
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasi
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49 Chs


Xerope, now Zombo's new dictator, was celebrating his victory over Miguel and Elena. His plan had finally succeeded, and he had achieved ultimate power over the city. However, Miguel and Elena managed to escape.

While Xerope celebrated her conquest, Miguel and Elena lurked in the shadows, planning their revenge. They knew they couldn't go back to Zombo now, as Xerope had complete control over the city. However, they were determined to overthrow the dictator and free the people.

Meanwhile, Xerope took steps to consolidate his power. He began a campaign of repression against anyone who opposed his regime. His followers were forced to pledge allegiance or face serious consequences, and many were jailed or killed for defying the new dictator.

Pedroko, Xerope's faithful ally, was imprisoned in the Black Dark prison. He had aided the new dictator in his evil machinations and was now paying the price for his betrayal of the ideals of freedom. Pedroko bitterly regretted his actions and wished for a second chance to bring justice to Zombo.

Miguel and Elena, meanwhile, were gathering a group of rebels determined to fight Xerope and free the people of Zombo from tyranny. They knew the battle would be difficult and risky, but they were willing to do anything to ensure that freedom and peace were restored.

As the rebel forces prepared for the final showdown, Xerope basked in her power and ruthlessness. He had become a ruthless dictator, ruling with an iron fist and spreading fear throughout the city. However, Zombo's fate was about to be decided, and Miguel and Elena were determined to ensure that the side of justice and freedom prevailed.

The final battle between Xerope and the rebels was about to begin. Both sides were ready to sacrifice everything for their ideals. It would be an epic fight, where courage, determination and the will to fight for freedom would be put to the test. Zombo's fate lay in the hands of those who dared challenge Xerope's oppression.