
Zero,My Way Of Clearing Someone Else's Mistake

ZeroZharfan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 10


Zero yawned while in class.The teacher taught about some theory about when you're fighting an opponent of stronger or weaker than you. The important part is to never underestimate your opponent.

Cliché right?

The teacher was also talking about ways to raise your sense of danger and use your ears more to listen to the air.It can determine where the weapon is coming from.And most importantly is to fight using your brain.Mostly about not wasting your mana capacity carelessly.

In this world there is magic.So its obvious there's also mana.To raise your mana is to wait for growth or always use it everyday.The latter method is a faster way to increase your mana capacity than just waiting.So most people always train every day.But I am too lazy.

I have always been a person of brains first then hard work.So don't rely on me for hard work,it's just if there's no other way then I will do the work.If there's an easier way,I will totally follow that way.

This is why when we see the top 10th and 5th fighting they didn't straightaway use body enhancement on them self's.

It uses too much mana.Only mages in the upper level could use them for a whole length battle.If I were to guess using my mana capacity,I think i would last 20 seconds max.So I would only use it when it's to strike an opponent or defend against one.

Well my mana is thrash anyway compare to the top ten.

What?It's not like I gained a cheat like ability in this world.It's not fair.In anime and novel when a person got transferred or reincarnated to another world they get cheat abilities.But where's mine?

Atleast give me system like some novels i read.


The top ten's mana compared to me is on a whole different level.It could be compared to a human and a whale's size.

In my opinion maybe the top 10 could keep the enhancement on their whole body for 1 minute and some seconds.I guess

Well they are talented and are hard working so they should have a lot of mana

~After class~

Zero has finally finished his class for today.

He was walking with Charlotte home.Actually there was supposed to be a carriage to bring them home but Zero decided to walk.He said it was to exercise his body for today.

Actually Zero took this opportunity to observe the kingdom.He notted down in his head the location of the shops in this place.The blacksmith,The Potion Shop,Armour shop, and there was even a shop to buy clothes.He's just making sure that some of the shop here are mostly in his memories.He's memories are of course not complete yet.

Maybe I could visit there to buy clothes if I was invited to a party or banquet.I am a noble after all and my father is a big shot as well.Zero thought while looking at a clothes shop

Now that I think about it they do talk a lot about my father at school today and that I was a spoiled child.If I looked in the past memories,my father really did spoiled me or the previous owner to be exact.The coins he gaved me is a lot,however the previous Zero spent most of it on clothes and buying indecent books.

What the hell is wrong with this guy....Good thing he didn't spend all of it on them.There is still some spare coins in the bank.However I think I need to take some coins from this guys emergency stash.When his father gave him money he always keeps half of them in a safe in the mansion.He had been saving for 3 years,so it should be enough for tonight.

I hope the item I want will be there.

"Charlotte could you lead me to the bank?I need to withdraw some coins."I asked Charlotte

"Yes,Young master replied Charlotte

Zero went and followed Charlotte to the bank.

It took a few minutes but they made it to the bank.Zero took all of his money out from the bank and put it in his spacial ring.

Well it took more time than expected so when they finished it was already night time

~The Woodwell Mansion~

Zero was laying on his bed,looking upwards towards a coin that he kept spinning around while muttering

"I should apologise right now shouldn't I.Even though It isn't my fault,I am in his body after all."

"I should apologise it in behalf of him"

There were a lot of time when the previous Zero was in a bad mood.So he just let out his frustration on most of the maids here.There were some that didn't get hit or thrown things at all but most yes.

They hated the young master for it.Even his brother and sister hated him for it.Well what can you blame him for it.When his brother and sister was born, his father hadn't yet developed his hatefulness to commoners.But it just had to happen when he was born.

Sometimes I think to myself is it really the previous Zero's fault or his father's that he was such a bastard.

His father was the one who influenced him,however his father didn't reach that low to hate all the commoners.However for this boy.He abused them and made them to release his frustration.He hated them more than when his father hated them.Atleast the previous Zero didn't do anything indecent to them even though he's a pervert.That is something I should respect of him.

Even though most of the maids here don't like him because of his aggressiveness.The only one who didn't was Charlotte and she was the one who suffered the most out all the maids in this mansion.

Night,morning,afternoon,she was scolded at,hit at,there's even times when she was thrown at by a glass bottle at.She was crippled most of the time.

Good thing in this world it is hard to be permanently crippled.She just drank a healing potion and scoffed it like it was nothing.That's why sometimes she was afraid in front of me.Mostly when I raised my hand at her without any ill intent.

Well I couldn't blame her.If I were her I would have ran away from here a long time ago or even find a new master to serve.

Doesn't it hurt serving an abusive master.The way you get hit at.Got scolded by for no reason.It was pitiful,but she still responded to her duty as the young master's maid and that really does deserve a compliment

Even if I am not the previous owner,I was still in his body so I should apologise to her.But before that let's open the safe in this room.

There should be a lot of money here.

I went to my closet and found a safe.I put the password in from his memories and the safe opened.

I stared at the content inside the safe.It was nothing.

"Huh....what the hell is this." I muttered in daze

The money in there could sustain a commoner for years.However it was gone.

I thought for a few moments before coming to a conclusion.

Someone stole the money