
Zenith Season 1 Morn kunthea+meng lu

In a civilized society with colorful lights, many aspects of the story we already know, there are good and bad parts that happen every day. Like some murders that ordinary police can not solve and murders that do not come from the work of ordinary people. A group of terrorists who hunt people for entertainment and food. They are known as the Black Blood, a group of mysterious assassins. But no-one know what they look like and where they live. Of course, due to the presence of a group of bad guys with special spiritual powers, there are also royal police officers who are active in resolving those cases. But some difficult cases are not immediately resolved by the police. Therefore, if any relatives of the victims want to get information about the specific cause of the murder and the crime, they can use a special service to hire a private detective agency called zenith. The zenith group was contacted through a telephone system with the number 00 and the voice of a woman answering the phone. The voice of the automatic machine will tell you to dial 1 or 2 to use the service you need. If you dial 1, your number will be redirected to the normal media service area. But if you choose 2 numbers as a special service, you hear people telling you where to make an appointment. The zenith is a group of people with special powers and originated from a mysterious aristocracy with the backing of special civil servants behind their backs. The bloodthirsty Wright, and a gamble by life begins. Zenith The zenith is an imaginary point directly "above" a particular location, on the imaginary celestial sphere. "Above" means in the vertical direction (plumb line) opposite to the gravity direction at that location (nadir). The zenith is the "highest" point on the celestial sphere. The formation of the zenith team is made up of a special group of people with the same views and ideas, adhering to the success and high level of progress. The group works privately with the government to hunt down black blood terrorists. Zenith teams Grandpa Kira Lexi Eisuke (永祐 ) Yamada Mimi Sara ( 冴咲 ) Aiyaka Wan Fei Jin&Lin Officer dealers Sen & Ayaka Monster Monster boy CX Monster girl XC Monster girl XCX Monster twins XY Monster boy XXC Monster girl XXZ Monster boy ZX Monster girl XXT

Mayumi_Rin · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Death trap * Episode nine * Mission hospital ( Police + Lexi and MiMi ) * Monster XXZ

* The police inspect the goods that the merchants carry on the ship. The goods traded by the merchants of the neighboring country were cloth, oil and dye. After customs officials inspected the goods, officers from Sen and Ayaka arrived, people telling them that many bodies had been found at the bottom of the ship. Customs police and traders were surprised, thinking that perhaps Sen's police had given the information wrong. Because the customs police have already inspected the bottom of the ship and found nothing unusual or dead bodies. Even the boatmen and merchants refused doesn't have any problems on their ship. But Sen's police went up to check again to find out. And he also found that nothing happened as the customs police said. Sen police were very angry with the reporter's joke. Because throughout the day he received phone calls reporting many different cases, and when he arrived at the scene there was no murder or crime.

* While policemen sen and ayaka follow the trail back to the police station. A group of children ran around them as they played catch up running. Police Sen lifted a chubby girl up and lightly squeezed her nose as she looked so beautiful among her group. Suddenly, as the girl turned back to Ayaka, the girl transformed into a creepy ghost, Ayaka pulled her hair out of Sen's body, and all the children turned into a creepy ghost attacking them. it started to rain and there was a lot of thunder. After killing all the child monsters, the force of the wind spins them in the air. Lexi and Mimi return from shopping for items to prepare for the upcoming Lunar New Year. They saw the Ayaka coat she always wears fall on the road and the scars on the ground seem to have been combated. It was strange why it only rains on this road. Lexi opened his monster eyes and looked around, he saw that Sen and Ayaka's police were in danger in the Temple of Death in the Monster World. After saying this, Lexi grabbed Mimi's hand to jump into the water on the road to cross to another world.

* Upon entering the monster world, the streets they were in turned into blood and bodies of many dead, there were many traps on the way to the temple where the Sen police were fighting the ghosts of the former soldier samurai. As Lexi and Mimi made their way up the tunnel stairs to the top floor, a barbed wire fence flew above them, forcing them back down the stairs. they were hiding under broken stairs whose legs clung to the broken stairs like bats. As the barbed wire flew through their hiding place, Lexi straightened up, took the knife at his waist, and cut the barbed wire so it wouldn't slide up again. then he pulled Mimi's arm and walks forward. Arriving at the entrance to the temple, there are a lot of corpses who were shot down by poison arrows along the way. MiMi knows this is a built-in arrow trap, if they mess up the spikes trap will open. Therefore, MiMI blows the magic powder in the air and it will land on a bloodless area and safe bricks. then she steps over powder bricks to another safe area before Lexi. Lexi jumped behind Mimi near the target, but he slipped and hit the trap with the spikes, causing many poison arrows to shoot at him. Lexi jumped up to protect the arrows and smashed them with his knife, then walked over to Mimi, who was wrinkled her eyebrows on him. Mimi reprimanded Lexi later, you need more caution.

* As they approached the top floor, the lights on the walls went out and a group of Dark blood came out to fight them, in the dark Lexi's painful screams made Mimi feel terrified and worried about him. she pulled her hand around in a circle, making a fire fly to burn killing black blood and the lamp on the wall is as bright as before, which sees that the sound Lexi cried out, just slipped fell on the corpse. This time, Mimi couldn't stand Lexi's recklessness, so she twisted Lexi's ear, causing him in severe pain. she dragged Lexi sliding down the street enter the temple, where she saw several Sen policemen killed by black blood members and Ayaka was in handcuffs hanging on a nervous shelf above a bloody pool with a group of children ghosts and dead skeletons, waiting for the rope hanging from Ayaka to fall so they can eat human flesh. The XXZ monster sits on the throne like a princess watching Sen policemen fight with the black blood members. As for Sen, he was fighting with a samurai soldier who held two swords as big as a crescent moon. Lexi rushed to help Sen, while Mimi went to help Ayaka.

* Mimi took her whipped knot hidden under her socks, the wavy knot around Ayaka's waist to pull her down and take her to rest on pillar. She used her whip knot to kill the remaining black blood member. Seeing this, the XXZ monster flew down and fought with Mimi terribly. Lexi jumped up and kicked the samurai soldier in the neck, but the samurai soldier is stronger and didn't move by Lexi's kick, he also threw his sword at Lexi. this causes Lexi to injure his chest and the samurai soldier who intends to use another sword tries to cut Lexi's head off. Sen police saw like this, he took his sword to cover the strength of the samurai sword protect Lexi. Lexi resisted the bleeding wound which was healed quickly, he opened the special eye force with lightning light, jumped, lifted his knees, kicked the samurai soldier's chest to roll in back and grabbed his hands to shoot lightning at the samurai soldier. The samurai soldier tried to stand up and cross his sword together so Lexi couldn't get near. But Lexi slipped in the middle under his sword and used tweezers on the ground to keep his balance, lifted his legs up to the samurai's waist and pushed forward to point the samurai soldier's head. The samurai soldier broke his neck and died by kneeling on the floor.

* after killing a samurai soldier, Lexi kicked the XXZ monster to smacked with her throne . The XXZ monster was badly injured, she used her last strength to fly away, screamed loudly, causing the temple to crack, and the monster's glasses were shattered with her face began to crack like a piece of glass. She said: "The police were like rats that they had been led into death traps whole day, but it was unfortunate that the Zenith team came to block my entertainment. "So whoever destroys my happiness must die. After saying this, she absorbed the ghost from the pool and wrapped it around her body, her body inflated into a ball full of ghost heads, children and human skulls. Lexi used the force combined with MiMi, MiMi wielding a lightning bolt to strike the monster ball which was about to explode, then they kicked the ball together, causing the monster to scream in pain and explode into fragments. The situation returned to normal when the four of them and the injured officer returned to their original positions on the trail. Mimi takes the coat for Ayaka with a friendly smile and also says goodbye to Police Sen, carrying her bag, crossing another street with Lexi.