
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

A random god

High above the clouds, I stood on top of a glyph, my Primeval Eyes darting around the blue sky and white clouds.

"Alright who the hell is spying on me!?"

I shouted out loud. Lately since I've been scouting out the territories of the pantheons in this world, my eyes were capable of picking up a short glimpses of another presence. Unfortunately it reacted so quickly to my notice that it disappeared before I could track it down.

"The amount of individuals who can hide from my gaze are few in the world..." I spoke out loud, knowing that the voyeur could hear me. "Which means you're probably a god." I concluded.

I'm not underestimating the human race, this is just a subjective observation. But the humans of DXD were a bit disappointing in comparison to others from what I could see so far.

Well actually, since the age of the gods was still a thing. The mortals of this world were... more resilient than you would expect. Not crazy unkillable or anything but, anime cliches where people got beat up and were fine shortly after made sense.

"There!"I thrusted my spear to the side and clicked my tongue. Too slow again.

If I wanted to find this person, I could just envelop my surroundings with my magical energy. But that would be like having a beacon on me. Which wouldn't be good since I'm actually in between the outskirts of 2 pantheon's territories at the moment.

I don't know how strong the gods of DXD were compared to Disboard, so I'd rather not draw too much attention to myself.

"If only I could set up a bounded field in the air... Oh wait I can totally do that." I blinked in realization.

My aura flared up a little as several glyphs manifested in the air roughly 20 meters around me.

*Crack sfx* I cracked a chunk of glintstone in my hand and threw it to each glyph.

Shining ether spread out and intersected with each other towards my feet.

"Now then." I smirked

Primeval energy spread out from my body, filling up every corner of the makeshift bounded field.

"There you are." I turned towards the Goddess who reeked of magic.

"This is... different." She ignored me, sitting in the air a few meters from me.

I silently watched her literally scoop a handful of my primeval energy from the air. She slurped it up as if it were soup.

"Oh my, how exquisite." Was her comment

As she seemed to be in her own world, I tried to take in her appearance. But... it was difficult to see. As if I were looking at a mirage. It felt like there were 3 of her, yet there was clearly only one.

Her long hair was a midnight black while her eyes confused me. It was as if she had 3 different sets of eyes when there was clearly only one.

Stars erupted from my eyes as my Primeval sight took over my vision. There is clearly only one of her, yet there is indeed 2 others, as if shades of herself behind her.

Three sets of eyes, One were yellow with divinity coursing through them. The second pair was blue, like the moon. The last pair...

"It's rude to stare too long you know."

I flinched as I felt a tap on my nose as she was right in front of me all of a sudden.

"What the hell?" I quickly backed off, putting distance between us.

I don't understand, she doesnt feel stronger than me. How was she able to get in front of me without my notice?

"Who are you?" I cautiously asked.

"I'm surprised someone so accomplished in the magical arts wouldn't be able to figure out my identity just from my presence alone." She huffed with her arms crossed.

"Oh well, I'll pardon your ignorance this time." Her divine eyes flashed with intense magical energy to meet my own. "I am Hekate, Goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy."

"Well, I'm Zieg Aversis. I go by Elden Lord or Primeval Sorcerer." I bowed in response. No reason not to be polite if someone introduces themself.

We spent a few awkward moments in silence. Well she seemed to be more interested in the contents of my magical energy.

"If that's all, then I'll be on my way." I announced, deciding to leave.

It's true that I should ask why she was spying on me. But when dealing with a deity with enough power to back up their title. Then it's best to avoid contact.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to fight. But when it comes to fighting the magical types, instead of fighting. They run, hide and overall annoy me.

And considering the fact that I believe my attainments in the magical arts are lacking compared to this Goddess of magic. I'd rather not go through the hassle of dealing with her.

"Now hold on, who said you could leave?" Hekate turned her attention back to me.

"Do you really think you could stop me?" I challenged her with a smirk.

"Is that a challenge, mortal?" The Goddess's tone seemed to take on a more offended tone.


"What if it is?" My magical energy thrummed out in waves as my aura flared up again.

My makeshift bounded field broke apart as the world shifted into a different space.

"Try not to disappoint me human. It'd be a shame to find out you were such a bore."

Hekate's voice echoed out through the dark space.

Well, at least I know she's too pissed off to run from me now.

"I could say the same to you. I hope you don't plan on hiding in the dark like a rat forever." I spoke out loud and felt the air tremble in response.

Man regardless of which reality you go. These types of gods are so easy to rile up.

It was another average day for Draig and Albion. The two hadn't done much besides fight, eat, sleep and fight again.

Their bodies continued to grow larger each day and now they were nearly half the size of the time they were in their prime.

"Oi, red one." Albion's muffled voice creaked out from beneath the earth.

"What is it, white one?" Draig asked, his face also buried into the dirt.

"Why is this happening?" The white dragon asked, not bothering to remove his face from the dirt.

"I couldn't tell you."

"Should we do something?"

"No, I think it might get bored eventually and leave."

Draig and Albion's conversation may have been muffled by the dirt, but due to their size it wasn't hard to hear the contents.

Nearby, a single girl in gothic lolita attire and 'X' shaped pasties blinked as she waited for the two living dragons of supremacy to do something.

The two dragons were no match for Ophis even when they were in their prime. So when she decided to just show up out of nowhere during one of their spars and smash them into the underworld dirt with raw strength. They two silently agreed to the strategy of playing dead.

They had tried to contact Zieg, however he wasn't responding for whatever reason.

"Is it still there?"

"Of course it is, now shut it before it realizes we're still alive!"

"Mmm this is nice." Ophis muttered quietly during the awkward standstill of dragons playing possum.

Zieg had made it so that no sound would come in or out of the area with a bounded field. It was necessary incase someone were to hear or sense Draig and Albion's spars. Unfortunately Ophis's eyes were already on him during the Kokabiel incident. When he came back with a living Draig and Albion, it was too late to hide their existences from her.

The awkward silence would continue on for a long while.

In an undisclosed location somewhere in Kyoto. Emiya was eating a fresh meal with a little fox girl nearby. With all the shop owners running off, he ended up grabbing the groceries he needed while leaving the appropriate money behind. Hopefully the shop owners would be fine with that.

"Daddy, can I have seconds?"

"Since when did I become a father?"

Despite the retort, Emiya took the empty bowl and filled it back up for the little fox girl. All he knew was she was named Kunou and those mages were attempting to kidnap her for whatever reason.

"But after that I'm taking you home, It's getting late."


Emiya watched with mild amusement as the little girl jumped up with a small grain of rice on her cheek. It had been an oddly eventful day, but it was getting late and he didn't want to be gone for too long.

Somewhere in Florida. The odd group of Slane and his companions made it to the states.

"Huh, is the sky normally this bright during the night?" Slane questioned out loud.

For some odd reason the night sky which was supposed to be dark and illuminated by the moon. Was instead a bright sunny day.

"The sun is making my skin itch..." Valerie visibly looked annoyed by the presence of the sun.

"I see no issue with it." The biker known as Red shrugged with his sunglasses on.

"A sunny day during the night? Oh no, they expected us to come!" The mage from the Golden Dawn known as Tresdin gasped in realization.


The four turned their heads above to a man sitting on the top of a building, his legs lazily hanging over the edge. His blonde hair shifted slowly with the breeze as he stared down at the group with the sun behind him.

"Gawain! Have you turned traitor with Uther as well!?" Tresdin accused the man.

"We haven't betrayed anyone, mage." Gawain scoffed, slowly standing up and revealing his full armored attire.

"Gawain? Wasn't that a knight in Arthurian legend?" Slane questioned. He vaguely remembered taking some time to read up on the knights of the round after meeting Artoria in the Nasuverse with Zieg.

"He's not the original one. Those of the Pendragon family will take up the names of the knights of the the round in the past if they can meet certain criteria and be capable of using their weapons." Tresdin shook his head and explained.

"Indeed. I am Gawain, Knight of the Round-Table. At least in the modern age anyway." Gawain proclaimed, spinning a large greatsword in hand before piercing the building in front of him. "With Galatine in my hand, the sun is always at my beck and call!"

The rays of the sun intensified in response.

"We need to take cover before he fries us all!" Tresdin called out in alarm.

"Magnificent! To fight a great opponent such as yourself! This is a wonderous day!" Slane laughed, adjusting his glasses and pointed at the knight. "I am Slane of Rivellon! A winter dragon! Can your sun melt my ice!?"

"A dragon?" Gawain raised a brow at the bipedal lizard man before chuckling. "The only dragons in this age that could possibly be a threat to me are Ophis and Great Red. Anything else will be turnt to ashes before they could reach me."

"Oh, in that case." Slane turned to the Biker who grunted in response.

"What are you-" Gawain began before he was abruptly cut off.

*SMACK sfx* A deafening smack reverberated through the sky.

Gawain found himself flying through the air, his artificial sun shattering to pieces as the biker known as Red smacked him through the sky with a palm.

"...What?" Tresdin found himself speechless at the quick and savage display of defeating the modern knight of the sun.

"Hahahaha! Well done friend Red! Onwards, Comic-con awaits!" Slane laughed triumphantly as the trio continued forward.

The high ranking magician of the Golden dawn didn't know how to react for a moment before snapping out of it and running along after them.

"H-Hey! Wait for me!"

And so Slane and his companion's journey to Comic-con continued.