
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasi
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Zombo Stars

Chapter 8: The Voyage of Villains

While Ana Cruz, Rex and Nikking were planning a strategy to defeat Huguel and his group, the Villains Anti Heroes X, Huguel learned that they were on his tail. He received a message from one of his spies, who informed him that they had reached Zombo and were heading to the Pedroz Corporation building.

Huguel was furious at the news. He didn't expect Nikkomam to have allies from another planet. He hadn't expected them to be so quick and determined. He didn't expect them to be a threat to his plan.

He decided he had to act fast. He decided he had to get rid of them once and for all. He decided he had to resort to an extreme plan.

He called his right-hand man, Viktor, and told him:

- Viktor, we have a problem.

- What's up, boss? asked Viktor.

- The allies of Nikkomam reached Zombo - said Huguel - They are coming here.

- What? - exclaimed Viktor - How do they know where we are?

- I don't know - said Huguel - But it doesn't matter. We have to finish them off before they get in our way.

- And how are we going to do that? asked Viktor.

- Let's take a trip - said Huguel with a sinister smile - Let's go to the alternative world.

- The alternate world? - Viktor repeated with surprise - You mean that place where you found that artifact?

- Yes, that one - said Huguel - That artifact is the key to our plan. It allows us to travel between worlds. And it also allows us to find our most powerful ally.

- Our most powerful ally? - asked Viktor with curiosity - Who is he?

- He is the God of Destruction, Sebastian Okobe - said Huguel with admiration - He is the strongest and most feared being in the entire galaxy. He has immense and uncontrollable power. He can destroy anything with a single gesture.

- And why would he help us? Viktor asked doubtfully.

- Because he is bored - Huguel said simply - He is tired of destroying meaningless worlds. He wants something more challenging and fun. He wants to participate in our plan.

- And what is our plan? Viktor asked with confusion.

- You'll know soon - said Huguel with mystery - But first, let's get our ally. Let's go to the alternate world.

Huguel took the artifact that was kept in a secret vault. It was a metallic sphere with strange symbols engraved on it. He activated it with a button and saw a blue light shine on it.

He held the sphere in his hand and pulled Viktor by the arm. He said:

- Come on, Victor. Let's make history.

He then jumped out the window of the Pedroz Corporation building, taking Viktor with him. They fell through the air, but were unharmed. They were enveloped in the sphere's blue light and disappeared into space.

They traveled through time and space, traversing dimensions and realities. They arrived in the alternate world, a place where the laws of physics and logic did not apply. A place where anything was possible and nothing made sense.

They were met by Sebastian Okobe, the God of Destruction. He was a tall, muscular man with black skin and red eyes. He wore golden armor and a black cape. He had an air of superiority and cruelty.

He looked at Huguel and Viktor with interest and said:

- Hello my friends. I was waiting for you. Are you ready to have fun?

The villains' plan was in motion. They had traveled to the alternate world to recruit the God of Destruction. Would they be able to convince him to help them? Would they make it back to Zombo? Would they be able to execute their plan? These questions would be answered in the next chapter of Zombo Stars.

End of chapter 8.