
Bab 34

Liang's POV:

I awaken with a scream. Even after realising that I am no longer in pain, I can't help but shiver as I recall what happened. I was with Zhejiang when she got pulled into what seemed like a black hole to me. I'm not even sure why I...oh right, she said yes. 

As I remember our kiss I feel a deep desire alight within me but when a cool breeze finally hits my skin, I realize for the first time that I am not where I should be. Looking around reveals that I am not even on land. How did I miss the fact that I was floating on a piece of metal all this time? Was I truly that far gone in my imaginary world? 

I shift a bit but the piece of metal I am on buckles, almost sending me tumbling into the water below. Still, I just about manage to balance out in time. From my new position, I am finally able to look around and come to the conclusion that I must be in the middle of one of our world's oceans as I can't see land, at all. 

Reaching for my phone, I try calling for someone to track me to pick me up but there's no service. I wasn't even aware such a thing could be possible. I thought the world had advanced past things like this...

Sighing, I sit back down but only in time to notice something moving in the water beneath me. I'm so frightened by it that I almost jump off the floating metal but just about manage to stop myself. 

Watching, I notice that the dark shape begins circling me. As more and more join in, it becomes evident that they are sharks and sure enough, soon after, their fins breach the water surface. Noticing the impending peril, I begin frantically looking around for any sign of hope but there's nothing but water as far as the eye can see. Even the sky reflects this as it too is barren from miles with not even a cloud in sight. 

I consider screaming for help but my eyes have already made it clear that no one would hear me and my voice might very well prove to be the last straw for the sharks to start attacking. With this in mind, I stay silent but still try to think of a way to escape. 


Suddenly, the sound of a propeller plane fills my ears. Looking up, I notice a squadron of what look like world war 2 ere planes flying overhead. They must be a part of an air show or something. Still, if I can get their attention I might just be saved!

I start frantically screaming and waving my hands to get their attention and much to my delight, one by one, they begin turning my way. Still, as they continue diving, they open fire. My life flashes before my eyes as the bullets rip through the piece of metal I am standing on but before any can hit me, the attacking planes get knocked out of the sky. 

Looking at my rescuers reveal planes with iron crosses as insignia. I am so shocked to see the German Reich's insignia that I don't even recognise that someone has approached me until they enter my field of vision.

????: Are you alright, love?


Despite the circumstances, I can't help but stare at the many crosses. I've heard so many stories about the past...I shiver just remembering the horrors that were depicted to us in the naval academy of that war. Still, the girl before me shows no resemblance to the brutal nature of that regime. In fact, she seems genuinely concerned or at least curious about whether I am alright or not. It's upon this realisation that I notice that like Zhejiang, she has ship equipment attached to her. Does this mean I got sent transferred here with Zhejiang? 

Me: I am, thanks to you.

????: I don't remember seeing you before. How did you end up all the way out here? 

Me: I don't know. I kind of woke up on this metal thing.

She seems genuinely surprised by this but before she can reply, another person joins our conversation.

????: What's taking so...oh...who's this?

????: Not sure. She was being attacked by Azur Lane though so at the very least we can assume she isn't one of them.

????: That so...


Azur Lane...wait isn't that one of the alliances Zhejiang told us about? Why would they attack me though? From what I heard they are at war but I can't see why they'd attack an unarmed, stranded stranger for no reason at all. It just doesn't make sense.

????: Oh... where are my manners. My name is Bismark and this is Prinz Eugen. Might I know your name?

If this is indeed Zhejiang's world then telling them my real name might actually put me in trouble, especially if they are allied to ww2 Japan. I wonder if they are at war with my country like they were in my own world at this time period...I mean, these girls still seem to be at war with the allies and they seem to be from the Reich so I can only assume that means things have followed a similar course here. In that case...

Me: My name is.....