
Back from the Cold Mountains

Another 6K word long chapter, to end this with a Gold key.

After that, no more excuses, it's plotting time...

These last chapters have been filled with words and not that much action, but I guess it is what it is, we'll have a chance to see him kicking some ass with his new Class eventually.

And with that, I'm out.


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And if you are bored, remember to check my other Novels.

(Including the one on my other account, its called: Azimuth: The Elden Throne

You can also find it by searching for my other account: Follower_of_Abadom)







'Silently, Philip left the Blue Palace. Deciding to sit on a stone bench outside and watch the seagulls fly around and let the wind blow into his face as he let his mind calm down.'

'It had been a long journey, and in some aspects, he wanted it to continue... But at the same time, he had a place to return to.'


'He let out a relieved breath, in the end, it seemed he had kept his life.'

'This time, he had truly risked everything, a week and a half of planning all for this moment.'

'First, upon reaching the city of Solitude, he performed his task as a merchant, selling and buying as he had previously done throughout the other Holds.'

'But at the same time, he did a lot of minor tasks for the people all around, trying to get a certain reputation, but also because he liked it.'

'Doing tasks allowed him to go around the city and explore this massive place that was the Capital of Skyrim.'

'Following that, he tried collecting information on the Blue Palace, because there was something he wanted to confirm, more as a curiosity at first, but it then became his only chance to finish his mission... The only one he had at the time.'

'That was the very existence of the Court Magician... And once he 'confirmed' that the Court Magician was a Vampire, he knew that this was the opportunity he was waiting for.'

'But accusing someone of being a Vampire, much less the court magician that raised the current High King would be a crime in itself, and he would be sentenced to death on the spot...'

'So he had to first collect some proof...'

'During those investigations, Philip came to believe that the very High King himself knew what she truly was, but choose to due to his own personal reasons...'

'After all, her actions were indeed a bit suspicious, even if she were a Wizard who conducted some sort of foul arts, she acted in ways unbefitting of a Court Magician, and requested things that only Necromancers would require, and in high quantities...'

'But the High Kind didn't mind, for him, the lives of convicts were meaningless compared to her, even if they had been jailed for a few days for a minor infraction or unjustly...'

'Perhaps the High king simply wanted to believe that everyone sacrificed was bad, for his own mental fortitude.'

'However, he hoped that with enough proof, the High King would be forced to choose a side, one being reason and reputation, and the other one being emotion.'

'And in the end, he chooses the first.'

"Not that I was worried…" He said with a confident smile

Even if something bad were to happen, keeping my life wouldn't be difficult in the least.

Albeit I'm dealing with the High King of Skyrim, my only worries were the Wizards around the King, the rest was easy to deal with.

2 Wizards, one stronger than the other, and a few dozen Elite Guards, but Elite simply means their level of training, they aren't that much stronger than normal Nords...

Maybe the warriors that stood right by him could prove to be a greater challenge, but how much so?

After all, I'm pretty strong myself.

[Name: Philip Vinten

Class: Dragonborn

Level: 66(71)

Conjure Daedra Merchant Lv3

(Heh, no info for you)


(The number before the '-' represents the number of times the Mc has made that Skill Legendary)

{Mage -> Illusion: 1-78; Conjuration: 1-82; Destruction: 27; Restoration: 1-94; Alteration: 2-56

In-Between: Enchanting: 79

Warrior -> Smithing: 24; Heavy Armor: 26; Block: 23; Two-Handed: 27; One-Handed: 23

In-Between: Archery: 20

Thief -> Light Armor: 21; Sneak: 65; Lockpicking: 89; Pickpocket: 22; Speech: 1-93

In-Between: Alchemy: 1-12}

"... Yeah…"

I wouldn't have died even if that bitch had counterattacked.

These numbers are no joke, I'm a force of nature…

'Philip closed his eyes with a self-deprecating smile.'

Alright, enough with the humble bragging.

Honestly speaking, I've never been in a fight that needed me to use anything else other than my own combat skills...

Neither have I seen a half-decent combatant, such as a War Mage.

So I can't really compare myself to them.


I'm still a bit disappointed for not being able to raise those Warrior Skills… But such is fate.

Pretty much, following my visit to Whiterun, I proceeded as written in the schedule.

I bought some things here and there, negotiated with people, and then, spent the rest of my time inside the alchemy shop brewing potions.

This was how speech and alchemy rose so much, it was because I did that at pretty much every single stop... From Village to Town, and from that to the main Cities.

It might look weird that Alchemy is lower than almost all of my Magic Skills, but there's a reason for that… I'll soon touch on that.

In Whiterun, it was also the first time I tested this inherent ability and Conjured the Daedra Merchant as you can see by its higher Level.

After scouting what the city needed and what I could sell, that was when I decided that it was time to deal with a literal Devil.

It was… Underwhelming, the Daedra merchant dealt with me as if he was dealing with an ordinary client, nothing out of the ordinary.

Daedra are people, they may live in scattered planes outside of the main reality that is Nirn, but they are still an intelligent species that can be reasoned with.

The problem most of the time is how they act due to 99% of the time being under the servitude of some Daedra Lord.

The merchant didn't have any sort of unique personality, he just looked like a normal merchant that loved Gold, but more so the act of trading, having the desire to sell anything, and buy anything as well.

Albeit he did point out that it had been a very long time since anyone called him.

I found that strange because Eddy's father should've done so not long before he died...

So the conclusion I reached is that this merchant wasn't the same one Jum used to Conjure... Perhaps he never did conjured the same.

But the truth become clear as I used more of this ability.

Once I talked with the Daedra, I sold him the very things that I couldn't sell to normal people, poisons, and other dubious goods I acquired along the way.

And I bought the things that weren't easy to get, like unique ingredients that can only be found in the realms of Oblivion, Soul gems, weapons, and more.

After dealing with him once, I understood why Eddy's father was so successful, it's simply way too convenient, being able to sell whatever you wished for a fair price, and being able to buy some things that weigh the same as gold for the price of silver...

Albeit in my case, that is even more so, as Eddy's father had to perform a lengthy ritual, I just need to cast it as a power, he needed a completely secluded place, and I just needed a small room.

You may ask, "But what about the Level?" and I'll reply.

Each time the Skill Leveled up, the Daedra that was summoned changed, and it was clear that the quality of the products and the deals each Daedra could offer differed, but overall, they were better.

It even gave me the drive to Conjure them multiple times over so the Skill would increase…

But that was a sweet trap I didn't want to fall into, at least not until I paid off the debt.

Something I did eventually, albeit much later than you might've expected.

Because in order for my pans to work, I needed capital, a lot of it, and if I were to spend everything I had to pay the Daedra off, by the next Hold I visited, I would have no funds and no excuses to give for the people of the Caravan.

So even though I accumulated enough money right after I dealt with Whiterun, I didn't pay off the debt.

Lastly, I had a question in the back of my mind.

If the merchant changed every time the Skill leveled up, who would come to collect the debt? Who was in charge of it?

I still don't know, and perhaps I never will, but I have the inkling that it's the very being all of those merchants were servants of...

Clavicus Vile, the Daedric Prince that is best known for granting wishes and entering into pacts with mortals.

"That was likely how everything started..."

"Hup!... I'll grab some food."

'Philip stretched his back, getting up from his seat as he made his way to the free market outside of the Noble district, thinking along the way.'

Because of the way I decided to act, I had very few chances to actually fight, and this led to all of my Warrior Skills being neglected, the only reason they increased was that I read some Skill books by chance.

I always used some time to check up on every book I saw, if I was lucky, the book would be a Skill book, and its contents would pour into my mind naturally, giving me a headache in the process.

But as you can see by their low levels, they were very rare… Still, overall, it didn't matter much that I didn't manage to raise those Skills.

Do I need the knowledge I would get from leveling up One-handed?...

Perhaps it would make a difference at high levels...

I don't want to sound arrogant, but most of the information from Skill Level 0(Novice) to Skill Level 50(Adept) would honestly be pretty underwhelming.

Unless it was something related to crafts and magic, things I was desperate to learn.

This is the same reason why Smithing is so low, it can take up to an hour for even the sloppiest work in a forge to be done.

And how many of those would I have to make to raise Smithing by one Level?

40? 60? 80?... Compared to that, I could make 30 potions in the time it took to make one.

It wasn't cost-effective to raise it right now.

As for the other Skills…

I raised Sneak by hiding inside my own carriage… Don't ask why, but it worked.

The problem is that it took me a week to raise it to that Level… So perhaps, making it legendary wouldn't be a good idea, which is a shame really.

This was something I learned when I made my first Skill Legendary, but as I level the Skill again, I actually continued to receive meaningful information and not duplicate bits of knowledge.

First, to make a Skill Legendary, I need to first reach the max Level (100) and reset it back to 1.

Normally, you would expect that the Skill would then go back to giving me insignificant pieces of basic knowledge every time I leveled it up like it was at the start…

But I was wrong.

It continues from where it left off… Enlightening me to the most obscure of theories and ideas, by giving me another perspective on the same subject.

It is obvious that there is an infinitude of ways to analyze each school of magic, as Necromancy, for example, is part of the school of Conjuration…

Using this as an example, by leveling up Conjuration from 1 to 10 once again, I received bits and pieces of knowledge that were new to me, and they opened a new path in this particular school, one I was previously unaware of, or simply hadn't properly understood it yet.

I have no idea where I currently stand in regard to magic, not like I had other wizard buddies to compare to, on the contrary, I just slew one...

But it sure as hell must be high because the things I have here aren't really safe.

Still, even if my Conjuration is high, that doesn't mean I'm a super magician that can open Planar gates between Nirn and Oblivion...

I mean, if I have the proper materials, I can probably do it, I have some understanding of it... But it's not at that level yet you know?

Leveling Magic itself was the easiest out of all Skills, and the very reason why they are all high.

I found it rather Ironic, Magic was the thing I cared about the least at the start, but it ended up becoming the very thing I spent most of my time on, while physical Skills became neglected.

It all started when I visited the Court Magician in Falkreath, buying several books and materials from his collection, something I repeated in Whiterun and Windhelm, and eventually in all Holds, especially in Winterhold where the College of Mages stands.

Even though they were a pain in the ass to negotiate, I eventually managed to talk with them after showing a decent proficiency in magic.

Thank Go... The Divines I had leveled up those in time...

How? Inside the comfort of my own carriage, doing so while we moved from place to place.

There, I could constantly cast and recast magic, and this raised my Skill Levels by a lot.

And with my insane repertoire of Magicka potions and my Enchanted items, I ended up turning that into a routine.

Of course… I don't think I need to mention Destruction…

To level it up, I need to damage something with my Spells, and when I spend 80% of my time inside a Wagon, it gets difficult to find something to hurt, and even if I do, how much can I actually progress it?

I could even risk having the members of the Caravan look at me weirdly due to me being a Nord using Magic...

So I ended up neglecting it.

'Philip looked at his hands in annoyance.'

"I think I opened and closed my hands to cast magic so many times it became muscle memory… They even twitch from time to time…"

This is pretty much it for my Skills, the exact details on how I increased each one is rather simple, but there is no need to go over everything as they are all pretty similar, merely a repetition of a task being done over and over until I grew absolutely tired of it.

For Lockpicking I merely bought the most secure Lock I could find in the market and opened it with a pick whenever I found myself bored.

Monotonous? Yes. Did it work? Yes.

As for Pickpocket... I tried using it on a bandit inside the city, but he noticed, and I ended up casting magic to have him calm down, since then, I stopped trying.

Too risky, the cons outweighed the benefits, so I left that for another time.



"~And then the emperor raised his voice!...~"

'After buying a small sweet bread on a stall nearby, Philip sat on a bench near a park, watching a bard tell a tale as he played his exotic instrument under the shade of a large tree.'


How boring.

Who cares what Emperor Number XXX did? Even more so when the story is so distorted?

But for these people, this may be the only time when they actually hear news from so far away... Such is how information travels in these ages.

At least for the peasants.

'He opened his status once more.'

[Name: Philip Vinten

Class: Dragonborn

Level: 66(71)

Race: Human/Nord

Health -> 250/250

Stamina -> 200/200

Magicka -> 810/550


Battle Cry Lv9

Commerce LvMax(15)

Berserk Rush LvMax(10)

Focus LvMax(10)

Magicka Well Lv4


Resist Elements Lv3

Negotiate LvMax(15)

Conjure Daedra Merchant Lv3

Dragon Tongue Lv9

Iron Stomach Lv11

Devilish tongue LvMax(10)

Study LvMax(10)


Dragon Soul

Dragon Blood


Those Skills… They really got up.

I feel as if I say that quite often...


"This is... Too sweet for my tastes..."

Midway through the Journey, my Resistance Skills fused together, and even after drinking and eating all sorts of dangerous foods, it barely even raised in Level.

At least I lost my fear of being poisoned in my sleep.

My previous Haggle Skill became Negotiate, and even that I raised to max… Buying and selling in bulk, trading in the tens of thousands surely helped with that.

Fast Metabolism became Iron Stomach, now, even if I were to drink sewer water, I doubt I would get sick… Not that would under any circumstances even if I were to die.

Combined with my innate resistance, I could consume even stronger kinds of toxins and I would be pretty much fine.

Devilish tongue and Study are 2 new additions to my collection, the rest are meaningless Skills I accumulated over time, such as Horse riding.

The first is similar to one of the perks of the Speech Skill tree as it simply makes me more convincing whenever I'm lying... I don't really remember lying that much, but I won't refuse such a boon.

While the second one improves my rate of understanding whenever I'm reading, it was honestly pretty similar to one of the Sub-Abilities of my Trait from my Main body, and it helped whenever I had to read some long document.

As for Battle cry, it was pretty easy to increase it, I just needed to find a place to scream and… Do so.

Once per day, I would go to the forest or a secluded place and scream… Is that weird?

But due to the time limit, I only leveled it to Level 9, and it'll likely take a while to raise it further.

Commerce is just like the others, a direct evolution of Trading, nothing to say about that.

However, there is a lot to talk about in regard to the next 3 Abilities.

Because they are deeply connected with my Stats.

As I stated a week ago, 150 was the value for the peak of the Human body, at least in regards to the Health Stat.

My body became strong, and anything above that was a risk, a variable that I didn't know exactly how it would end.

But regardless, as I needed to guarantee my safety, weighing down the pros and cons, I raised and came to realize its true effects.

Superhuman strength and durability, this was what I got from raising it.

And once I got to the 200 mark, just like when I raised Magicka for the first time, my body went through a great transformation.

I may not seem that different, but many things changed, the biggest one being my weight.

I speculate that I became at least 10-20 Kg heavier on average, and this wasn't me getting fat, but the natural weight of my body.

That is purely denser muscle.

And also, Berserk Rush was added as an Ability, I would say it's like a mix of the Argonian and the Redguards Powers from the game.

My health and stamina regeneration increases for about a minute, but I get pretty tired after using it as if my body just burned a shit ton of energy.

As I increased Health from 200 to 250, my weight increased once more, and even my height increased slightly.

I believe that I should be weighing at least 160Kg despite looking pretty normal.

Focus also appeared when I raised Stamina to 200.

Raising it was already uncomfortable, but that milestone was... It was… One of the worst experiences of my life, I felt as if ants were crawling beneath my skin and eyes…

For a set amount of time, I can greatly increase one or all senses at the same time, the cost depending on what senses I choose to augment and for how long.

If it's my eyes they'll get dry, if it's my ears they'll start ringing, if it's my nose it'll get irritated, and so on.

As for Magicka… That was the most interesting one of them all because it is also my highest attribute by far.

I raised it to such an extent because I needed all of the points I could get, this greatly hastened the leveling speed of my Magic schools.

Like the others, when I raised it to 200, my body changed and I went into a high fever for a few minutes, and once it was over, I gained a Skill to increase my Magicka output, and pretty much, the effectiveness of my Magic.

But then, I raised it to 300, and the Skill simply changed!

And then 400, and then 500… Becoming what it now is, the Magicka Well.

Albeit the number being shown is 810, that is merely due to the current enchanted items I'm wearing beneath these clothes.

It was even higher previously because I drank a potion prior to my meeting with the High King, but its effects wore off.

Magicka Well is an incredible ability, because it allows me to cast twice more spells.

As the name says, it's a well within my body that stores Magicka and whenever I wish, I can draw from this well instead of my own body's reserves.

As its level increases, the speed at which I can draw from it will likely increase, and its side effects will also reduce, that is my hope at least.

The very reason why I didn't spend more points on the other stats was that I felt comfortable with the way they were.

I had no need for a body capable of punching through metal in honesty, I never really drew a sword ever since I left Falkreath, especially when there was magic that could turn my flesh into metal already, even if temporarily.

But since my body was the base of my existence, I raised it a bit and focused all of the rest on Magicka.

And as can see, I currently have 550 Magicka, and 5 points available for use… I am indeed very tempted to use them, but I need to leave them for emergencies.

My higher value in Magicka made my talent for magic in general spike to the point I asked myself how could I even cast magic with those lower stats.

The difference was just that big, and I imagine this is the reason why Elves are better at magic, and why Bretons are the best Humans when the subject is magic as well.

They must start with higher values than others, perhaps somewhere around 150 to 200?

Lastly, my mastery over the Dragon tongue has greatly increased, even though I have yet to finish the book I received at the start, I'm not that far from it.

And I believe something will change once I do reach that stage.

I can even 'feel' a vague force, as if there was something within the words of the book, perhaps its writer, whoever it was, had placed within it his own understanding of the Dragon language, in a more literal way.

The Graybeards are said to be able to feel the Voice, perhaps I have also started to feel it too… Albeit, I would like to point something out, and that is my absurd lack of Shouts.

I've considered visiting them, perhaps they would show me something, teach me that very something I lack…

And given their knowledge, they would certainly point me in the right direction.

But then I realized that I had no time… And that broke me.

All of those interesting shouts… Locked away in some cold tomb... They would likely remain forever far away from my reach.

However, if I can't have them, I just need to make my own, shouts are merely the result of a language, and mastering it can bring forth a reaction in the physical world.

Dragons see no difference between speaking and shouting as for them, that is their language, they were born with it… It just happens.

And I understand this perspective, perhaps because I…

'Philip's eyes opened slightly as if he had understood something.'

I am a Dragonborn.

… It changes my mind to a point where I can see it as a Dragon would, and if so, the mystery ends, and I just need to…


'Philip turned his face to look at a small rock at his feet, parting his lips, he said:'



'Against all laws of physic, the rock trembled rolling.'

'It continually rolled until it fell inside a hole, and the force pushing it wasn't strong enough to keep moving it, and as such, it retained still, as if nothing happened.'


It was… Way simpler than I imagined.

Maybe, my own way of thinking might've made me glorify what is to shout, halting my progress.

Previously, I couldn't do this no matter how many times I pronounced this word, because something was missing… No, I felt that something was missing.

But that wasn't the case, nothing was missing, instead, I was creating an obstacle for myself.

Something that didn't really exist.

Just because I became a Dragonborn, it doesn't mean I became one, I still lived many years as a Human, and my normal way of thinking clouded this feeling.

"My head feels clearer..."


'Philip stuffed the sweet bread in his mouth, gulping it down with a small smile.'

"It feels great."

'He looked at the sun, it was still very very early, he had a lot of time.'

I should find a place to go over the system notifications, they'll likely tell me what I should do next.

'He suddenly remembered something.'

Oh yeah!

My Perks!

There is a lot to talk about this one, but I'm a bit tired…

So… For Magic, I mainly focused on picking some of the most basic perks.

The very ones that allowed me to Dual wield magic and the ones that allowed me to cast Novice Magic of the respective school at half cost.

However, I realized something I grabbed those… They were unnecessary.

"There is no need for a shortcut when I have already reached the goal..."

The sheer volume of knowledge I had in my mind more than allowed me to already perform that, pretty much, I was too late in grabbing the perks.

I already knew how to dual-cast magic and be efficient, why do I need a perk to do something I already know how to do?

It's not like the effects stacked or anything, because upon selecting a perk, the respective knowledge will be transferred into my mind, and this also means that, in a certain sense, I have no need to grab them again after resetting the Skill tree.

In most scenarios that is...

As for my other perks, I simply dumped them on the Crafting trees and Speech respectfully so I could make the most of my money.

As for the rest, I was thinking of using them in one of the Magic Schools, but for now, I'll only accumulate them.

That's all.


'Having done everything he wanted, he went back towards the inn he was staying at, opening the notification tab.'


[You have accomplished your Class mission!]


[The background has been constructed]

[Open Story Log?]

"Do it." He said without hesitation


'Suddenly, a beautiful golden scroll appeared in front of Philip, floating in the air.'


'It contained a certain pressure as if its contents weren't something for mortal eyes to see, too precious to be opened.'

'Regardless, the scroll unveiled itself, revealing its contents to the world:'

{4th Era 175, the 23rd of Frost Fall

>On a silent night of Tirdas, a black blade drew from the shadows, striking down the foul presence that had taken root in the bastion of Culture of the North, the Blue Palace.

>A being of shadows, a tumor that fed on life, and an ancient creature had been exterminated without resistance, such was their fate when drawn into the light.

>His name would be well known, albeit this truth would remain in the dark for the prosperity of the future.

>On a beautiful morning of Midda, High King Torigg declared him Thane of Haafingar, the youngest out of the 9 at the time, and the one he was the most interested in.

>Curiosity drew Torigg towards this young Nord, at his age, what was he doing?

>He represented a future he wanted to be part of, the deposition every Nord should have.

>Later, on an afternoon of Turdas, he would set out once more.

>Not for wealth, not for power… Not for himself… But for his father, a past he wished to reconcile with.

>His last goodbye, a way to honor his ancestors, he would Cross Skyrim one last time before abiding by his new Noble identity, like he had done so many times before.

>He would leave as a child, and come back as the man his father always wanted him to be.

>And then, he would disband the very Caravan that made who he was… But in its place, he would proudly announce the birth of a new Merchant group that would shake Skyrim.

>Many years later, he would find out the cause of his father's death and close his eyes in regret before beheading a man, leaving a family in grief...

>On the surface, he would be a simple man, a strong Nord Warrior whose mind was as developed as his chest muscles, but inside, he would hide his extensive Magical knowledge as a Master of many Schools.

>He would continue to conduct his magical experiments from the safety of his home, and from time to time, his works would flow into the market, albeit under a different alias.

>Few would know the truth, the true source for all of the Master Level potions and Enchanted items he sold.

>But who would believe even if they were to share? A man can only master so much in life…

>His secrets would be buried with his enemies that received the unfortunate fate of being on the wrong side of his magic...

>And even less would know what he truly is, Nord legend, a being of Divine Blood... A mortal shell with an Eternal Soul.

>Dovah-Kiin, Dragonborn!

>And his father would forever smile upon him, together with his ancestors from Sovngarde.


'As he read the last line, the scroll closed in the blink of an eye, startling Philip.'


'But he then realized something, the room around him seemed to have disappeared, only darkness remained.'

What the…

"What an abrupt ending… It was getting pretty interesting..."

I wanted to know what would happen next...


[Hidden requirement, Generations, has been completed!]

[You were successful in accomplishing your father's dreams and beyond!]

[You have acquired a new Title, The Invisible Hand]

[All of your Class related skills gained a massive amount of proficiency]

[Battle Cry Lv9 -> LvMax(15)]

[Resist Elements Lv3 -> Lv10]

[Conjure Daedra Merchant Lv3 -> Lv8]

[Dragon Tongue Lv9 -> LvMax(10)]

[It has been detected that some Class skills have exceeded their maximum proficiency]

[Battle Cry LvMax has been forcibly evolved into War Call Lv0]

[Commerce LvMax has been forcibly evolved into Tyranny of Wealth Lv0]

[Negotiate LvMax has been forcibly evolved into Mediation of two sides Lv0]

[Dragon Tongue LvMax has been forcibly evolved into Greater Thu'um Lv0]

[You have received the Fallen Tooth of a Legendary Dragon]

[It resonates with your Soul]

[The requirements have been met, the slumbering power of a Dragon awakens]

[A Dragon's Aspect now lays within you]

[You have acquired a new Title, One of a Kind]

[As a reward, you may choose one of your three basic statuses to increase permanently]





[Hidden requirement, Master Wizard has been completed]

[You've reached a level of Magic mastery impossible for most men]

[You have received the Diadem of the Savant]

[You have received the Ring of the Erudite]

[The dream shall come to an end as soon as the moon reaches its highest point]


'With a bright flash, the dark room returned to its previous state, leaving a confused Philip behind.'

'But he didn't have that much time to think...'


'Like many times before, he did not rejoice, and instead, bit his lips as pain overcame both his body and mind.'

'And once it finally washed away, he said:'

"Option 3…"



[Magicka has been increased by 100]



'He felt his Heartbeat echo throughout his body... And then it came...'


'Once again, immense pain took over his body as this time, he couldn't help but grunt slightly as he felt his muscles dissolve…'



'Not much longer after recovering, Philip left his room, took a horse, and like a bolt, flew down the road without notifying anyone.'

'He had places to be and he didn't have that much longer before night fell.'

/Close to half a day later…/


'In the middle of the wilderness, pushing aside a few dead twigs, Philip finally arrived at the border of a precipice next to a waterfall.'

'Standing over a platform made of natural stone, a tall obelisk remained there in silence as the sun slowly set on the horizon.'

"Fucking finally took me way too long to find this damn place."


I first went to Markart since it was the last city that I needed to visit, it has some unique items I wanted to buy and see for myself...

I was really curious about Dwemer engineering, and I wanted to see it at least once.


'He even tried to see if he could find a certain Daedric artifact, but he soon heard the voice of reason and chose not to intervene too much...'

'Even when he found the place he was looking for, a secluded house made of stone, he stopped, reconsidering his choices in life...'

'Inside… Better not say what was happening inside.'

"Shit... Something bit my arm again... What a pain."

I understand why travelers often avoid this place...

Reaching the city was a hassle in itself, the path cut through the mountains and the terrain was rough, to the point I almost had to use magic to help my poor horse go by...

No wonder it's the second hardest place to visit for travelers, with Riften being the first one, no one wants to go to Riften.

After finishing my business in the city, I collected some information on this place's location, but even so, it took me a while to find it.

And uh… The locals weren't very happy to see an outsider…

Not that they could stop me anyway.

'Without thinking much, Philip touched the stone.'

[Activate the Lover stone?]

(No bitches?)


'For a moment, the Guarding stone flashed faintly, displaying the image of a constellation, a woman.'


'The same seemed to happen with the skies, as a few stars started to shine a bit more brightly… And he felt his body be embraced in a warm sensation, making him feel slightly more comfortable.'


'Seeing that his time was nearing its end, Philip sat down on the edge of the cliff, watching the sunset with tired eyes.'

"Not bad for a small-time adventure." He said with a small smile

'The wind blowing on his face, the world became darker and darker as the stars took over the skies.'

"I would've liked to have seen a Dragon."

'He looked at the massive mountain in the distance, that was the Throat of the world, the tallest mountain in Skyrim… No, of the entire Continent.'

Guess my fantasies of watching a Dragon shout at the skies will have to remain just that…

A dream.

'He closed his eyes and rested his head on the grass, taking a small nap…'

'Through his entire time in Skyrim, he slept twice, over a week ago, and yesterday, and this time, it would be his last.'





'The air above his head shook slightly, but not by much, but just enough to shake his lips into a smile.'

'And with that, he slept.'





[Readjusting Status...]

'Philip slowly woke up on the cold hard floor of his broken training room.'


'Just as he opened his eyes, he heard someone screaming in his ears, much to his displeasure.'

'An adventure ended, another one resumed.'

'Next episode on Drag...'




