
Zeno reincarnated as Vali Lucifer

"Ahh,Where am I " "Wut,which universe is it?" He start his journey as zeno.Wait a second No,there are some mistakes, yes,he start his journey as Vali lucifer to roam around multi dimension.Will he fall or became the protagonist. Base world:Highschool dxd First world:Naruto #multiverse

Almas_Farhan_Arnob · Komik
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55 Chs

49.Figh in Waterfall

While we are going going toward takigakure entrance, I was thinking something.If I am not wrong with my memory naruto beat that enemy with the help of nine tailed beast.But that should be after chunin exam,so according to plot this action were happening after chunin exam.But,its happening early,is it for my interfering.If naruto can't take control the power of nine tailed beast then how are going to happen.I think I need to take care that jounin but I have never fight a jounin alone.Hmm,a jounin should be at least higher than high devil whom I had fight .There are many type if jounin some elite jounin,some S class jounin,some are special jounin.

Sigh,likewise I had said its difficult to compare power in multiverse level.

OK,let's focus,maybe I need to reveal some card of mine to fight with that jounin.

After sometime I see a waterfall,and mysteriously shibuki are entering from there to the village,maybe that why villages are called hidden village.

After we enter the village,we saw two child running toward us by seeing shibuki maybe.

"Huff..huff..there are someone attacking our village shibuki san and my mother is injured . Please help us."Those two child maybe siblings.

Hearing that shibuki face became black like coal.I have aslo guessed his sensei maybe caused it.

"Shizuku don't worry we will take care of your mother."

"So,you came shibuki .You are late whatever give me that you have or I have to kill everyone."I heard a voice .

While looking i see long spiky hair, small dark eyes, and a goatee. He wore a dark blue jacket, grey pants, sandals, and a bandanna that held his hair out of his face.

"Suien sensei,I am not going to give you hero water."shibuki know suien was power hungry man who will even doesn't bat eye killing his people and hurt villages.

There are also some chunin maybe to help him.This going to a hard fight.

"If you aren't going to give us the hero water I need to snatch it from you then."

Before anything happend those genin behind him attack us .I have already told them I will take care suien aka shibuki sensei ,though they don't believe me but they know I am strongest among them if leave shibuki who are you coward.

When I going to fight suien and team 7 are taking care of those chunin,sasuke are taking care some kirisame guy I heard from there comrade.He first try to taking care sakura but sakura defend with taijutsu and sasuke attack him ,caught him off guard.

And suien summon koi fish and cat fish to help him acquire hero water.I didn't wait and with fire realse:great fireball jutsu ,I encounter her summon .His summon use water shrinking technique to encounter it and fog spread around.I didn't miss that chance and attack that koi fish ,before that I fool him with my earth clone then behind from him I use rasengan toward his back which create Whirlpool in the water.And the koi fish was injured near dying because of hole in the back.

Suien still wasn't joining the fight but after seeing his summon get killed.He was shocked and decided to intervent the fight.He attack me with water bullet justu which I dodge with my defensive magic but there still some impact.He is again shocked seeing it.He come near to me combat with me.But when I try to fight I understand this a clone ,and the real one behind me.Suein cut my back with his water cutting sword style thus injuring my back.

I try to to use my laser beam. magic but I get water bullet attack from my behind ,that cat fish was attacking me.Ok,that was bully I need to fight with two enemy only being chunin thats not fair,well life doest give that shit anymore.While countering cat fish,suien use water release :water dragon bullet jutsu.