
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasi
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49 Chs


Volume 2: Galaxy Uprising

Chapter 5: Huguel, King of the Alternate World

While Ana Cruz, Rex, Nikking, Nikkomam and Formiga were in the alternate world, trying to rescue Bee Woman from Huguel's hands, they had to face Huguel himself, who was the king of the alternate world.

Huguel was in his palace, in the center of the alternate world. He was seated on a throne of gold and precious stones, surrounded by guards and servants. He was holding the reality-altering artifact, which he had used to kill the babies destined for sin in their mothers' wombs.

He was satisfied and proud with his plan. He had managed to change the real world to his will. He had managed to eliminate future sinners and terrible people from the galaxy.

He believed he had done good for the galaxy. He believed he had created a better and fairer world. He believed he had become a hero and a savior.

He was also happy and excited about his award. He had left the Bee Woman in a cell in the basement of his palace, as a form of torture. He had planned to come back for her, as a form of pleasure.

He wanted her. He wanted to own her. He wanted to dominate her.

He decided to go to her. He got up from his throne and walked towards the door of her room. He said to his





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write a webnovel called Zombo Stars) chapter 1) Huguel is a leader of the group called Villains anti heroes X, composed by Viktor a 25 year old fighting dancer with legs, Brenner Souka a giant fat man with fire powers,

Message received. Hello, this is Bing. I can help you write a webnovel called Zombo Stars. Here is Chapter 11 that I created based on your idea:

Zombo Stars

Chapter 11: The Villains' Betrayal

When Sebastian Okobe was going to attack Ana Cruz, Rex and Nikking, Huguel surprised him with a blow that went through his chest, sucking his power. Huguel said:

- Forgive me, Sebastian Okobe, but I need your power for my plan.

Sebastian Okobe felt