
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

Having some fun

The door to the basement opened abruptly after a week of being sealed.

"Hm?" Emiya looked over to the door as it was literally situated in his kitchen.

Ethereal smoke spilled out the doorway as the sound of small thumps of steel on hardwood met. Stepping out the doorway, a man in blue studded dark robes stood.

His attire consisted of a gold helmet covered by a black hood with blue linings. A combination of glintstone and stardust were embedded at a few parts of the metal plates. The robe reached down to the legs and looked to be made of regal black silk. The gold plated boots left a trail of stardust with each step. He looked like a mix between a paladin and an assassin, but the hooded robe gave off more of a scholarly grandmaster feel.

"Like it?" Zieg snapped his gauntlets before finger pointing at Emiya who would have attacked him, if not for being able to feel his connection to him.

"You look... what's the word? Edgy as hell." Emiya bluntly stated his opinion.

"Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment." Zieg huffed with arms crossed. "By the way, do you feel anything different?"

"...Not that i've noticed?" Emiya raised a brow

"Ah, boss! You have returned! We had been worried you had been entrapped in the basement by some witch!" Slane appeared, looking over his new attire for a moment. "This is quite fine workmanship, truly well made. Much better than the dregs you usually don."

"Hey, what's wrong with my usual outfit!? Hoodies and shorts are comfy as hell!" Zieg frowned, defending his casual wear.

"Yes, but you also wore them in battle. It just didn't look right." Emiya bluntly stated

"Blasphemy! That look works for all situations!" Zieg retorted with crossed arms. "I even made it so that I can change it's appearance back to my casual look!" he showed it off as his armor quickly shifted into his usual casual attire.

Emiya and Slane did not look impressed, much to Zieg's annoyance.

"Screw it, let's go to the courtyard. We got things to test." Zieg grumbled

It took me longer than expected to finish working on the Stardust Armor. I ended up adding some of my own touches to it, such as the Raya Lucarian sigil on the chestplate. The outer robes that sort of looked like trench coat were created using materials from Grandmaster Lusat and Azur's robes. I even had a piece of their glintstone spread across the inner lining.

Overall, it came out pretty well. It's not something that will give me enough defenses to shrug off all attacks, but it's enough to save me from life threatening attacks. At least before it breaks anyway.

But the main thing that came from it were the passive effects. In Terraria, summoners had a summon limit, and they wouldn't have any upkeep after the initial summon. It was a convenient method of summoning. One that I didn't have. Until now that is.

With the Stardust Armor, I can have a total of 5 summons out, without any strain on my body. Excluding boss summons, I don't know why but when I tried summoning the Elden Beast, it still gave me the same feeling of my body being strained under it's existence.

However, special containers like Emiya, Slane and Kokabiel are different. I can keep them out with no cost now, which is incredible! On another note, I have learned something amazing and stupidly overpowered. Apparently Kokabiel's entire legion is in the same container as Kokabiel, like an add on. So I could keep the whole legion manifested with no cost!

Needless to say, terraria equipment is awesome. I really should consider grabbing some more things from that reality when I have the time.

Besides the free summon capacity, it also increased the damage that my summons do. Which is being displayed before me as I continue to observe the spar between Emiya and Slane. They were surprised at first, but they are slowly adjusting to their newfound strength. Before, there wasn't anyway for me to increase their power after integrating them into spirit ashes. So this is a welcome surprise.

After finding out that I could have 5 summons out indefinitely as long as I wore this armor, I added an enchantment that allowed me to change it's form to casual clothes. Some might say it's a waste of an enchantment because there's a limit to how many enchantments you can put on objects. But I'd say it's worth it for me.

"They're stronger than what I remember." I turned to the side to see Kokabiel out and about.

"Yep, a batch of new upgrades before the next battle." I hummed in content.

"I thought the peace would last a bit longer." He raised a brow.

"Not in this world." I shook my head. "Need to make a stop somewhere else, then we'll return."

"When do we leave?" Was all he asked. I could detect a hint of battle lust emit from him as he licked his lips in anticipation.

"Soon, but before that. Let's have some fun. Can't just bathe in blood all the time, can we?" I chuckled before calling out to the two. "Emiya! Slane! We're going out!"

I announced to the two who abruptly paused their battle and looked back to me in confusion.

"Of all the places you could have taken us, you took us to a karaoke bar. Really?" Raynare didn't look very impressed.

"Lighten up a little, Ray. It's not like I could have found a casino in Kuoh, I don't even think one exists around here. Plus I've never actually been to karaoke bar before." Zieg took a gulp of his 'oolong tea' as he glanced up to the stage where a couple fallen from the legion were singing their hearts out. He actually rented out an entire bar, due to the amount of members in Kokabiel's legion.

"Come on, just cut back and relax, have some oolong tea." He offered another glass of 'oolong tea' by mixing vodka and whiskey in front of her.

"Why do you call it that?" She never understood why he called it that. Didn't stop her from taking the glass.

"Some college friends showed it to me once. The color looked the same, thus it's called oolong tea." Zieg shrugged. He once joined a diving club in his time in a regular world once. Although they did more drinking than diving.

"I'm amazed your kidneys haven't failed yet with all the drinking you do." Emiya said from behind the bar counter. He was quickly mixing drinks for the fallen members of Kokabiel's legion.

Honestly it was an odd sight. One day they were all murdering each other, the next day they were hanging out inside of a bar, taking turns singing on a stage.

"You know it's weird. Despite my nigh immunity to poison, I can still get shit-face drunk. I thought alcohol was technically a poison." Zieg commented, not really understanding how he could still get drunk. He had enough poison resistance to not be affected by the Hassan of Serenity. And her whole body was poison itself.

"That begs the question, how is it that we can get drunk?" Kokabiel wondered aloud from a nearby seat as he nursed his drink. "We are technically dead, are we not?"

"Not necessarily. It's hard to explain, but you are sort of in the middle of being dead and alive." Zieg scratched his chin in thought. It was hard to explain the concept of spirit ashes. They were indeed 'dead', but when they are summoned, they are 'alive'.

"Prepare yourselves for the voice of the last dragon knight!" Slane's declared from upstage as he pointed out to the crowd. He was obviously drunk at the moment, if the redness on the top of his snout was any indication.

Oddly enough, he wasn't a bad singer despite being a bipedal lizard. The group enjoyed their time through the evening, drinking, eating and singing.

"My turn!" Zieg called out to the cheering crowd of fallen.

"When the wind is slow, and the fire's hot! The Vulture waits to see what rots~" He was obviously having fun, as he drunkily sung the lyrics.

But it didn't matter as the crowd of drunk fallen were cheering for him anyway.

*SLAM sfx* "Zieg Aversis, we are here to recrui-" Cao Cao of the hero faction stepped in and began announcing his intentions, only to cut himself off when he noticed the amount of people in the bar. The members of the hero faction who came along were silent at the sight of thousands of drunk fallen who had turned their attention to them. "It seems we've come at a bad time..."

"BAR FIGHT!" One of the fallen threw an empty bottle at the group of hero descendents and a fight ensued with light spears, fists and random objects.

In the background, Zieg was still singing his heart out about a Red Sun over paradise.

It was roughly 1 in the morning, Azazel was sleeping after an exhausting time after the peace summit, the appearance of Khaos Brigade and other miscellaneous crap that he had to deal with as the Governor. This was why he hated work.

He was snoozing through the night, until he heard a sound and abruptly stood up. He looked around but nothing was out of the ordinary. That is until he went to the window and opened it. Revealing something that made him think he was still dreaming.

Zieg, Slane, Emiya, Kokabiel and thousands of other fallen were standing in the sky shirtless with only black slacks on them. Their abs were revealed to the world, and honestly he began to believe he was going insane.

Azazel rubbed his eyes and reopened them as the thousands of shirtless men disappeared. The governor of fallen angels felt like he was working too hard lately, and immediately went back to his bed.

However the same sightings were seen throughout the supernatural world. Random higher ups would find thousands of shirtless fallen standing outside their homes, not saying anything. Just looking up to the sky with their arms crossed.

It became an urban legend on the devilnet. From people of the 3 factions, to the youkai faction, to the pantheons of other religions.

For some odd reason, Odin of the norse pantheon reported being punched during such an event for no reason.

"Mmm, I feel like shit." I sounded like shit too.

I groaned as I slowly stood up with a killer hangover. I stopped when I felt a random body on top of me. Cracking open my eyes, I noted Raynare's nude form knocked out on top of me. Neat.

Slowly moving her to the side, I got off the bed and took a look outside the manor. Bodies of fallen were knocked out across the ground in random places. Wow, crazy night.

It looked like Kokabiel had knocked out in a chair next to the pool. Oh some fallen were knocked out in the pool face down. It's a good thing they can't die as long as I was alive now. I looked around the place a bit longer, spotting Slane and Emiya at one point.

I've noticed something odd, everyone is shirtless. I mean it made sense that I was shirtless, since I was nude and in bed. But literally everyone out there was shirtless, including the female fallen that were in the legion.

There were about 3000 fallen and the females made up about a third of that. What the hell were we doing last night?

"Ugh, what time is it?" I turned around, hearing Raynare's groaning voice.

She stood up, not caring about her naked figure. However instead of her tits or ass, I focused on something else. My familiar crest on her hip. I blinked at that a few times and walked up closer to take a look.

"What are you looking at?" She frowned, to which I moved my gaze to her violet eyes.

To her surprise, I hugged her with a grin. "Thanks for being my first familiar, I promise I'll take care of you from now on!" I spoke joyfully, hangover disappearing.

"Wait what?" She was obviously confused. So was I, but I got my first familiar!