
Zero's Cheat System

This Is My Reincarnation Story, A Man Who Will Rule This World Oneday When I'll Become The Strongest In The World. Zero is My Name And I'm The Main Character Of This Story, I have A Cheat System That Just Make Me Angry, It's A Jokingly Stupid System, That I Hate But I Also Love Because It's *ucking Brokenly Cheat System That Can Make Me Stronger More Stronger, My Personality Is God Like " *uck, Do I Have To Write This Author " " No You Don't Have To, Just Let Me Go " " Don't Worry I'll Once I Kill You You'll Be Free, Are You Want To Free Author " " No No Noo, Just Do Whatever You Want To Do, Please " " Now Let's Finish This Written Part Okay You " " Yes Please Do " ,Now Then If Like Me Then Like, If You Don't Then Just *uck Off. I Can You One Thing For Sure is You'll Not Regret it So Come Join Or I'll Come To Your World And *ucking Destroy It. [ This Is Zero See You In Hell, *uck I Hate This Author ] Note From Author RedoyK -> I Didn't Write Whatever You Just Read So Please Don't Blame Me For It !!!

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23 Chs

What Is Core

After completing the quest, Zero and Naime exited the forest. While walking, Naime looked at Zero with a curious expression and asked, "So, Zero, can I ask you Something, how you've became so strong?" Zero smiled faintly and responded, "Hmm, that's a secret."

Although Naime was still confused and eager to know how Zero had become so powerful, they continued walking together. After a while, they arrived at the village. Zero informed Naime that he had some things to take care of, and bidding him farewell.

Concerned, Naime suggested meeting the doctor if Zero wasn't feeling well and even apologized for any harm that came to him during their adventure. Zero reassured Naime, saying, "Hey, don't worry. We're friends, so no need to apologize," while patting Naime's shoulder reassuringly. They then said their goodbyes.

Zero headed towards the hospital, contemplating the two mysterious items in his inventory that he didn't fully understand. Feeling anxious, he thought it would be best to consult Doctor Kaila about them. After visiting his mother first, Zero proceeded to Doctor Kaila's room.

Knocking on the door, Zero sought permission to enter and was welcomed inside. He approached Doctor Kaila and asked, "Can I talk to you about something?" Doctor Kaila motioned for him to sit and assumed Zero wanted to discuss his mother's condition.

But before the doctor could address his mother, Zero surprised her by placing two items on the table:


Item: Orea Flower

Item: Mana Ball


Doctor Kaila was taken aback by the sight of these items.

With a deep sense of intrigue, Doctor Kaila inquired, "Where did you find these items, or did you purchase them?" Zero promptly responded, "No, I didn't buy them. During my search for the Thousand Years Mana Flower earlier, I stumbled upon these, but I got a bit perplexed and forgot to mention it to you." He maintained eye contact with Doctor Kaila as he explained the situation.

Doctor Kaila began to elucidate the nature of the items, saying, "Okay, now listen. This item is called the Orea Flower, and the second item is called the Mana Ball. Both of these items contain pure mana." Zero pondered the significance of this information, silently repeating to himself, "Pure mana."

Continuing her explanation, Doctor Kaila revealed, "With the Orea Flower, you can create a potent Core Potion. As for the Mana Ball, it contains a smaller amount of mana than the Orea Flower, but it's more powerful for improving the core compared to a regular Core Improvement Potion." She concluded, "So, do you understand?" while looking at Zero.

Zero nodded and replied, "Mana Core, what's that?" Doctor Kaila gazed at him and explained, "The Mana Core is a storage point for mana within a person's body. It's a complex creation process."

As Doctor Kaila elaborated, Zero's thoughts wandered, wondering if he possessed a Mana Core or not. Wanting to know more, Zero asked, "So, how can one create a Mana Core?"

With a thoughtful expression, Doctor Kaila replied, "There are different methods to create a core within your body. The first one is being born with a core, known as Pure Core Formation. The second method involves using a Core Potion, called Core Formations. While there are other ways to create a core, these two are the most commonly used."

" Doctor Kaila, i Also Want To Create a Core, So Can You Teach Me " Zero asks Doctor Kaila With a Confidence Expression.

Doctor Kaila Reply with a Smile, " I Think Your At The Age When You Wants To Do Magic Right " She Looks At Zero.

Doctor Kaila noticed that Zero was serious and not kidding about learning magic. She replied, "I can't teach you, I have too much work as a doctor here." Zero felt a bit disappointed and thought, "Now what, if I want to learn about magic, I think I need to create a Core."

Seeing that Zero was upset, Doctor Kaila asked again, "Zero, do you really want to learn magic?" Zero firmly replied, "Yes, I do," with determination in his eyes.

Doctor Kaila suggested, "I know someone in the village who teaches kids. You can go there and learn." Zero immediately replied with excitement, "Okay, tell me, I'll go right away."

However, Doctor Kaila advised him to talk to his father first and get his approval before beginning his magical studies. Zero agreed and said he would seek his father's approval.

Doctor Kaila smiled and offered, "Okay, talk to me after that. Also, I can help you by creating a Core Potion with this Orea Flower if you want." Zero expressed his gratitude, saying, "Yes, that would be a lot helpful."

After their conversation, Zero left the hospital and decided to talk to his father about learning magic. Suddenly, a window popped up, presenting a new quest:


Name: Core Creation

Objective: Create a Mana Core

Reward: 1. Level Up by 5 2. New Passive Skill

Penalty for failure: User Status Will Be Reset to Level 01


Zero couldn't believe what he saw on the screen. "What's with this penalty, system? Are you kidding me?" he exclaimed with frustration.

Later, after some time had passed, we find Zero exercising, thinking to himself, "At least the Daily Quest is complete."


Quest: Get Stronger

Type: Daily

Quest Objectives: Push-ups: 100/100

Sit-ups: 100/100

High Jumps: 100/100

Run: 10/10 km

Note: Quest may evolve based on the user's physical condition.

Reward: Status Recovery +01, Stats Point: 05.

Penalty: Level down by 5 per day.


"He freshens up and sits on the bed, saying, 'Now let's distribute these 05 stat points.' He utters the command keyword, 'Open status.'"


Name : Zero

Age : 13

Level : 24

Rank : N/A

Title : Hobo Slayer

Class : N/A

Health : 160/160

Mana : 150/150


Strength : 30

Intelligent : 30

Sense : 30

Agility : 33

Vitality : 33


Stats point : 11


Passive skill: Cold-heart[LV:01]

Active skill: Rage[LV: 02], Observe [LV: max]


"So, I have 11 stat points. Now let's plan it out. I'll allocate 3 points to Intelligence as I need a strong core. Since my Strength is lower compared to Agility, I'll add 5 points to my Strength. Lastly, I'll invest 3 points to enhance my Sense, leaving 2 points for Agility."

After distributing the points, he lies down and takes a quick nap.

Later in the afternoon,

"I think Father will come back late at night. Let's head to the Forest and hunt some Hobos."

He puts on some simple clothes and heads toward the Forest of Derwol.

Upon reaching the Forest,

"Now, let's begin our hunt."

A Windows pop-up appears in front of him.


Quest : Hunt Hob Goblin

Objective : 00/05

Reward : 1. Random Item. 2. Stats Point 05


After seeing the screen, Zero says, "I was expecting this system, but 05 Hob Goblins are too much. Previously, I could barely defeat one Hob Goblin, but now you're telling me to hunt 05?" He looks at the screen with a serious expression.

With a sigh, he continues, "But now you're giving me an item, that's interesting. So let's start the hunt."