
Zerø: Chronicles of Time

The universe nears its end, and the war has no signs of stopping. After a careful consideration, Zyndra takes the matters to hand, and ends it once and for all. But, the aftermath of the battle made everything messed up, and everybody, now, is living in realms

AoiKiyori · Fantasi
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83 Chs


"Tell me, are you related to Solas?" Louis asked.

His eyes are calm, and not an emotion can be seen.

"So?" Cedric and Melrose appeared beside him.

One dagger is on his neck, another gun is in his chest.

Coldness, killing intent and anger can be felt by Louis. Niana, Celestine and the others felt it, but knowing Louis, they know he can manage himself.

"Stop!" Zion said.

"No, he--" Melrose gulped. The loudest gulp was from Louis.

The thickness of Zion's killing intent made all the people in the house cower in fear.

Jovanna, France and Keith are not exempted.

Their feet wobbled, but the next moment, it stopped. They all ran to the room, and saw the three who are still on their butts.

Now, even Louis told them not to enter, eleven people are inside Zion's room. The two guns are now above a table.

"So, you three are somewhat connected to Solas?" Niana asked.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Zion looked at her, his eyes are two different colors.

His right eye is blue, while his left eye is kind of scarlet.

"Ah!" Celestine covered her mouth in surprise.

"No, not a problem actually. That makes us comrades." Keith said as he walked towards Zion. His knees are shaking, but he still made an approach.

"For sure!" Zion smiled and the room regained stillness.

Louis fixed Zion's door, and then, all of them came into a circle.

"Okay, newcomer, state your name."

Niana let the newcomer introduce herself.

"I am Aria Towers. Overall points: 10,488."

"Welcome to the team." All of them said as they looked over.

Niana then stood up, and started introducing herself.

The introduction was brief and all of them told their new teammates some facts about themselves.

"Okay so, being a representative from the palace, I assume the role of the leader. Do not worry, I am on your side, and I will do my best to change this country." Niana said as all of them were done talking.

"Then let Zion be the assistant leader." Melrose added.

Niana looked at the others.

"We did not have an assistant leader all this time. Maybe it's a good thing that we have one." Keith said while holding his chin, pondering.

"Got no problem with that." France said and smiled.

Niana then stood up and declared.

"Solas is a hero to us five. We appreciate him, and we know what he did. What we do not know is whose father killed his wife, and even if we knew, we won't do anything to the kid of the killer. In addition, Louis's father has turned to a new leaf, and he said that we must protect you three. Louis did that thing earlier for he knows what would happen once they know that the weapons to kill those threats are with you." Niana explained.

"It's okay, no one was hurt." Cedric dismissed the reason and he just looked at them happily.

"If that's all, we might as well sleep. We have a labyrinth to investigate tomorrow." Niana patted her dress and let the others stand up.

"We'll be coming too. We will be a good addition to the team." Mina said as she jumped around with glee.

"Got it." Keith went out while saying it.


Inside Niana's room.

"Leader, are you sure? What if they betray us too?" Jovanna was still doubtful.

"Yeah, I agree with her." Keith seconded the motion.

The six were still awake even after Niana said that they must sleep, and they brainstormed on what they believe and what they want to believe.

"That's why I invited them to come to the labyrinth. If their intentions are true, then we will get out of there safely. If they have wrong intentions, the outside world will know, and they won't have a way out." Niana declared.

Their fighting spirit rose, not even death can faze them now.

"I say, your worries are unfounded." Celestine cut them off.

They all looked at her, and saw a floating ball in front of her.

"He is a great warrior that came from my world. Even if he changed his name, I can guarantee you that he won't betray someone. Also, the one in the fight is a person that achieved a Medium Rank, almost touching the bottleneck of the next rank."

She played the video for a while, and all they can see is a one side pummeling, of a person that just have one seal on his hand.

It is not an attack, but just a wall. An Ice Wall.

But the Medium Ranked man cannot fight back. All his attacks ran into a wall, and can't even destroy one.

"He has a team back in that world, and all of them got into the top 32. 14 of them went into the top 16. I was just lucky that the ones I fought were a sickle user, a halberd user and the other one has a nature seal." She added and the video continued to play.

"The top four consists of me, him, my uncle and his brother. He is much more refined than his brother, but when I watched his brother, I saw that I can't win against him, nor my uncle."

"And he is a warm soul. All of his opponents just gave up from fatigue and exhaustion. He did not hurt any of them." She then closed her recording.

"He may change his name, but I know he is not a bad guy. Or, if he forgot what he is back then, I will make a way for him to remember." Celestine crushed the recording in her hands. A little while, Jovanna held her hand and smiled.

"I will believe him for now. Also, maybe he chose to forget, so it's better for us not to meddle." She said.

"In any case, we must sleep now, so we can go to the labyrinth tomorrow." France added, and they all nodded.


Void Labyrinth, 100th Floor.

Nothing can be seen on the lair of Behemoth. It's carcass, even the circle it will form after death, also knows as manifestation is gone.

A group of three can be seen, investigating the scene.

One of them is a lady with two arrow tails behind her. These tails act as sensors and are busy sniffing around with her.

Another one is a kid that has spider legs on her back. She also has four sets of eyes. One pair is on her nape.

The last one is a man with an overcoat that covers his mouth down to his heels. He has an odd blonde hair and fur can be seen on the side of his face.

"Henry, Behemoth is not here." The lady said as her tails drooped down.

Henry sniffed the surrounding. He then found a piece of cloth.

It was a ragged cloth, almost tattered, but a faint scent can be smelled from it.

"I'm sure we will find him one day. Tell Machina to create more of the prototype. We will invade this land as soon as possible, and let our races out. We will seek revenge on the Inlanders!"

Henry stored the piece of cloth in his coat. He then opened a portal and went inside.

He smiled, before saying something.

"We will meet again, Zyvier."

Then he stepped inside the portal.


Zion woke up early.

After doing his dailies, he found that there are more dailies, but he must first choose.

[Please choose one or more classes.]

{Each choice requires 10 Gacha Points.}

[Choose from the following classes:]

•Master Assassin

•Paladin Knight

•Spirit Saint

•Soul Oracle

•Mechanic Engineer

•Sniper Marksman

•Sword Mage

•Inscription Diviner

•Poison Apothecary

•Supreme Ruler

These are the ten choices given.

Master Assassin, as given, is a class of speed and killing power. It has the ability to hide, blend in darkness and release power in one strike, dealing a killing blow.

Paladin Knight is an upgrade of the Paladin. The class is more on defense and endurance. It can block solid attacks and even large magical attacks. They are also masters of hex for they tame animals for their own use.

Spirit Saint is one that is more on healing, purifying, and the light energy. They are speedy and can heal many people at once.

Soul Oracle is more on the dark energy. It corrupt, kill and even annihilate things. They are good in damage dealing and defense.

Mechanic Engineer is a class that deals with blacksmithing, making technologies and sciences. This one have more affinity to metals, have a good set of equipments and upgrades of equipments.

Sniper Marksman is the class that has the most dexterity and constitution. They are long rangers and are adept in control, accuracy and precision.

Sword Mages are the higher upgrades of a Magic Swordsman. A Magic Swordsman is a swordsman that uses magic to enhance his capabilities, his sword or other things. A Sword Mage uses magic as a different attack from the sword attack. They are good in short range fights, good in using mana and aether.

Inscription Diviner is the class of having artistry, knowledge of magic circle, runes, and inscriptions. It is a class that is good in fortifying equipments, additional knowledge towards circles and insight.

Poison Apothecary is a class that deals with medicine, being a physician and what is not a good medicine. Also, it makes medicines, pills and other concoctions. They are also good cooks, good companion for adventures and good at replenishing used energies.

Supreme Ruler just states that it needs five lower classes: Absorb, Copy, Form, Nullify and Control.

Zion has thirty Gacha Points. He can only choose three at most.

[Time for choosing: 47:56:12]

{Once you have chosen, you can't choose again.}

And so, his dailies will have more quests to fulfill his classes, and to upgrade them.

After today's dailies, he now have forty Gacha Points. Calculating, Zion noticed that he can unlock seven if he is lucky, six if not.

"Let's see how this will turn out." He said and then, he opened his wardrobe.

Inside were his different apparels that he chose for the past few days, and bought it.

In a corner of the wardrobe, he pulled out a box, and then he blew off dust from it.

He opened it and saw eleven rings from it. This box arrived four days ago, but due to the construction, it accumulated dust. It was a good thing that he went shopping after the construction, if not, all of his clothes will be dusted today.

There were nine of them, so Zion ordered eleven in case Edwina uses her two slots. Now, they have eleven, and all of the rings can be used.

He took the rings and put it all on his fingers. The rings are inscribed, so they adjust to the finger of the user.

He wore his shoes, his jeans, and a plain white shirt. Adding the rings on his hand, he is like a thug that just came out of prison.

At the time he went out of the room, there are no people outside. He then went to the kitchen to cook a few bacon and eggs. He also fried some rice, and then he made a table for eleven on the terrace.

When he was done, the first one to go out was Mina.

"Zioooooooon!" She jumped to him. He almost toppled over, the good thing is that he was done preparing. All of the foods are now in the table.

"Are you a kid?" Mina smiled. It is true that she is a bit short, but she also acts like a kid. Edwina also thought of the same thing, but when she identified her age through magic, she was surprised that she is already nineteen.

"Zioooooon! Hurry up and feed meeeeee!" She protested as she sat down a chair. She then smiled and opened her mouth.

"All right, all right." He then spoonfed Mina.

Every time she gets a bite, she will giggle and smile at Zion. He also poured some warm milk om her glass.

The others also went out a little later.

"Hey bro, didn't knew you were a loli--"

"Shut up, Keith." Niana stopped him and used a karate chop on his head.

"That hurts." Keith said as he went to the table.

Then, they noticed the rings beside their plates.

"I ordered that a while ago. We can use it today so when we are lost or we need help, we can find each other and help each other." Zion said as he cleaned up the place where Mina ate.

"Mina already got hers." He said and smiled.

The others already knew of these rings, and they were joyful to receive it from a comrade.

The put it on, then they ate. After that, they took baths, wore their attires, and now, they are ready to get inside the labyrinth.