
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasi
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Zombo Stars

Chapter 16: The Hope of Heroes

Ana Cruz, Rex, Nikking and Nikkomam were in the cave, sad and discouraged. They had seen the tragedy caused by Huguel's plan. They had wept for the dead and the living.

They too had wept for the Bee Woman. They didn't know if she had survived the explosion of Huguel's artifact. They didn't know if she was still alive.

They wanted to know about her. They wanted to see her. They wanted to save her.

But they didn't know how.

They were hopeless.

Until something happened.

Something that changed everything.

Something that gave them another chance.

Something that gave them new hope.

They received a message.

A message that came from Huguel's artifact.

A message that came from the Bee Woman.

She was alive.

She had managed to communicate with them through Huguel's artifact. She had used her light power to interfere with the artifact's workings. She had used her light power to send a message to them.

The message said:

"I'm alive. I'm trapped in a strange place. I'm suffering a lot. I need your help. Please save me."

She also sent the coordinates of the place where she was. She was in another world. She was in the alternate world.

The alternate world was a place where the laws of physics and logic did not apply. A place where anything was possible and nothing made sense.

The alternate world was a place Huguel had gone to recruit the God of Destruction, Sebastian Okobe. A place where Huguel had betrayed and killed Sebastian Okobe, stealing his power.

The alternate world was a place where Huguel had left the Bee Woman, as a form of torture. A place where Huguel had planned to return for her, as a form of reward.

The alternate world was a place where the Bee Woman was alone, scared and hurt. A place where the Bee Woman was waiting for them, confident and brave.

Ana Cruz, Rex, Nikking and Nikkomam were surprised and happy with Bee Woman's message. They were relieved and thrilled at the news that she was alive.

They were determined and motivated by her plea for help. They were determined and prepared to save her.

They took Huguel's artifact, which they had managed to get after the explosion. They used their equipment to hack the artifact and figure out how to use it.

They discovered that the artifact could open portals between worlds, using the energy of the God of Destruction. They discovered that the artifact could take them to the alternate world, using Bee Woman's coordinates.

They decided to use the artifact to go to the alternate world and rescue Bee Woman. They decided to risk everything for her.

They hugged and said goodbye to the cave. They armed and equipped themselves for the journey. They focused and connected with the artifact.

They then pressed a button on the artifact and said:

- Come on guys. Let's go get our friend.

They then opened a portal in mid-air and jumped through it, heading to another world.

The hope of the heroes was in action. They had received a message from the Bee Woman. They had discovered that she was alive and trapped in the alternate world. They had decided to go there to save her.

Would they make it to the alternate world? Would they be able to find the Bee Woman? Would they be able to bring her back? These questions would be answered in the next chapter of Zombo Stars.

End of chapter 16.