
Zack Fair on Remnant

An ignorant guy dies by accident, as he wasn't supposed the one to die by Truck-kun but the random teenager should've been the one. Now the wrong soul got reincarnated in a world were Grimms, bandits, and bad-ass women that kick ass and take names are roaming freely. _______________________________________________________ This is my first ever fan-fic, if you don't like it, don't read it :D I may update once a week/3 days I do not own RWBY nor this cover picture, so peace. I also don't own any characters that I might mention from any known series

NoirZero11 · Komik
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44 Chs

How to get rejected in Public

"Yes, everything is alright, every… damn… thing… I have to kil-catch a certain black-haired little punk after this." Yang said as her eyes never left the T.V., particularly at a certain kneeling punk while having an innocent smile on her face but all those who know well enough will know she's out for blood.

"D-dad, why is Yang like that, she's scary." Ruby whimpered while clutching Tai's leg.

"Don't worry my little Ruby, Zack just made her mad again, she's just looking out for him," Taiyang explained to Ruby.

"A-are you sure?" Ruby asked suspiciously.

"Believe in your father kid, Yang is just looking out for Zack *mumble*for his blood that is*mumble*" Qrow said as he looked at the screen with Zack still in his knees and now a blushing red Pyrrha in panic mode as it was obviously her first time being hit-on.

Back at Zack and Pyrrha at the moment...

Pyrrha POV

'Oh my, oh my!! What am I going to do! This is the first time I ever got asked out!! What should I say to him!! Besides we just met!! How could this guy just ask me out in front of a live television!!'

As I looked back at his sky-blue colored eyes, I can see he is 100% serious and that just made me blushed all the more.

"A-a-a-a…." as I was about to answer him he cut me off

"Hahaha do not worry my lady, if you are thinking of me just doing this for a mere fling, then you are mistaken as for when we are of legal age, I am sure I'd already proposed to you by then!! And also I wouldn't mind having two kids a boy and a gir-*Slapped!*"

"I'M SOOORRRRYYYY!!!!" I panicked as I ran back, I couldn't stand any of his sweet words to me anymore as this moron forgot that they were still on television.



Pyrrha POV end.


It became eerily quiet after that slap.

Zack widens his eyes as he still feels the sting of that slap, he places his hand over his slightly swollen cheek.

The atmosphere around the arena became awkward, as they didn't know what to say to the poor champion who just won and at the same time failed in his love.

Zack fell on his knees then, cried silently for a moment or two.

The audience was sure he was crying right now, so they didn't know what they could say.

Then Zack straightened his back while wiping away his manly tears then walked out of the stadium without a word.

The crowd felt confused, but some of those that were dumped in their lives knew the feeling of Zack so these many fallen warriors clapped at him as they thought even a champion can be rejected.

From then on, Zack Fair's moniker became the 'fallen angel' as even if he became champion, he was dumped in front of the live television.

After that many stories have come to all as some say that the fallen angel became a eunuch to forget all his worldly desires and focus on the betterment of all, some say that he became enraged and rampaged through the grim-infested forest to blow off some steam, and some say, he just might've become gay.

There was never any conclusive evidence to support any of this as the champion himself vanished after winning the tournament. Many tried to reach him as they wanted him in their academy, or be their bodyguard, lover, teacher as even though he was dumped, he still became an idol to many especially with kids.

It took over a week for Zack to get over being dumped, he distracted himself by studying and learning how to make his cool ass motorcycle.

Before he went to depression though, he applied for early graduation and passed it with flying colors. But as soon as he got home, he locked himself in his room and watched different tragic love drama movies while crying, it was a dark week for one Zack Fair.

The others were very supportive as they see this as a way to get over the fact that he was dumped on national TV, in which fact that they weren't wrong.

But while the others were feeling sad for Zack, there will always be an irregularity in that group and its name is Yang. If Zack's week was an aura of depression, Yang's was the total opposite, she was innocently smiling the entire week which made Qrow and Tai felt disturbed and little Ruby scared. It was a weird week for everyone.

Yang's POV

This week was the best I had in a while!!

"Hey Yang, why are you so happy? It's starting to scare me a little.." Ruby commented while looking at me.

"Oh you silly little sister of mine, that's rude, can't I be just happy for no apparent reason," I said while smiling lightly.

"I don't know, I feel as though this is something to do with Zack" Ruby stated suspiciously at me.

"Hahaha good one, that's just your imagination Rubes," I said while still smiling.

"And you've been standing in front of Zack's room for about two hours now while smiling every so often, are you sure you're alright?" Ruby asked in a concerned voice.

"Again, what are you talking about, I'm just being myself and being a very supportive sister (wife) to Zack, silly Rubes, I'm just waiting here when he finally needs someone who can talk to him," I said while smiling innocently.


Haa all according to plan, now all I need is to wait for the right timing when I comfort him as his future wife!!!

Finally, he was dumped, that's right, feel the pain my little Zack, soon you'll realize that Yang is all you'll need!! Then you'll confess to me on a beautiful sunset after we finally became huntsmans, you'll propose to me then we'll get married and have one son and a daughter.

"Fufufufufu" I laughed to myself in which I didn't notice that Ruby was finally backing away for unknown reasons.

That's right, thanks to you red-headed b*tch, my Zack will soon come to me.

That's riGhT, hE's MiNe! No OnE eLsE's, HiS bOoTy SoLeLy BeLoNgS tO mE aNd I wOuLd CrUsH aNyOnE wHo StAnD bEtWeEn Us DARRRLLLIIINNNGG!!!

Zack's Room

Zack suddenly paled as an ominous shiver ran through his spine, he felt fear like the first time he met face to face with the demon Akari.

This feeling just made him more depressed and added with the fear of the unknown was not helping.

What Zack didn't realize then, Yang Xialong has idolized him ever since he rescued them from that Grimm, as time passes that idolization became crush then to adoration, to love and then took a very dark turn to obsession.

The reason everyone else's was weirded out by her was that while Yang watched Zack's proposal at some red-headed b*tch, she realized then that his Zack was interested in someone other than her. She didn't like it one bit, not what damn bit so an epiphany finally came to her, if the supportive and competitive approach was not working then she is just going to take a more aggressive approach.


It took Zack just a month just for making a blueprint. Two months of collecting and building materials for its prototype and it took one more month in assembling everything then fine-tuning everything but after four months, he finally finished his first motorcycle and he is damn proud of this.

Everyone who saw his motorcycle was speechless because the design is very unique and the fact that a 14-year old kid-created and built this thing from scratch was astonishing by itself.

The motorcycle has 20" front and rear tires and is powered by a high-performance, water-cooled, single-cylinder engine - geared toward the lower end for faster acceleration and with no exhaust pipes, the exhaust is routed through the hollow steel/aluminum/magnesium tubing used for the frame of the motorcycle. This is steered by the shoulders instead of hands, and the rider's arms are protected by shields. The two footpegs are set 3½ feet apart on either side of the tank, which the rider lies on, belly down. its color was pure black and in its front was a pair of high powered guns that shoot dust munitions. The motorcycle's central frame will rotate to always keep the driver upright for turning sharp corners. (A/N: Yup, It's Dark Knight's motorcycle and yes, copied a few details about the motorcycle from Wiki)

Qrow, Tai, Ruby, and Yang at first didn't believe him that he would be building this thing all by himself but after four months of dedication, he shut them all up.

After that, his time to depart came but Ruby and Yang were reluctant to see him off.

Two months before his departure, Zack told them and they didn't take it well, Ruby cried at first but then the next day he was ordered by Ruby to bake her cookies anytime she likes to eat one.

As for Yang, she cried for two days, and then the next day she demanded to sleep with Zack every night until his departure. As for the obvious, Taiyang didn't allow it and in his exact words that day was "OVER MY DEAD BODY YOU WILL SLEEP WITH MY PRINCESS!!" but Yang didn't budge and used her and even asked Ruby to do it with her, to use the famous kicked-puppy look on their father.

Needless to say, Taiyang was crying like a b*tch the next day but this was Taiyang, he won't let anything happen. So in the end, he placed a camera without them knowing about it in Zack's room.

As one week went by, Taiyang noticed something while watching those two sleeping. It looks like he made a big misunderstanding as he always thought that it was Zack that was head over heels for his daughter Yang. He was so wrong, very very wrong.

He saw whenever they were sleeping, Yang was always the last one sleep but she will act that she is already asleep when Zack is still awake, after making sure Zack is asleep, she would sniff him then sometimes kisses him at his cheek but the scary thing was while she was doing it, she had a very scary smile on her face.

After that Taiyang quickly destroyed the camera hidden in the room as well as the file that recorded that. He never said anything after that as he feels like if he even speaks anything about it, his daughter's scary smile will be the last he ever sees before he dies.

After that, Taiyang never had an outburst relating to Yang's love life.

As Yang noticed this, she smiled sweetly to her dad but to Tai, that sweet smile caused him a few sleepless nights.

Naturally, Qrow noticed Tai's weird behavior but he didn't have the time to worry about him because his 'girlfriend' has been asking when he will propose to her. After that, he has always been busy almost every day and will take any chance to take a long-term mission from Ozpin.


Day of departure.

In the morning, everyone had a peaceful breakfast but one will notice that both sisters were feeling down.

After that, Zack packed his things and got ready to start his adventure as well as to address his matter with Sephiroth being in his head, and to finally figure out what his semblance is.

As they all got outside to see Zack off, both sisters still showed reluctance on their faces but both knew they can't change his mind.

"I guess this is it" Zack smiled and stood in front of them.

"Old man Tai, be sure to take care of yourselves, especially Ruby and Yang," Zack said as he approached Tai as he fist bump him.

"You too little brat, even better if you come back with a girl next time but be sure to drop by here first before heading towards Beacon" Tai jokingly said but as said that joke, he felt someone stare at him like he was a dead man walking and he didn't have to turn his head to know who that is.

"Sure thing old man," Zack said lightheartedly and was oblivious to the now burning eyes of Yang while looking at his father.

Qrow went forward to Zack next.

"Take care brat, call me if you need anything and if you ever have info about the one Akari paid to watch me, call me ASAP," Qrow said with the utmost serious face while holding Zack's shoulder.


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