accompany me.

I was born with an additional male genitalia, despite having the appearance of a female. Apparently a Saint in the past 'invented' this, how strange. But still, even without this, I think I would still be attracted to girls.

The point is, I want a lovely girlfriend for myself.

So I started to search for one when I was in my second year of studying in the academy. Unfortunately, so far, no girl has been able to make me fall in love yet. They all acted very stereotypically towards me, submissive and timid.

I want a more confident girl, if they acted like that because of my status, do I have to date princesses, then?

Turns out, I was so right.

One day, I was summoned to a meeting with the envoy from the elven kingdom. This was the first time they had actively visited us in a very long time, so we had to show them some sincerity. Elves are not to be messed with, aside from their king, the current strongest mage in the world, they have numerous Master class individuals as well.

Anyway, when I first walked into the guest room, I was dumbfounded. There was a stunning beauty with long and pointy ears there.

I was taken aback a little bit, I heard that they were beautiful, but to that extent... Her breasts are quite unfortunate though.

But when that lady elf came back with another two, I was shocked, no, we were all shocked when we saw that girl.

A divine beauty. 

Although she was a little short compared to her companions, her appearance could ignite a war between countries. Long platinum blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, straight nose, long eyebrows, elegant jawline. And to add to that face, her long ears are a little bit droopy because of the earrings, giving her some traces of a small animal.

Adorable, lovely.

But the most shocking factor was her chest, I was always confident in my chest size, but even I couldn't win against that.

Not only her looks, she was also very bold and frank. The guts to call for food when staying in the Imperial Palace of the biggest country in the world, when the Emperor and his family didn't have anything, and the confidence to outright eat all of the food in front of them, treating it like a simple meal while going on a picnic.

Unhinged, absolutely unhinged. She definitely got my attention.

But... The eyes of the other two girls... I might had some competitions going on here. Worst case, they were already lovers. But even then, if she's really worth it, I don't mind sharing.

And to my delight, she didn't disappoint me a single bit at the ball. From her gorgeous figure to her nonchalant attitude and graceful movements, she captured everyone in the hall. She even had the gall to calmly eat her food when everybody bowed to the Emperor.


But as I thought, the other two are her lovers...

Whatever, I don't care, I know what I want to do now.

I want to break that confidence, I want to see her crying face, I want to dominate her, I want to-

''If you think I was going to give up just because of that-


Now that the redhead has recovered a bit, let's ask her some questions.

''Why are you so obsessed with me?'' I ask Christina.

''Hm... I will need to tell you a bit about my life first.'' Says Christina.


...So she just wants an outgoing girlfriend, then. And what? I'm unhinged? What bullsh- Wait no, maybe I actually am. A little bit. Only a little.

''Am I unhinged?''

Just to be sure.

'''' Yes. '''' All three of them reply.


''So, Sylvia, could you give me a chance?'' Christina breaks the silence. Fortunately, she's not in her obsessive heroine mode anymore, she actually asks for my permission.

I look at my girlfriends, Liana just shrugs, and Emy slightly nods.

''Mhmm. Well, sure. If you can make me fall for you, and if you can convince my two girlfriends, then I will be yours.'' I tell her.

This is pretty interesting, I have nothing to lose anyway.

''Alright! I will do my best to court you, Sylvia.'' Christina brightens up visibly, her hands clasped near her cheeks.

Then she turns alternatively to my girlfriends. ''You guys too, feel free to test me whatever you want, I will make sure to satisfy us all.''

''...Fine.'' Emy replies.

''It will not be easy.'' Liana crosses her arms and raises her chin a bit.

''Fufu, I didn't expect it to be easy either.'' Christina grins.

After that, the ball concludes, with us missing from the actual hall. There is nothing else, really, we just sit there on the balcony, chatting, occasionally Christina flirts with me as well.

Mhmm, there's still some time before the new semester at the academy, maybe I should make the Vector now.

Today is the day after the ball, I told my girlfriends that I wanted to make a new gun, so they should do whatever they want.

So Emy went on an adventure to find the best desserts in the capital, while Liana decided to explore the jewel shops here.


This should be one-third of the gun, my crafting speed has increased a lot throughout the years, but making precise pieces like these still takes a lot of time.

I should rest a bit. Hmm, maybe I can try to cook something for my girlfriends when they come back? Liana said that I would make a good wife before, but I've never actually cooked for them.


Aight, let's go, I can't cook, but I trust YouTube tutorials!

Don't disappoint me, Gordon Ramsay.


I had always wanted to know, what did I actually want to do in my life?

Ever since I was a child, I always found it hard to get interested in something.

My father used a sword, so I tried to learn it. He also plays chess, so I tried it too. My mother played the piano, so I also learned it.

Though I did enjoy them, nothing really got me devoted.

My parents said that we were born as high elves, so we had a lot of time to consider our choices and find things we were meant for. But I was skeptical. Would I be able to find what I was born for? Or would I just live this dull life forever?

I didn't want to know.

One time, my mother said that Her Majesty the Queen invited me to play with the princess. I felt nothing about it.

The princess was small and cute. She was energetic, cheerful, and also kind.

There was also another kid, she was older than me, but also short.

At first, it was a little bit annoying, I had to play with these two children. They were mischievous, liked to prank, and slightly noisy.

But gradually, I found myself more and more involved in their plays.

More and more, I was anticipating my next meeting with them. 

It was only when I turned 10 that I realized, I wanted to be with them, I wanted to accompany them through their life, I wanted to be their friends.

It was a breakthrough for me, I found myself wanting to do what they do, I wanted to match them.

Turns out, I was just lonely, I just needed a few friends to play with. So that was why people said I am slow with my emotions.

And they were right. When I was 12, I noticed the way Raeliana looked at Sylvia changed, her gaze was hot, more intense than before, and much more... Affectionate.

But I ignored it.

I didn't understand what it was, until three years later.

I found myself wanting to make more skin contact with Sylvia, I wanted to rub her face, hug her, and kiss her.

Upon researching, I realized that I myself was looking at Sylvia the same way Raeliana did, and both of us were in love with her.

I wanted to be with Sylvia, as lovers, but I also wanted all of us to be together, if only both of us could give our love to Sylvia at the same time...

I didn't know how Raeliana would feel about it.

So I hesitated, for another three years.

Right when I was about to tell Raeliana about it, she talked to me first.

I was happy, she said that the three of us could be together.

So we became lovers.

It was a shame that we lost control when we were in the hot spring, we couldn't do a proper confession.

And Sylvia's first kiss was with Raeliana's penis...

But now, I can confidently say that I have found my purpose in life. Sylvia is a Saint, she needs to save the world, so I will be stronger, to help her.

And also, I want to have children with Sylvia, ideally five or six little ones.

If it's for Sylvia and Raeliana, I would do anything.

That's right, even sharing my desserts.

I found some top-quality egg tarts earlier at an obscure store. I knew it. The Empire is trying to hide good desserts from us.

For now, I need to go back.

Opening the door, I see my lovely girlfriend with her long hair done in a high ponytail, wearing a white apron, her left hand holding a spoon to her mouth, and her right hand hovering below the spoon to avoid spilling.

''Mhmm, this is just right. Oh? Emy, you're back.'' She mutters, then turns to me.

''...Wife.'' I unknowingly mutter.


Hell yeah, I knew I could count on you, Gordon, this beef stew recipe is fire.

Oh, Emy came back.

''Oh? Emy, you're back.'' I say to her, who is standing still at the door, holding a paper bag.

''...Wife.'' She mutters.

''My, I'm not your wife yet, darling.'' I flash her a smile.

Ah, maybe let her try this. ''Come here, try this one, I tried to cook beef stew.'' I scoop out one more spoon for her, with a piece of meat as well.

Emy walks to the counter I was cooking on, places her bag on the counter, and then eats the stew.

She walks behind me and gives me a back hug as usual, chewing the meat.

''...It's good.''

''Heheh, I'm glad.''

''When did you learn cooking?''

''I didn't learn it, I just followed a recipe, I thought I could make something myself for you guys to eat. You know, like... A real wife.''

''Good job.'' She hugs me even tighter.

It's not bad to stay like this... I still have to cook the rice, but I can do that with telekinesis.

So we stay like that for a while. Until Liana comes back.

''Oh, doing it without me again?'' Liana says jokingly.

''Ah, Liana. Come try the beef stew I made.''

''You made it? Let me try.'' Liana walks to us and tries the stew.

''This is very good, what can't you do, huh?'' She puts down the spoon and strokes my head.

''Well, I need to be at least this good if I want to date you guys, no?'' I smile.

After flirting a bit, we got to the table with the food. This is the first time I've ever cooked a proper meal, I'm glad it turned out well.

Emy bought back some egg tarts as well, they're delicious. As expected of the dessert master.

''Ah, I found pretty good ones at the jewel store today.'' Liana takes out a box.

Inside are around ten pieces of gemstones, which are all our respective types.

I take out a piece of Lapis Lazuli. ''These are pretty nice, I can make more Gungnir now.''

I'm excited.

''You need more of that...?'' Liana mutters, looking at me with a concerned gaze.

''We don't know, maybe I will need to obliterate an enemy's castle or something.'' I shrug.

Emy is still trying out her obsidian. Liana just resigns and continues to eat.

''So, what do you guys think we should do at the academy?'' I speak up. There are three more days until a new semester begins.

''Hmm, maybe try and gauge everybody's strength first?'' Liana suggests. ''What do you think, Emilia?''

''I think so too.'' Emy puts down her obsidians. ''Try to measure the professors as well.''

''Fair enough.'' I reply.

It's time to officially start our job here. Well, in three days, I guess.

After that meal, we did a lot of fucking, then we went on another date the next day, which is the first day of the period.

Second day, I continued making my Vector, Emy and Liana had a sparring session after a while.

On the third day—today, an unexpected guest showed up, it's Christina. She came to visit us.

Right now we're playing old maid with the regular cards. I'm quite confident in my poker face, but I don't think I can win against Emy's natural emotionless face.

...Tch, Liana and Emy finished first, now it's only me and Christina.

''...My turn.'' I say, reaching out on the table to pull one card from her hand.

''!!'' Christina widens her eyes.

What? What happened?

''Sylvia... Your chest...?'' Christina exclaims, pointing at my upper chest, her voice trembles.

''Huh, what about my chest...?'' I look down at my chest, there's nothing wrong though?

Wait, My T-shirt right now is oversized, and I just leaned over to her, that means-

''Y-You saw it?'' I put both of my hands on my upper chest.

Aaaaaaaa she didn't see the marks, right??

''...It seems like I have to ramp up my speed.'' Christina smiles elegantly, but her eyes are filled with madness.

Emy and Liana both smirk.

It's the morning after day three, yesterday Christina almost turned yandere, but somehow it was alright.

Regardless, today is the day we visit the academy for the first time, I'm looking forward to bullying the students, it will be fun.

Today, I am more excited than usual. Probably because I've never been to a high school or a college before.

Even in this life, I am a princess, and I have private tutors to teach me instead of going to an educational institution. This is pretty much the case for every high elf. 

So this will be the first time I officially 'attend' a college, well, academy. I'm not really sure what it is, they accept people from the age of 16 all the way to 25, as long as they have talent.

The full name of the institution is 'Aragon Academy', or AA, or A square, that's what I like to call it.

Anyway, A square is located near the Crimson Palace, which is not surprising. The point is, I can just fly there, it's pretty convenient.

But first, we have to wear the uniform. Right now, the three of us are waiting in our room for the maid to bring the clothes here. I wonder what it would look like.

knock knock

''Come in.''

The door opens with a clack, and immediately, I can see the full red pile of fabric on the maid's hand.

''...Let me see the uniform.'' I speak up.

"Understood.'' The maid puts down the pile on the table and picks up one of the shirts and one of the skirts for us to see.



Blood red shirt, blood red skirt, and did I see the blazer over there is also red?

Those damn egotistical Imperial Family, are you all blind?? Who the hell would wear this?

I mean, in their defense, there are still some touches of other colors, but it's all red?!

Even if I am an absolute donkey at fashion, I still refuse to wear that garbage. I'd rather wear shorts and a T-shirt. No, I WILL wear shorts and a T-shirt, just to show them that I don't like their uniform.

''Is wearing that uniform mandatory?'' I ask.

''Yes, Your Highness, they say that every student has to wear this for discipline purpose.'' The maid replies.

''Great, I'll wear something else. How about you two?'' I turn to my girlfriends, both of them looking at the uniform in disgust.

''Me too.''

''Me three.''

''That's decided, then. Take out my blue T-shirt and shorts for me, please.'' I order the maid.


In the end, I decided to go for the same clothes I wore when we went on a date the first time. White shorts with white thigh-length socks, and an oversized blue T-shirt, this time I don't need a scarf anymore, as I restricted any biting or sucking on my collar and neck. Progress.

Emy is wearing her usual black shorts and white shirt, exposing her long and full legs. Liana decided to match me, but instead of a light blue T-shirt, hers is green.

Now we're good to go.

''Fly?'' I ask.

'''' Fly. ''''


I have seen the map before, I should know where the academy is.

After three minutes of flying, we arrived in front of the academy, more specifically, around 100m away from the big red gate with the Empire's flags on top.

I can already see crowds of people wearing the red uniform going through the gate, they're... Very different from each other, I'd say. The AA is basically the best institution in the world, in terms of teaching quality. So naturally a lot of people from all over the world came here to learn. Except the humans from other countries for obvious reasons.

And that includes other races as well, I can see a group of short people with large builds over there, probably dwarves. And then there's a girl over there with a lizard tail? Lizardmen I guess? That can't be a dragon girl, because dragons won't do half-ass polymorph like that.

Of course, there have to be other animals as well, wolf ears over there, oh, do I see a crow? Black wings are crows, right?

Hmmm, where is it, AH! There we go, a cat girl, she's even an orange one, woah... I've always wanted to see one.

...We got quite a lot of attention, though, elves are pretty rare even in here, and we're wearing random clothes as well, combined with our faces...

Anyway, according to the information Dad told me, the academy is not just composed of one or two buildings like normal schools, it's more like a mini city. Inside, one can find all kinds of facilities: a library, restaurants, cafes, gyms, parks,... All are sponsored by the monarchy. Apparently, there was a brief period when Dad came here to work as a professor before, that's why he knew so much.

And of course, there are quite a number of interesting buildings unique to this institution, I'm not sure about the details, though.

For now, let's just go in.

''Let's go.''

Walking through the gate, we got even more gazes from the students here, a lot of them whispering to each other.

...Maybe I shouldn't have worn this, or not, I don't really care.

''We need to find the headmaster first.'' I tell my girlfriends.

The headmaster is allegedly a pretty strong master, we have to meet them first to decide our schedule.

''Hmm, maybe ask someone?'' Liana suggests.

''Sure, let me find a friendly-looking person.'' I reply.

Then, I see a familiar face in the corner of my eyes.

''Oh, is that Christina?''

She is now walking with a bunch of girls surrounding her, and they talk nonstop. She is popular, huh. All of the girls look like nobles, too.

''Let's go ask her.'' I say.


Approaching Christina, who is smiling while talking to the girls, we eventually get her attention.

''Hi, Christina.'' I call, waving my hand.

All of them turn their head to us, and they seem stunned, probably because of our appearances. Christina widens her smile.

''Sylvia! We met again.''

''Yeah, I didn't know you were this popular.''

''Oh, it's embarrassing to say it, but quite a number of ladies are pursuing me.'' Christina replies, glancing at the girls, who still look stunned.

''But don't worry, Sylvia, you're the only one for me.'' Christina grabs my hand and does a kiss on the back of it, like a gentleman.

''My, how reassuring.'' I play along with her, why not.

The girls snap out of their little daydreams, apparently enraged by how Christina treats me, veins appearing on their foreheads.

''H-Hmm~ How incredible, a girl I've never seen before made Her Highness fall... May I ask, who might you be?'' One of the girls, a blonde asks me, her tone polite, but her eyes can seriously kill.

''Ah, us three are transfer students, we're new here, so let's get along~'' I reply cheerfully.

''Sure, but as you can see, we are currently going to our class with Her Highness, so if you can excuse us, we have to go.'' The blonde tries to get away, but you met the wrong person, girl, I will end your whole career here.

I purposefully ignore their intention to shoo me away, pretending like I'm just a clueless girl. ''My, please wait for a second, we need to go to the headmaster's office right now, but we don't know the way, so... Could I borrow your princess for a while, miss?'' 

Even more veins start to appear on their foreheads, I can hear Liana and Emy chuckling behind me already, this is so fun. Life at the academy might be better than I thought.

''...It looks like you still don't understand our warning, girl, I'm asking for you not to interfer-''

''Sure thing, Sylvia, there's quite some time until class anyway, let me personally guide you, my dear princess.'' Christina interrupts the blonde and grabs my hand.

Turning back, she says: ''Sorry girls, could you all go to class without me?''

''...U-Understood, Your Highness.'' The blonde replies, barely keeping her composure.

And then all of them go away with frustrated steps, Liana and Emy still laughing. Yep, mission complete.

''You're quite mean, Sylvia.'' Christina smiles mischievously.

''Well? I just wanted to tease them a little bit. Besides, it's not like you were lying, no?'' I shrug.

''Heheh, you are right, my feelings for you are 100% true.'' 

''I'm glad.'' I nod. ''Well then, can I ask you to guide me to the headmaster's room?''

''Anytime, Sylvia.''

Christina led us through several buildings and a park, then we arrived at 5 stories building, it looked quite modern if you ask me. Apparently, this is the building for professors and staff, as well as the headmaster.

Going from floor one to five, a lot of people looked at us curiously, some of them knew Christina as well.

Now finally, we got to a room at the end of the hallway, there's a sign that read 'Headmaster's room'. 

It's time to decide our schedule.

knock knock

''Come in.'' A voice comes from behind the door.

Opening the door, I can see a middle-aged man, sitting at a desk filled with documents and books. The man has black and white two-tone hair neatly slicked back, black eyes, and a pair of glasses on his face.

The whole room is nothing but bookshelves, actually, bro got the whole library in his office.

''I see, so you have arrived. Welcome, Princess Sylvia, and the ladies as well.'' He nods at us, who has gone inside the room. ''And Your Yighness too, if you don't mind my shabby place.''

''Hey there, mister headmaster? What should I call you?'' I greet, making four chairs out of mana for us to sit in because this goofball doesn't have any chairs in his office, duh.

The headmaster's eyes widen a bit. ''...That was impressive, Princess Sylvia. And my name is Stephen Hawking, please call me Stephen.''

Say what?? Stephen Hawking?? Is this a coincidence?

No, I don't think so, either this guy learned about that name from a Saint, or... He is a Saint himself. Interesting.

I heard that the last Saint went into hiding after he defeated the demon king... Maybe he's just raising kids now? That's possible.

Well, either way, let's ask the goddess later.

''Alright then, Stephen, honestly, as you might have already known... We're not exactly weaker than the professors here, nor do we need any teachings from them.''

''But... We are curious about how the students and professors here perform in battles, you never know, we might learn something new from them.''

''So, can you recommend us some activities that showcase their talents? We'd love to join and observe.'' I blurt out, lying as I breathe.

Stephen ponders for a bit, then he opens his mouth: ''I see you are telling the truth, seeing your previous performance, I'd imagine the ladies here are also extraordinary as well.''

Yup, they're my proud girlfriends, I love them.

''If so, I would recommend following the curriculum of the A class, they are the most talented students we have, and their activities are diverse as well.'' Stephen continues.

''I see, but isn't there an A class for each year?'' I ask.

''That's right, Princess, you can choose whichever year you want to enter, I personally would recommend the second year's A class, they are by far the most talented, and... Interesting, as well.''

''Hmm... That sounds good, what do you guys think?'' I turn to my girlfriends, actually, what the hell is Christina doing here?

''Fine by me.''

''That is fine.''

''Alright, we'll join the second year's A class then.''

''Understood, Princess, I will have the staff arrange three additional seats for you.'' Stephen says.

''Wait, make it four.'' Christina interrupts. ''You know I have nothing to learn here anymore, right? Might as well join Sylvia here for some fun. I only have two more semesters before graduating anyway.'' She grins.

So that was why you were here. But I respect that, nothing wrong with wanting more fun.

''I see, I'll make it four, then. The list will not be updated right away, but you can talk to the professors in charge of each class to join, for now. With Her Highness there, there shouldn't be a problem.''

''Thanks, Stephen, we'll just go to the class, then, if no one has anything more to say.'' I stand up.

''Yes, please leave the work for me and enjoy your stay here as much as possible.''


Left alone in the office, Stephen reaches his hand to massage his temples.

''...I've never thought his daughter would be even bolder than him.''

At the time when he was still active as a Saint, Louis Everwood was his magic teacher, his sworn brother, and his comrade, fighting against the demon king together. That was roughly 50 years ago. Since then, he himself has changed his name to a famous scientist's back on Earth - Stephen Hawking, and started to teach children as his new job. Meanwhile, Louis came back to Everwood to inherit the elven throne. 

Lighting up a cigarette in his mouth, he inhales deeply, and puffs out smoke with his nose.

''The daughter is even more of a monster than he is...''


Well, upon asking the goddess, she told me that Stephen is indeed a Saint, just, retired. But she was pretty sure that he would pop out again when the demon king resurrected, he was kinda known for his sense of justice and love for peace. 

Normally when a Saint survives their fight against the demon king and successfully kills him, they would have no more obligation to continue fighting the next one, but there are those like Stephen who still come out every now and then to support the current Saint, that's very nice to hear.

That I did expect, but the redhead walking together with us right now I didn't. But well, I can't complain, we still need someone to guide us anyway.

While we're walking behind Christina, I hear the bell ring, which means we're late, on day one. 

''We're late, it looks like.'' Liana says.

''Well, can't really do anything about that, let's just go slowly then, late is still late.'' I reply.

''I'm sure it will be alright, the professors can't really do anything to you guys anyway.'' Christina add. ''But, I've been curious, how strong are you guys actually?'' She continues, slowing down to walk beside us.

''Ah... I'm an Archmage.''

Christina freezes at her place, leaving us walking ahead, we then turn around and look at her.

''...No joke?''


''You're insane.''

''Maybe.'' I shrug.

Somehow her cheeks are starting to become redder, and her eyes looking at me are getting more and more violent... What the hell is going on here? And that smile... Is dangerous.

''Well, getting better yet?'' I ask.

''Ah! I'm fine, I'm fine. How about you two?'' Christina walks faster, catching up with us again.

''3-star Advance''

''5-star Advance''

''...You're all insane.''

Walking through the hallway on the third floor of a 3 stories building, we arrive at the room that has the sign '2-A' on it. This should be my classroom.

I can already hear someone talking inside, maybe the professor teaching.

Opening the door, I can see the professor, a woman presumably in her thirties writing something on the chalkboard, she then stops and turns to us.

''...Elves? And the princess...?'' She mutters.


around the class, a number of questions popped up in my mind.

Firstly, why is there a guy doing handstand push-ups on the table at the end of the class? Do it at the park.

Secondly, why are these two lizard people kissing near the window? Do it in your room.

Thirdly, there's one human dude and one more dude who has wings, and they're both sleeping? Sleep in your room.

Next, two dwarves are facing each other, examining a sword, completely ignoring the professor, why bother coming to school?

And lastly, there's one cat girl who's seriously doing hot pot amidst all this chaos, huh??

This is too much 'interesting', Stephen.

It seems like we finally got the attention of the students.

Well, except the sleeping ones. But besides these anomalies, there are still like, four or five normal-looking ones, that's good, right...?

''Hi there, everyone, how are you doing?'' I say, smiling.

''Um... who are you? And why is the princess here...'' The professor asks, her face confused.

''They are transfer students, professor. They will be attending this class from now on, that includes me as well.'' Christina steps into the class. ''The details you can inquire the headmaster, he said that we can just join right now.'' She continues.

''I-I see? Then, please take your seats.'' The poor professor is still confused, but she obeys anyway.

Except for the two lizard people, two dwarves, and two sleeping dudes, everyone else is staring at us quite hard. 

But anyway, let's sit down first.

There are not a lot of students in this class, only eleven if I didn't trip and count right. And the class itself is pretty spacious as well, with a lot of empty tables, the total number of tables is 25 I believe, 5 rows and 5 columns.

So we walk to the end of the class, where there are still 4 empty tables, the other one is occupied by the push-up dude who's now sitting near the window, protagonist? He's smiling as well, his eyes are burning with enthusiasm, yup, this is the protagonist.

So in order, from the window, is the push-up dude, me, Emy, Christina, and finally Liana.

The professor continues to teach, based on what she's saying right now, and the writings on the board, this is probably a mana control class.

I learned all of this though, so let's do something else.

I turn to the protagonist, who is doing another set of push-ups again. I wait until he finished the set. ''Hey, is this class always like this?''

The dude sits down and says: ''Yeah, most of us don't understand all of that, instead, we just knew how to do it instinctively, so nobody really pays attention to this class.''

''Huh~ So that's what it is. What's your name?''

''Nick, nice to meet you.''

''Nice to meet you too, Nick, I'm Sylvia.''

''Alright, Sylvia.''

''So, what's the next class?''

''Ah, probably close combat class, they teach mostly martial arts and weapon arts.''

''Eh~ I'm bad at moving my body.'' I say, frowning.

''Well, you can watch from the sideline if you're a mage, so don't worry.''

''Oh, that's much better.'' My face brightens again.

This time I stand up and walk behind Christina, who's already dozing off, bringing my face close to her shoulder. 

''Hey, Christina.''

''!!'' Christina shudders, apparently surprised by my presence, and turns her head abruptly towards me.

Now our distance is scarily close, our nose almost touching.

I give her a bright smile. ''Christina, the next class is close combat, you use a spear, right?''

Christina seems stunned for a moment, then she snaps out and leans back a little bit. ''Y-Yeah.''

I move my head towards hers again, this time going close to her right ear, in the process, my long left ear bruises past her cheek.

''I will be watching over you, please do your best.'' I whisper.

Leaving the stunned Christina, I stand up. ''Of course, you two as well, I'm sure you guys will do well.'' I'm looking forward to seeing my girlfriends steamroll everybody.

After that, I walk back to my seat.

Teasing Christina is quite fun.

Thirty minutes later, the mana control class ended. Now we need to move to the gym. This time they seem to take it pretty seriously.

Then, almost everybody goes to the lockers nearby to get their weapon, including Christina, so most of them are melee weapon users. Oh, Nick is using a dual sword, as expected of the protagonist. Emy and Liana don't need to go anywhere to get their weapon, because I'm storing all of them inside my space bag.

The dwarves disappear completely, maybe they're not for combat.

Regardless, the gym is not that far away, I think I can fly here from the classroom in like, 10 seconds.

And it is huge, there's a sparring section, a weight section, a calisthenics section, and a running section as well, all inside a dome.

We're now sitting in the empty area surrounded by the O-shaped running track, the professor this time is a big muscular man with rough features.

''Alright! It looks like we have some new faces here today.'' The professor says pretty loudly. ''I already knew the princess's strength, but who are you three elves? Introduce yourself.''

''I'm a mage, so I'm going to watch.'' I speak up. I don't really wanna do exercise here, I'm doing it every night already.

''...Tch, mages again, fine.'' 

What is that attitude? Do I need to shove my 3-meter big telekinesis punch up your ass to teach you not to disrespect mages ever again?

''You two?'' He turns to my girlfriends this time.



''Ho~ Interesting, we will spend today's time to test you two, then. But first, three laps around this field! All of you need to do it, I don't care if you're a mage or not.''


''...Hah... Hah...'' 

I'm dying. Why is the track so long? I was thinking that maybe all the exercises I did at night were going to help me with physical activities, but apparently not running, I'm dying.

And don't stare at my breasts while running, you bozos.

Why am I doing thi- Hey! Those guys are cheating, they're flying with their wings?! 

It's the bird guy and another girl, those are dragon wings, right?

Fuck this, I'm going to cheat too.

So I use telekinesis to fly my way through the remaining 2 laps, completing the task.

I'm now sitting near the sparring area, as per the instruction of the professor.

Talking about the professor, he is complaining something to me, but I just use telekinesis to shut his mouth. I don't want to hear it.

In the end, most of the people are fine, except for one human girl and one lizard girl, both of them are mages. I feel you, my comrades.

Now both of them are walking towards me.

''Hey, um, you're so good at using telekinesis.'' The lizard girl says.


''What's your level?'' The human girl asks.

Hmm, what to do... Welp, let's pretend to be weak, I wanna feel like a manga protagonist for once.

''Ah, I'm 1-star Advance, telekinesis is my strongest magic.'' I reply, lying as I breathe.

''Wow, that makes sense, you're strong.'' The human girl exclaims.

''Sylvia.'' I point to myself.

''Ah, I'm Mia.'' The human girl responds.


''Julia.'' The lizard girl says.

''Alright, well, for now, let's watch them train.'' I nod, turning to the other classmates, who are now stretching.

''Alright! We will now test these new students. Anyone wants to go up?'' The professor yells.

''Me! I'll go first.'' A guy who looks like a delinquent with red hair raises his hand, licking his lips.

The hell is this dude.

''Okay! Derrick. And which of you two are going first?'' The professor turns to Emy and Liana.

''Let me go first.'' Liana said, frowning at the guy.

Stepping onto the concrete stage, Derrick opens his mouth.

''Hey girl, put that scary scythe down and go out with me, huh? It's not very lady-like, yknow?'' He sneers.

''Shut up and come at me, trash.'' Liana's face is now very scary, still beautiful, but scary.

''Hahahah! Fine, I'll humiliate you, and then make you submit to me!'' He grabs his knuckles coated in red mana and charges at Liana.

The dude is going for a right hook, which Liana promptly blocks with the handle of her scythe, completely unfazed.

His surprised face doesn't last very long, as Liana kicks him in his crotch right after, immediately rendering the guy unconscious. She then does one more kick to send him out of the arena.

Well, that was underwhelming.

But everyone seems to be in shock, heh, that's my girlfriend right there.

''Next.'' Liana says coldly.

''Let me try!'' This time the protagonist walks up.

He brandishes his dual sword and gets into his stance. His swords glow yellow.

''Come.'' Liana signals with her hand.

Nick charges at Liana, using his right sword to slash vertically from the top, which Liana blocks with the handle of the scythe, then Nick uses the remaining sword to try and do a horizontal cut to her side.

But before he can do that, Liana strengthens her mana and pushes the sword on top away, again uses the handle to block the other sword from the side, and delivers a kick to his stomach, sending him away.

''Y-You're so strong.'' He mutters, clutching his stomach.

''Continue?'' Liana asks.


The guy charges again, but ultimately he isn't able to do anything to Liana. Every hit is blocked by the handle, he has no way to attack her. Eventually-

''...I lost.'' Nick raises her hands, clutching his tattered stomach.

''Well, that's enough, isn't it?'' Liana turns to the professor, who was staring intently at her match.

''...Impressive! Yes, that's enough. What's your name?''


''Alright, Raeliana, I remembered you name. You can go back now, the other girl go up!''

Liana walks to where we are sitting. I can see people's eyes looking at her have changed now.

She then flops down next to me and leans onto my shoulder.

''You did great.'' I say, stroking her head.

Mia is blushing while Julia has a look of understanding.

But what do they do about the injured guys? Do they just leave them there?

I look around to see the cat girl, the same orange one I saw at the entrance, using some kind of magic that glows yellow onto the two injured dudes. That's... Divine magic, so she was a cat priest, huh.

Meanwhile, in the arena, Emy is facing off against the dragon girl.

The dragon girl is a mage, but she's also a dragon, so her physical strength is no joke. I'm assuming she's still young, that's why she's losing to Emy, although the tactic of going close combat while firing magic at the same time seems pretty cool, Emy is still able to counter all of the magic and attack her back.

It's just the difference in level, Emy's much more composed and refined in her skills than the girl. Eventually, the girl runs out of mana and forfeits.

Oh, this time is Christina, this will be interesting.

Emy charges forward Christina at her full speed, seems like she decided to go all out. She slashes Christina horizontally from the left to right, which Christina jumps back to dodge. Then Christina utilizes the range advantage of the spear and continuously thrusts the red tip coated with her mana toward Emy.

Emy dodges about half of them, the other half parries with her sword. Christina then falls back, probably running out of stamina, Emy uses this chance to close the distance again, pressing Christina with her slashes and stabs.

Christina barely manages to block most of them, leaving her with small scratches all over her body.

After some more exchanges, Christina forfeits.

''I lost.'' She raises her hands dejectedly.

I feel like the respect for us, well, my girlfriends is rising very fast.

The professor is obviously stunned. After a whole minute to reboot his window, He snaps back.

''Amazing! To think there's someone who can beat the princess. What's your name?''


''Good! Emilia, I'll remember that name!''

Christina and Emy come back to us after the cat girl heals their injuries, although Christina lost, she managed to get some hits on Emy.

''Good job, Emy.'' I say to Emy with a smile.

But Christina seems very dejected, maybe I should comfort her.

I walk closer to Christina, then pull her into a hug, her head buried in my breasts. Then I whisper to her:

''You did very well too, darling.''

Christina's breathing is getting rougher, she even puts her arms around me to hug me tighter as well. Looks like she loves this.

The rest of the class is just other guys sparring against each other, they're not bad, definitely have potential.

The other remaining classes are some theories again, which I already know, so we run away and go to a cafe to relax.

So that is the first day of our school, not bad.

The day after that, when we are about to go to school again, my nanny Isabella comes to us with information about a noble—a Marquis buying elf slaves.

Time for some killing.