
Bab 16

Dalian stands to the side and watches and Enterprise and I both launch our aircraft. The other carriers, taking part in the operation, also do the same. In total, there are seven of us. Glorious, Hermes, Long Island, Ticonderoga, Saratoga, Enterprise and I. 

Me: [Head straight for the objective. By the time you get there, I'll have cleared the way for you to carry out your objectives.]

All: [Understood!]

Once the last of my Su-57s are launched, I tell Dalian to watch over me before taking control of the lead aircraft, remotely. This allows me to manually issue commands and perform strikes without needing to enter the aircraft myself. The downside? My body is practically defenceless. The ship's automated anti-air systems will still fire without my commands but I can't really defend myself beyond what they can accomplish. As such, someone could simply walk up to my body and sink me but that's why I made sure to tell Dalian what I was going to do.

Su-57#1: [Target identified.]

Huh? Looking down, I realize that we're already on location. What's more, the ship that's been marked by one of my aircraft matches the descriptions and sketches provided by Yat Sen but I can't help but feel something's wrong. Why would they leave such an asset out in the open? 

Breaking formation, I dive to take a closer look but shortly after the plane descends, flak explodes around me forcing me to climb. Looking back, I notice that the ship isn't alone but is instead surrounded by Mass-production sirens. What's more, three persons are standing on its foremost turret. 

Me: [All planes, prepare to attack. Target all ships surrounding our target. We must eliminate as much of them as possible before our allies arrive.]

All the fighters break formation on my command and begin attack runs which are initially met without much resistance. My victory is short-lived, however, as SIREN aircraft arrive on the scene and a dogfight ensues. 

Despite their numbers, my fighters still manage to clear most of the ships without taking any losses thanks to their superior speed and manoeuvrability. As we regroup, I receive confirmation that the planes from the others are about to arrive. Ordering my planes to provide as much cover as possible, I relieve my control of the aircraft, allowing it to continue without my interference.

Dalian: You're back! 

Me: Why do you sound so surprised? 

Dalian: You were gone for a long time...

Enterprise: How'd it go?

I quickly inform them of what I saw and Enterprise relays the information to the others alongside their planes. Unlike me, she can see what her aircraft can see without taking control. It's with this particular talent of hers that I'm alerted to the fact that the ship is seemingly preparing to launch something.

Dalian: Is it the ICBM?

Enterprise: I'm not sure what such a weapon would look like so I cannot say.

Taking control of my aircraft again, I quickly identify the object Enterprise is talking about but only seconds before it fires. 

Swapping back to myself, I launch a J-16 immediately to intercept it as quickly as possible before ordering the other aircraft to disable the part of the ship that fired the missile. I only have one shot at intercepting it before it exceeds my fighter's maximum speed and altitude. Not willing to take any chances, I take remote control and quickly identify the approaching missile. It's accelerating at a terrifying pace but as luck would have it, thanks to my government deciding to use the Su-57s systems in my J-16 models, this aircraft is equipped with hypersonic missiles. 

Su-57#5: [Target successfully disabled.]

Ignoring the report, I focus all my efforts on reaching max speed as quickly as possible. The missile is currently behind me but it's gaining fast. The plan is a simple one. I am going to allow it to pass me then fire everything I can at it. I had considered firing at it from in front but dismissed that quickly as if the missiles missed they wouldn't get the chance to correct that mistake. 


I barely manage to move out of the way before the missile goes blasting past me. Its size definitely says ICBM. The minute the J-16s weapons systems lock on, I fire all missiles before climbing. Looking down, I watch as the missiles do what the fighter never could by quickly catching up to the missile. 


As the entire area lights up, I turn away to prevent the light from hurting my eyes. It's always amazed me just how much faster missiles can travel than the planes that launch them. Once the light dims into a viewable range, I glance back and notice that the explosion has completely pushed back both clouds and water from its epicentre. Looking even closer reveals a rather large wave heading towards my location. Panicking ever so slightly, I relieve control of the aircraft immediately.

Enterprise: Nicely done.

Dalian: Yeah, that was awesome!

Me: [Everyone! There is a massive tidal wave approaching from the southeast. Prepare yourselves as quickly as possible.!]


Looking to see what she's staring at, I feel the blood draining from my face as I come face to face with the wave. It's already here...