
VS Pegasus???

While Pegasus and Ryze prepared for their duel, the crowd grow bigger.

"Omg that's Maximilian Pegasus, the creator of the game, is he here too duel?"

"That"s weird, I heard he was at the hospital after Duelist Kingdom?"

The crowd was getting bigger and while they were shuffling their deck, Pegasus seems to be abit chatty.

"Well well, I heard you were just the beans knee aren't you Riceboy? I heard from my men that you are quite the duelist."

Ryze then understood that Pegasus were here because of his win against PaniK and The Paradox Brothers, but that didn't ease his suspicions against him.

"Yeah, they were good, but I guess I was better." Ryze said with a smug face.

Pegasus was looking at Ryze with a bigger smile and was just looking childish.

"Oh that's quite the confidence you have there, but let's see if you can stand what I have in store for you."

Ryze and Pegasus was done preparing and both drew their Duel Disk.

"Well then, Let's Duel Riceboy!"

"Bring it in!"

[Lets Duel!]

Ryze 4000 LP

Pegasus 4000 LP

"Since you challenged me Pegasus, I go first, I Draw! I summon my Faith Bird in attack mode, then I set one card facedown, I end my turn."

{Faith Bird}

{Normal Monster}

{Attack: 1500}

{Defence: 1200}

"Well then, it is my turn now, I Draw! Well looks like we are headed to a new world, more like a world of Toons! I activate my Toon World, I have to pay 1000 LP to activate this card but it will be all worth it!"

Pegasus: 4000 - 1000 = 3000LP

"I just love the world of cartoon! They always bring the fun in all of this! Oh but let's continue shall we? I summon my Toon Alligator in Defence mode! And then I pay 500 LP to special summon my Toon Mermaid in defense mode! Then I place one card facedown and end my turn, your turn RiceBoy."

{Toon Alligator}

{Normal Toon Monster}

{Attack: 800}

{Defence: 1600}

Pegasus: 3000 - 500 = 2500LP

{Toon Mermaid}

{Effect Toon Monster}

{Attack: 1400}

{Defence: 1500}

Ryze looked at Pegasus with a strange face, (Why does he keep wasting away his life points? Toon monster are powerful but the cost of using them is a lot.)

"My turn then, I draw! I summon my Machine Lord Ür I attack mode!"

{Machine Lord Ür}

{Effect Monster}

{Attack: 1600}

{Defence: 1500}

"I then activate my magic card, Malevolent Nuzzler, this increase my monsters attack by 700 which mean my monster has 2300 attack points!"

1600 + 700 = 2300 Attack Points

"My monster has the ability to attack all your monster on your field! Attack Machine Lord Ür! Start with Toon Alligator!"

The Lord attack Toon Alligator which the Alligator had a frightening face and when it was about to hit, the alligator smiled and cartoonishly dodged the attack which Ryze was finding hilarious but also confused.

"My, looks like Riceboy don't know alot of Toons don't you? For you see, as long I have Toon World on the field, all my Toon monsters cannot be destroyed in battle."

The crowd was looking at Pegasus Toon monster with a cheer, it's the first time they see Toon monster in action.

Ryze felt stupid, of course the Toons cannot be destroyed in battle, it was like that in the anime.

"Tch I guess I change my Faith Bird to Defence mode then set one more card Facedown, I end my turn."

"Well then Riceboy, looks like you need to know the full power of my Toon deck, I draw! I begin by switching my Toon Alligator and Toon Mermaid to attack mode, now my Toon get ready to attack! Toon Alligator, How about you start! Attack Riceboy directly!"

The Toon Alligator started to laugh and was jumping towards Ryze and cartoonishly slashed at Ryze, then suddenly Ryze felt pain."


Ryze: 4000 - 800 = 3200LP

Ryze felt pain and confusion, since the start his life in this world, he felt actual pain from an attack in Yugioh.


Pegasus then looked at Ryze with a big evil smile.

"Oh I forgot to mention Riceboy, that this is a shadow game! With the loser looses their soul!"

Ryze was looking at Pegasus in shock, "A shadow Game duel!? That should not be possible, from what I heard you lost your Millennium Eye? How can you start the Shadow game? Unless, you are not Pegasus?"

Now Pegasus was looking shocked and then laughed and laughed louder.

"Hahaha looks like you know already then I guess it's time to end this charade."

Pegasus grabbed his face and then dragged it and transformed into a shady guy with a Pegasus Puppet on his left while he has the duel disk on his right.

"It is nice to meet you Riceboy, I am called The Puppeteer, also known as Puppeteer of Doom! I have been hired to send you to the shadow realm!"

Ryze was looking at the mysterious man with a Pegasus Puppet, from what it looks like is that the puppet talked but the Puppeteer was having the expressions.

Ryze was holding his chest and tried to ignore the pain. "Who hired you? The Rare Hunters?"

"Hahaha, the Rare Hunters cannot afford me, no, I work for someone else, but I'm afraid I will not tell you who since you don't need to know! Let's resume! I attack with my Toon Mermaid in your Life Points directly! I have to pay 500 Life points but I live!"

Pegasus Puppet: 2500 - 500 = 2000LP

The mermaid shoot her arrow at Ryze and hit him at the heart."

"Argh!!!" Ryze fell down on the floor and felt every pain.

Ryze: 3200 - 1400 = 1800LP

The puppeteer looked at Ryze who was on the ground, felling alot of pain, the puppeteer smiled.

"I'm not done yet, I pay another 500 LP to sacrifice my Toon Alligator for my Toon Summoned Skull!"

Pegasus Puppet: 2000 - 500 = 1500LP

A Toon Version of Summoned Skull appears from the Toon World and laughed with a creepy smile.

{Toon Summoned Skull}

{Effect Toon Monster}

{Attack: 2500}

{Defence: 1200}

"Oh I'm not done with you yet Riceboy, I activate my facedown, Dian Keri the Cure Master, it allows me to gain 1000 LP, with that I end my turn."

Pegasus Puppet: 1500 + 1000 = 2500LP

While Ryze was catching his breath with all the pain he felt, he slowly rose up and was really angry.

"You should of finished me this turn when you had the chance, I draw!, I sacrifice my Faith Bird and my Machine Lord Ür to summon my Beast King Barbaros!"

The Beast showed himself and roared at the Puppeteer.

"Oh puppeteer, looks like you don't know how to duel, your moves are good but you wasted a lot of time of using your life points against a true pro, you would of lost big time and I will show you how! I activate my magic card, Riryoku!"

Yes, before Ryze began his duel with the Fake Pegasus, Ryze put his new card that he got from the system for defeating the Paradox Brothers in the deck.

"This spellcard allows me to target one of your monster and one of my monster, the first target losses half their attack points, second: those attack points are going to the second target, so first target is your Toon Summoned Skull, the Second Target is my Barbaros!"

Toon Summoned Skull {Attack 2500 - 1250 = 1250 Attack Points}

Beast King Barbaros {3000 + 1250 = 4250 Attack Points}

The Puppeteer looked at Ryze with extreme shock and realized that he was already was about to lose.

The Puppeteer wanted to escape and even tell Ryze who he was working for, but the puppet on his left looked at the puppeteer with dark purple aura and he couldn't move

"Barbaros attack his Toon Summoned Skull and finish this duel!"

"No, No!!! Please Nooooooo!"

The beast charged at the Toon summoned skull, while the toon dodged the attack with a cartoonish face, The Puppeteer life points did not looks as pretty.

The Puppeteer fell down and was screaming through his lungs with horror and then suddenly, his eyes turned purple and then the puppet also had its eye shine with purple and looked creepy at Ryze.

"Well done young boy."

Ryze looked at the puppet and was terrified, he never saw this in the show and found the puppy more creepy by the second.

"Don't bother asking who I am, you will find out in good time, when we defeat you and send you to the shadow realm, we can finally through this world into my paradise, I'm looking forward on facing you in person, When the passage of time allows it!"

The Puppeteer suddenly turned to ash right infront of Ryze and was looking at the ground where he was and then the crowd.

"Huh, why were we here again?" Bystander said.

"I don't know? I remember a duel…."

Ryze saw that they don't remember the duel that just happened and was feeling frustrated, who was this guy, the pain… it felt so real, and that was just from weak monsters, what would of happened if an Egyptian god attacked him.

Ryze felt unsafe and was looking at the sky.

"What have I really got myself into?"

After a few minutes at thinking and looking at the sky, Ryze realized one thing.

"Ah, My rare card and Locator card!"

Ryze looked at the ground and just saw dust.



Hello guys, First introduction of the Unknown Villain, hope you liked the chapter, sorry for the delay of the chapter, I thought I pressed send but apparently forgot about it 😅

Always stay awesome guys ✌️