
Chapter 1 Hello Mr. and Ms.

How you have been mr. krish are feeling better now?

No,Dr. han I am not... today I am feeling like somebody is hurted alot and it makes me too feel so bad .

ohh I see can you explain me how exactly you are feeling? no,Dr.han I can't because I itself don't known

I see then do a thing record your daily process in your dairy or record in your phone. like how your feeling,emotions, what do you eat in tha whole day . so that I can atleast get clue

okay Dr. han thank you for your concern.

your most welcome please do not forget to record your daily process.


Krish walks to his home after Dr.han check up. After he left, dr.han talks to his health condition to his assistant aru. aru working as an a nurse or trainer for 6months she is calm loyal also wanted to be an therapist her main dream. Dr. han calls aru to his cabin to bring coffee with some desert while she is come . she is always curious about krish what's his situation. 'May I come in sir' ohhh yes come in aru. she keeps coffee and dessert in his table and asks about his condition so,that she can learn about it . Dr. han was always shocked about krish. krish and I were school friends when we where young he was so active and always loyal . Now,today when I am seeing him with this situation I wonder what goes bad if....if anything goes wrong ' Dr. han crys',aru tries to calm Dr.han. Dr. han was 63 years old married and has 1 child. while his wife was working as an a journalist in HWSO company. she is so sensitive at the same time doubts Dr.han is he doing anything wrong or cheats what will happen to her. aru gets always confused by how they met and get married had a Child called 'William' aru has a bad impression on 'will' because he always flirt girl of course he is handsome but flirty she hates it. while she was thinking all of these Dr.han tells about krish and his story but he never told his situation to her. Suddenly, aru gets call from her mom that she needs to come home immediately. okay mom I will. her mom always yells at her to come soon before it gets night 'it's already 8 p.m ce soon. I will be waiting in Bus stop until you come also tell Dr. han you need a day off. 'day off for what ' her mom makes tsk sound and tells we need to go out tomorrow'....what mom actually her mom stops her and tells her to do what she tells her and she has to do it no matter what then hang her phone and tells Dr. han she needs to go my mom was waiting in the bus stop and I need a leave Dr. han for tomorrow. oh..ohh okay you can Dr. han never asked about why she needs leave but also aru was so panchual towards her work. Then she thank Dr. han for his lessons everyday and leave's the cabin takes her handbag and runs for the bus and calls her mom she will be there in 5 min. After 5 min she reaches near home town bus stop and waves to her mom and asks her where we are going tomorrow her mom tells SHUT and come with me don't talk.


Aru mom wakes her and tells her to put on neat and decent dress. She wakes and gets ready. And ask her are you ready she checks and gives a jewelry to put on her 'oh wonderful, so nice your so pretty aru today it is going to be your future tells her mom and she can't understand why she is telling like these things. '@8 a car was waiting outside ' mom tells her to get in 'atleast tell me now where we are going '. if I tell you,you will be so excited and your going to meet a guy and you will be getting married soon. aru wants to stop but her mother never allows. no matter what aru was 24 and still learning to be an Dr.

then they will arrive at unknown persons house and she meets him without a word they will confirm her marriage and his name is vishal he is lecturer in 'wooc' college he also has no idea about his marriage he is 28 years.

They never talked even a word. 'aru family was so lovely ' Mrs. Harry let's us confirm it let us keep the marriage on 31st this month it is going to be grand wedding. 'yahh sure' Mrs.roy let us soon we will be going to be a family this month I am exited. yah mee!! too. aru tries to convince her mother after their meeting that she doesn't want to get married to vishal. but she didn't listen her soon within a week it's going to be her marriage she has no other option she needs to run away. while she was packing her things her mother tells that her dad was going to come. she meets her father after 6 years he was in US her father hugs her and tells that my child has grown up and pats her hair soon she is going to get married after her father arrives she has no option she needs to stay she puts so many plans but nothing worked properly.


... she has no other option to get married to that guy vishal .she is nervous and worried about her dream ....