
Zhentian Demon Lord

Spiritual energy is revived, and people over 16 will awaken their power system. Some will summon dragons, some will summon ancestors, and some will summon evil gods. And I, on the other hand, will reshape ancient myths in the name of demons! "Even a mere Huaxia dares to compare himself to us more gods?" "Wait, what is he holding in his hand? It shouldn't be a list of gods, right?" Jiang Wenming: Your name and taboo for writing gods depend on the information, and my name and taboo for writing gods depend on the ink. What are you comparing with me? "

DaoistgLACn9 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 70 A true angel wielding the crucifix kills.

Even Jiang Wenming watched with a sense of exhilaration he had never before experienced. In this day and age, which man doesn't harbor some adolescent dreams? He was no exception. However, he understood that knowing the incantations and hand seals for such magic was useless without perfect coordination. Whether it's the Six Syllable Mantra of Buddhism or the Nine Syllable Mantra of Daoism, their essence is the same, they are both methods of spirit through words. In this regard, China's characters and language can be said to overshadow all other nations. The characters are shaped as they mean, and the sounds are as they signify. It can be said to be the language and script closest to the method of spirit through words. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, it was lost over time. Jiang Wenming pulled back his thoughts, and his gaze returned to the stage. By this point, the Golden Silver King had completed his spellcasting, and the cold rain filled the arena. Although Michael was protected by divine power, he was still soaked by the rain. Perhaps he saw these raindrops as no threat to him, which is why he did not bother with them. But, this was exactly what the Golden Silver King had intended. The rain was only the first step; the real killing move was still to come. He reached for the banana leaf fan and, with a strong wave, sent a gust of wind that instantly formed into a water tornado with the rain, rushing towards Michael. "Disperse!" Michael held the holy sword and slashed down, directly dispersing the water tornado. Water splashed everywhere, and the droplets scattered about were of a strange ice-blue color. Wherever the droplets fell, a massive amount of cold air was released, and everything quickly froze over with astonishing speed which shocked everyone. "Not good!" Michael noticed the anomaly, flapped his wings, and swiftly avoided those ice-blue droplets, but it was still a step too late. The rain that had soaked him, upon contact with the cold air, began to freeze rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he was encased in ice, becoming a statue. The Lasso of Golden Light, which had been chasing him, finally seized the opportunity and firmly bound him. "Go!" The Golden Silver King waved his hand, and the Seven-Star Sword in front of him turned into a streak of light, piercing towards Michael's head. "Crack!" The ice shattered, and Michael's body disintegrated. The Seven-Star Sword and the Lasso of Golden Light, losing their target, automatically flew back to the Golden Silver King. "Did we win?" "It seems so, right? That birdman has turned to dregs, we definitely won." "But why hasn't the referee announced the result yet?" "This..." Now the audience had grown smarter. As long as the referee didn't step forward to announce the result, it meant the match hadn't ended. No matter how outlandish the situation on stage, no one dared determine who had won or lost until the very last moment. Time ticked away. Michael's body was still inside the ice, eyes wide open in death. Yet the host, Bobby, had yet to appear. "What's going on? Could it be that he's not dead yet?" Even Jiang Wenming felt a bit anxious. The Golden Silver King's brow furrowed slightly. The opponent's life force had disappeared, he could sense that much, but the match hadn't ended, which meant there were still variables. To avoid further complications, he took out the Qiankun Pure Bottle and aimed it at the pile of limbs and flesh. "Gather!" There was no response. "So resilient?" The Qiankun Pure Bottle could store anything lifeless, be it magical treasures, supernatural powers, or even mountains and oceans, all could be collected in an instant. The only limitation was that it could not hold living things. Now, since Michael's body could not be collected, it meant that he was still alive. Even though he no longer displayed any signs of life! "Qian three connections, Kun six breaks, Li for fire, Kan for arrows, hurry like a law!" The Golden Silver King quickly formed seals with his hands, then spewed a stream of fire toward Michael's corpse in an attempt to refine it. As the fire touched the body, the ice instantly melted, and with it, Michael's body as well. This eerie scene stupefied everyone present. A body could melt? Everyone thought it was a spell cast by the Golden Silver King, but only he himself knew it was not. This was the opponent's life-saving measure, as he could feel the life force within rapidly recovering. "Boom!" Michael's body dissolved in the flames, then re-coagulated into form. Three pairs of white wings spread out, and a golden halo appeared above his head. This was his true form! "Heretics, prepare for judgement!" Michael declared, and as he spoke, the wings behind him instantly turned crimson as if they were wings condensed from two flames. With a point of the holy sword, countless silver crosses fell from the void. These crosses, unlike last time, were covered with thorns and appeared bloodstained; they looked more like implements of execution. "The Cross of Suffering!" Jiang Wenming's expression darkened. The Bible once recorded that Christ came to spread God's faith and was eventually caught by ignorant humans. He was given a crown of iron thorns and forced to carry the cross under beatings and humiliation. Eventually, he was stripped of his clothes and nailed to the cross, dying from blood loss. They used this to narrate the greatness of the Son of God: he was innocent yet willingly punished for all beings. Isn't it tragically noble? But, what is terrifying upon reflection is that everything Jesus went through was orchestrated by God Himself; Christ's crucifixion was not accidental but had been God's plan since creation. A nominal Son of God suffered torture and death, and the beneficiary was the Heavenly Father! It proved God's love for the world and his supreme authority in shepherding all beings, killing two birds with one stone! He claims all beings are his children, but the methods he uses on them are increasingly cruel with each iteration. Whether it's Adam, Eve, or Jesus, they were all his children, and each had a more tragic end than the last. The Cross of Suffering ought to have been a taboo subject, but now it's being used against enemies. This says it all. It is faith and judgement! "No wonder the Golden Silver King was distracted before, it was all the meddling of that old man, God!" Jiang Wenming finally understood the key. It was a form of brainwashing, a common tactic used by them and Buddhism, relying on brainwashing to forcibly convert others' beliefs. This was a mental attack, pervasive, which was why the Golden Silver King was affected. Now that the opponent was taking the same tack, it was clear he intended to use this method to forcibly convert the Golden Silver King. "No, I must think of a way to stop him!" To face a mental attack, the best method is to strengthen the will. Jiang Wenming carefully recalled all the information in his mind, hoping to find a solution. "Would singing the national anthem help right now?" That was Jiang Wenming's first thought. But he quickly dismissed it! The reason is simple; the national anthem would only work for contemporary Chinese people. The Golden Silver King, who knows from which era, joining in singing the national anthem would be like playing the lute to a cow. "Got it!" A book suddenly came to mind for Jiang Wenming.