
Zephyr's Odyssey

In the twilight of existence, a former deity weaves their celestial journey into a diary. As they inscribe their final moments, their enigmatic life story becomes an otherworldly relic lost in the sands of time. Countless years later, a new world blossoms, teeming with thriving human life. Yet, beneath the veneer of prosperity, a dark undercurrent pulses, lurking in the shadows. At the heart of this enigma stands Zephyr—an ordinary boy, yet with a extraordinary destiny. He is inexorably linked to the unraveling of countless worlds, his actions carrying the fate of existence itself. Amidst the chaos, a mysterious woman enters the stage. She possesses the diary of the deceased deity, a tome that whispers secrets of forgotten eternities. Her path intersects with Keith's, and together, they embark on a journey laden with peril, revelation, and the weight of cosmic mysteries. As they navigate a world teetering on the brink of annihilation, Zephyr and his strange companion will grapple with questions that transcend time itself. Why is Keith the epicenter of every disaster? What sinister forces seek to exploit his power? And what dark secrets lie within the diary's cryptic pages?

HeavenBound · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Prologue: Elegy of a Fallen God

The storm raged outside, rain pelting against the windowpanes like a barrage of tears from the heavens. Inside, the dimly lit room held a serene atmosphere, disrupted only by the soft flicker of candlelight and the scratch of a pen on paper. It was a room lost in time, a place where the past and the present converged. 

In the center of the room sat a figure hunched over a weathered desk, their face obscured by shadows. The pen danced across the paper, leaving behind a trail of ink that told tales of forgotten lives and ancient memories. 

"My dearest diary," the figure began in a voice that held the weight of ages, "I find myself once again at the threshold of existence, poised to embark on another journey through the sands of time." 

As the words flowed from the pen, the room seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. It was as if the very air itself held the secrets of countless lifetimes. The energy, shrouding the figure in light so brilliant one would think he was the sun.

"In this life, I have walked the path of a demi-god, not as a seeker of forgotten truths, but as one burdened with the weight of unfulfilled aspirations. With each breath, I have grappled with the regrets that have woven themselves into the fabric of my existence, like a tapestry of pain and suffering. A god I should be but, as I stand on the precipice of my own mortality, I can't help but reflect-"

The storm that had once raged now dwindled into a somber drizzle, mirroring the gradual withering of the god's form. His emotions had long since withered under the relentless trials he had faced. Each raindrop, falling with a poignant slowness, seemed to symbolize the inexorable approach of his demise. Despite the futility of the act, the figure defiantly raised his pen and continued to write, determined to leave a trace of his existence, even as it waned. 

"-on the roads not taken, the dreams left unfulfilled. Will this final moment bring redemption and clarity, or am I fated to depart as I arrived—a spectator in my own life, haunted by the regrets that have defined this existence?"

With renewed determination, the pen swept across the pages, fueled by emotions that had transformed the god's inner landscape. His sorrow, once a desiccated ocean, now surged like a tumultuous sea, while his rage burned with an intensity surpassing even the eternal flames of hell itself. The somber night sky transformed into a tempest as fierce and unrelenting as the emotions that surged through him, matching the turmoil within his heart. The heavens wept torrents of rain, mirroring the deluge of emotions that flowed onto the pages before him. 

Without pause, the pen continued its relentless dance, inscribing thoughts and feelings upon the pages. The book seemed boundless, mirroring the limitless reservoir of messages he longed to impart.

Yet, a haunting question loomed in the stillness of his divine chamber: To whom was this impassioned message intended? Whose heart and soul would bear witness to the fervent outpouring of his emotions?

The figure's remaining hand trembled, causing the pen to come to a halt. His countenance, concealed in shadows, concealed his inner turmoil, though his thoughts remained lucid. He grappled with a pressing question: upon whom should he bestow the weight of the tempestuous emotions he had poured onto the pages? The storm of feelings had left him hollow, a reflection of the withering of his body and spirit. 

As the last vestiges of his existence faded, the former god summoned every ounce of strength to speak. The pen, untouched by any hand, moved in response to his voice, which carried an intensity previously unseen. The ink flowed down the pages, a surrogate for the tears he was unable to shed. 

"To my daughter


But fate, that ever-cruel mistress, had its way. The god breathed his final breath, and the pen slipped from his grasp, clattering to the floor. The book closed slowly on its own, and the room descended into an unbroken silence—a silence destined never to be disturbed. 



Hello world, just wanted to let you know a few things as you read CZO

This is the first novel I've ever written, so it'll probably be awful at the beginning.  Any advice/criticism is appreciated as i really want to improve and make my story something you want to keep reading.

Something to note however is that since I'm still a student, I cannot promise a consistent update schedule. I'll release as many chapters as I can once they are written (sorta just writing this as I go) so bear with me there

That's all I had to say.

Have a nice day.