
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Raiding and looting.


DAY 15.






Tyler woke the next morning with Bird asleep in his arms and her head on his chest. He smiled at this and kissed her awake, making her smile.

"Still a ROMANTIC bastard indeed."

"Still sexy and with a GREAT rack."

"Yup! Thaaaat's me! BE NICE."

"Oh they'll be WELL licked."

"Good...get down there."

"Yes Bird."

SHe smiled smugly as the horny girl was eaten out that morning and the pair left the slumbering camper to relight the fire. Tyler chuckled as the pair readied breakfast for the camp.

"So today we're hitting the next town, Birdy."

The dark haired girl nodded as she looked at the Survivor.

"What are we looking for EXACTLY this run?"

"CAr batteries, headlights, car parts, and the usual suspects."

"Food, ammo, and medical. Weapons are welcome but not a nessesscity."

He smiled at his friend.

"You're LEARNIN Birdy."

She beamed at that one as the rest of the camp came out...and Yuna smirked as she grabbed a kiss off the Survivor.

"Morning, Tyler."

"Mornin Yuna. Pile well?"

She and the other girls chuckled at the cocky greeting...as Birdy pouted. Well. Her pout lasted only as long as it took Tyler to pat her again, making her happy again. Once everyone was gathered around the firepit Tyler rolled out the day's plan.

"Alright. I'm taking Bird and Benni on today's raid. Yuna's runnin the show. Raid crew's target is car batteries, headlights, taillights, car PARTS and the usual suspects. Yuna? YOUR crew keep collecting wood and raw material from the forest. When we get back I'll crank out a mass of arrowheads for proper hunting raids and we'll go from there. Any questions?"

THe blonde smirked.

"YES you're with me tonight, Yuna."

"I'm good."

The camp chuckled at that smugness before they made a meal of instant meals and some coffee warmed over the fire. Fed, the raiders geared up. Tyler made sure to load an extra pair of medkits and ammo boxes into the jeep before the trio climbed in. Bird took the backseat since Benni couldn't really fit back there....and the Marine chuckled as the key was turned.

"What'll the big bastard be THIS time, eh Gore?"

"Let's find out. Comfy Birdy?"

She was pouting behind him as he looked at her.

"Not really. I can't REACH you!"

"You are so damned cute sometimes and I FREAKIN love it."

"YAy! ALLLLLL better!"

The two boys chuckled at that one as they rolled out of the camp. Tyler had the map pulled down for navigation as they reached the highway...and the teenager nodded as they rattled along at the usual 25 miles an hour.

"Alright. See anything weird, cool or freaky we'll poke it."

They nodded and Benni smirked as he looked out the slot on his side.

"Be kinda cool to see how GORELEECH goes raiding."

BIrdy smiled an eager smile now!

"I wanna see him fight something big and SCARY!"

TYler chuckled as he handled the wheel.

"I'll be sure to impress you then, Birdy."

She smiled at this promise as the Survivor pulled off the highway onto the smaller road leading to to Ronbury. And the trip didn't take very long before they crested a hill....and were met with a surprise. Tyler hit the brakes and whistled as he looked out at the town.

"Well. THAT'S kinda cool."

The town of Ronbury had been battered. Every building in sight had been severely damaged and Benni whistled as he looked the carnage over.

"Looks like what happens when two armored units duke it out in hostile suburbia. Take it easy, Gore. There might be tanks in there."

"I HOPE so."

They chuckled at that wish as their guns were loaded and Tyler flipped the lever on his 45-70. He brought the armored jeep to 5 miles an hour and approached the town dodging craters and dents in the road.

"If you spot a house with an intact garage lemee know. We'll stash the jeep in it."


"Kay....oh there's one, Tyler."

A house on the right hand side of the street's garage was still intact...but the rest of the house had been BADLY charred by fire. Tyler smiled as he pulled into the driveway.

"Alrighty then. We'll roll in and see if we can find something."

THe steel door of the garage was lifted...to reveal an empty cement room Tyler parked their jeep in.

"Heads on a swivel."

The friends nodded and headed along the road following their leader along the battered street. Tyler smirking as he noted the holes in the cement and the crushed paneling on some of the houses.

"Seems someone rolled a tank brigade through here, Benni. And if I know tanks like I THINK I do, one will have broken down nearby since their treads aren't REALLY meant for that kinda bulldozing."

Benni smirked as he swung his SAW around.

"Only question is if they scuttled the thing or not."

"And what TYPE it is?"

"THAT too."

Bird was silent as she moved her borrowed M16 around and Tyler patted her with a smile.

"EAsy Birdy. Try NOT to shoot someone by accident."


She smiled at the reassurance as the friends reached an intersection.

"Hey Gore, that what I THINK it is?"

TYler looked over in the direction of Benni's point....

"Oooooh MYYYY GOD."

Sticking out of a building nose in...was a frigging STUGG 3 FROM WORLD WAR 2! The front of the tank destroyer had pierced the wooden paneling of a house and the rear half of the vehicle were sticking out for the world to see. Tyler smiled WIDELY at the low slung thing.

"Okay. THAT is AWESOME. Stug 3 assault gun with 7.5cm primary gun and nonrotating turret. Low slung and makes one HELLUVA an ambusher. Crew of four and one of the more successful designs from the war. Best part is we can add to it's armor with trees."

BEnni nodded as he inspected the treads and armor.

"Oh hell yeah we can. Treads and armor look in good condition. Barrel might be bent, but that's nothing big. We won't know for sure unless we open it up."

Bird whistled as she looked the surprisingly sleek tank over.

"It kinda looks like an elephant, I like it."

Then she looked at Tyler.

"Sooo, do you know HOW to drive a TANK?"

He chuckled at that one as he climbed onto the top.

"MAtter a fact, Birdy? THIS model I CAN."

Benni sighed.

"And do I DARE ask WHY you know HOW to drive a German Tank destroyer from world war 2?"

"I'm like WAY into anime. And one show, Girls Und Panzer, is about tanks. One of the tanks in the show is the STUGG 3 assault gun. And since I FREAKIN LOVED THE SHOW, I learned about them. I can figure it out from there."

THe pair just slumped at this and Birdy rubbed her head tiredly.

"Starting to think Tyler's a terrorist sleeper with the most BULLSHIT skillsets, Benni."

"Bird, I'm not convinced he's not some kinda John Wick right now. Or some kinda deep cover agent or something."

TYler's voice was heard now from the top of the tank.

"You guys comin up or not?"

They sighed at that and climbed aboard the tank to find Tyler with the main hatch open.

"We'll need to get the dead crew out and it looks like it has about 20 shells left."

Benni nodded and the trio dragged the bodies of the former crew out....and Tyler blinked.

"Hold on. Hey lay them out a sec, guys."

MYstifed the trio laid the four bodies of four boys flat on the ground and Tyler blinked as he looked at their outfits.


Birdy and Benni were taken aback by this discovery and Tyler looked around at the destruction more closely now.

"They're players.....Yuki, I need a report on this area from other advisors. I think we got a faction divide."

Yuki appeared with a sigh now.

"You do. There's like fifteen different player factions ALONE. NOT including your litle camp, Tyler. Some of these factions have over 4 million followers and are at war with each other. YOUR little pocket of the world was the site of some VERY large scale battles recently...but you've gone completely unnoticed. Mostly because you keep a VERY low profile. But to the north and the south are two camps that hate each other. Mainly because one is racist and the other isn't."

TYler nodded as he looked the bodies over.

"So a race war broke out. Figures. Anyone nearby I need to be aware of?"

"Hmm. Right now the report is you're the third highest level in the entire game...and AM the best loot finder period. The other two aren't anywhere close. That SAID, there IS a charismatic little bastard to the north of you. He leads the nonracist faction and is more like a cult leader then a war commander. I've seen the guy give speeches, more like sermons, to his troops....and I shit you not I felt like I was watching a rerun of Doctor King's I have a Dream Speech."

TYler smirked.

"His tag?"

Yuki looked at a paper.


Tyler sighed as he heard the name.

"Fatman. 8:15 in the Morning. August 4th. 1945."

Benni shivered.


Tyler nodded.

"Which means this guy thinks he's the BIG ONE. Pin his photo, Yuki. Mako prickls like that ALWAYS try to recruit other big badasses with their charisma....problem IS I do NOT follow blindly."

The Delta Sniper smirked.

"I'll be sure to let you know if his forces move into YOUR turff, Tyler."

THe Survivor nodded and smirked as he loked to the north.

"This is MY game. If that prick thinks he can challange ME to a game of HELL and WIN? Ha. I'll be SURE to....call an old friend."

Even Bird shuddered from the dark overtones in the Survivor's voice...and Yuki chuckled.

"That'll be fun to watch. A cult Leader versus a killing machine. Alright. Keep your wits about you, Tyler."

"Always do."

The screen went out and Tyler looked at Benni.

"Alright. We'll get the tank ready for transport and move from there."

The MArine nodded...and smirked.

"You lookin to put Wako down?"

"NOT unless he pokes US first. He DOES....well. I AM a VERY big believer in scorched earth, hellfire and brimstone."

THe pair chuckled at that one as they got to work clearing debris from the treads of the tank. TYler smiled as he found a trailer hitch on the rear while the long barrel wasn't damaged despite being rammed through a wall. It took them fifteen minutes and once the treads were clear, Tyler climbed into the driver's hatch.

"Alright. Benni, you take the command hatch. I got no real sight in here. Birdy, you take the gunner's seat."



THe Survivor smiled as he looked the various levers and knobs over...and nodded.

"Alrighty then. This'l either kill us all in a fireball...or it'll work without an issue."

THe two sighed at the two options before TYler smiled.

"Alright, let's fire her up."

He pulled a knob on the dashboard before him...and the beefy engine fired RIGHT up. Tyler smiled as he looked at the various gauges.

"Oh wow. We got 3 quarters of a tank of gas. And the external cans are full. Oil, good. Pressures are good. Alright we got a tank. Benni, back me out."


Bird had awe in her eyes as she looked at the contraption she sat in.

"This is COOL!"

The boys chuckled at that verdict as Tyler pulled backwards on two levers. The tank jerked backward before extracting itself from the hole. Tyler had a smile on his face as he manuvered the levers to turn the tank neatly onto the street....

"There is only ONE soundtrack to do this to."

He hit play on his Girls Und Panzer playlist and Birdy was quickly humming along while the surprisingly skilled driver had the war machine clattering down the street to their jeep's garage. Which they reached without any issue. Tyler smiled.

"Alright. Benni, open the door and I'll park it beside the jeep."

"On it boss."

Tyler backed the tank into the garage with just ENOUGH room between the barrel muzzle and the door for it to shut. Bird had a wide smile on her face as they shut the door.

"Okay. THAT? Was cool."

TYler chuckled as he patted her fondly.

"We'll be sure to do more cool stuff like that, Bird. I for one, wanna fly in a P51 and MEsserschmitt BF109F."

Benni smirked.

"I want my own 262."

"A man of culture. So long as I get Hood and a few other warships I'll be happy."

"WOW you're greedy, Gore. I want a single plane....YOU want entire BATTLESHIPS?"

"Well JA."

The friends laughed at that one as they returned to the empty hole the STUG had been found in and got to work searching the house. Tyler smiled as he looked at the battered walls and lack of any scorch signs.

"Looks like the drivers were already dead when they hit rhe wall. MAkes sense if they got hit with armor piercing rounds."

BEnni nodded as the trio radied the kitchen.

"That's exactly what happened, Gore. I saw several holes in the hull from heavy calibers. 20mms."

"USual antitank machinegun fire from choppers. We'll need to.....oh there's an idea."

Birdy smirked as she empited the surviving cupboards of food into ther bag.

"USing the 20mm cannons you have for bootleg antiair guns, Tyler?"

"PREtty much, Birdy. We KINDA need more antiair. Since that'd be the easiest way to find us."

The pair chuckled as they left the emptied house. TYler looked around at the battered nighborhood...and smirked as he noted something.

"THe destruction is kinda intense down that end a the street. Odds are we might be able to find another tank down there annnnnd I want my own tiger."

THe friends smirked at that wish as they headed along it. Benni chuckled as he looked around.

"I would like my own Sherman Firefly."

"Oooh classic! Birdy?"

The dark haired girl smiled sheepishly.

"I...don't really know alot about tanks."

"We'll find ya somethin cool then."

She beamed at that as the friends kept their wits about them...as they came to yet another intersection in the city. And Tyler blinked as they were treated to a new sight.


Benni smiled.

"Okay THAT is MUCH better. I think that'll serve you for an antiair gun, Gore."


"Ha. Okay THAT'S kinda cool."

Sitting in the middle of a ring made of sandbags reaching nearly 4 feet tall was a full M-8 Greyhound with a fully enclosed turret boasting twin 50 caliber machineguns. The six wheeled vehicle even had several rocket pods for smokescreens either side of the turret and Tyler smirked as he loked at it.

"Those tires still have air in them, Benni. And there's a sealed shipping container behind it. Okay. We're done for the day."

The Marine smirked as he looked the container over.

"Those are heavy resupply containers used by rthe army during world war 2, Gore."

"I'm STILL using the shit I got from the one that dropped form that T-rex. Okay. Benni, we'll need the jeep. You take Birdy and bring our vehicles. I'll look the Greyhound over."


Birdy pouted and Tyler patted her fondly.

"Anything cool happens....well better hurry!"


Tyler chuckled as the pair trotted through the town to retrieve their equipment. Then the Survivor turned his attention to the slate grey vehicle with the imposing 50 cals.

"Hm. Not bad for an antiair light vehicle. Woulda been batter as a flakpanzer. Those sandbags'll be nice though."

TYler walked over to the ring of sandbags...and sighed as he saw the number of player bodies laying around it riddled with bullet holes and the number punched into the armor on the thing.

"MAkes sense.....I should PROBABLY set those up."

THe ever thinking three steps ahead Survivor set a perimeter of tin can landmines around the intersection at set locations before he climbed onto the top of the turret and found the hatch sealed shut. So he tapped on it with the butt of his 45-70....no response. With that he used a long crowbar to pry the lid open...and was met with MORE dead players seated inside the vehicle. These were promptly lifted out and topssed aside....as an EARTHSHAKING bellow rang out from the end of the street. Tyler froze as he held a dead player in his arms. His eyes went wide as he looked...and sure enough. ANOTHER undead t-rex with steel enhanced skin was seen lumbering around at the far end of the street. He dropped to a knee and pulled Yuki on the screen.

"BEnni needs to hiot rhe deck. NOW. Sound the Alarm....all hands on deck."


Yuki vanished as Tyler slapped the 45-70 into his hands as the rex's head turned to face the smirking teenager with a cinematic recording beginning behind him....and he flipped the lever standing tall atop the Greyhound.

"This is gonna be good."

THe rex roared at him again and Tyler merely took aim at the 16 foot tall predator and pulled the trigger. His powerful 45-70 round ricocheted off the armor of the rex and it started charing with a new fury...and Tyler smiled as he leapt to the ground to charge himself now. As he ran he pulled a triple tapped bundle of tin can grenades and as the rex lunged with it's nearly 6 foot jaws agape Tyler threw himself into a baseball slide under the lethal jaws....and stuck the grenade to the botom of the undead dinosaur's throat. Like lightning Tyler was back on his feet with a kip up that narrowly avoided the clasping tiny arms on the torso while the large treetrunk like legs of the beast encumbered it the more. Tyler slapped two more grenades to the undersides of the legs and lit the lengths of string that served as fuses before he shot the large sack that housed the reproductive organs of the dinosaur at near pointblank range. The rex yelped and jerked away from trhe stinging pain while Tyler ran from it in the opposite direction. Two explosions were heard as the cans tore large chunks from the soft underbelly of the beast and from it's pivotal legs and making the creature jump in shock and pain. It missed it's step and slammed to the ground with a shaking impact and Tyler smiled as he took aim.

"LEt's send you out with a BANG."

HE shot the triple can cluster and the explosion tore a beachball sized hole in the dinosaur's throat, effectively killing it instantly as it went limp on rthe ground. Tyler reared tall with a smile on his face...and flipped the lever on his rifle.

"Second best predator MY ASS. CLEAR!"

An awestruck Birdy and Benni poked their heads up from behind a brick wall out of reach of the undead predator...and Tyler smiled as he slung his rifle on his shoulders.


Birdy shivered from the raw skill and POWER she had just witnessed.

"We will NEVER get to your level, Tyler. I hope you realize that."

"Oh of course you will, Birdy. I'll show you how."

She smiled warmly at this faith as Benni came over for a fistbump.

"TYler, there's a DIFFERENCE between you and us. And that difference IS NOT just mere practice and experience. WE CAN'T KEEP UP WITH YOU like that. NOT with the stuff you can do. WE would have DIED FOUR DIFFERENT times trying that. I appreciate the faith in us you have, but there is a LIMIT to our potential."

TYler chuckled.

"Bullshit. I'll show ya when we find a smaller one. T-rex's frame is UNGODLY ungangly."

Birdy smiled as she hugged him.

"You're awesome, Tyler."

"I work at it."

ANOTHER roar went up now and the duo froze....as Tyler chuckled.

"Okay you guys can relax. That is a FAR smaller creature."

A sound of something breaking was heard and they looked to see an indeed FAR smaller theropod approaching....with two steel horns growing out of it's head and a pair of VERY tiny vestigial arms on it's torso. In size it was a mere 10 feet tall and only about 25 feet long. Tyler smiled as he nodded at the oddly shaped skull.

"Carnataurus. Meat-eating Bull. Jurassic. Simple elite. Okay, Birdy, YO up."


"That 30-30 will go RIGHT through it's hide. I'll bait it in...YOU take the shot."

THe now TERRIFIED girl nodded as she hefted her rifle...and Tyler smiled as he patted her.

"I believe in you, Birdy."

She smiled and her shaking calmed as Tyler walked over to the growling beast....and flipped it off.

"GEt over here!"

And it roared an oddly rattling roar before charging. Tyler didn't move from his position as the creature rushed him....



Birdy pulled the trigger and the 30-30 round pierced the black-grey skin of the dinosaur and it dropped with a slam from the round piercing the heart. Tyler smiled as he kicked the unmoving thing.

"GOOD kil, Birdy!"

She blinked at the fact that YES SHE DID in fact kill a dinosaur....and Benni whistled as something clicked.

"Okay. So we CAN get to that level. Jesus that is scary."

TYler nodded as he looked at his friends.

"The trick....is LEARNING HOW. Once you know what you need to do to KILL your target, the only questions left is SETTING IT UP. Like a good freerunning or racing line. Alllll you gotta do, is figure out how to take away the advantages of your prey, and REINFORCE your own strength. LEarn it well....and you can pick apart ANY opponent no matter HOW powerful."

Birdy smirked.

"Sure thing, MORBIUS."

"OOoh NICE, Birdy! I respect you a lot more now. Anyway. I sent a flare and we can expect the rest of the crew....now."

A rumble was heard before the halftrack appeared at the other end of the street with the rest of the group. Tyler smiled as he waved and they rolled up.

"Nice timing ladies and others. We gotta a LOT this time!"

Yuna saw the dead t-rex....looked at Tyler...then to the dead Carnataur...and to Birdy....and slumped.

"We missed the big battle."

He chuckled.

"I recorded it."

"GOOD enough....and wait. Is that a TANK?"

Tyler chuckled as he patted th4e STUG 3.

"Yup. We got a LOT to loot...so ya know the drill. Yuna, mind grabbing my kit, please? I had to baseball slide on asphalt."

BIrdy pouted now...and Tyler patted her.

"She is our ingame medic....YOU will be our OTHER WILDCARD."

"Oh. Cool."

Yuna came over with a smile and Tyler lifted his shirt....and she whistled at the badly torn flesh and bandages.

"Wow. Okay NO MORE battles like these, Tyler. You're on rest until these heal fully. If you keep going like that...you are GOING to bleed yourself dry."

"Roger that, Doc."

Yuki appeared with a smile as the blonde applied some salve to Tyler's wounds.

"I was about to say the exact same thing, Tyler. YOU have been going NONSTOP with these extremely risky battles since the game STARTED. And when you return to town we need to have a meeting."

"Sure thing, Yuki."

A gasp was heard from the rex corpse now.

"HOLY SHIT. Tyler, you have GOT to see this."

Yuna chuckled as she finished off the bandage.

"And set. NO more hunting dinosaurs and minibosses until you heal."

"Understood. Whatcha god, Ronny?"

TYler walked around the body of the rex and Ronny pointed to a large shape sitting beside it.

"Dude, LOOK."

He did....

"Oh my GOD is that what I THINK it is?"

Sitting on the cement..was a large winged shape with folded wings and navy blue paint. Tyler smiled WIDELY as he looked the sleek aircraft over and noted the large plexiglass canopy and seemingly bulky design.

"I'd know that shape ANYWHERE. Douglas SBD Dauntless carrier based divebomber. One opf the greatest planes to EVER take to the skies in world war 2...and a staple craft of the USS Enterprise. Guys? We'll build our own runway and hanger now."

YUki appeared with a smile on her face.

"My grandfather flew the Dauntless, Tyler. You have no idea how right you are. And it's in the carrier transport configuration. It's a heavy bird though."

TYler nodded as his friends dismantled the carcasses behind him.

"We'll use a jack to lift it onto the halftrack. It'll be UGLY as HELL but it'll get the job done."

"HEy boss!"

Yuna came up,

"The rex dropped a container too. We're looking at two full trips to take it all."

"Get the Greyhound and Stug back first."

"On it. We'll be right back."

The group split in half. Yuna took five with the fully loaded halftrack, the still functional Greyhound and the Stug back to base while the Jeep was continued to be loaded. Tyler smiled as he looked at Yuki.

"We'll return to base and take a day. Odds are the containers will have a MASS amount of loot."

THe delta asian smiled.

"I put another call out for a dauntless expert."

Ronny looked at the aircraft curiously now.

"Hey Gore, I thought Dauntlesses DIDN'T have folded wings?"

YUki chuckled.

"They do when rolling off the production lines. Once deployred the wings are bolted in place."

"Oh cool."

TYler smirked at that one before looking back to the navy blue plane.

"We'll need to put in a runway an all but that'll be more fun then a pain in the ass. Once that's done we can launch recon flights."

Yuki smirked.

"Okay now THAT sounds like fun."

Tyler chuckled at that before Benni came over.

"Jeep's full, Gore. And the Dauntless has a full tank of fuel AND is fully armed as well."

The Survivor whistled.

"Damn. Arms?"

"Her usual guns and rear gunner....but her underwings? HA. They outfitted her with a 1600 pounder under the fuselage and two 325 pounders on the wings."

"Jesus. Alright. They live?"

Benni shook his head.

"No I pulled their sparkplugs. I got a box back at base for them to prevent an accident. Lost a buddy to one in Iraq."

"Yikes good call man. When the delivery crew gets back we'll get the containers loaded in. Hey, Jarvia! Any sign of a trailer or anything?"

The darker skinned guy came over with a chuckle.

"We found a four wheel snowmobile trailer, Gore. Plenty of room for the containers and the remaining mats from the dinosaurs."

"OOh NICE. load it to bursting with stuff from the town."

"On it. The PLANE not so much."

Tyler shrugged.

"We'll just duct tape it to the roof of the halftrack. Bam. Problem solved."

EVERYONE slumped at the idea...and Benni sighed.

"Jesus CHRIST. Are you SMART or STUPID?"

"Does it matter?"

"....I am draining my bottle of vodka later I SWEAR to GOD I am."

TYler chuckled at that pain as the unloader crew returned in the halftrack. Yuna sighed as she heard the plan.

"And just HOW are you going to LIFT a multiton plane onto the HALFTRACK, Tyler?"

HE smiled at that before taking a set of cinderblocks aside....before constructing a VERY long ramp that would fit the tires well until it was level with the halftrack's roof. Once in place everyone slumped again as Tyler strapped the plane's undercarrage to a winch wraped around a phonepole and within a few minutes the plane was balanced QUITE nicely on the rear of the groaning halftrack. Yuki sighed as she saw rthe horrid improvization.

"And WHERE did you get THAT idea from, Tyler?"

"Okay. You know Airhogs?"

"The RC company?"

TYler nodded at Yuki's now mildly curious tone.

"Yup. Few years back they had a gimmick. A monster truck that could launch a plane from it's roof and then land back on it."

"OOOOOOH. I remember that! Ha. Okay NOW it's kinda clever."

"NO reason it wouldn't work here."

Birdy sighed as Tyler took a set of straps now to secure the plane to the halftrack.

"That guy just isn't hooked up right."

TYler smiled at that one.

"Well. Thank heaven for THAT then. Cause otherwise? This'd probably never work."

That one made them chuckle as they refilled the empty halftrack and filled the new enclosed traielr to bursting with lot...and Tyler climbed into the halftrack with the plane strapped to the roof. Behind the rolling away convoy...not a trace aside from some immense blod puddles, no evidence remained of there ever being a major fight or even a structure. TYler smiled as he found the halftrack handled just fine with the added weight on the roof while Yuna sat beside him smirking.

"YOU'RE with ME tonight, Tyler."

"Yes Yuna."

"GOOD answer. "

The friends returned to the base....and Tyler smiled as the wings of the diverbomber on the halftrack cleared the trees with inches to spare..

"So how are you getting the plane DOWN, Tyler?"

"OH the same way I got it UP there, Yuna."

"Oh makes sense."

The blonde sighed as he parked the halftrack in an open section of the clearing and indeed used the cinderblocks to offload the plane onto the soft grass. Once it WAS back on the dirt Tyler used some chock blocks to lock it in place and looked around. The Stug had been parked with it's 7.5cm cannon pointed at the entrance leading into the base while the Greyhound was parked beside the flak 88 antiair trailer. Then the teenager threw himself into unloading their immense amount of loot from the jeep and trailer. This resulting in all their raw material piles nearly doubling in size and the two secured shipping containers being sat on the grass. Tyler nodded as he looked at them.

"Alright, once I got ekm open we unload and go from there."

Benni passed him a pair of bolt cutters and the firsrt container opened was the military. The doors opened with a creak...and Tyler whistled as he looked inside.

"Oookay. We got a LOTTA stuff here. Get it out."

And the highly efficent friends unloaded the container before the Survivor looked it over....and whistled.

"We got a resupply on 88 shells. Two ful pallets of 20 shells per. 20 air burst shells, and 20 standard artilery shells. One pallet of 7.5cm shells for the STUG. 20 more shells for a full 40. One pallet of 50 caliber Browning Machien Gun ammo. I think the total is 10,000 rounds. And there's even a half pallet of 37mm rounds for the other main gun the M8 usually has. Several boxes of small arms ammunitions INCLUDING 45-70 shells. Nice was startin to run low. A few hundred pounds of copper plating, some instant meals, another full drum of gasoline, a full thousand gallon drum of diesel fuel, and 500 pounds of camoflaging netting. THAT will look REALLY cool and we'll drap the base in it later."

Benni whistled as the pallets of shells were placed next to their respective vehicles.

"We'll need dry storage now, Gore."

"We will get on that once we're done with the containers."


The second container was cut open...and EVERYONE blinked at what awaited them inside it. TYler smiled widely.

"A quad 50 caliber machien gun antiaircraft module for a M5 halftrack. THAT THING will SHRED anything in range of the guns. And the best part is we can even mount it on a platform and call it good."

THe module was dragged out and the rest of the lot unloaded with the Survivor crossing his arms.

"Two pallets of medical supplies, one of instant meals and even a few ingridents, ten car batteries, 20 headlights and tail lights, ANOTHER thousand gallon drum of gasoline, a die set, a few boardgames for SOME odd freakin reason, a medium sized portable generator, and this."

TYler lifted a long item with a smirk.

"Browning Automatic Rifle. 30-06 and a 20 round magazine....dibs. Always wanted my own BAR."

That made the friends chuckle before they turned to the antiair module and Yuki appeared with a smile.

"THAt is a classic. You have three pieces of antiair artillery, Tyler. What will you do with them?"

"For the time being we'll build the storage for the shells. We CANNOT get those wet or it's just ASKING for an accident. The containers will need to be deconstructed but that's no biggee."

The friends got to work constructing a large waterproof shed for their ammunitions now and within two hours had them secured. Much to the relief of everyone. Once that was done the friends gathered around the campfire and Tyler sat back on his log.

"Alright. We have the materials for the majority of our defenses and to begin rebuilding our cabin. Once the defenses are in place we can relax slightly more."

Tyler unrolled the map.

"We'l erect walls around the treeline and at this border line here where everyone's been pulling trees. There'll be steel doors at the four corners of the compass and we'll set the antiair in an overlapping pattern too. The cabin we'll be sure to camoflauge hard from the sky but that'll be more fun then a pain in the ass."

The heads nodded and the Survivor sighed.

"Until my wounds heal I'll be resting and working at the forge. Once they DO heal we'll be back out raiding."

YUki appeared on the screen...and sighed.

"It just got made official Tyler. YOU are the SINGLE best player in that game. That fighty with the rex proved a LOT for the upper echelons. They are under the impression you'll lead the rest of the playerbase to the escape from the game."

Tyle sighed as everyone blinked.

"I'm NOT trying to get OUT, Yuki. I'm more worried about surVIVING in here."

"I told them that. They're convinced that since you'll listen to them since they're the leaders of your country. I warned em."

Here the Survivor smirked.

"And they want me to join a meeting on a livestream."


"Oh this'll be FUUUUN! I'll do it since it's SUCH a BAD IDEA."

That one made the group chuckle and Yuki smirked.

"The link is on it's way. And Tyler? Hannah an I got popcorn."


A second screen appeared beside Yuki's and Tyler hit the button...revealing the Congress chamber packed with all members of the House and the Senate....INCLUDING the President and Vice-President. Tyler smirked as Yuna looked at Bird.

"TELL ME we have popcorn."

The dark haired girl nodded sagely as a special pan was set on the fire with a full load of the snack.

"Yuni, we've been prepping for thid since we GOT here."

The Democrate Majority leader took the stand now and spoke in her raspy voice to the Survivor.

"Can you here me, Tyler the Survivor?"

"Loud an clear. We'll need to keep this quick, since we can be attacked at any time."

The woman nodded and took the first piece of paper from a stack.

"Let the first matter be addressed. On this morn-"

"Okay. I'mma make this quick as I DO NOT have the time for this. I am NOT TRYING TO GET OUT OF THE GAME. I AM NOT interested in being YOUR chosen one. And I will choose who is in MY camp. Any questions?"

TYler's new exasperated tone cut the woman off...and a new bristling was seen among the bearucratic politicans...and another member of the woman's party spoke now.

"The previous statements are not acknwoledged per not following the proper-"

TYler chuckled.

"Okay. I'm done. I gave youi my answer. I DO NOT have the time to play politics. GOODNIGHT people."

He hit the close button and the window closed....with a mass of sighs from the people around him.

"Well THAT was lame."

Yuki burst out laughing now as she got a notification on her phone.

"Okay that is priceless. Looks like THAT stunt pissed off a few people. They're resending the link....and the Leader is pissed."

Tyler hit the button to open it up,

"We gonna talk like normal people or am I gonna close this again?"

THe now irritated woman sighed.

"Congress has a PROCEDURE-"



"DROP. THE. POLICTIAL BULLSHIT. And we'll have a discussion like PEOPLE. NOT robots. Last chance....I close this again I'mma BLOCK it.""

TYler's OWN irritation came rthrough now and a republican snorted from his seat.

"Boy WATCH your tongue. YOU are speaking before-"

"Ugh. Okay. I DO NOT have time for this. I ALREADY gave you my answer. DEAL WITH IT."

The Majority leader sighed now.

"And your answer is unacceptable. You have a responsibility, as one of great skill and ability, to aid those less well off then yourself."

"No I don't. I don't have do jack shit aside from survive."

Thw Survivor's chuckle raised many an eyebrow on the politicians' faces and the Majority LEader donned a disaproving expression now.

"I would ask you from refraining from that sort of language inside a House of Law, Tyler. That is NOT how civilaized intellectuals hold conversation."

"Lady. I don't care. I do NOT care about YOU. your BULLSHIT. Your PROBLEMS. Or whatever you think you are. I am NOT going to be YOUR puppet, ACCEPT IT. I've made my stance. YOU are going to have to deal."

A mass of murmering broke now from the unhappy Congressmen...and an elderly woman on the democrate side rose now with a huff.

"If you refuse to do your part in this crisis, Tyler the Survivor, we may be forced to revoke your Player Protections. In such an instance, you would be held accountable for any actiosn taken inside the gameworld-"

"Oh I'm sorry...is that EXTORTION I hear?"

Now Tyler's smile turned sweet.

"I must be hearing things. Did a member of a FREE COUNTRY'S LEADERSHIP, just try to EXTORT ME or is it blackmail? Honestly I could never tell the difference between the two. So here. I'mma make it clear. Abortion is a right. Gay marriage is a right. Gunrights ARE rights. PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE. Guns just sit there. Lessseee what else.....oh. Religion is NOT a qualifier for leadership, and yopu all BOUGHT your seats. In CASE you did not know, our ENTIRE chat has been broadcast live to the WORLD."

The elderly woman nodded now as many rants on the stances made began.

"That is not possible. We blocked the transmission due to the sensitive nature-"

"Oh? THen...what's this?"

Tyler hit a button on his panel and a THIRD screen appeared....showing the indeed live videofeed of their conversation being broadcast live. The woman blinked at this and Tyler chuckled.

"Lady I BUILT my helmet myself. And in my contract with Disney, I snuck a clause in for MILITARY GRADE encryption on EVERYTHING onTOP of EVERYTHING I already had. InCLUDING some custom coding. YOU couldn't get in to MY helmet with a SCREWDRIVER. And the WORLD, has seen your TRUE colors. ALL. OF. YOU."

Tyler hit another button and the livechat was seen reacting in real time to the attempted extortion and blackmail....and Tyler smiled as Congress now realized they'd been had.

"Like I told Eric. You may control the world, but it'll be on MY terms. Any questions?"

The Majority Speaker was then seen with a look of strain on her face as she addressed tyler.

"You are charged with high treason, Tyler-"

"You SURE you open that can a worms? All I hear is a dinner bell....since, well, THEY ARE WATCHING. And I like to think of myself as....an opportunist for lack of a better world."

This new ominousness made the leaders blink...and Tyler smiled.

"I wonder? WHO will have the better offer."

He hit close on the now deathly silent chamber and Yuki appeared with a smirk.

"NIiiicely played. Those chair riding bastards will be next to helpless to really do ANYTHING to you now. You've effectively rung the dinner bell for any and all of their decriers."

Tyler smiled as he grabbed a beer from a cooler.

"I like to fuck with the establishment. Alright, back to our regularly scheduled badassery."

Yuki vanished with a chuckle...and Bird smiled.

"Not entirely sure what just happened here. All I know is Tyler was cool again."

The friends chuckled at that one and tghe Survivor shrugged as Ronny roasted some burgers on a grate.

"Eh pretty much. Tomorrow I'mma rest my back for a bit. Try NOT to run myself into the ground."

THe group nodded as Benni crossed hios arms.

"So tomorrow is a puire building day, Gore?"

"Pretty much, Benni. I can do the magyver shit in my sleep so it'll be a rest on my back too. First thing-"

Tyler was cut off by a loud thrumming coming from above them and the group looked up just in time to see a friggin Chinook twin rotor chopper flying DIRECTLY over their base....and the Survivor smirked as he saw it.

"Oh I am DOIN this."

EVERYONE gulped as Tyler darted over to their weapons' lockers as the chinook was sene to slowm into a VERY convienently placed hover as if searching for something before Tyler returned with the L96 Sniper rifle and sloted an armor piercing .308 into the chamber before placing the weapon on the edge of the Stug. Tyler smiled as he peered into the scope aiming for the window on the cockpit...as the thing was seen to rotate in the air and start decending. This development made him smirk the HARDER.

"Scout/looter bird. Even BETTER. Benni, load guns and smoke knives. That chopper's OURS."

THe big marine burst out laughing as Tyler grabbed his 45-70 and his silenced M1911.

"YOU scare the fuck out of me sometimes, Gore....and we're right behind ya!"

Tyler took off at a run into the forest towards the transport chopper's touchdown while his crew would follow at a lesser pace for the ambush. The Survivor moved without more then a simple scuff of boot on rock as he came to a small gap in the treeline facing a larger clearing in the forest where the large chopper had touched down. Standing around the drop ramp for the military bird were about 20 soldiers all decked out in full tactical gear with body armor, helmets, even nightvision goggles while holding military issue weapons. Tyler smirked as he also noted the chopper's rotors were completely still and dropped to a knee behind a rock to scout. Npc scouty troop to the freakin MAX. And those patches are from that apache I shot down. THESE are the fascist regime I been hearin about.....oh I smell an opportunity. Tyler's plan switched from mass assassination to single capture for interrogation. As he watched the 20 soldiers, 10 of them split off in formation for a CLEAR reconniscence operation while the REMAINING ten men all were heard to sigh.

"Great. NOW what do we do? It'll be four hours until they get back."

"Eh fuckin be quiet, Dawsen. You're ALWAYS bitchin when you get fingered for an OP."

"Hey, Garge, wanna break out the beer an cards?"

"Roger THAT Mccy!"

Tyler smirked as he watched the now eager soldiers retrieve some bottles of high proof liquor from the chopper along with a box for a drunken game of poker. The unseen hunter moved from his position with the silenced M1911 out as the cockpit had movement in the glass. Tyler crept through the woodland without a sound until he was directly facing the chopper's sidemounted M119 automatic grenade launcher that still had the firing port open. Tyler moved right over to it....and vaulted over the launcher into the chopper without a sound. The pilot had the half naked copilot bouncing on his joystick...and both men were wearing expressions of euphoria just before Tyler appeared.

"If you ask em you two need to find a better place."

Two silent jabs into the jugulars had both men dead before they knew really had had happened. Tyler, moving quickly and thinking quicker, dragged the two bodies and dumped them out of the still open launcher port onto the ground...and DRAGGED them into the forest without their former comrades knowing a DAMN thing. Benni appeared from the shadows with the rest of the camp as Tyler finished looting the two dead men. The Survivor smirked.

"18 left. 10 on patrol, 8 at table. Drinks are flowing."

The MArine nodded and Yuna hefted her borrowed M4A1.

"What's the play?"

"ONE survivor for interrogation. I've heard rumors about these bastards and I want to look into them. Kil these 8 idiots with open fire and we'll wait for their buddies to get back."

They nodded and Tyler smirked.

"And that chopper is fully fueled and the launchers are fully loaded. We'll need an expert."

Benni smirked.

"Gotchya covered, Gore. I was given the rundown on these since the MArines love them fo some fucking reason."

"Oh good. Alright. We have 11 shooters and 8 targets. I'll get their attention...rest a you...DON'T SHOOT ME."

Bird and Yuna smiled sweetly at this request and Tyler sighed in mock exasperation.

"YES we'll have a threeway snuggle Yuna, Birdy,"

"We'll be careful."

"Or MORE careful at least."

"Oh fuck me."

The girls chuckled quietly before the heads nodded and Tyler smiled as he darted back to the chopper and into the bird through the same grenade launcher port...as one of the soldiers lost his hand and ha dto retrieve more bottles. Tyler was leaning on the wall inside the empty cockpit...as the grumbles were heard.

"Goddammit, Mork. I KNOW you're cheating-what the?"

The silent and empty cockpit got his atention and the now on alert soldier pulled a barretta 92F Swordfish from his holster,

"Hey guys,. Greg and Mat are gone."

The game was put down at this and the tipsy soldiers reached for weapons...as Tyler chuckled.

"Oh they're just takin a dirt nap."

The Survivor poked his head out with his silenced M1911 aimed at the now white faced soldier's eye.

"See ya in hell."

The gun went off...as 7 more gunshots rang out with all 8 bodies hitting the ground in near perfect unison. Tyler nodded as he holstered his gun and the bodies were dragged into the bushes for looting.

"Nicely done everyone. Now dig in and we wait. They're buddies will be along in a few minutes to find out what the hell happened."

More head nods and both sides of the trail were covered with the survivors even digging some slight holes to better hide. Tyler? He was lounging in the cockpit looking the controls over...as Yuki appeared with a smirk.


"Ha. I'm sure you're aware of my plan, Yuki."

The delta soldier nodded with a seriousness to her.

"An attempt at a rescue operation for any players captured by those facist bastards. If you succeed, Tyler? You had better be prepared to KEEP doing these rescues. The MAssechusetts area ALONE has roughly 25,000 prisoners that still live ALONE."

TYler smirked.

"Oh these'll be as the opportunity arises. Right now, raiding the new nazis is a realistic plan, so we can make the attempt. If it's ever NOT, we're NOT even gonna THINK of it."

Yuki nodded in agreement.

"Good. And since you're stubborn, good."

Tyler nodded as he looked out of the windshield of the iconic transport chopper.

"That and I take orders from NO ONE. This is also a multiprong op since base raids ALWAYS chrun up some form of intel on the ingame world, or at the very least point us in the right direction. Any word on that Mushroom guy?"

The Delta soldier looked at a report.

"Yeah. His cult have completely taken control of the New Hampshire ingame state and turned it into a cult-state. And HIM the titular leader."

"Captives or Hitler-to-Jew bullshit?"

"Okay EVERYONE will hate you for that one and YES. Oh my god yes. Mushroom seems to have a revulsion against, you're gonna LOVE THIS, lesbians, gays, and transexuals. Like he is actively purging ANYONE he SUSPECTS with a golden desert eagle in public sermons. And myu GOD is he FREAKY with it."

The Survivor smirked at that one.

"HE went on a date and found out she was bigger then he was. Or his boyfriend dumped him for a girl with a bigger dick. Either way you're lookin at penis envy of the cultic variety."

YUki nodded sagely.

"Absolutely. He's just some gifted speaker with a CHIP on his shoulder and a SERIOUS inferiority complex. What's your plan? Since I KNOW for a FACT you have one."

Tyler smirked with a shrug.

"Workin on it, Yuki, workin on it."

"HA. Classic....wait a minute. YOU have a PLANE...Oh."

Yuki's blue eyes flashed as she pieced something together and Tyler merely ran a cloth along his 45-70.

"MAaaaaybe. THAT kinda thing seems a little TOO straightforward for MY taste."

"Oh dear lord this is going to be interesting."

He nodded at her chuckle and the Survivor smirked as he looked at a reflective mirror.....and noted several shapes moving in a CLEAR hurry towards the chopper. Yuki took the hint and her screen vanished as the Survivor dropped to the floor of the chopper and set the barrel of his 45-70 on a small lip made from a conveiently placed sandbag...and sighted in the man with the large stars on his shoulders and an eagle on his chest. Tyler smirked as he took aim at the CLEAR leader of the chalk....and counted in his head. Four.....3.....2.....1....MARK. The trigger was pulled and the man with the decorations dropped to the ground with a destroyed kneecap. Gunfire erupted from the sides of the small pathway and men dropped like flies. TYler flipped the lever as he rose with a satisfied smile while the rest of the shooters broke coveri to move in for executions.

"Well done people. Quick and clean. Alright, that guy's our guest and put the rest down."

More gunshots rang out as BEnni smirked to Ronny beside him one they killed their own downed soldier.

"Okay NOW I feel like I graduated from MARINE, to SEAL."

The redheaded guy chuckled as he shouldered his rifle.

"Benni, mah man, we been in the SEALS since we MET Tyler. And you will NEVER convince me otherwise."

"Bring it in people."

Tyler's amused order had the ten man crew gathering around the single captive....as he bled all over the ground. Tyler smiled an empty smile as he faced the now silently glaring man.

"Hiya. Welcomer to the Survivors. We're gonna be best friends you an me."

THe man on the ground smirked at the lankier teenager.

"Kid you have NO IDEA who you just fucked with-"

"I know. Why YOU'RE going to tell me.....EVERYTHING."

That got a mass of pained yet gutbusting laughter from the crippled man.

"Oh you're ADORABLE! You REALLY think I'll tell you ANYTHING kid? Oh man. This is gonna be fucking fun-"

Tyler's new chuckle had his friends all look at him in shock at the cold, demented, and outright EVIL light in his eyes now.

"Oh ho? We got a fighter. Heh heh.....how CUTE."

Ronny gulped and leaned in a shaken Yuna's ear.

"I just pissed myself. And I feel NO shame in admiting that. I think we oughta walk away guys."

TYler cracked his neck and set his backpack down before the still laughing man.

"Okay kid, you got something there. But my GOD do you SUCK at scaring people. I know scarier."

"What'sz her name?"

"TCha HA!"

Tyler's reflex reply got a few of his friends snorti9ng as well...as the captive replied on reflex.

"Ha okay you're a funny prick. Bjorn is going to ENJOY disecting you....and fucking these REALLY fuckin hot girls a yours."

Tyler smirked.

"So his name is Bjorn. Interesting. The nordic name for BEAR."

And like that the captive gritted his teeth.

"Oh you be a WILY little cunt now aren't ya? Aight. I'mma done talking."

"We'll see."

Tyler removed a large metal box from his backpack and unlocked it with a smile.

"Few years back, I did a project on medival interrogation techinques and torture methods for a history class. Was a fun couple a weeks. I found it, MILDLY fascinating. So, since I AM the obsessive type, I dove WHOLEHEARTEDLY and WILLINGLY into the VERY first rabbithole I could find on the internet. Some o that shit was FUCKED UP man. Others....were like REALLY freakin cool when inflicted on innocent fruit and vegatables that had done NOTHING wrong. Now I'mma make a confession."

The box was opened up like a multilayered tacklebox....and everyone gulped at the myriad of pointy objects, acids, sharp things, and other misceilenious items with the singluar theme of inflicting pain. Tyler smiled as he lifted a small rod with a spiky ball at the end and twirled the thing around his fingers...as the now starting to sweat man on the ground saw his future.

"My confession....is I NEVER got to practice on a LIVING HUMAN. So, in a way, I FAILED my test. As it was meant to EXPLORE my understanding the methods I had been studying. Sadly, living and WILLING test subjects are few and far between in the outer world...YOU.....my good man. Are a UNICORN I have been LONGING for. So."

TYler's smile turned lifeless as he produced a length of stout rope with a snap.

"LEt's have a CHAT!"

The man jumped as the teenager, still smiling his demented smile, tied his hands together and hoisted him off the ground as he screamed from the injury to his ruined knee. TYler then set the tacklebox beside him and crossed his arms....all the while his friends turned around and walked into the chinook rather then watch.

"Hmmmm. Okay what to use FIRST.....oh who am I kiddin?"

Tyler lifted a pear shaped object with four leaves...and RAZORSHARP inner edges and held the thing up to the now shaking in nerves man.

"Ever been buttfucked by a pear-buster? NO? Well. You're ABOUT to! Oh let me heat it up first."

TYler used a lighter in full view of the now struggling to escape man...and heated the blades of the pear until they were starting to turn a warm cherry...and walked behind the man where he couldn't see.

"Hey, what are you doing? Lemee go!"

"I TOLD you what I was going to do."

The back of the man's pants were torn open and the chery glowing object was pointed at the vulnerable rectum of the captive....and Tyler started whistling as he brought the thing ever so slowly towards him....and the very INSTANT the metal touched the flailing frantically man's skin he SCREAMED bloody murder as his asshole was effectively cauterized shut-


The man's nerve and heart failed him...and Tyler poked his head out from behind him with a smirk.

"IS that right?"

The sobbing heartbrokenly captive nodded as he answered.

"He's the Fuhrur of Reichland to the Northeast."

"Outposts, bases, settlements?"

"All over the place! I'l point em out on a map! Just leave my ass alone."


The captive shuddered as he could stil feel the heat from the sizzling iron behind him.

"Every outpost has Pets! The neartest has about 20!"

"ALL girls?"

"Yes! Stupid hot ones too! I've told you everything I know! So lemee go!"

"Layout of the base?"

Tyler spent half an hour extracting every detail on the outpost from his victim until he got al he could from him. The Survivor nodded as he stepped from the dangling and spiritbroken man.

"Alright that'll do it for me."

The pear was shoved into the man's ass without warning....and my GOD did he howl in AGONY from the burning.

"And it won't save you."

The man was left to scream as the pear had a device on it that would make it expand once a ring was released...and Tyler smiled as he pulled it. Instantly the man's rectum started bleeding and he fought to keep it from opening up inside him completely with clenching but that just made it worse as the whistling teenager walked away, leaving the fascist to bleed to death from rectal tramua. Tyler returned to the chinook where the crew were waiting....all the while the screaming of the man echoed from the woodland. Everyone shuddered as the teenager approached without a drop of blood on him and his usual cheery cockiness in his eyes.

"Alright. We got a LOT to go over back at camp ladies and you. Benni, thing you can fly the bird alone?"

The MArine nodded with a minor shiver.

"Yes but it'll be like flying a bus. And she's all gased up too."

"Good. Alright, load in."

"Ummm, Tyler?"

Bird lifted a hand as the screaming went silent and Tyler chuckled.

"YOU don't wanna know."


The group all came to an unspoke yet unanimious agreement to NOT ask anything further and just move on. They loaded into the chinook with Benni taking the pilot's seat and Tyler took a spot by one of the mark19 grenade launchers as the twin rotors spun up. Behind him the dropramp closed and Benni smirked.

"Alright everyone, hang on. We're headin out."

TYler smiled as the ground dropped away from his vision and they were tilting towards the base as the sun went down.

"NOw THIS is pod racing."

Yuna chuckled from her spot beside him.

"Oh yeah this is awesome. And WE will just WALK AWAY the NEXT time. We'll see it coming a mile away."

Tyler smiled in mild relief at the unsaid acceptance.

"I'll be SURE to put on ANOTHER show."

Ronny was heard chuckling from the other Mark19.

"Oh my GOD i wanna SHOOT THIS THING-"

"Don't TOUCH it Ronny."

"Yes boss."

"GOOD Ginger."

"Fuck you."

The friends chuckled at that retort as the clearing came into sight and Tyler nodded.

"Alright. Benni, put her down by the dooryard. Only spot large enough for it."

"Rog. I'll be sure-"

A large flash of light went up to the right of the chopper, blinding the group for a moment before a massive force slammed into the chinook sending it into a tailspin with the screams of it's sensors and a few of the survivors as well. Tyler gritted his teeth as he forced himself into the cockpit while Benni fought with the stick to keep the chopper from slamming into the ground.



A gutteral BOOM was heard then as Tyler grabbed the other stick of the chopper and yanked up as well. The chinook spun wildly as it carreened towards the ground before the Survivor nodded,


Him and Benni threw their sticks up at JUST the right moment to send the throttle AND the rotor revs threw the roof and jerk the spinning chopper upwards above the treeline where Benni was able to correct the spinning and return the chopper to a level keel. Tyler was panting with a grimlet expression as the wailing sensors went out and Benni wipped sweat from his brow.

"We okay, Benni?"

"Yeah. I got her now."

"Put her down. NOW."


TYler got out of the cockpit and went to the groaning group.

"Everyone alright?"

Ronny nodded from his spot pinned against the wall.

"Yeah, boss. My ASS hurts, but I'm good."

Yuna and Bird nodded from their spots under the benches.


"My back hurts but I'm in one piece."

THe group all climbed off the floor of the chinook and one girl, Grudgia666, who could have passed for a healthy grudge girl, was holding her arm with a wince. Her soft yet breathy voice full of pain.

"I got jabbed by one of the screws, boss. It freakin hurts."

Tyler and Yuna sat beside the wounded girl with their first aid kits as Benni brought the chopper into a hover over their clearing. BEtween them and Hannah, the duo were able to stitch Grudgia's gash up after disinfecting it and bandage her arm. Ronny was looking out of the windows....

"Oh SHIT,. Boss! you need to see this!"

TYler nodded as Gurdgia relaxed with Yuna.

"You good?"

"Yeah Boss."

"Alright. You're on R&R when we get back."


The leader went over to the gulping Ronny.

"Whatchyu Got Ron?"

"A mushroom."

Tyler looked out over the treeline as Benni spun the bird for that perfect fit....and sure enough. An IMMENSE mushrrom cloud was seen rising into the sky several dozen miles away. The teenager nodded as he saw it.

"Relax, it's not nuclear. OR even atomic. It WERE that shockwave ALONE woulda killed us. Benni, put her down. My GUESS? Some dipshit with Tenarite."

The chopper was lowered to the ground and once the ramp was loweredc Tyler looked at his friends.

"Damage inspection on the gear. Then do a once over on our perimeter. That blast will have scared the SHIT out of a lotta creatures and I DO NOT want a stampede through our dooryard. Two hour look over and RV at the campfire. Grudgia with me. We're on reserve."


"Anyh questions?"

He got crickets.

"Out-FUCKING-standing. Survivor's Ready? Go!"

The crew scattered as Tyler and the wounded Grudgia took up overwatch with their guns in the middle of the buildsite. Grudgia was a pretty girl the same height as Tyler with long, dark hair that hung to her lower back. Her skin was deathly pale but with an oddly healthy shine to it and her eyes were a beautiful jade green in color. Her frame was slender while her bust was surprisingly large on her chest. She was also fit while her outfit reflected her grudgegirl theme. A pure white sundress reinforced by heavier fabric dropped to midthigh on her while for shoes she merely wore black wedge boots that went to her knee. She smirked as she held her burrowed M16.

"Lookin for one more snugglebuddy, Gore?"

Tyler chuckled at this gothic beauty.

"Maybe. Always nice seeing a hot goth."

"Ha. Unlike Bird an Yuna, I am greedy. MY snuggles are singles only."

"I can do you."

"HA. Not gonna be THAT easy."

"Sounds warm."

Grudgia chuckled again at that one as they kept watch due to their own wounds. Her arm was in a sling and Tyler noted this as she still held her M16....and passed her a spare M1911.

"HArd to use a longrifle with one wing."

"Thanks.....revolver instead?"

He smirked and passed her his .357.

"HAjime would be proud."

"I'd rather lick Yue."


"HER I want to FUCK with a dildo and GET FUCKED by."

"Ata girl....Tio?"

"Ha. She'd be fun."

TYler whistled at the sexy liplick and shiver in the unsettlingly pretty girl's frame now.

"I hear Akeno saying she wants her image back."

Grudgia smirked now.

"Yes I do. And YOU can fill in the blanks from there."

TYler chuckled at this VERY kinky girl as Ronny came trotting up.

"THe camper and vehicles are set. There's a dent in the Stug's armor from a rock, but that's about it. We're bringing it in, boss."


The friends all gathered around the campfire now and Tyler sighed as he sat on his usual log seat.

"Alright we got alot to go over. Whaddya want first?"

Yuki appeared with a sigh.

"Tyler, that was broadcast across the entire world."

"YEah I know."

The delta soldier nodded with a smirk.

"All I'll say? Nicely done. And be VERY careful with it now. People are aware of your skills....and are paying attention."

Yuna perked up.

"What was the explosion, Yuki?"

THe asian soldier sighed now and sat back in her chair.

"That, kids, was what happens when a group of idiots fuck around with close to 1,000 pounds of tenarite. Tyler was right when he said it wasn't nuclear or atomic. Right now the town of Brackten has been completely obliterated from the map with about 500 players since it was that Mushroom prick's op. He's been stockpiling every pound of high explosive he can get his hands on for the mass production of man-deployable explosives. The guy is preparing for a war. And a BIG one too."

TYler nodded.

"Which means we'll need to pay EXTRA close attention to his mobilizations. He have an advisor, Yuki?"

"That's the freaky thing, Tyler. I called her, and she is ALSO a member of his friggin sexcult. LIke to the point I'm sure she's fucking him in his dive state. ALL of his followers' advisors have somehow become indocrinated into Mushroom's cult. This.....is turning into something scary, Tyler."

THe Survivor sighed as he rubbed his hair.

"Right now, we have our own fish to fry. Mushroom will have to wait. Alright."

The teenager then produced a hand-drawn diagram of a small town.

"That prick gave up everything. This is Hood Airforce Base. An Army staging ground for it's military supply flights before they're funneled to the rest of the world. It's been converted into an outpost for the Reichland forces in the area. It's an active military base under the command of one Commander Adolf Stalin of the Reichland Unification Force. Or, UNF for short. He is one SADISTIC little prick. And his men are ruthless. I'm sure by now you've all have heard of other players being taken prisoner as toys and sexpets by NPC forces in here."

The heads nodded and Tyler smiled.

"And WE'RE going to rescue them."

This news made them jump and Benni reacted first.

"Gore we are in NO position to rescue ANYONE from a heavily defended and ACTIVE military base. We don't even have a BASE yet. You're starting to jump the gun here."

The heads nodded and Yuna smiled reassuringly.

"You have some SERIOUS faith in us and we LOVE that. Really we do. But we're NOT seals or rangers of delta. We're just a buncha kinds in a videogame trying to survive. Hell it's all we can do to build a CABIN in the WOODS without our fancy tools. Try an remember we're normal people? Please?"

TYler chuckled at that plea.

"You guys underestimate yourselves so much it's heartbreaking. Here, I'll prove a point."

He got up and walked over to their collection of raw materials.

"I saw this in a movie once, and googled it. Yeah I was MORE dumbfounded when I found out it was an actual thing....and then I built one in my backyard for kicks. You would NOT freakin BELIEVE how pissed the neighbors were when I built a fortress in the forest out back with it."

The mystified group watched as their industrious friend used some logs, steel cable, and a mass of nails to construct a FREAKIN PRIMITIVE CRANE USING A HAMSTER WHEEL with a nearly 40 foot tall boom! The monstrosity was erected with the wheel being moved from Tyler being inside walking....and he lifted 6 one foot thick logs ALONE. This feat made the group chuckle wryly at this proof as the boom was dropped. Tyler returned to the campfire and Yuna sighed with a smile.

"Okay. We....know nothning."

"You know when to make your move."

They blinked and Tyler chuckled as he sat back.

"How did you KNOW, I was going to keep the commander alive, without me SAYING it?"

Bird blinked.

"We....didn't. YOU fired first and we kndew from there."

"Soooo, you were ANTICIPATING my next move?"

Benni chuckled.

"Okay, Gore. Fair enough. But we STILL have the means to mount a rescue op like that."

"I know. Which is why for the next three days we're erecting our base from our supplies."

Grudgia sighed.

"YOU had a plan the entire time. Goddammit. Okay. We'll build the cabin up the right way. And then what?"

TYler smirked and tapped the diagram.

"THEN we do some scouting of the base and it's outlying perimeter. OUr goal is to locate the captives and where they're being kept. From there we can make a more concrete plan."

The heads nodded and Tyler smiled.

"Time being.....well done everyone. You'll get there soon enough."

THey smiled warmly at this faith and the Survivor cracked open a beer with a smile.

"All I can say now? TRY AGAIN NEXT TIME"

The friends laughed at that one as they all clinked beers again as crickets could be heard chirping around them before they made a meal of instant meals. Yuna and Bird smirked as the trio went to their bed...and the blonde said it.

"So you know, TYLER, Grudgia told us."

TYler chuckled as he laid on the bed by Bird.

"I figured."

Bird smirked with a light in her green eyes as she rested her head on his chest.

"Remember. Do NOT get TOO comfy TYLER. Or we WILL cut your balls off with those boltcutters."

"Yes Bird."


Yuna settled on his other side with her own smirk....as Grudgia was heard chuckling from her own bed with the other girl.

"Oh by the way, Tyler? MY boobs are as hard as watermelons."

"OH this is gonna be fun to watch. Night ladies."

Yuki chuckled as the screen went dark.

"Yes this is going to be VERY fun to watch ya friggin jackass."

Hannah smiled as she looked at the woman beside her.

"Tyler is THRIVING in there, Yuki. And he's turning into a rather dependable leader."

Yuki nodded in complete agreement as she flicked her hair out of her eyes.

"Yes he is. He is NOT afraid to step up to the bat when required. Though that torture has me worried."

"ME too. Those skills are NOT something you can learn from vegatables and the internet. And NOW we know WHY he constructed that fucked up toolbox."

Yuki sighed as she looked at the doctor.

"Tyler will have his Mental Interview in a few days and they are absolutely garrenteed to bring that up. Knowing him he'll just tell them to go fuck themselves. And then OUR problems will begin alllll over again."

"I already have our legal team and staff on speeddial. This time we will NOT be fucking paralyzed."

"I picked up more hollowpoints."