
Tag Duel! The Seeds Of Darkness! Part 2

Shadow? [3350LP] [Hand: 0]

Yami Marik [4000LP] [Hand: 3]

Marik [3500LP] [Hand: 0]

Bakura [3400LP] [Hand: 2]

As the shadow looked at Yami Marik, he knew that it was testing him, ''(Looks like i need to show him to trust me.)''

''I draw, I activate the magic card, *Card Of Demise* this card allows me to draw untill i have 5 cards in my hand, however, in 5 turns, i discard my entire hand, i will then activate my magic card, *Book Of Life*, this card allows me to resurect one monster that has a Zombie Type in my graveyard, and i choose my *Decayed Commander* in defence mode, however this card has another ability, this card allows me to remove one monster from your graveyard from the game, i choose your *The Dark Potrait* Bakura!''

Bakura took away his card from the graveyard and knew that the shadow knew his cards well, he must of seen Dark Necrofear in his duel with Ryze Minato.

''I also tribue my, *Zombie Tiger* and my *Decayed Commander* to summon my *Cosmo Queen* in attack mode.''

[Cosmo Queen]

[Normal Monster]


[Attack: 2900]

[Defence: 2450]

''What a powerful monster!'' Marik knew powerful cards, however this card even rivals Pharaohs Dark Magician.

''Hmph, let´s start shall we, *Great Dezard* attack Marik´s *Kabazauls*!''

As the priest charges his attack, Marik was prepared, however ke knew he couldn´t waste his facedown card on his own monster, with Marik´s monster destroyed making him feel pain in his body.

''Argh!'' Marik [1900 Attack - 1700 attack = 200 Damage - 3500LP = 3300LP]

The shadow then looked at Bakura´s monster and was about to attack, however, he noticed that Marik was looking at his facedown when his monster was about to get attacked, that means he has a facedown to either destroy his monster or increase the attack power of one, and since his monster is still alive, that mean it´s probably a card that increase or decrese his *Cosmo Queen*.

''*Cosmo Queen* attack Marik´s *Humanoid Slime* with Cosmic blast!''

Cosmo Queen destroyed Marik´s last monster and was defence less now.

The Shadow then smiled, ''Even if my attack is over, im not done, I activate my *Great Dezard* special ability, if it has destroyed 2 monster while he was on the field, i can send him to the card graveyard to summon an even more powerful monster to the field from my deck, come forth! *Fushioh Richie*!!!''

The priest held his head and screamed, as his body became more old and his skin destroyed, from the holy aura it once held changed to a dark aura of death in a second which everyone felt.

[Fushioh Richie]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 2600]

[Defence: 2900]

Yami Marik looked at the card and smiled, ''(Looks like he is holding his end of the bargain, his assist might be necessary for the Pharaoh´s destruction, i play his game, for now.)''

''I place 2 card facedown and then activate *Fushioh Richie* special ability, he is changed to facedown defence mode and then i end my turn!''

Marik looked at Shadow´s monster and was thinking of his next move, he had no card in his hand and was thinking his next move, however Bakura had something planned.

''Looks like you need my help Marik, I activate my facedown *Dark Designator* this card allows me to declare a monster cards name , if it´s in your deck Marik then you get to add it to your hand!, the card i say you have is *Revival Jam*!''

Marik looked at Bakura with suprise, he nodded and added it to the hand, ''Well then, with this monster added to my hand, it´s my turn, i draw!, first! i summon my *Revival Jam* in defence mode.

[Revival Jam]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1500]

[Defence: 500]

''I also place one card facedown and i end my turn!''

Yami Marik looked at his weaker side with pity, if he only embrassed his inner darkness, he would of not need to take over his body, ''How pathetic, guess it´s my turn, i draw! hmm? guess i slowly make you suffer my other self, first i tribute your *Revival Jam* and Bakura´s *Dark Ruler Ha Des* to summon *Lava Golem* to your side of the field!''

Suddenly, Marik was caged inside a cage with huge lava monster behind him.

[Lava Golem]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 3000]

[Defence: 2500]

''What´s the mening of this!? why would you give me such a powerful monster!?''

Yami Marik smiled, ''Oh you will see, however you will have to wait for a bit, becase i activate my spell card, *Nightmare Steelcage* this card put us all in a cage, making us unable to attack untill 2 of your turn has passed.''

The heat from Lava Golem was showing making Marik sweat.

''I change my *Drillago* to defence mode and end my turn.''


While the duel was still underway, Ryze was with Ishizu, who felt a dark presence in the stadium.

''Ryze, something is wrong at the stadium, something dark and foul is there, and there is more then one there.''

Ryze was thinking, at this time in the show, Evil Marik is against The Spirit of the Millenium Ring, the showdown is what she probably felt.

''The dark presence is that dark entity that took over Odion!''

''What!?'' Ryze looked at Ishizu in shock, if she said was true, that means the the darkness the he supposed to defeat is upstairs.

Ryze looked up and then nodded at Ishizu, ''I will take a look, You stay here with Odion, i have a feeling this is not good.''

Ishizu looked at Ryze with worry but knew she couldn´t stop him.

''Be careful''

Ryze smiled and Ishizu and then walked towards the stadium, however he then saw Yugi with Tea and they where on their way toward the stadium aswell.

''Yugi, Tea!''

Yugi and Tea was looking behind them and saw Ryze walked towards them, ''Ryze, what are you doing here!?''

Ryze tilted his head, ''Well im here for the tournement?''

Yugi looked at Ryze again with confusion, ''What Yugi meant, what are you doing up so late?''

As Tea said that, Ryze nodded, ''I felt a dark presence on the roof so i was on my way to investigate.''

Yugi nodded, ''Yeah us too, something dosen´t feel right so we thought we check it out.''

''Then let´s go, 3 head is better then 2.''

As Yugi, Tea and Ryze was on their way towards the roof, the duel between the darknesses was still on the way.


Marik was sweating and Bakura become frustrated, even if they don´t get along, their indevidual game style is strong, which is not good for them, ''Marik, you have not been a good help so far, i thought you were a duelist!''

Marik got pissed about Bakura´s remark of his ability to duel, ''Oh and you think you been even better?''

''Damn right, so far, im the only one who done any damage to them, not to mention you told me that you knew your other half strategy, but yopu have been of no help at all!!!''

Marik knew he was right, the deck he other half had has changed, the card he held was diffren´t then his own.

''Hmph, whatever, i draw! first i begin to activate *Graceful Charity* this card allows me to draw 3 card, as long as i discard 2 card right after, then i activate *Monster Reborn* this card allows me to ressurect one monster from the card graveyard, and i choose my *Headless Knight* that i sent before, but he won´t be out for long becase i tribute him to summon my *Diabound Kernal* in attack mode!''

[Diabound Kernal]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1800]

[Defence: 1200]

''I also place 1 card facedown, and end my turn,''

Shadow? [3350LP] [Hand: 1]

Yami Marik [4000LP] [Hand: 2]

Marik [3500LP] [Hand: 0]

Bakura [3400LP] [Hand: 0]

The Shadow looked at Bakura´s Monster and felt a nostalgic feeling around it, ''So you summoned it, no matter, you will both perish soon enough, i draw!, first i change my facedown *Fushioh Richie* to attack mode, and that activates another one of his ability´s, when doing this, i can summon a Zombie type monster from my graveyard to the field and i choose my *Zombie Tiger* however he won´t be out for long since i tribute him to summon a stronger monster, come forth *Patrician Of Darkness*!''

[Patrician Of Darkness]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 2000]

[Defence: 1400]

Bakura and Marik knew the power of his cards, he has 3 powerful monster on his side of the field, and with the trap *Royal Decree* still in play, all trap cards are ussless.

''I end my turn with that.''

Marik drew his card, and got suprised on what card he drew, Marik smiled, Bakura, you won´t need your facedowns right, as long as we get rid of theirs?''

Bakura was confused and knew what he was planing, ''Go ahead Marik, do it!''

Marik smiled, ''I activate my *Heavy Storm*! this card destroyes every spell and trap card on the field, that means your cage and your trap sealing!''

Yami Marik frowned, he didn´t expect his weaker self get lucky.

Bakura smiled aswell, ''Before his magic card comes to effect, i activate my facedown, *Card Of Sanctity*, this card allows all of us to draw untill we have 6 card in our hand, i was waiting to use this untill my turn would come but now is a good time to use it!''

All Magic and Trap card got destroyed, leaving only monsters on the field, ''Thank you Bakura for the cards, i will make good use of them, like now! i activate my magic card *Mask Of Brutality* this equip card gives one of my monster 1000 attack points! however when it´s my turn again if i don´t pay 1000 life points it´s destroyed, i equip it to *Lava Golem that you gave me!''

Lava Golem [3000 + 1000 = 4000 attack points]

''I also summon my *Yomi Ship* In defence mode!''

[Yomi Ship]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 800]

[Defence: 1400]

''*Lava Golem* attack his *Fushioh Richie*!''

*Lava Golem* was spitting lava at *Fushioh Richie* however before the attack hit, it suddenly went towards, Yami Marik´s *Drillago*.

''What!?'' 3x

The shadow smiled, ''I guess you forgot my resent monster i summoned, it´s ability allows me to change the target of any attacking monster, and i choose my partner´s *Drillago* no offence Yami Marik, however your monster was in defence mode, so you didn´t really lose anything.''

While the shadow said it, Yami Marik understod however he was not happy that he had a smug face saying it.

''Grr, I place 3 card facedown, i end my turn!''

As soon as Marik said that, Lava golem was suddenly generating more heat, leaking Lava on the cage Marik is in.

''What is this!? argh!''

Marik [1000 Damage - 3500LP = 2500LP]

Yami Marik smiled, ''Oh you didn´t think i gave you such a powerful monster without any drawbacks? every time you end your turn, you lose 1000 Life points!''

Marik it was too good to be true, He was angry how cluless he has been.

''Hmph, it is time to end this! i draw!''

Marik looked at the card he drew and couldn´t help to laugh out loud.

''HAHAHAHA!!! it is truly the end!!!''

As Marik crossed his arms, both Marik and Bakura looked at Yami Marik with dread!

''I tribute *Fushioh Richie*, *Patrician Of Darkness* and *Cosmo Queen to summon my Egyptian god card!!!''

Yami Marik started chanting the Ancient chant. (Cue the God music)

''Oh Great Beast of the sky! Please Hear my Cry! Transform Thy Self From Orb Of Light and Bring me Victory In This Fight!

''Envelop The Desert With Your Glow!''


''And Cast Your Rage Upon My Foe!''


''Unlock Your Power From Deep Within! So Together We May Win!''


''Appear in This Shadow Game As I call out YOUR NAME!''


''The Winged Dragon Of RA!!!''

With all monster on the shadows side disappears, suddenly a golden globe appears on Yami Mariks side, changing form to the god card shown his face.


[The Winged Dragon Of Ra]

[Divine Effect Monster]

[Divine Monster]

[Attack: ????]

[Defence: ????]

''It´s the end for you both!!!, Winged Dragon Of Ra´s attack power is equal to the monster i tributed!''

[The Winged Dragon Of Ra]

[Divine Effect Monster]

[Divine Monster]

[Attack: 2900 + 2000 + 2600 = 7500]

[Defence: 1400 + 2900 + 2450 = 6750]


The shadow looked at the god card with envy, one day it´s power will belong to him.

Marik and Bakura knew they cannot win this anymore, With 7500 attack power of a god, it cannot be stopped.

''First i attack my weaker half, Go to the shadows!!! Blaze Cannon!''

Ra fires his attack on Marik´s Lava Golem, destroying it and the rest of his life points.


Marik disappears completly, leaving only Bakura left.

''Hahaha, Once it´s my turn again, you will experiance the same fate fool!''


Author here, sorry it took longer then i wanted, however i had to cover everything back and wanted to make the duel longer, hope you like it and i seya all soon!