
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Meta Player

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

CH 1: Yu-Gi-Oh GX

(A/N: For those of you who've skipped CH 0, here are the MC's wishes! This wasn't included in the word count, by the way.)


1) MC asks for his soul to be turned into pieces so he can experience living in all the Multiverses he likes, and there isn't a limit to his souls. The soul pieces can also fuse together, they're not separated permanently.

2) All soul pieces can make a few wishes. But not anything big. Just asking for what power they want to start with, their physical appearance, these things.

3) Every soul piece is a singularity, and no being other than the Crow (R.O.B) can make another one of MC, except MC himself.

4) Each soul piece to be a living paradox. Meaning that basically the past, present and future MC are all disconnected. Hurting or even killing a past MC won't affect present MC at all, being would it affect the future MC.

5) For all records and memories of MC's existence in his previous life to be completely erased. For no one to remember him. Not his parents, siblings, relatives, friends and anybody else. So that they won't miss him, and so that he wouldn't feel guilty for leaving them.


But then Crow, who gets an even better idea. Which is to turn MC into an actual Multiverse! A Parasitic Multiverse which feeds off of other Multiverses to grow more powerful by sending soul pieces to them to parasitize off of them.

And that's the wish part of CH 0, the important part that's actually related to the stories. Now have a fun read!)


(A/N: These are called incorrects, by the way. You'll see them at the start of every chapter for some light humor!)

Alistair :"I like my humor like I like my slaves, dark."

Zane :"... You're really messed up sometimes.


In the middle of a park in Japan, a tall and handsome boy with nose length black hair with faded sides and a muscular body uncommon in the area was leaning back on a bench. His still sleepy face and unfocused red eyes revealed that he had just woken up. (Image:)

He wore a black button up shirt tucked into his black pants, with those of them being stretched somewhat thanks to his muscular build. It was clear he was fond of working out. Even his lower body wasn't ignored. The workouts of leg days had developed his glutes and ass to the same level as Spider-Man and Nightwing.

'So I'm in the Yu-Gi-Oh GX universe, huh? I can work with that.' He smirked sleepily :'To think I would be in one of my favorite games and animes. It still feels like a dream. A good dream. A dream where I have the Meta in the old school Yu-Gi-Oh era.'

Rubbing away the sleepiness in his eyes, he focused on the holographic blue screen in front of him. Although it was weird, what he saw on the screen that nobody else seemed to be able to see was all too familiar.

'Isn't this... the Master Duel screen?' He looked at the space he was very familiar with, where the decks were stored in, with curiosity.

The problem was, there was nothing. It was only the space, with the plus button to create a new deck. Other than that, nothing else was stored there. Frowning, he checked it carefully, and noticed two things.

One, the place on the top left, where his name and level was, and two, three lines on the upper right edge of the screen. Just when he was contemplating pressing the empty air in public, the button seemed to be pressed when he just willed it to.

'Oh, thank Crow, I don't need to wave my hands around like a lunatic from now on.' He sighed in relief, before looking at what popped out from the right side after pressing the lines. There, he saw two new selectable sections. Shop and Storage.

'Oh?' Interested, he could already guess their function. And sure enough, when he opened the Shop in anticipation, he saw something even better than what he expected.

Decks. Not just cards or card packs, but actually structure decks. He could see the famous Meta Decks like Snake-Eye, Branded, Kashtira, Tearlaments, or Rogue Decks like Blackwing, Predaplant, Infinitrack and all kinds of decks.

'Oh, sweet baby mama...' He hid his wild smile to not seem crazy. He couldn't help it, he didn't think he could have all of them. He had expected to have a single deck, and would need to create one himself in the academy.

But no, he could actually have all of them. Without hesitation, his eyes immediately moved to the Branded and Snake-Eye Decks, the decks he was all too familiar with and had spent effort into making before dying.

Knowing he could have them again put his mind at ease. He had worked too hard to just lose those decks. His heart beat with anticipation, but was confused when a small holographic screen showed up in front of his selected deck.

[The player does not meet the requirement. To purchase Tier 1 Decks, please reach Lv 40. To purchase Tier 2 Decks, please reach Lv 30. To purchase Tier 3 Decks, please reach Lv 20. To purchase Rogue Decks, please reach Lv 10.]

"Wait, what?!" He mumbled, frowning :'I can't even buy a deck?! How am I supposed to duel if I don't even have a deck?!'

But when he put down the leg he had crossed on the other, he felt something hard under him. Looking down, he saw something attached to his waist. A Deck Sleeve :'Oh, seems like I overreacted...'

Sighing in relief for at least having a deck, he pulled out the cards to take a look. First card in, Yata-Garasu, and he had to take the deck out of his sight to take a deep breath. 'No way. Yup, no fucking way. There's no way this body would be playing a Yata-Lock Deck! If it was alive at least.'

Holding the deck face down, he took a deep breath before he checked the other cards. 'Oh... oh, wait!' Hope bloomed in his heart :'This isn't a Yata-Lock Deck!'

It's not that he disliked the Yata-Lock strategy. Quite the opposite, he loved it. He was definitely a degenerate who absolutely loved the strategy of leaving your opponents helplessly, while chipping away at their LP with a fucking purple crow.

But honestly, he didn't want to use it in every duel. That was too cruel. He would rather use it on special occasions.

'Oh, wait... this is...' Looking through the cards, his eyes brightened :'Darklord! This is a Darklord Deck! Man, I didn't expect to see this one right off the bat.' He felt nostalgic. The Darklord Deck was one of the decks he had made for fun in the past.

'So my first deck is the Darklord Deck, huh? Hehehehe, have fun dueling me, cause I'm bringing religion to the duel!' He cackled internally, finding the irony of him being an atheist funny.

'Wait, hold on...' Seeing the next card, his eyes went wide. He quickly looked through the rest of the deck, and his eyes went wider with each card :'This isn't a Darklord Deck! This is a Darklord Despia Deck! Oh my lord... or oh my Darklord, I guess...'

As if the Darklord Deck wouldn't be busted in this era by itself, it was actually a mixed deck of Darklord and Despia cards. Seeing the extra deck proved his idea even more. When the shock settled, a sadistic smirk formed behind his hand :'This is gonna be fun. Hehehehe.'

Calming down, he looked around :'By the way, again, why am I in a random park? Wouldn't waking up in the Duel Academy be the reasonable situation? Wait, don't tell me...' As if the universe wanted to prove him right, he saw a Kuriboh haired boy sprinting through the park.

'Oh... I'm late for the exam!' Getting the situation, he closed his System screen, stored his deck in his Deck Sleeve, and started running after the boy. Needless to say, with his muscular and developed physique, catching up to him was easy.

"Yo, bro! You're running for the Duel Academy exam too?" The original MC of this universe, Jaden Yuki, was startled by the voice that suddenly appeared. But looking to his side, he smiled brightly :"Yeah, are you too?"

"Yeah, I am! Guess you're late too, huh?" He smirked, causing the brunette to laugh :"How else am I supposed to make a grand entrance?!" Making the noiret laugh, Jaden continued :"By the way, my name is Jaden! Jaden Yuki! What's your's?" Making the noiret smirk.

"Alistair. Alistair Aliyev. Glad to meet ya." They fist bumped, before Jaden sped up :"Nice to meet you too, Al, but we seriously should hurry up! Otherwise, it's bye bye to Duel Academy even before we say hello to it!" Alistair sped up as well :"Hahahaha, then better hit the gas!"


"Hoo, we finally arrived." Stepping into the giant place, filled with teenagers spectating the dueling going on in the dueling fields below, Alistair and Jaden sighed in relief. But obviously, Jaden was a lot more excited :"Wow, look at him go!"

Following his new friend's line of sight, he saw a black haired boy with a serious expression dueling in one of the fields. With 3,200 LP, a set spell/trap card and Vorse Raider on his side, he seemed to be in a good situation.

[Vorse Raider: Beast-Warrior/ Normal/ Dark/ Lv 4/ 1,900 ATK/ 1,200 Def]

(A/N: Yes, people, it's that easy to become friends when you're a guy. Heck, you don't even get to know their names when you become friends out of nowhere.)

"Alright, new guy, multiple choice!" The teacher dueling him said :"You've got two monsters staring you down! Do you: A, throw in the towel? B, beg for mercy? Or C, run home to mama?" But the youngster didn't look intimidated :"I'll go with D, none of the above!"

Seeing his set card rise, the teacher grew surprised :"A trap?!" The boy smirked :"Exactly. You see, with Ring of Destruction, I can destroy any monster on the field that's in attack mode, and then we both take damage equal to that monster's attack points!"

[Ring of Destruction: Normal Trap

Effect(s): (2005 effect:) Destroy 1 face-up Monster Card and inflict Direct Damage equal to the destroyed card's ATK to the Life Points of both you and your opponent.]

As a ring spewing fire from the sides appeared, it latched onto Vorse Raider's neck, before exploding to smithereens. Bringing the boy's LP down to 1,300, and the teacher's all the way down to 0.

"Clever move, applicant! Welcome to the academy." The teacher congratulated, and Bastion bowed politely :"Thank you, oh wise proctor." Watching their duel end, Jaden was amazed :"Wow, that last guy really toured up!"

"Eh, I'll give it a 2 out of 10." Alistair shrugged, not impressed. Jaden smiled awkwardly :"Seriously, Al? Just that much? I think it was a pretty cool move."

Alistair still looked unimpressed :"Come on, Jaden, you're exaggerating it. He literally just activated a trap. You're talking as if he performed a 30 minute combo or something."

"Can you even do that?" Jaden looked at him weirdly, causing him to sigh :"Believe me, you haven't seen the worst of it." Another voice joined in the conversation :"I think that was pretty impressive too though? Bastion Misawa is his name."

Looking aside, they saw a short, SHORT boy with weird blue hair, tall enough to just reach Jaden's shoulder :"They say he got the 2nd highest score on the written exam of ALL us applicants."

"Whoa, second? I just barely passed." Jaden grew amazed :"Wait, so if he's second, who's the first?" Syrus took on a thoughtful expression :"I think his name was... Ali... Alex... Alistair! Right, I remember. His name is Alistair Aliyev."

"..." After a moment of silence, and Jaden staring at Alistair, he smirked teasingly, jabbing at him jokingly :"Damn, Al, didn't expect you to be a whiz-kid." Causing the noiret to chuckle :"It seriously wasn't much. You're exaggerating it."

He hadn't actually written the exam, nor could he remember writing it. But considering this era's cards, how could anything difficult come up in an exam for duels and cards? Jaden gave him the stink eye :"My written exam score says otherwise, pal. I just barely passed!"

"Yeah, me too." Syrus agreed, although shocked by Alistair's appearance, he didn't overreact. In fact, he looked tired and dejected :"My name is Syrus by the way. Nice to meet ya. I kinda have a thing where I get test anxiety. I don't know how I won my match..."

"So you're in!" Jaden slapped his back, smiling widely :"Congratulations! We'll be in too as soon as we win our duels!" Syrus was confused :"Wait, you two haven't dueled yet?" But Jaden was still happy :"Nah. What about you, Al?"

Alistair, raising an eyebrow :"What do you think, genius? Would I be in such a hurry to come here if I had?"

Jaden smiled sheepishly :"Oh, yeah, you're right..."

Syrus :"Then you might have a problem! I think this was supposed to be the last one!"

Jaden :"Huh?! What do we gotta do now?!"

Alistair :"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be alright."

Syrus :"You're really optimistic."

Alistair :"I guess. I mean, I'm sure they could spare a few minutes even if we were a bit late."

They noticed Bastion walking towards them, before taking a seat in front of them. "Tight duel, Bastion." Jaden said. The stoic boy looked back for a moment before nodding :"Thank you."

Jaden :"From the looks of it, you might just be the third best duelist here!"

Bastion/Syrus :"Huh?"

Just as they were about to question him, an announcement was heard :"Jaden Yuki, please report to exam field 4." He immediately grew excited :"Go time! Wish me luck, guys!" But Bastion stopped him :"Hey, wait. If I'm the third best, who is the 1st and and the 2nd?"

"Heh, who else? Yours truly and his body here!" He pointed at himself and at Alistair :"It's what I'm best at! And Al here, like, seriously, does this guy look like he'd be a weak duelist? Anyway, I'm off to win my match!"