
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Scouting the local airport to raid.


DAY 19.






Tyler woke the next morning with Bird firmly wrapped in his arms and her slender legs drapped over his. The Survivor smiled as he hugged the dark haired girl warmly,

"Morning to you too!"

Her green eyes opened with a smile and the pair enjoyed a morning snuggle before her belly rumbled. Tyler relit the fire while Bird made use of the bootleg shower before rejoining him. The rest of the crew came out soon enough and once the fire toasted bagels were passed around the Survivor unrolled the map and tapped the airport that had been taken over by the facist NPC faction.

"Okay. We'll get a wound check and see about some raiding/scouting. I want 4 to guard the base and the remaining 5 to hit this town here."

He taped a new town to the south.

"Lawrent. You'll take the Halftrack, trailer, and the firetruck since it has an immense carry capacity. Your targets are the usual suspects, and furniture in good or better condition. We have about 33 rooms to kit out so try to get good stuff."

They chuckled at that one and Benni crossed his arms.

"You'll be scouting the base alone, Gore?"

"I am the highest level in the party and the most skilled in stealth bullshit."

"Fair enough. VEhicles?"

"Only if it's something cool or has a large storage rating. If you find a semi and trailer in good condition, by all means snag it."

YUna smirked.

"We're taking the stug."

"Sure. Just WATCH where you shoot that thing."

They nodded and Hannah appeared on the screen with a smile.

"Let's get you checked out and thehn you can get back to your idiocy."

TYler and Grudgia chuckled as they went into the camper. There the goth beauty's bandages on her arm was unwrapped to reveal a clean scar from the screw in the chopper and Hannah nodded.

"BAck to full. Be more careful or you might lose the arm. Tyler?"

Grudgia whistled as he unwraped his back and other wounds....and revealed them to be a mass of scars and harder flesh. Hannah nodded as she looked him over through the floating screen.

"You're fully healed. DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID."

"I'll be sure to, Doc. Grudgia?"

"MY turn tonight."

He chuckled at her liplick.

"I'll be sure to find you some rope or something."

"OOoh don't make me wet before we get going! Save it for tonight!"

"Come on."

The pair walked out and Tyler took the keys for the jeep as the squad of Yuna, Benni, Grudgia, Jarvia, and Bird climbed into the stug 3 tank, the firetruck, and the halftrack. Ronny was leading the home defense force while Tyler climbed into the armored jeep. The redheaded guy saluted from the lookout post on the 5th floor of the Fortress as the raiders rolled out. Tyler went to the northwest while the raiders went south. The Survivor smiled as he rolled down the highway and found he liked the solitude. Makes sense since I've been surrounded by the crew for a week or so now. Yuki appeared on the screen now with a notepad and smirk.

"So you're out on a recon op to scout the local airport base for a later assault/rescue mission."

"Pretty much, Yuki. What I'm looking for is a simple solution. Can we just fly the chinook in there and drop ropes? Do I fly the Dauntless over it and obliterate their commander's tent? Or can we just roll in with the stugg and kick in their front door? All three? Or a long distance artillery barrage from the 88?"

The delta soldier smirked as she wrote the ideas down.

"All classics. I'l be sure to record what you see."

"Good. I'm also looking for the number of captives in the camp. See if we can lockdown how many to an exact."

"I've been doing some research on this end too. From what I could dig up, there's about 15 captive players inside the compound."

"Hm. That few?"

"They're just the survivors. Reports say they had about 45 at one point and they were either auctioned off or died."

Tyler nodded as he kicked the jeep into four wheel drive to pull off the highway onto a minor hil covered in forest as the air traffic control tower of the airport came into view.

"MAkes sense. The states of the survivors?"

"Most are raped repeatedly at night and a few have become pregenant. When they DO....they're given a forced abortion. And then fucked again. All girls. their docs say theior minds have gone dormant due to the tramua, but believe they'd reawaken if rescued. Sincen they've been holding onto the hope they WIL be rescued."


"Pretty much and optimists as well. That, and the fact they are inside a videogame has helped most cope like you would NOT freakin believe. Since those are not their REAL bodies, it means next to nothing no matter WHAT is done to them."

Tyler sighed as he rolled the jeep at a crawl along the ridge enshrouded by the forest cover towards a vantage point looking into the base.

"A silver lining I guess. I'll be sure to keep that one in my back pocket. Alright, let's see what they did."

The jeep was parked and Tyler got out with his 45-70 and a mass of gear before he walked to the near lip of the ridge and got down flat. He crawled over the rim of the ridge and was granted a pristine view of the tarmac and a surprising angle on the tower itself. He produced a sniper scope that zoomed out to 16 times magnification and looked the defenses over. This airport was a moderate sized place with the capacity for intercontiental travel and a near mile and a half lone runway. Several 747s were seen in various states of damage and disassembly on the tarmac and one had split in half with curtains covering the cabins. The terminal had been ransacked and converted into a makeshift barracks with full spotlights sitting on the roof and several antiair machine gun batteries that made Tyler smirk.

"Triple Zs. Japanese antiair craft triple barrel machine guns. .50 caliber on four batteries at the four corners of the terminal. We fly the chinook in there we'd be shredded...unless they were taken out. The Dauntless would be peppered and yeah."

The scope was panned around to the barracks now. Most of the formerly white poliester walls had been reinforced with scrap iron sheet metal and the chainlink fence surrounding the entire property had been reinforced the same way with the addition of razorwire on the top. At the emergency entrance of the tarmac, a full checkpoint had been constructed with armed men carrying what looked like machine guns. Tyler frowned as he noted no signs of armored vehicles or antitank weapons in sight. A rumble was heard and Tyler watched as a deuce and a half truck rolled up to the checkpoint....and was inspected by 5 men with a distinct boredom to them before waving the transport in. Tyler noting the men hadn't even bothered to check the undercarrage of even the cargo inside. So the scout followed the truck's progress through the base until it reached the curtain covered jetliner and stopped. TYler zoomed in farther as the curtain rippled...and a nearly 8 foot tall man with white skin and covered in scars was seen exiting. The teenager smirked as he spotted whom he assumed was the base commander. The driver of the truck hopped out and was seen to outright kneel before this giant. The base commander had scarlet hair and ice blue eyes set into a square jaw while his attire was a set of crossed bandolier belts of .50 BMG ammo on his chest while for pants he merely wore shorts. Tyler smirked as he saw an opportunity and slid the L96 sniper rifle over and attached the scope to the rail. If I hit even a SINGLE bulet on those belts, they'd blow his entire torso clean off his legs. Or at the least rip open his chest cavity. He slid the .338 Lapua round into the chamber and took aim as the driver of the truck opened the curtain....to reveal a mass of fresh captives. Tyler frowned at this discovery and zoomed into see NONE of his crew had been captured. As he watched the now smirking giant look the mass of girls and men over like a buyer looking horses, a horn went up as a sniper round slammed into the ground beside Tyler's face. He blinked as dirt sprayed him and was back in the jeep the next instant. A two tone wail of alarm sirens went up as he had the jeep racing along the forest towards the highway as Yuki appeared.

"I got it saved."

"Good. DON'T send a flare. If they chase me.....I'll pull a come about on em."

"roger. And the new prisoners' feeds are up on my screen. They know someone was scouting and yeah."

"Good. Alright, I got this."

TYler slid out of the forest on a perfect drift....as a mass of gunfire opened up behind him from three pursuit vehicles. The Survivor smirked as he looked in his mirror...

"Three extra greyhounds. Good. I'll be sure to use them somehow."

He produced his pistol grenade launcher and slid a smoke grenade into the chamber as the greyhound's .50 caliber machineguns bellowed at him...and the skilled driver dodged it all before slamming the jeep into a drift around a burnt out husk of an abrams main battle tank. This in turn put him in perfect line to fire the launcher and the round slammed right into the view port of the 6 wheeled pursit vehicle. The massive tires screeched as the driver hit the brakes and carreened into the hust of the tank with a shattering impact. Tyler had a fresh round in the breech as he finished the dirft and wound up BEHIND the not as agile greyhounds. He fired again and this time he used a high explosive that blew a rear wheel clean off the axel, rendering the staghound disabled. The LAST greyhound was now caught trying to rotate it's turret while turning and got caught by it's inherently nonagilie frame. Tyler fired the third 40mm grenade and hit the gunner in the .50 seat in the chest, the explosion killing him and setting the ammo in the machine gun off for another explosion. Killing the driver and commander inside the thing too. Tyler then slid to a stop in his jeep and brought his 45-70 out due to the surviving troops having claimbed out to return fire with small arms. Tyler had a smirk as he took aim and started shooting back....scoring headshot after headshot from the cover of the armored jeep's peephole while rings on the steel plating were heard around him. He put the last round into the leg of the last survivor before Yuki appeared with a smirk.

"Okay NOW I sent the flare."

"We got a lota stuff...and I'mma put these guys on display."

"Oh jesus."

Tyler went over to the crawling in pain survivor and the man pulled a barretta...only for the Survivor to knock it out of his hand.

"YOUR death will be slow."

And it was. An hour later the 16 bodies of the greyhound crews were impaled on stakes after several rounds of twisted disections and disturbed alterations. The display would have made Vlad the Impaler blush. After the bloodsoaked artwork, Tyler collected the smaller pieces of equipment from the dead soldiers as Ronny arrived in their own greyhound with the rest of the crew. Yuna smirked as she saw the three wrecks and the battered remains of the abrams.

"We're taking it ALL aren't we?"

"Pretty much. Alright, let's get this done. I got a lot to brief you on."

The friends got to work collecting everything. Benni and Tyler hooked the crippled greyhound he had blown a wheel off between two of the other staghounds for a makeshift train while the burnt out abrams tank was dragged onto their trailer. When all was said and done, the section of highway was pristine. As if there had not been a serious fight to the death involving vehicles an hour prior. And several crows were seen decending from the sky to the mass of rotting bodies on sticks. Tyler was back inm the jeep as the friends returned to the Slab. Once the greys were situated in the garage for work and maintance, the regrouped around the campfire. There the video Yuki had recorded of the compound was played out. Tyler sighed as he used a stick as a pointer.

"The place is heavily defended. Mainly against ground attack and air assault. Same time, I only saw these four batteries. If we knock thouse out, we can fly the chinook in for the pickup of the captives. And the dauntless for a divebomber run on the tower. They spotted me from the tower. My guess is that ridge was a RIGGED NEST for anyone seeking to scout the base. Explains how they saw me so freakin easily."

Benni crossed his arms as he looked at the compound.

"So how are we getting to the AA guns, Gore?"

"Well, Benni?"

TYler smirked.

"The base has every hole covered. Aside from one. The men are fucking BORED. They're USED to winning and are USED to being unopposed. Even when I got shot at they didn't really react like they were in danger. My plan is an attack after dark. We smoke guns and use knives to goi in here."

He used the sketched map of the base and a stick.

"We'll use our grapples to climb to the roof of the terminal, and take out the AA guns. We do that we can then move to the tower itself. That goes down, we got free rein for a slaughter. The base commander is a big muthafucka and wears .50 cal bullets for a shirt. You see him, put a round in one of the bullets. Poof. Magic trick."

Yuna lifted a hand at this.

"So he just walks around with a belt of .50 cal bullets as a necklace?"

TYler shrugged.

"Yeah pretty much. Dunno if they're LIVE though. Would make more sense if they weren't. Anyway, odds are I'll need to drop him myself so yeah."

Ronny smirked.

"So when we doin this boss?"

"Two more days of scouting, Ronny, and we'l mount the raid. In that time we'll gather as much ammo and medical as we possibly can since shit will get VERY much real. Any questions?"

He got crikets and smiled.

"Good. Anything interesting on the riads, Benni?"

The large marine passed the Survivor a list.

"We did alright, Gore. Not as crazy as when YOU go out, but decent."

TYler nodded as he looked at the list.

"Ooookay. Lessee the damage. Four 1 thousand gallon drums of high grade gasoline, four portable generators in working condition, four pullout style sofas with king sized mattresses in good condition, fitting, a set of all-terrian tires for the jeep, a winch attachment for the camper, several hundred pounds of food and drink, an extra 500 rounds of 9mm, .556, 7.62X38, 10 rounds of .50 BMG, a mass of shampoos and body washes for the ladies, annd that's about it. Not bad. Alright. Anything weird cool or freaky?"

Yuna smirked.

"We found a semi in Optimus Prime colors on it's side in the town square complete with trailer. We'd need a wrecker to get it on it's wheels and tow it though."

"We wil get on that soon enough. Alright. How far did you guys get into the town?"

Benni sighed.

"Not too far. Mainly because Yuki appeared with your flare. We really need some radios or coms Gore."

"I know. I'm working on it."

Bird smiled now as she perked up.

"Those idiots you killed had a set of walkie talies, Tyler. About ten full sets. I think they still work."

TYler smiled as the loot from the greyhound crews was brought over and he found the indicated comms.

"Oh here we go. We can rig these to our vests and yeah."

The friends all took one and Tyler pulled a screwdriver. Fro there he rewired them to a single channel and him holding the commander's radio. This he hung on his belt in easy reach before looking at the friends.

"We'll get the furniture moved in and yeah. The showers are active, but until we get one of the industriual generators, it'll still be cold showers for the time being ladies."

That got a mass of chuckles from the group....as Ronny lifted a hand.

"Sooo where's the hotspring, Gore?"

Like magic everyone looked at the chuckling Survivor intensely.

"Ronny, mah man, it's coming. We can put one in on the next build spree. Since by that point we'll have an industrial generator....for a sauna too."

Yuna and Bird looked at each other.

"We will be sure to remember that."

"YES we WILL Yuna. I mean we DID built a fortress in three days. I, for one, am tired of digging int eh dirt."

That got a mass of chuckles form the friends and Tyler looked at the sky.

"Well either way we're done for the day ladies and other."

The friends chuckled at that one as the burgers were busted out along with some bottles of beer. Tyler and Jarvia were on cooking duty while the rest relaxed after a hard day's work. Grudgia smirked as she sat beside the Survivor with her own loaded paper plate.


"I'm sleeping with then dead tonight."

"Oh fuck YEAH you are. I've been ,looking forward to it!"

Yuna and Bird smirked now and both ladies lifted a pair of bolt cutters in a telling manner....with the blonde saying it.

"Remember our warning you horndog bastard. Get TOO comfy and WE will neuter you."

TYler chuckled with a few drops of sweat being seen on his face in the face of the intimidatingly intense ladies.

"Sure thing, Yuna, Bird. We'll....figure it out."

Bird smiled sweetly.

"If there's to be ANNNNY virginities lost...it WILL be in an orgy with ALL. THREE. OF. US. NO favorites. GOT IT?"

Yuna nodded with her own smirk.

"What she said."

MORE beads of sweat were seen falling from Tyler's face now as he smiled with a distinct nervousness.

"Uh, yeah. Agreed, ladies."

Benni smirked as he nudged a chuckling Ronny beside him.

"Wanna bet that was the first time GORE'S been scared for his life in here, Ronny?"

"Bro you got no idea. I was scared and I wasn't even inVOLVED! And we both suck."

"Oh I am WELL aware a that fact."

The friends enjoyed a hearty meal around the campfire inside their cement walls before they returned to the camper as the Fortress still needed some more furniture. Grudgia smirked as she snuggled up naked beside the Survivor...and he noted her pale skin was single tone across her lovely body. He whistled in admiration for this sexy gothgirl and her ice blue eyes were shining as she settled down in his arm.

"Thank you, thank you. I KNOW I am VERY sexy. And I'm not in the mood to fuck around.....TONIGHT."

"Sure thing, Grudgia. And you're realy freakin warm."

She smiled as the pair settled against each other.

"YOU are like a freakin space heater. I like it. Night, Tyler."

"Night, Grudgia. Night Yuna! Night Birdy!"

He got giggles for the effort from the cuddling ladies.