
Ch 17


A blinding flash of light covered the entire Uchiha Clan Compound, causing the surrounding estates, the land, the sky and even the Hokage Monument to turn white for the briefest of moments.

So bright was the anomaly that for a split second the people in the village thought a second sun had appeared in the sky and that the night had become day again.

It was only for a moment though, because a split second later a deafening roar of an explosion- the likes of which the village had rarely seen- erupted from the very edge of the Uchiha Clan Compound, exactly where the Police Station was standing. The facility of course, where the ungodly blast originated from, was unable to maintain its structural integrity as every inch of it was literally incinerated by what could only be described as a hundred thousand kilos of TNT all going off at once. Any chunks of the building blown clear from their foundations were sent soaring hundreds of feet into the air, and an orange, mushroom shaped cloud of flames and smoke shot up into the lower atmosphere.

All clouds hovering over the impact zone were instantly parted by the shockwave, which proceeded to travel across the sky for hundreds of miles.

But the force of the explosion didn't stop there. Not only was a massive crater blown into the ground where the police headquarters stood, but every single building within two blocks was reduced to rubble. The shockwaves stretched across the entire district, knocking over fences, felling trees, and shattering windows all around.

Rea, Naomi, Imari and Yuno, who were sprinting out of the compound towards the bustling streets of Konoha's market, were knocked stumbling to the ground from the blast of wind that hit them from behind. When they looked back towards their family's neighbourhood to see what'd happened, they gaped in awe when they spotted the enormous fireball rising into the sky and filling the stratosphere.

Across all of Konohagakure and in the townships beyond, villagers still out and about, wandering the various boulevards and clubs, all stared in abject shock at the glowing inferno piercing the heavens above. The explosion was of an impossible magnitude, almost akin to a Tailed Beast Ball going off in their midst, a spectacle that'd not been witnessed for close to a decade now. What's more, multiple explosions seemed to climb the plume of flames, ravaging the very sight where the detonation had taken place and further ripping the land below asunder. The sight was both captivating and terrifying at the same time, causing everyone in sight to freeze where they stood.

It was like the Gods themselves had reached down with their hands and struck the land with the full force of their vengeful might.

While things down in the main streets were slowly spiralling into chaos, up in Konoha's administration district, Hiruzen Sarutobi, having previously been in the midst meditation, could be seen standing at his window, gaping across at still combusting mushroom cloud, smoking pipe in hand and eyes wide in shock.

As he watched more blasts rip up from the centre of ground zero, the man was vaguely aware of the arrival of one of his ANBU officers- Yugao- dropping into his office from the ceiling. The woman immediately got to her knee and bowed to the powerful shinobi.

"Hokage-sama! The Uchiha Clan district…"

Hiruzen spun around and pointed at her. "Rally the forces! Get every single one of our Jonin and Chunin on stand-by down there! Right now!"

"Yes, sir!" the woman replied, before vanishing in a blur