
Zero,My Way Of Clearing Someone Else's Mistake

ZeroZharfan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 3

Zero went and glare at Aisel which she glared back.It was clear that she was hostile to him.The previous him that is.

Why must a cliche situation happen today and on my first day of school also.Good thing that the previous owner's past experiences will be my own experience.So I can use magic and a sword to fight her.....Wait a minute this guy doesn't even uses a sword to fight.He uses two war axes.What the hell.How am I gonna fight her with this.Should I decline this duel.No,if I decline this duel,people will think I am someone that is easy to bully and I will have a hard time here.So I should accept and hope to win.

Wait a minute....This could also go in my favour.

Zero grinned while a plan came up in his head.

Before accepting her proposal I should check some information from my memories about her first.

'Oh I should have a chance at winning.' Zero thought

"Before I accept your proposal,may I know your reason for requesting this duel?"Zero asked Aisel politely.However,this made her even more angry.


Mhmm.Well I knew that.Just needed to see if my memory is correct.You can never be too sure.

Zero grinned at Aisel.

"My dear Aisel,you should not be angry at me.I just tried to take a peek and before I saw anything I was caught.So I didn't see or do anything.So no need to be so angry.If I succeded anyway its not like there's anything there to see"Zero pointed at her bossom while grinning.

"It's a wall"Zero said in a mocking tone while showing a grin.

I am already a pervert so my reputation with the girls is rock bottom so no need to hold back.

"Hahahahah,he's right.It's like there's anything there."a boy in the crowd said while laughing

"Even though he's a pervert.I will agree on that one." a boy in the crowd agreed

"Hahahahha,If I am the girl,I will be so embarrassed right now"a girl said while laughing.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT.I WILL KILL YOU!"Aisel shouted and made her hand into a fist shape.

Heh.My provocation succeeded.Time to put in the bait.

"My little Aisel,you shouldn't shout its bad for your health and it's gonna hurt my ears too.Well you see I just don't see a benefit in agreeing in this duel.However if there's a bet than I will easily agree."Zero said while grinning maliciously

"Oh I have an idea!"Zero continued "How about the loser will serve the winner for about a week."

Aisel instinctively shudder thinking about the things the pervert will do.However,she then thought that when she wins she could command him like a dog and embarass him in front of the school.'

'Hehe that will make for a good revenge' she inwardly thought.

"Deal"she said in a confident tone

"Deal" Zero replied also in confidence as he laid out his hand as if expecting a handshake.

"Ewww,why would I shake your hand."Aisel said clearly in disgust.

'Oh yeah I forgot that I am pervert here. Shouldn't let my previous behaviour run instictively here' Zero thought.

'Well whatever'Zero shook his shoulders as if nothing happened.

"Do you have a contract paper?"Zero asked while taking his hand back.

"Oh,yeah I have it here."Aisel took out a contract paper from her spatial ring.

She took a pen and write all the contract agreements and gave it to Zero.

'Wow that's fast'Zero took the contract paper and read it.

'Bla, Bla,Bla,Yada,Yada,I Zero Woodwell agree upon the duel and when defeated will obey the winner for a Week.Bla Bla and more useless information.The duel will be held next week at lunch at the academy's stadium.'

'Okay,this looks fine.Let's just sign it.'Zero went and took a pen from his spatial ring wanting to sign it before hearing a voice.

"Are you sure about this young master?You will be humuliated if defeated."Said Charlotte in worry.

Well I am a weak person after all so she should worry because it looks like i will lose

"No need to worry Charlotte.I got this in the bag"Zero said while trying to pat her head but decided not to because when his hand almost reached Charlotte's head she trembled a little.

'Damn,the previous owner's behaviour to Charlotte'He thought angrily.

"Heh,atleast you have confidence in your ability than always relying on your father and getting protected by a girl.Spoiled and perverted.But don't get your hopes too high.It's not like you can win.You are in the lowest class after all."She said in a mocking tone clearly looking down on him.

"Then let's see tommorow,who will win.Miss Aisel."Zero said while signing the contract and throwing it to Aisel before going to his class.

What an annoying girl and the way she shouts,It hurts my ear doesn't she learn from her parents about not shouting too much.