
Episode 3.3

It's like yesterday. Despite Nora and Moriphos' encouragement, I stand at the back of the line for food distribution, determined to be the last one Akara gives something to.

"Do the clothes fit you?" the old woman asks me when I reach the food distribution area.

At first, the question confuses me. But after understanding that the clothes must have come from her, I nod.

I take the bowl from her, while Tosa shoots me one of her poisonous looks silently.

"What's this guy's name?" I ask Akara, curious. After all, she must know.

"He asked me not to tell you," she replies. Her response is accompanied by a friendly smile, quite different from her young colleague.

"He's an idiot!" Tosa interjects, earning herself a reprimanding glance from Akara.

"I've noticed that myself!" I retort. I turn away from the food distribution and slowly start looking for Moriphos. Like last time, he makes room for me today as well. Next to him sits Nora, poking around her food with disgust.

"Everything alright?" I inquire.

"It's fine!" she reassures me, although I can hear her stomach growling clearly.

I look down at my bowl. This time, I've lost my appetite. My gaze keeps wandering back to Nora, who despite her growling stomach, can't seem to eat any of the stuff.

"So, you're not feeling so brave today after all!" one of the men laughs teasingly across the table at me, a big, burly guy who practically inhales the porridge.

"I'll take my chances!" I reply. The whole table bursts into laughter.

Nora tries to get up, but I hold her back.

"I need to talk to you," I say. "Alone!" The others start to go about their business. Slowly, the room empties until only three people remain.

Moriphos looks at me expectantly.

"Women trouble!" I tell him.

"So, I'm not welcome here," he says, leaving the room.

Once he's gone and we're truly alone, I push my bowl towards Nora.

"Eat!" I urge her. "And please don't ask how I got it! But it tastes good."

She cautiously takes a spoonful, eventually managing to finish the porridge.

"I can share half with you always," I suggest. "Just nobody else can find out."

Nora nods gratefully.

"Is there a conspiracy going on here?" a very familiar voice asks from the door.

A smile plays on his lips as he approaches us.

"That guy again," I grumble.

"I think he's nice," Nora remarks. She has finished her bowl, and now I mournfully watch my meal.

Damn it, we used to hate each other and fight, yet out of pity, I'm giving her my food. My stomach growls, punishing me for my kindness.

"I was worried," says the guard. Once the dark-haired man reaches the table, he sits next to Nora. "After all, I'm supposed to look after both of you." His gaze shifts to me, curious as he sizes me up. "Have you changed your mind?" the man asks.

"My answer is no!" I remain stubborn. Nora's gaze shifts questioningly between me and him.

"And what's your name?" he asks Nora.

"Nora," the girl answers, beaming.

"Oh, by the way, kid..."

"My name is Janine!" I remind him.

But he just shrugs.

"Just wanted to ask if you really don't want to move in with someone for the next few days until you get your own room?"

"Never, ever, and under no circumstances!" I reply angrily.

"Okay," he says. The grin that forms on his face is the last thing I expected. I observe him curiously during his brief pause. "So, I'll inform the lady that you're rejecting her offer regarding the shared quarters."

"Hey!" I protest and stand up. "You tricked me!" I remember Kaia offered me to ask if she could take me in.

"Too late, kid!" He laughs loudly.

I sit back in my seat, and now he stands up. He heads to the window to the kitchen. He knocks briefly on it; the metal becomes transparent and then disappears completely, revealing a way in or out.

Akara grabs the man, nearly pulling him into the kitchen with her enthusiastic greeting.

After this embrace, he politely greets both women. Tosa shoots him one of her poisonous looks, although she seems unusually sympathetic to me this time.

If it weren't for the brown eyes and slightly different behavior, I would almost claim that this young man is Torsos. But regarding Torsos' behavior, I have noticed that he plays different roles. During his conversation with my mother, I thought he was an arrogant and calculating type. But after my mother passed out, he seemed so calm and nice, even quite likeable to me.

This guy, who now approaches us with a plate full of sliced fruits, seems nice at times, but in other moments, he says or does something that makes him really unpleasant to me.

"Why me?" I sigh quietly to myself. I haven't noticed Nora looking at me so bewildered the whole time.

"Why do you have the chance to get out of here and be taken in by someone?" she asks me directly.

"I don't even know this guy," I sigh. Why am I refusing to accept the offer, I wonder for a moment. I would surely meet him if I did, right? "I'll explain it to you later!"

"Hungry?" the guard asks. His voice sounds gentle and kind as he holds the plate of fruits in front of my face.

I gladly accept this offer.

"Thank you!" is my smiling response.

The same goes for Nora. She sounds cheerful and feels safe around him. But when he says something to me, memories of last night, when I saw my parents, come flooding back.

Most of the memories are terribly tormenting. A voice mocking my mother.

What's wrong with her? I keep asking myself. Is she okay? How's my father? Is what they said true? I still can't believe any of it.

My hand reaches for the plate, and I am closely observed by the guard.

"How come you're giving away some of the fruits?" I ask him, curious as I glance at him sideways.

"Because you two are nice girls!" he replies and sits back next to Nora, who just beams at him. I, on the other hand, petulantly avert my gaze from him.

"You must have some ulterior motive!" is my opinion.

His grin confirms my doubt about his good intentions even before his words.

"Caught in the act!" he exclaims. "I wanted to give you a taste of what might be coming your way soon." Taste? I regard him suspiciously. Also, a nasty premonition starts creeping up on me. "In a few days, a quarter will become available. Great location, nice people around, these delicious fruits every day, and room service upon request." With the last sentence, he looks dreamily at me. It's clear what kind of room service he means.

"Can you get a male and well-built one too?" I inquire.

He ponders for a moment.

"I think that's not really feasible," he sighs. "The acquisition costs would be way too enormous." I look at him surprised. "The problem has a cute ass and is damn temperamental." I can guess he's talking about Kaia. "If she found out, she'd demand a different one for every day."

Unconsciously, I start to smirk.

"Then let's talk about your neighbors," he says cheerfully. My dreadful premonition intensifies. "On one hand, there's the lovely lady I mentioned earlier." That sounds good! "And..."

"Let me guess," I interrupt him. I sigh. "My dream man?"

He nods vigorously.

"Okay, then I'll rather stay for the next...?" I look at him questioningly.

His grin doesn't disappear. "Ten years!"

I sigh again.

Then he starts pondering again.

"Otscharsan is said to have barely escaped death recently," he mentions. He probably means the encounter with Moriphos. "So it might happen sooner that something becomes available." He starts grinning again. "Which nobody hopes for, of course."

"I think I'd rather remain a guest down here a bit longer," I call out challengingly to him.

He sighs and sounds annoyed by that. "Kid..."

"JANINE!" I correct him.

"KID!" He just won't say my name. "What's so bad about having a quarter next to him?"

"So, what have I learned about this dream man so far?" I ponder aloud. "He's very muscular, I found that out on my own. He's supposed to be tall and handsome. Since I wasn't able to open my eyes during our first meeting, I can't confirm that personally. And since a nice lady, whom he's known since childhood, said she must be a few centuries old, this gentleman must be quite old as well."

"But he's aged damn well!" the guard chimes in.

"I can't judge!" I grin challengingly at him. "Besides, he's labeled as a tyrant. Even by his own people!"

The guard looks surprised. "Who said something like that?" he asks me.

"I'm not telling!" My grin widens. "And he's supposed to be quite the macho! I've already got proof of that!"

"What's that?" the dark-haired guy asks, looking confused. "Surely something nice!"

Nora briefly explains the term to him.

After that, he sighs again.

"And here I thought aliens were all civilized," I exclaim indignantly.

"Maybe you just got the wrong impression of him," the guard says. This time with a nice smile on his lips.

"I'll consider it." I smile back at him, not losing the challenge. "Maybe if he ever invites me nicely to dinner." I start to leave the room. Just before the door, I stop and throw him a brief smile. "That's how you woo a girl on my planet."

"Wrong!" he corrects me with a smile. "On the planet where you grew up." He turns to Nora. "Better go with her."

Nora immediately follows his command.

I totaly like his personality and his fights with Janine. :-)

Authors POV.

JulietRevengecreators' thoughts