Toji in Sakamoto Days. Pretty self-explanatory. ___________ Synopsis: Post his death at the hands of the strongest sorcerer of the modern era, Toji finds himself in Sakamoto Days in a younger body. In an unknown world with assassins, Toji fits right in. Slight AU Rion x Toji
[Author Note]
Disc: HrPrTeam
Do you have any thoughts on Uzuki?
I think he's lame, but what do you guys think?
Toji P.O.V.
"Who are you?"
The rest of the car then noticed two people coming out of the chairman's disguise.
Akao looked around. "Why are you guys asking who are you? Who are they!?"
The older woman speaks. "I'm the chairman's wife, and this is my daughter."
I push them off me, moving them to the middle seat.
She continues. "The point of this was to move us out of Japan safely."
Why does this job get weirder and weirder?
I notice the woman's daughter staring at me.
The kid speaks with a tilted head. "Hey, mister, how did you hurt your lip?"
Ignoring her, I speak to the older woman. "So, does our job change?"
The kid looked irritated, but I couldn't care less.
She shook her head. "No, the point was to get us out of the city so we can't be a burden. Our existence is mostly unknow-"
I lean my head against the car window. "We're assassins. We don't need to know your life story. If our job doesn't change, it doesn't change. Oversharing with people like us is stupid."
The kid's eyes narrowed. "You're mean."
Akao smiled. "You tell him. Hey Toji, you could change up your attitude when dealing with kids."
The hollowed-eyed kid spoke. "Akao, do you have kids?"
She recoiled. "Of course not! I have a niece!"
I shrug. "I don't get the point."
Akao raised her eyebrow and looked at me like I was stupid.
She gave me a deadpan expression. "You would suck as a father."
A slight frown appears on my face. "I've got a kid."
The car swerved before Hollow eyes corrected it with a surprised look on his face.
I still haven't seen him since waking up. He should be around nine years old now.
It's not like I can show up and be in his life again.
Damn, now my mood is ruined.
3rd P.O.V.
The conversation ended. After that reveal, nobody wanted to speak up.
It turned into an awkward atmosphere.
The last thing that people expected was for Toji to be a FATHER.
He gave off the aura of a deadbeat who would leave home as soon as his kid was born.
Everyone had a hundred questions, but nobody wanted to voice them.
It was none of their business to pry into someone's life, especially someone like Toji, who was in a bad mood.
He could've killed them in the department store.
Rion liked to poke at Toji, but it was never something as sensitive as his personal life.
Toji shifted in his seat. "Someone is tailing us."
Nagumo sweatdropped. "I'm not even going to ask how you know that. First, a guy 400 meters away, and next, a car you aren't even looking at."
A physical heavenly restriction allows the host to feel the atmosphere around them. The slight differences and scattered surfaces allow them to see and feel things others couldn't.
(A/N - "Gege explained it like this. I've got no idea what it means, so roll with it. All it means is that they have some weird precognition.")
The heightened senses enable them to detect changes even 400 meters away.
This allowed Maki to dodge the world slash from Sukuna and dodge Cursed Spirit Naoya.
And now, two people were following them.
Sakamoto spoke up. "Uzuki, make four left turns."
This would confirm if one were being followed. They'd rather not kill a bunch of civilians if Toji ended up being wrong.
Nagumo looked outside the right window with wide eyes, not of surprise, but of malice.
He spoke in a darkened tone. "Y'know, this whole mission has been strange. This was supposed to be a secret mission, but it's like someone was tipped off. Everything has been too convenient. Like there is...a traitor."
Uzuki's eyes narrowed ever so slightly.
The chairman's wife, Ai Amo, looked at Nagumo worriedly. "What?"
Nagumo smiled as he fell over and rested his head on Ai's lap. "Carsick!"
Everyone would be lying if they didn't think something was up.
Toji threw up the inventory curse and grabbed the inverted spear.
He hooked it onto the chain of a thousand miles. "Hollow eyes, keep going straight."
Ai and her daughter looked horrified, but Toji opened the car door.
Climbing on the roof of the car, Toji started swinging the chain. "If you won't do it, I will."
Higuchi and Kobayashi were hired to capture the chairman's wife and daughter.
After getting intel that they were heading out of Japan, they found out where their route would be.
Kobayashi spoke up. "Stop gathering trash. The car smells like shit."
Higuchi scribbled in a notebook. "That is another good deed done."
It was then that Kobayashi noticed something odd.
A man was standing on top of the car they were following with a wide smile, a weird baby worm, and a chain.
Kobayashi's eyes widened. "Shit."
Higuchi looked up. "Hmm?"
A dagger flew through the windshield as it went for Higuchi's head.
In the nick of time, he raised his arms to avoid getting his head pierced, having his arms take the strike instead.
He smiled. "He's done some good deeds."
His eyes widened as he was pulled from the car, flying through the front.
However, he smiled as he approached Toji.
The gauntlets on his arms opened to small cannons.
His eyes widened when he saw Toji appear in front of him smiling, using his left arm to grab both of Higuchi's.
He crushed the arm cannons and punched him in the face six times in the span of a second.
Both fell and started rolling on the freeway. Toji was in control, ensuring the inventory curse avoided being scratched, while Higuchi spun unconscious and became increasingly injured.
Both cars drove past them.
After finishing rolling, Toji shot up while Higuchi was down.
Toji scratched his hair in annoyance. "Annoying, I've got to catch up with them. Although, first things first..."
Toji pulled out his Glock and shot Higuchi in the head.
He put it back in the inventory curse. "One down, one to go."