
Yu-Gi-Oh GX! Aim For The Pros!

You have heard this story before, A guy transported to another world after being hit by an accident, Join Kyle in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh GX! for aiming to be a pro and obtaining other unknown forces and friends coming his way, With friends like Jaden and the gang, will he have a fun school year? or will he be confused with his new life as memories from his past life and new one mixes together? Find out here! Note: English is not my first language, So there will be grammar issues, The chapter will be updated if I make mistakes. Chapters: 1-3 chapter per week, mostly 1 chapter but if I’m not to busy, there might be more, if there is no chapter on the week, means 2 chapter week after. Main Type: Zombie Type monster deck. I hope you enjoy the Fan-Novel ☺️

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12 Chs

Dueling Against Obelisk With A Twist.


Time 7:30 AM.

After yesterday, Kyle was still sleeping soundly in his room. However, his sleep was interrupted by a voice that kept calling to him.

"Hey, come on man, you wanna wake up."

As he opened his sleep-closed eyes, it took him a while to focus. The image of the person who had woken him was Jaden. Kyle tried to get up, ''Good morning, Jaden. What's going on?''

"It's time for you to get up. It's already breakfast time. Hurry up or you won't find anything left to eat." he explained.

''Is there anything else?'' he asked as he stood up.

"Today we would have class with Crowler. It's not the best thing to start the day with but we can't do anything about it."

"Fine. Then let's go and eat breakfast." Kyle answered as he and Jaden left his room to go to the dormitory cafeteria, where they met Syrus and Chumley. Once they finished eating, they all went out together to go to class.


Time 9:00 AM.

In the class, Kyle was seated a couple of seats above Jaden and the others. Crowler wasted no time making the students in his dorm look like they were the best, humiliating others, for mostly just the guys from Slifer Red. He had to fight the urge to fall asleep in class, due to the fact that most of the things he explained he already knew. "It will be the longest three years of my life. But I have to put up with it if I want a Pro Duelist."

While Kyle was lost in thought, Crowler was making a round of questions to the students about the various types of cards and their effects.

The first of the questions he addressed to the Obelisks, asking them very easy questions to make the students of whom he was making seem superior. After a round of questioning his favorite students, he passes on to the students in the lower ranks to look for his next victim for some fun.

"You, Syrus Truesdale." Crowler said pointing to the young Slifer smiling. "Tell me what is a field spell card?"

"Well, a field magic would be...." Syrus couldn't answer the question because he was too anxious.

"Incredible, I can't believe you aren't capable of answering such an easy question." Crowler teased the young Slifer, making even most of the Obelisks present laugh, Satisfied with this funny skit, Crowler began looking for a new target among the Slifer. He notices Kyle who almost fell asleep.

"You, with the red hat." Hearing someone say Red Hat, he stood up.

"Yes professor?"

"I want you to answer the question I asked to your Slifer companion earlier." Crowler asked as he was already starting to smile.

''(Do you really think you're giving me a hard time like this?)'' It was the thought of Kyle. Crowler was preparing to make his students laugh again, but after a few seconds his smile disappeared.

"Field Spells can provide an advantage or a disadvantage to either player based on the conditions. They share a certain property with: the type or attribute of a card such as increasing a monster's attack points, such as the Umiiruka card which increases the attack points of all Elemental Water attribute monsters but decrese thier defence. Some also allow you to perform a fusion summon such as Fusion Gate. There can only be one field spell card in play, if a second field spell is activated the first is destroyed unless the activation is negated before it is played in which case, the first remains in play." Kyle explained.

After the explanation, everyone stared at him with amazed looks. He had not only answered the question they had asked him, but he had managed to explain in detail some of the characteristics of these cards, explaining their functioning in the game. ''Why are you so amazed? This is a basic question?''

Crowler's face turned red with anger. He seemed about to explode from all the embarrassment this student had given him in front of the whole class. "That's enough! thank you Kyle for answering on a okay level but Unless you want to risk being in trouble already, I suggest you go back to your seat!" shouted Crowler.

Kyle pulled himself together with a simple shrugged and said no more for the rest of the lesson. While everyone stared at him for his disrespect to a teacher. As well as the gaze of many Obelisks that seemed to pierce him. 

Everyone was whispering how wierd of a person he was. All except one person, Jaden Yuki.

"Wow, Syrus, you saw. Kyle managed to beat Crowler at his own game." Jaden declared.

"Um, Jaden, not to offend you but I think Kyle is in trouble after this, You don't think we should help him?" Syrus asked.

Upon hearing these words Jaden took a quick look at Kyle to see that his expression was serene and not at all worried. "No I don't think so, he just proved he can handle an already difficult situation on his own." Jaden replied. "I can't wait to be able to duel with him." thinking about the idea of tackling Kyle.

"Unless you two Slifer Slackers want to get in trouble too, BE QUITE!" yelled a still angry Crowler at Jaden and Syrus.


Time 04:00 PM.

After the first day of class, Kyle began pacing the corridors of the school as soon as he left the classroom. "Of course all that time in class it's boring as heck. I wish I couldn't go, but I have to do exams and tests for the next three years, so I have to put up with all this." thought Kyle.

"I read on the PDA that even if I get a great score on the exams, I don't have to move up the ranks. Good, because i don´t want to move up untill i feel like i deserv it.''

As he continued walking down the halls, he didn't notice that he had ended up in front of the school's card shop. "Here I can buy packs of cards with the duel points I get. Might as well take a look." Entering the shop he saw that it was very large inside as well as well stocked. There was also a basket with sandwiches in it that could be bought with duel points. Kyle approached the counter seeing that there was a girl working. "Excuse me, is this where I can buy card packs?"

The girl turned to answer him. "Yes, that's right, by the way, I'm Sadie. I don't think I've ever seen you here. Are you a first year student, by any chance?" she asked.

''Yes I'm new, I arrived the other day, my name is Kyle.''

''Well Welcome Kyle, what can i help you with?'' She didn´t think he came to buy packs since he is new.

"I want to see if anything comes out to boost my deck." Said Kyle showing the PDA to the girl who was shocked to see how many points this guy had.

"How did you manage to have more than 10 000 duel points? You're here alone one day how the heck did you do it? I've never seen a newcomer with so many points, mostly a Slifer."

''Well Yesterday I dueled against five Obelisks blue, it wasn't that difficult.''

"You must be very strong if you managed to defeat five Obelisk blue." Sadie replied in disbelief at this story.

"It's not just whether I was strong or not, it's the fault of my opponents who thought they were invincible when they weren't."Kyle simply replied.

"If you say so. Here, take it." Sadie answered handing him the box of cards.

"Thank you so much Sadie"

"Have a good day.''

Kyle decided to go back to his dorm room to open the packs of cards and while he open them, he heard a voice.

Kyle looked around but found no one near him which made him confused, he went back to watch his cards, he got eyes went towards to the cards, and as he was sorting cards, a small light was behind him looking at him with curious energy.



Time 8:00 AM.

Kyle woke up late, having been up all night checking the cards that he got from the box he bought. ''I couldn´t find the voice that was calling me, but atleast i got some cards that helps the deck more.''

As Kyle said that, he watched the time and knew he would soon be late for class, He brought his deck and ran out only to see Jaden outside running beside him, ''Woke up late to huh?''

''Yeah, we have to hurry!''

As both ran past the cliff, they both saw in the street a woman pushing the van from behind. The woman was elderly with brown hair tied back in a braid, wore glasses, and wore the same uniform as Sadie. Kyle and Jaden thought for a few seconds of ignoring her and acting like nothing had happened, but something inside of them said they had to help her out.

We both looked at each other and nodded and approached her asking "Do you need help?"

"Oh, yes very kind, the van broke down and now I have to push it. I have to take it to the academy shop." The lady answered.

both Kyle and Jaden offered to help and started pushing the van themself.

So Kyle and Jaden pushed the van all the way while the Mrs walked beside them, arriving at its destination half an hour later.

Once there, the lady turned to Kyle and Jaden with a slight bow and smiled at him. " Thanks for the help, I could never have done it without you."

"Don't worry, we just gave you a hand." said Jaden

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Doroty, I work at the Academy shop."

As Jaden and Kyle was about to introduse themself, the clock rang making them late

''Oh no! No time to talk, we got to go!''

Both Jaden and Kyle sprinted towards the academy before she could say anything, Sadie saw the boys run and went towards Doroty and asked what happend.


Both Jaden and Kyle got a lecture for being late and had to do an report to give.

''Man just becase we got 15 min late, we have to write a 15 page report, Proffesor Banner is ruthless!''

''Well it could of been worse, beside, we helped someone today, that´s a win in my book.'' said Kyle with a smile.

''Yeah, you are right.''

Suddenly a shout came at the hall.

"Here he is! It's him!" a voice yelled.

Soon Kyle and Jaden was faced with a group of blue Obelisks blocking their way way.

"So you'd be the Slifer who dared to make fun of Dr Crowler and us Obelisk." yelled an angry Obelisk.

"How dare you fool us." said another Obelisk.

"You will pay here and now for your disrespect Slifer Scum." shouted a third.

At that point, Kyle and Jaden found themself surrounded by numerous students from the Obelisk blue. 

''Wow guys, what makes you the top dogs around here.'' Said Jaden with confusion.

"Well, what did you expect. We deserve the glory of standing above everyone else. While people like you have to stay at the bottom like the Slifer losers you are. That's why we Obelisk are the best here."

''At best, you might have the best ego." Kyle responded by silencing him.

''What did you say?'' asked the Obelisk furiously.

''Looks like you barley understand simple words, Very well, then I'll explain it to you in a very simple way. You think you are the best for your position of the rank that you don't even earn but you think you deserved it with your money, but when it comes to winning you would even resort to the most subtle methods to win. Said Kyle with abit of venom in his words.

''Ouch, that got to burn.'' Said Jaden with an expression of fake pain in his face.

If before the Obelisks were just angry, now they have become furious at Kyle´s words.

"Listen now I don't want to waste time so leave while you can."

"You still have the nerve to make fun of us, Slifer Slacker!"

"No one can fool us Obelisk and think they can get away with it."

"You'll pay here and now for your insult." Said an Obelisk activating the duel disk.

Kyle looked at the Obelisk and then smiled, ''Yo Jaden, Up for a tag match with me?''

''I never thought you ask, lets show them that we Slifers are not pushovers!''

As all the duelist went towards the arena, the duel was on it´s way.

DUEL!!! x4

Jaden: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 5]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 5]

Obelisk Student 1: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand 5]

Obelisk Student 2: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand 5]

Jaden´s Turn.

''Sweet, since you challenged us, it´s only fair we go first! i draw! first i summon my *Elemental Hero Clayman* in defence mode, i also throwdown 1 facedown, over to you.''

[Elemental Hero Clayman]

[Normal Monster]


[Attack: 800]

[Defence: 2000]

Obelisk Student 1 turn.

''Weak move Slifer, let me show you a real one! i draw! i summon My *Goblin Attack Force* in attack mode! and i also place 1 card facedown!''

[Goblin Attack Force]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 2300]

[Defence: 0]

Kyle´s turn.

''My move then, i draw! i summon my *Pyramid Turtle* in defence mode! and i also place 1 card facedown.''

[Pyramid Turtle]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1200]

[Defence: 1400]

Obelisk Student 2 turn.

''You Slifer are all the same! i draw! i summon my *Goblin Elite Attack Force* in attack mode! i end my turn!''

Jaden: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 4]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 4]

Obelisk Student 1: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand 4]

Obelisk Student 2: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand 5]

As the duel was underway, another obelisk was at the watching scen with his two companion, ''Looks like our seniors are showing the peeking order around here.'' said the skinny Obelisk

''Yeah, to think they are at the same class as us is stupid.'' said the more dumber looking one.

''Boys, easy, atleast we getting a good show on how they squash those losers, especially Jaden.''

''You right Chazz, that slifer slacker should just know his place!''

As they were commenting, not far from them was Alexis Rhodes and her 2 friend who also watch the duel with intrested.

''Alexis, what are we doing here, we are not here to watch our senior crush the Slifer First year student?'' said Mindy.

''I think it´s good that they learn a lesson, did you hear that Kyle guy disrespecting Crowler like that?'' said Jasmine.

''Well i think it was kinda cool, he is cute too.'' said Mindy.

''What!? first it was Syrus and now Kyle!?''

Mindy put up a jesture that mimicked a ops face, ''Maybe, ehe.'' trying to look cute.

''Maybe girls, but we might get suprised, Jaden has defeated me after all.''

''Yeah but that was him, now they are tag dueling, what if Kyle is bringing the team down!''

Alexis didn´t answer Mindy and looked at the stadium and knew nothing was that simple, as she saw in the exam, he is a tricky one.

Jaden´s Turn.

''Sweet, time to make a move, first i draw! i activate my spell card *Polymerization* with this card, im allowed to fuse my *Elemental Hero Avian* with my *Elemental Hero Burstinatrix* to fusioon my headliner *Elemental Hero Flame Wingman*!

[Elemental Hero Flame Wingman]

[Fusion Effect Monster]


[Attack: 2100]

[Defence: 1200]

The both Obelisk laughed, ''So what, it´s attack power is only 2100, mine is 2300!''

''And mine is 2200 attack power, your monster will not get through our monsters!''

Jaden smiled, that´s true, but i have something to change all that, I activate the fild spell, *Skyscraper*!''

The entire field turned into a city with huge buildings, ''And you probably know, with Skyscraper, if my Elemental Heros are weaker then your monster then my monster gains 1000 attack points, making his attack points to 3100, that means he is stronger then both your monsters, Flame Wingman, Attack his *Goblin Attack Force!

As Flame Wingman was standing at the buildings, he dived towards *Goblin Attack Force* with a charge. ''Always a slacker, i activate my facedown, *Rising Energy*! by discarding one card, i can give one monster 1500 attack points, i discard my *Blindly Loyal Goblin* to give my *Goblin Attack Force* 1500 attack points, making his power 3800!

As *Goblin Attack Force* was counter attacking Jaden´s Flame Wingman, they both clashed, however to both Jaden and the Obelisks student, The *Goblin Attack Force* got destroyed.

Obelisk Student 1: [800 - 4000 = 3200] Life Points (LP)

''What!? how did my *Goblin Attack Force* lose, he was stronger!!!''

''Well not entirely!''

both the Obelisk looked toward the voice which was Kyle, ''I activated my facedown, *Trap Jammer*, this can allows me to negate any trap card that was activated on the battlephase!''

Jaden smiled and then turned to the Obelisk seniors, ''Nice assist Kyle! now my Flame Wingman special power activates, if he destroys a monster in battle, the opponent lose life points equal to the destroyed monster attack points! go!''

The Flame Wingman the turned his arm that has a mouth and shot flame against the Obelisk 1 student.

''Ahhh!'' Obelisk Student 1: [2300 - 3200 = 900] Life Points (LP)

''I end my turn, sweet help Kyle.''

Kyle nodded and then focused on the duel.

Obelisk Student 1 turn.

''Grr, this is nothing, I draw! i activate my *Monster Reborn*, this card allows me to special summon a monster from the card graveyard and i summon my *Goblin Attack Force*, after that i attack with him, Go! attack Flame Wingman!''

''Not so fast, i have a trap, *Hero´s Barrier' If i have an Elemental Hero on my side of the field, this card negate one attack and i negate your attack from your *Goblin Attack Force*.''

The Goblins attack was negated and then turned to defence mode.

''What happend? why did *Goblin Attack Force go to defence mode?'' said the skinny Obelisk.

''You idiot, Whenever *Goblin Attack Force* attacks, he is forced to defence mode after the attack, you think such a powerful monster be out there without any cost?''

''Oh, i think i understand.''

''Im not done yet, i summon my *Coach Goblin* In defence mode, i end my turn.''

[Coach Goblin]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1200]

[Defence: 1500]

''At the end of my turn, My *Coach Goblin* ability activates, i can put a Normal monster from my hand to the buttom of my deck and draw a card, i put my *Goblin Calligrapher* to the buttom of my deck and draw!''

Kyle´s turn.

''Well then my move! i draw, First i activate my spell card, *Dark Core* this card allows me to remove one monster from play, as long as i discard 1 card, so i discard my *Skull Servant* to destroy your *Goblin Elite Attack Force*.''

A dark sphere surrounds the monster and it disappeared.

''I then summon my *Mystic Tomato* in attack mode and the switch my *Pyramid Turtle* to attack mode!''

[Mystic Tomato]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1400]

[Defence: 1100]

''Then i activate my magic card, *Black Pendant* this card increase one monster attack point with 500 and i equip it to *Mystic Tomato*, now *Mystic Tomato* attack his *Coach Goblin* and *Pyramid Turtle* attack his *Goblin Attack Force*.

As the both monster being destroyed leaving the pair with no monster to defend themself.

''I end my turn.''

Obelisk Student 2 turn.

''Why won´t you just quit! i draw! first i activate my *Graceful Charity* spell card, this allows me to draw 3 cards, as long as i discard 2, i send my *Metal Armored Bug* and my *The Bistro Butcher* to the graveyard, however im not done, i begin to activate *Premature Burial* By paying 800 life points i can special summon one monster from my card graveyard and i summon the recent discarded *Metal Armored Bug* in attack mode!

[Metal Armored Bug]

[Normal Monster]


[Attack: 2800]

[Defence: 1500]

Obelisk Student 2: [800 - 4000 = 3200] Life Points (LP)

''I then summon my *Protector Of the Throne* in defence mode.''

[Protector Of the Throne

[Normal Monster]


[Attack: 800]

[Defence: 1500]

''Attack *Metal Armored Bug* destroy this Slifers Flame Wingman, and since my monster have 2800 attack points and your Wingman have 2100, you lose 700 life points!''

The bug buried itself underground and then underneat Flame Wingman, attacked and destroyed him.

Jaden: [700 - 4000 = 3300] Life Points (LP)

There were more in the stadium now then before since people was walking past and saw the duel, they were impressed with how everything went so far.

''Jaden, You can do it, i belive in you!'' Shouted the Blue haired Syrus.

''Hmph, your cheer squad won´t help you in this duel, i place 2 card facedown and end my turn!''

Jaden: [3300] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 1]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 1]

Obelisk Student 1: [900] Life Points (LP) [Hand 3]

Obelisk Student 2: [3200] Life Points (LP) [Hand 2]

''Man this is so sweet, i draw! first i activate my *Craceful Charity*, as you know, i can draw 3 cards, however i have to discard 2, i then summon my *Wroughtweiler* in defence mode, after that i place 1 card facedown and end my turn.''


[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 800]

[Defence: 1200]

Obelisk Student 1 Turn.

''Slifer slackers, i show you, i draw! first i summon my *Giant Orc* in attack mode! however he won´t be up for long becase i send him to the card graveyard and the rest of my hand to summon *Infernal Incinerator!*''

An inferno was showing in the city since Jaden´s Skyscraper is still on, showing a huge insect.

[Infernal Incinerator]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 2800]

[Defence: 1800]

Everyone was shocked with this play, not becase it was good but how stupid it was, becase he wasted his entire hand summoning this monster and since it´s a tag duel, *Infernal Incinerator* loses 500 attack points for every other monster on his side of the field, but the bonus he gets 200 attack points for every monster on Kyle and Jaden side of the field.

Since his teammate has 2 monsters he loses 1000 attack points but gains 600 attack becase of Jaden and Kyle monster making him only lose 200 attack power.

''Cough, Well even with the decrese, im still stronger, *Infernal Incinerator!* Attack This Slifer´s *Pyramid Turtle* and since mine has 2600 attack power and your only have 1200, you lose 1400 life points!''

The Bug shot fire from it´s mouth destroys *Pyramid Turtle*.

Kyle: [1400 - 4000 = 2600] Life Points (LP)

''I activate my *Pyramid Turtle* special ability, when it is destroyed in battle, i can special summon any Zombie type monster as long it has 2000 defence or lower, i special summon my *Skull Servant* in defence mode.

[Skull Servant]

[Normal Monster]


[Attack: 300]

[Defence: 200]

''Hahaha, Such a weak monster, i can´t wait to squash it! i end my turn!''

Kyle´s turn.

''My turn, i draw! Jaden, can i borrow your monster?''

''Are you sure? if you are go ahead!''

Kyle nodded, ''I begin to tribute my *Mystic Tomato*, Jaden's *Wroughtweiler* and his *Elemental Hero Clayman* to summon *Moisture Creature* in attack mode!''

[Moisture Creature]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 2800]

[Defence: 2900]

''I activate his special abitiy, when i trubute 3 monster to summon him, he destroys all Spell and trap cards on your side of the field!'' Sweep Controll go!''

*Moisture Creature* used it´s laser gun that looked like a hairdryer and shot at the opponents facedown and destroyed them.

''Im not done yet, i activate my final magic card, *Monster Reborn* this card allows me to special summon any monster on our graveyards, Jaden i think i might need your Wingman´s help!''

''Heck yeah, you go for it!''

The Flame Wingman appears on the top of the buildings once again looking towards the opponents.

''First *Moisture Creature* attack his *Infernal Incinerator* and since it only has 2400 attack points, you lose 400 life points!''

*Moisture Creature* used it´s laser gun that looked like a hairdryer once again and shot at the opponents monster and destroyed it.

Obelisk Student 1: [400 - 900 = 500] Life Points (LP)

''Now Flame Wingman, Attack His *Metal Armored Bug*!''

''Ha, your monster is weaker then my own! did you forget?''

''Clearly you have forgotten something, becase Jaden´s Field Spell is still on, Making Flame Wingman´s attack 3100 attack points! making him stronger then your monster!''

Flame Wingman dived at the *Metal Armored Bug* with fire and destroyed it.

Obelisk Student 2: [300 - 3200 = 2900] Life Points (LP)

''Don´t forget about his special power, you lose Lifepoints equal to the destroyed monster attack points!''

Flame Wingman once again appears and shot flame from it´s hand that had a mouth.

''Agh!'' Obelisk Student 2: [2800 - 2900 = 100] Life Points (LP)

''We still have life points slackers!!!''

''No i think it is over, becase i have a facedown, i activate my speed spell card *De-Fusion* this allows me to defuse Flame Wing man to the previous form! and since Flame Wingman was on Kyle side, he get´s the monsters!''

Both the obelisk knew that they would lose, it made them feel dread, they cannot belive this is happening as Avian and Burstinatrix appears on Kyle Side.

''Thanks Jaden, Avian and *Skull Servant*, Finish this attack!!!''

''NOOOOO'' x2

Obelisk Student 1: [0] Life Points (LP) 

Obelisk Student 2: [0] Life Points (LP)

Everyone in the arena looked shocked once again, slowly the clapping started and som were cheering.

''Way to go Jaden!!!'' Said Syrus.

''Hey, Kyle won too you know.'' Said Chumly

Both Jaden and Kyle made a High Five at each other making the crowd cheer even more.

Chazz was not feeling in a good mode anymore and left, meanwhile Bastion who appeared later saw the duel and was impressed, becase he knew Kyle was making a play he could of won but choose for his weak monster *Skull Servant* to finish one of them.

''Brilliant moves, both of you.''

Alexis was happy that Jaden and Kyle Won, while Mindy was cheering at Kyle, ''Kyaa Kyle, You go!!!''

''Mindy, Please don´t embarrass us!'' said Jasmine

''Good job Boys, it certanly be more intresting with you guys here.''


This was a LOOOONG chapter, im tired as heck writing this but i had fun, I hope you enjoy it, i seya guys either tomorrow or the day after for the next chapter. I tried to fix the other things in the last chapters, sorry about that but when i make a long chapter i can miss stuff XD espacially when im into writing the chapter. if i made some mistake in this chapter do comment about it, i will fix it after some rest.