

Beginnings are difficult. Truths are complicated. Reality is unpredictable, and dreams are fleeting moments of naiveté. Kurai Eijiro has a troubled beginning. A truth he must face. A new reality in another world and a dream. A cursed dream that forces him to reach the top of a vast and perverse game. A game of life and death. One where there are no black or white sides. In an endless struggle between faint grays and complete darkness. Within an ancestral and forgotten ritual called Duel Monster's. Using a new name, in another body, Bakura Ryou, formerly Kurai Eijiro, will find himself traveling paths filled with constant and convoluted adversity towards an uncertain goal. To return to his world. Together with his family... Or perish in the attempt... And if to do so, he must become a monster... So be it. - This is my last attempt at making a decent Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters Fanfiction. - Genres: Fanfiction. Card Game. Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Romance. Slice of life. Among other less notable genres and subgenres. - The world or setting itself, will not have drastic changes. I will only substitute certain things, such as the name Domino City, for Tokyo City. Geography. From fiction to reality. The plot, on the other hand, will have notable variations. This is AU. A reasonable AU. The MC will create changes and reality will adapt to his actions. Truly meaningful actions not trifles. Reality does not change so easily. The butterfly effect is not omnipotent or scientifically proven. A ripple in a river does not change the course of the river or, properly speaking, its location. Everything is relative and adaptable in this story. Nothing is completely fixed. The magnitudes of events play a crucial role in the plot. The only thing that cannot be altered are the actions and convictions of the most resilient people, whether they are remarkably kind or terribly vile. The dominoes will fall when required. Small ones first and big ones later. - I focus on the cards that correspond to the period where the events occur. 2002 TCG. Except Diabound Kernel, for obvious reasons. I will not use the Japanese names of those untranslated cards in the TCG. I will always translate them into English from Japanese. For example, Koumori Dragon will be renamed Devil Dragon. I will also change the effects and type of some cards to fit the current season. Example: In the first season, several cheating cards were considered spells. Mai's Shadow of Eyes, was a spell. Not a trap. Jonouchi's Copycat and Time Wizzard, were spells. Not monsters. - My story will follow a variable chronology. Decisions will be made during the present and narrated in past tense. Mainly canon POVs, be it Yugi, Bakura, Honda, for example. - There will be no other OCs or SIs in this work except for the MC himself. All other characters will be exclusively cannon. The mentioned OCs will not have a name. They will be mobs only. - The image on my cover was drawn by Shery. It belongs exclusively to Shery. - Please, this server strongly requests you to leave a rating or, instead, point out my plot, grammatical and spelling mistakes during the comments. Mainly in your first impression of the reading. That's the only way I will be able to improve the fanfiction, my writing and boost my desire to move forward with this story. - By the way, if you want to read my fic in Spanish, go to Wattpad. - Dialogues: - ... -. - Thoughts: (...). - Monologue: {...}. - Writings: "...". - Sounds: *...* - Clarifications: [...]. With nothing more to add, Lord of Demise, takes his leave.

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9 Chs

Bakura Ryou I.

Scene: -Space-Time-Dialogues-Descriptions-Details-Clarifications-Review.




Monday. 08/05/1995. Sunset.

Japan. Tokyo. Namui Institute. Rooftop.

{It all started seven years ago. Seven long years. It was on that trip to Cairo with my father. It was on that trip where my whole life changed forever. That was the day I died. The day I came into this body. The day I received my Millennium Item, the Millennium Ring. That was the day I arrived in this world and time. A day full of surprises, no doubt. Child of death and life. Of beginning and end. Born of darkness. Result of the fusion between three completely different personalities. Three different souls. A thief. A child and an old man from another world. Oh, the irony. In the battle for control of the body, my soul won. The most dominant soul. The most accomplished soul. The most hardened, wise and virtuous soul. The soul of the old man, Kurai Eijiro. That day my life took a completely new direction. My priorities changed. Preparation became central to everything I did. Oh yes, Bakla of Kul Elna, Bakura Ryou and Kurai Eijiro, they all ceased to exist, and I, the abomination, was the result. A complete monster, no doubt}.

It was late afternoon and the sky showed a beautiful fiery hue among its fluffy white clouds. Meanwhile, Bakura Ryou was observing the sights at his feet. He serenely watched the movement of people. The cars. Some students leaving their respective clubs. He absentmindedly reflected on the change of atmosphere between day and night.


However, a creaking metallic noise brought him out of his peaceful musings. The door behind him opened. A petite figure then accosted the rooftop.

- He-hello, Bakura! -. Greeted a female student.

The girl in question wore funny round glasses and the typical sailor fuku uniform. Her hair was short black and her eyes were light gray. A light reddish color painted her chubby cheeks beautifully.

(Who?). Bakura thought.

Bakura turned around very slowly. His long, scrunched white hair waved freely in the wind.

- Huh? That name -. Bakura whispered.

Bakura was wearing the typical dark blue gakuran uniform and from his right shoulder hung a light gray bag.

(That name confuses me). Bakura thought.

Bakura squinted absentmindedly. Dark brown eyes with wisdom beyond his apparent age.

(Confuses me too much for my taste). Bakura thought.

Bakura smoothed his hair back. He looked stressed. Extremely pronounced dark circles cradled his features. His eyes rested softly on the female student.

- Yes, yes, good ivning -. Bakura greeted.

Bakura waved his hand towards the girl out of mere politeness.

(Let's get this over with once and for all). Bakura thought.

Bakura shook his head in exasperation. Clearly uncomfortable with his current situation.

- W-well? Y-you already have an answer for me?! -. The Female Student asked.

The girl looked strangely hopeful. The reddish color of her cheeks had deepened.

(How noisy?!). Bakura thought.

Bakura grimaced with displeasure.

- Yes, I've made up my mind -. Bakura replied.

Bakura licked his lower lip.

(But you won't like the result in the least, no doubt). Bakura thought.

Bakura made a circumference with his hands around his chest.

- Hehehehe -. Bakura smiled.

A golden silhouette began to form around Bakura's gesture. A golden, circular figure.

(This will be interesting). Bakura thought.

The object in question was a mysterious golden item. A circular ring with several dangling attachments at its ends and a strange eye carved towards the center. The center of a perfect, chilling equilateral triangle. It was naturally the Millennium Ring.

- Now let's see -. Bakura said.

Bakura looked up. His eyes fell on the female student again.

(What are you hiding?). Bakura thought.

Bakura watched the Female Student's reactions with sick interest.

- Wow, how-how did-how did you do that, Bakura! -. The Female Student asked.

The girl's eyes showed great surprise and shock.

(This is no time to be shocked, brat). Bakura thought.

Bakura stretched his right hand towards the Female Student.

- Reveal your true nature! -. Bakura exclaimed.

A blinding flash shot out from the Millennium Ring and then covered the Female Student in its entirety.

(You should be, afraid). Bakura thought.

A predatory smile broached Bakura's lips. A crooked, evil smile very different from his previous self. A smile that terrified the female student.

- Wha-what are you doing! Kyah!.... Ah... Grrr!... Grrr -. the female student shrieked.

A black mist emerged from the Female Student's chest. Strange sounds left her lips.

(I see.) Bakura thought.

Bakura smiled. A figure began to take shape. A light red monstrous figure. The Female Student fainted seconds later.

- So it was you? -. Bakura asked.

A winged creature with sharp saw-toothed teeth landed protectively on the Female Student. Bakura smiled triumphantly.

(A gargoyle!). Bakura thought.

A thin, ethereal line connected the two figures. Female Student and gargoyle. A spiritual connection that prevented the gargoyle from straying too far from its host.

- Hehe. You're not what I was looking for, really, but you'll serve my plans well. Now be mine! -. Bakura announced.

A bright light enveloped the gargoyle.

(Become part of my army). Bakura thought.

Bakura clenched his teeth tightly.

- Grrr!.... Grrr -. Gargoyle growled.

Gargoyle struggled against the power of the Millennium Ring. It did not want to be subdued.

(Won't resisting change the outcome?). Bakura thought.

Bakura forced his Heka on the gargoyle. The gargoyle staggered back.

- Not for long, at least. Millennium Ring! -. Bakura exclaimed.

Bakura held the Millennium Ring with his left hand increasing its power. The line between KA and human began to disappear.

(It's useless to challenge me). Bakura thought.

Bakura watched as the Gargoyle began to weaken dizzily.

- Grr-r -. growled Gargoyle.

Bakura pulled a notebook out of his bag. The gargoyle began to turn back into a dark mist.

(It's done. Although it took longer than I expected). Bakura thought.

The dark mist entered one of the pages of the notebook. Bakura smiled triumphantly.

- Number 15 -. Bakura counted.

The gargoyle drawing painted a page of the notebook. Bakura slammed the notebook shut.

(I still never cease to be amazed at myself). Bakura thought.

Bakura put the notebook in the bag. Then he threw the bag over his shoulder.

- Hehehe -. Bakura smiled.

Bakura walked towards the fence.

(To be able to bond with so many KA and in such a short time). Bakura thought.

Bakura licked his lips in satisfaction.

(To be able to use all these KA). Bakura thought.

Bakura reached the fence. The sight of Tokyo flooded his eyes again.

(I'm amazing). Bakura thought.

Bakura watched as the sun had already almost disappeared in the distance.

- Although it was to be expected -. Bakura admitted.

Bakura grabbed the fence with his left hand.

(Three souls in one, they do real wonders with the Heka). Bakura thought.

The wind gently caressed Bakura's face.

- It's a pity that my control of the Heka is so poor, even after seven years -. Bakura cursed.

Bakura's jacket rattled sharply.

(So much power in skilled hands would be really amazing, I imagine). Bakura thought.

Bakura licked his lips desirously.

(Unfortunately, without a master to teach me the intricacies of the arcane, there's very little I can actually do). Bakura thought.

Bakura wrinkled his brow in annoyance.

(I don't consider myself a creative genius, either. I passed that phase of my life a long time ago). Bakura thought.

Bakura sighed, squinting his eyes.

(So, creating my own spells has always been out of the question. At least, not for now). Bakura thought.

Bakura smiled looking off into the distance.

(As one gets older one becomes a bit stiff-minded, I admit. The imagination falters and the body's ailments accumulate until the wit, disappears.) Bakura thought.

Bakura was lost in his memories of the distant past.

(Although, being honest, magic and unicorns were never my thing, even as Bakla). Bakura thought.

Bakura shook his head in exasperation.

(Nevertheless, it is an extraordinary medium. One that it would be stupid to waste, if Bakla's memories of Ancient Egypt, are any proof). Bakura thought.

Bakura turned around. Then he leaned his back against the fence.

(Of course, I will always play it safe with this subject. I have plenty of time to learn, after all). Bakura thought.

Bakura smiled in satisfaction. Then he sat down on the ground.

(I'll take it one step at a time. Not planning tends to lead to failure. Such was the case with my good friend and thief, Bakla of Kul Elna. Innocence, recklessness and impotence in harmony are a good recipe for disaster.) Bakura thought.

Bakura took out a cigarette from his right pocket. Then he rummaged in his bag for the lighter.

(I won't die in an ambitious experiment). Bakura thought.

Bakura clicked the lighter three times. The flame lit up his brown eyes. Then he patiently lit the cigarette.

(Oh, no. That's out of the question). Bakura thought.

Bakura shook his head smiling. Then he threw the bag on the floor.

- Anyway, soon -. Said Bakura.

Bakura took a long drag on his cigarette.

(Pretty soon I'll go hunting for the rest of the Millennium Items). Bakura thought.

Bakura threw the cigarette away and then stood up.

- With them in my hands I'll can finally get rid of this damn abomination. Tsk -. Bakura cursed.

Bakura clicked his tongue as he stomped on the cigarette with visibly growing fury.

(I still can't believe I'm attached to that damn thing. To be subservient to that monster for such a childish revenge. Channeling my rage in pursuit of destroying this fantastic world. So beautiful. I wonder how could I have ever been so stupid? So, naive). Bakura thought.

Bakura looked at his Millennium Ring gritting his teeth in annoyance.

(No. That wasn't me. That couldn't have been me. That was Bakla of Kul Elna. A resentful, foolish brat who lived in the past). Bakura thought.

Bakura shook his head tightening his grip on the Millennium Ring. Then he turned to the fence sharply.

(I-I'm different. I know! I'm different than him! I'm better than him at everything I do! I'm better than him!). Bakura thought.

Bakura slapped the fence with both hands, furious.

- I am, different -. Bakura concluded.

Bakura's eyes looked wild, almost crazed.

(Damn!). Bakura thought.

Bakura shook his head. An ugly grimace tackled his features.

(I lost my temper again). Bakura thought.

Bakura inhaled and exhaled deeply to calm himself. A thin line of mist left his lips.

- How pathetic. Tsk -. Bakura cursed.

Bakura shook his head. Self-contempt flooded his features .

(That damn scum came back to play with me again). Bakura thought.

Bakura gritted his teeth in fury.

- I can feel the compulsion -. Bakura said.

Bakura looked around with a bit of fear. Looking for things that weren't really there.

(I feel the darkness whispering to me to give in to my most vile and despicable urges. But no). Bakura thought.

Bakura shook his head full of an uncommon resolve.

- I won't be the one to hesitate, you bastard! You'll never get out of the Underworld! I'll make sure of it! -. Bakura exclaimed.

Bakura smiled maniacally. Then he knelt down somewhat wobbly.

(Even if it costs me sleep every damn night, I'll hang in there). Bakura thought.

Bakura picked up the bag from the floor. Then he slung it over his shoulder roughly.

(No. I won't lose what little morality I have left). Bakura thought.

Bakura clenched his fists full of conviction.

(I'll endure everything until I'm able to finish you). Bakura thought.

Bakura bit his lower lip emboldened.

- And this time! This time it will be, forever! -. Bakura announced.

Bakura beat his chest with his left hand.

(Oh, yes. My revenge will be sweet). Bakura thought.

Bakura licked his lips in satisfaction.

- Hehehehe! -. Smiled Bakura.

Bakura threw his head back and looked at the sky in laughter.

(Very sweet!). Bakura thought.

Bakura trembled with excitement. The Female Student began to wake up.

- Uh, Ba-bakura! Wha-what happened! Why are you laughing like that?! -. The Female Student asked.

The Female Student staggered to her feet. Her eyes looked at Bakura's back with undoubted confusion.

(A thousand hells!). Bakura thought.

Bakura turned around abruptly in surprise.

- Uh? -. Bakura hesitated.

Bakura quickly pulled himself together. The Female Student tidied up her clothes shyly.

(I had forgotten about this brat completely). Bakura thought.

Bakura averted her gaze to the Millennium Ring.

(Let's put this away first). Bakura thought.

Bakura dismissed the Millennium Ring with a slight gesture of his left hand.

- It's nothing -. Bakura admitted.

Bakura shook his head slowly to regain control of his features.

(Now I'm a little tired. Extracting a Ka from someone, without killing them, is still extremely complicated, even though I've done it so many times already). Bakura thought.

Bakura touched his chest contemplatively.

(I'll need something subtle to get rid of she). Bakura thought.

Bakura held his chin with his left hand.

(True). Bakura thought.

Bakura nodded to himself coming to a satisfactory decision.

(That should work). Bakura thought.

Bakura smiled licking his lips mischievously.

- Tell me you? You fainted as soon as we started talking. Hehe -. Smiled Bakura.

Bakura placed his bag on the ground. Then he took out another cigarette from his right pocket. The lighter followed. The Female Student's face turned crimson, embarrassed.

(Simple, but effective). Bakura thought.

Bakura clicked the lighter twice. The flame ignited. Then he lit the cigarette. The Female Student took three steps back.

- Kyah! I-I did, Ba-bakura. I-I did. Oh-oh, my god! I-I! Wha-what a shame! Kyah! -. Squealed the Female Student.

Bakura watched as the girl hurriedly left the place. The cigarette approached his lips again.

(That's it, run!). Bakura thought.

Bakura smiled shaking his head in satisfaction.

- At last, peace -. Bakura said.

Bakura sighed releasing a big puff of smoke.

(Where had I been?). Bakura thought.

Bakura threw the cigarette on the ground and then stepped on it slowly.

- Certainly -. Bakura admitted.

Bakura turned to the fence. He slowly walked to it patiently. By that time the afternoon had already partially blackened.

(When I manage to gather the other Millennium Items. Then, maybe. Just maybe. I can. Go back, home). Bakura thought.

Bakura lost himself in distant memories of his past. However, a strange feeling interrupted his train of thoughts.

- Huh? What an unpleasant feeling -. Bakura cursed.

Bakura looked towards a specific place in the distance.

(There it is again). Bakura thought.

Bakura turned around and walked towards the stairs, outside the institute.

- That nauseating presence -. Bakura said.

Bakura narrowed his eyes suspiciously.


The door closed loudly behind his back.




I hope you enjoy the chapter. And leave me some comments, please.

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