
Zayne Valhalla HOTD

Penulis: Brogdawg32
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my own take on a song of ice and fire

10 tagar
Chapter 1Zayne Valhalla: The death and rebirth of the lord of ice and fire

AN: a few things I want to clarify before I begin this rewrite.

Firstly, both prince lucerys and jaehaerys have both been killed by the time Zayne wakes up.

Secondly, Daemon is currently at harrenhall

Thirdly, I am a north Stan. All families aside from the red kings and their cohorts all embody what I believe to be the correct way of going about living in a feudal society such as this.

Fourthly, the pictures will be different here. Zayne will have a different face cam as will others. Mainly Rhaena. As I saw some comments about the actress who plays her being too young for the actor I wanted to use. I have heard and understand such worries.

Fifthly, I do not nor will I ever have an editor. If I feel like editing the chapters I will, if not please don't waste you're time writing a correction or my own in checking your notification. If you can't understand what I'm trying to say I pity you, and it proves you aren't actually reading and immersing yourself in the fic.

Sixth, I do a lot of flashbacks. 🤷 it's in my nature of writing. It's my way of connecting things that would usually be 10+ chapters apart. I don't like this. If you don't like the flashbacks I have a secret for you….. DONT READ.

I ran myself silly trying to cater and explain myself to everyone who commented. While I appreciate your pov, some of the comments I got were nothing more than people wanting to bring another person down after they spent forever writing something they themselves chose to read while not offering any advice, only criticism from people not willing to put their own feelings into writing and sharing them with the world. If you are one of these people, just know your comment will be deleted and I wil find a way to block you. I'm new to the authors side of WebNovel but I assure you, I am trying to have fun and enjoy reading my own book.

If you don't agree with anything I say or do within this fic, and choose to comment on it in a nasty way without offering a solution to your issue, you will be verbally slaughtered by me. Don't dish what you can't take.

Enjoy the fic everyone.


(Zayne Pov)

This is the story of how I died and made the most of a terrible situation.

After 'coming too' I was able to open my eyes. What I saw shocked me, it looked like I was surrounded by millions of auroras. The exquisite greens and purples danced about my vision like a living symphony.

A voice called out to me, "you shall go to planetos. You're given three wishes. Speak them."

Shocked and dazed i answer truthfully without thinking, knowing I can't become kryptonian in a world like that i matched my wishes to the world. Thinking it best not to annoy this voice.

"I wish to be of the first family of dragon lords"

I wish to live in Valyria and survive the doom.

I wish for my mother to be a stark."

And with that it felt like i was sucked through a straw. Starting at my feet and going up and up.


On the way to wherever i was going, I saw colors of all kinds as I passed them. Looking like a real version of the mcu bifrost.

However unlike the bifrost, I didn't land gracefully and come out ready to fight. I pretty much master chiefed the landing into the hard ground with everything turning black.


Waking up Zayne hears heavy breathing behind him. Turning his head he almost died of shock. A dragon looking much like Drogon in the face and skull shape. Only the one before me was larger than drogon ever thought about becoming. Where the red was on drogon is now a steely metallic shiny looking color. It looked truly magical.


The beast is battle scarred. It's the most terrifying thing I've ever seen. Sure, everyone loves the idea of dragons and being able to bond with one. But actually standing before him, feeling and smelling his hot breath, it's too real. All too real.

Suddenly, everything that transpired in my last memories hit me like a ton of bricks. I know now that whatever place I spoke to the voice in allowed me to be okay with dying and moving onto the most treacherous place in existence.

It all became too much to bear for my mind. I was still groggy from the weirwood coffin I had broken out of under a fairly large weirwood tree.

I'm in a world of treachery. Of fire and blood. Ice and snow. It also occurred to me that I will likely be involved in the war for the dawn. Fighting ice zombies kept out by a 700 ft tall ice wall that literally stretched from coast to coast of a continent.

My thoughts raged like a volcano as I truly began to understand my situation. People here still piss and shit in pots for heavens sake! Such a backwater and ruthless place was supposed to be my second chance? Bah! Damn that voice and whoever sent me to him.

As my anger at the situation I find myself in begins to become too much, I feel a warm sensation run through my body.

Looking to the dragon I had completely forgotten about,I see it breathing in my scent. Taking a deep breathe of my own I turn around to face it.

As our eyes lock though something extraordinarily odd happens, I feel as though I've moved somewhere. Not physically. It's hard to explain in all honesty.

Opening my eyes to get a look at why I felt so strange, I see the dragons steel colored eyes looking back at me with an intensity And intelligence I thought impossible in animals. Just then, when our eyes lock and we connect, my world shifts.

Suddenly I'm looking at myself. It looks like a young daemon Salvatore with pure white hair down to my shoulders. Upon further inspection my eyes are white. Holy shit my eyes are white. Am I blind? Holy shit I'm not blind, I'm looking at myself through my dragons eyes. I feel a wave of serentity wash over my mind and I know it's the dragon using this bond I feel to keep me calm and collected. Such a strange sensation. To feel what he feels. The excitement at seeing and smelling me. It's all weird. I need some time to process all of this. Last thing I remember was being told I'm dead and need to pick wishes to help me out in a treacherous world full of magic and intrigue.

I decide to release the strange mind-assault I did to my new friend. I am instantly met with great head pain and fall to the ground with my nose bleeding. The large black beast coos and tutts at me but I just rub his snout and speak words of thanks.

It's even odder hearing him try to be consoling. Such a beast that could burn a castle to the ground is cooing at me and letting me know everything will be okay. Such a thing makes me feel better all truth be told.

I gather my things, a bag of gold, a sword that looks like Damascus steel. Only instead of the darker gray mixed with light gray, the darker has been replaced with red. It also is equipped With a black handle.

Anglachel…..my mind speaks for me. Remembering the day my father made this sword for me.

As I'm inspecting the blade and my fingers touch it a memory comes unbidden to my mind. The memory of this body in the freehold, being taught by my father to forge Valyrian steel. It truly did need dragon fire!

Coming back to the real world i sheath my sword and make my way to my dragon carrying the large trunk that carried all my things.

"What should I call you big guy?" I ask the large creature as I run my hand down its side towards where its shoulder and wings meet.

He grumbles back at me and I know his name instantly, "well then Morgoth, let's go shall we? We have ice zombies to kill." He roars in appreciation of his name and I start up my mounts giant metallic colored winged membrane.

As I make my way up his wing I notice he doesn't have a saddle.

While most may find that unappealing I find it better to be without it. In my opinion they do nothing but hinder the movement ability of the dragon, which will be key to us staying away from the same fate as queen Rhaenys above the skies of dorne.

I don't know how long it will take to fly to westeros, but if I'm not bringing ships with me or any people I don't think it will take long. A fortnight perhaps?

Though it will likely be a moon before I get to the shores of westeros. There are a few stops I need to make before I announce my existence.

First on my mind is who I wish to contact when I arrive there. I will need a space of my own far away from the prying eyes of the south.

The andals have a history of destroying anything they can't have for themselves and the seven gods they worship. The north is a prime example of this. How many thousands of years did they try to take the north from the starks?

Remember this is a kingdom that all south of the neck now claim to hold no value. They think them mere barbarians.

As someone who is extensively knowledgeable about the asoiaf verse, I know much differently.

Aside from a few odd ones in the river lands usually Blackwood or bracken related, the north is the only place to have magic still aside from the Targaryens.

How do you think Brandon the builder built all the incredible things he did at a time when the north didn't even know how to forge steel? Duh, magic.

Runic engraved bronze helped them become the most powerful and feared place in westeros. Until the dragons flew overhead that is.

This means I will not rush to Dragonstone or kings landing and offer morgoth and my own life to the Targaryens and hightowers.

Nor will I treat with any andal born lord or lady about anything other then bending their knee to me.

Unlike all others who play the game of thrones, I plan to make Daenerys' dream come true centuries earlier. I'll burn the wheel to ash.

I notice I've been sitting atop morgoth for a while. A pat him on the back and speak Valyrian to him. ((Let's go morgoth. We make to westeros. House Valhalla has risen from the ashes, and the world will turn to fire before I allow it to become so depleted again.))

The roar I received in return was soul shaking. It was one I'd recognize anywhere.

Just like the roar that ghidorah made coming out of the volcano, morgoth did the same as he jumped from a cliff I hadn't even realized was there.

'Man, sergeant would destroy me for not checking my surroundings. Better get used to staying out of my own head. That'll get me killed.'

I think remembering the absolute crushing workout sergeant Davis always handed down when he was in the area of my base.

Being in the military made me not worry about needing mastery wishes with weapons. I was good enough with hand to hand combat before I died. A little brush up and I'll be fine.


After a month of flying I finally see the cold, beautiful scenery of the northern part of westeros.

During this month I was able to get a basic understanding of riding a dragon. As we moved only at night it gave me time during the day training with my sword and walking into the nearest village to try and find out what's going on in the world.

Just as I suspected, the Targaryen civil war is happening. The most brutal war ever seen in westeros save for the battle of dawn.

I heard both supporters of the factions in the free cities I stopped in to see if there were gifts I could give to the lords I decide to treat with.

And boy did I make a discovery. A merchant saying he received passage along the famous Corlys Velaryon to the Far East.

The man claimed to have gotten some of this 'miracle grain' from the golden empire.

I was naturally suspicious. As false advertising in a world such as this didn't usually end in death, making it easy for people to spout off at the mouth for money without much consequence.

However, before buying the miracle grain I asked to see it.

When the bag opened and I fel the grain for myself to confirm my suspicions I almost broke out into manic laughter.

The perfect gift for the lords I wish to visit. The reeds.

It's said they're direct dependents of the earthsingers.

I know people here call them children of the Forrest, I find such a notion to be extremely disrespectful. Not only is their race older than any man, but their usefulness should you forge good relations with them are innumerable.

As such, not even Cregan stark will get to meet me before the reeds and with this rice, I feel I'll have a friend for life in the crannogmen.


As morgoth and I near the flint mountains where I will drop him off to remain hidden from spies of the hightowers or Targaryens, I feel a similar pull to the one morgoth and I share.

((Go there,) I order my companion pointing to a clearing by what I can assume to be the saltspear river in the neck/barrow lands.

As we land amongst the trees I get my first true look and appreciative moment for the north. The Beautiful green and rocky landscape reminds me of Ireland. It painted A truly beautiful picture.

I'm broken from my admiration by a rustling in the leaves that's followed by a deep, rumbling growl from morgoth. I, understanding his meaning in the growl that roughly translated to, (somethings here.) I begin to pull anglachel out of its sheath.

Such actions ceased however when i silvery steel colored wolf with crimson red eyes comes out of the bush.

I knew what was happening. 'Fire and ice,' I thought making my way slowly towards the giant wolf after giving morgoth a reassuring pat.

It seemed though that the wolf was unable to contain itself any longer and rushed over to meet me halfway, which caused morgoth who can be quite testy when it comes to me, to launch himself forward in an attempt to defend his rider from danger.

Such an action knocked me toward the Direwolf who actually caught me and slowly lowered my weight to the ground while he did his best to make me pee myself laughing.

While to most he would seem terrifying, I'd seen how nice a Direwolf could be if you'd done nothing wrong. My assumption proved correct as the wolf that came up past my shoulders in height allowed me to stand and tilted his head like a huge dog.

Again a laugh bubbled out of my throat as I spoke to the giant creature, thankful I didn't mind rape him like I'd done to morgoth.

""Hello there frost. Shall we go meet some friends?"" His response was a quick bark I understood as yes.

So I led him back to my dragon where proper introductions between fire and ice could be made.

AN: there it is. Almost 2 times longer than my previous chapter. I hope you can see the changes I made. Not big right now, just trying to provide more descriptions I felt I left out last time.

Lmk. Will post a pictures aux chapter soon. I know the name and new face cam might throw you off. But I wanted him to have a more Valyrian look while still retaining some stark. Also, tim looks far younger than any pic I could find of mr. amell.

Live long and prosper 🖖❤️

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Woman with the Tiger Eyes in the Beast World

Sienna travelled to another world when she found a beautiful crystal in the sea. This wild land is ruled by warriors, who can change into ferocious beasts. Females are scarce in this world, they have more males to ensure their protection, but not every tribe treats them well. Sienna first meets an Ape prince who likes her to be his but scares her halfway to his village. She ran from him but he tried to get her back by force. The huge snake retrieves her for himself as for his food. She decided to play a game of wits with him, to give her 3 chances to escape. She will encounter a tiger Lord, who is so smitten with her, that he will gladly die for her, the wicked and exotic Scorpion King, the cold and dangerous eagles and the Black Dragon who can destroy all others. Sienna will need to use all her wits and beauty to tame these beasts. This story is not as gruesome or violent as regular Chinese stuff here, because I'm European, so it is kind of easy to read but it still has hot content, twists and an interesting storyline. The setting ranges from ancient, medieval to almost modern. I had to move this book to novels as it is not fanfic, I made the mistake with the settings and I will keep updating there as well for you who have been reading here for some time. This story in the novels is called Woman with the Tiger eyes in the Beast Warrior's World. Thank you so much for reading. Also this is uncontracted story, so enjoy the free reading:-)

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