
Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Radom YUGIOH Fan-Fic because I thought why not, little more fast pace and not something I plan on doing for a while, for now. MC gets reincarnated into YuGiOh with the unique power to jump between YuGiOh worlds up to 5Ds (probably wont but might add Zexal (very unlikely tho)) with the added No System. Yes Love interest maybe 2 or 3 max but garneted 1. Main deck will vary and change overtime. MC gonna start with build decks overtime. Duel Spirits? Yes. YuGiOh Vrains? No. Link Monsters? Fuck NO.

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29 Chs

Chapter 20 | After the Test (2/2)

After ruthlessly attacking me, Alexis snapped out of it and noticed the scratches on my body. She apologized before taking me to the nurse, embarrassed at her own actions.

I tried to tell her it was fine since there were just a few shallow scratches, but Alexis stubbornly insisted and practically dragged me to the nurse's office.

However, I was a little touched since she looked genuinely sorry and regretful… even though she caused it…

Half of me wanted to act like a victim just to mess with her, but I was sure she would just hit me more.

Damn violent woman...

"Hm? Hello Alexia! And you are... Illumi, right?~" The nurse, Fonda Fontaine greeted us with a bubbly tone as we walked into the infirmary.

 She had a curvy figure and wore a pink one-piece dress under an obelisk blue jacket. She was both the school nurse and head of the Obelisk Blue Girl's Dormitory.

She was a beautiful woman, but I had to wonder, 'Is it appropriate for her to be a teacher?'.

I wasn't questioning her abilities, it was just that her choice of clothing was rather… provocative, especially considering most of the students were teens just entering puberty.

Whatever, it's not my problem.

"Hello~" I playfully greeted back.

"Hello Miss Fontaine, could you take a look at Illumi he got scratched up a bit." Alexis greeted back and got straight to the point, gesturing towards my injuries.

Taking a closer look, Miss Fontaine noticed the large amount of shallow scratches along my arms and some on my neck.

"Good heavens! What happened to you?" Miss Fontaine asked in surprise.

Being the nurse at Duel Academy, it wasn't her first time seeing injuries, but it was her first time seeing them so soon after the semester began. After all, the first tests of the year had only just finished.

"Well… um… " Alexis struggled to explain with an embarrassed and somewhat guilty expression seeing the scratches on my body.

Seeing my chance, I decided to step in and explain, "I was attacked by a feral bear- Ugh"

Yet before I could even finish, I received an elbow to the gut courtesy of Alexis.

She had suddenly become surprisingly physical… or should I say more open? Either way, it's unfortunate… for me at least.

Seeing our antics Miss Fonda made a look of realization and started giggling, which gave me a bad premonition and judging by Alexis's expression, her too.

"Sure~ Sure~ I'll get you all bandaged up, but next time, make sure not to get too 'physical'~" Miss Fonda winked and Alexis and I belatedly realized where her line of thought had gone.

"It's not like that!" Alexis and I immediately denied it, but Miss Fonda didn't seem to be listening.

"Though I have to remind you two, you're both too young for 'taking the next step'." Miss Fonda winked, hinting at some pretty 'adult' topics.

"No seriously, you're misunderstanding something." Alexis vehemently denied it and tried to explain herself, but Miss Fonda wasn't believing anything she said.

"Alexis, it's fine. I was also once your age~" She winked and Alexis made a disgusted expression as her thoughts drifted due to Miss Fonda's words.

"Ew! Oh god, please stop!" Alexis cried out with a groan.

"I recommend waiting a few years before 'going all the way.' but still, feel free to come to me, I'll give you some 'protection'." Miss Fonda continued with a teacherly tone causing Alexis to shrink back in a mix of embarrassment, shame, and confusion.

I also found myself at a loss for words and before I knew it, Miss Fonda had already disinfected and bandaged the scratches on my body.


Before we knew it, Alexis and I were staring blankly at the wall outside the infirmary, the infirmary doors already shut behind us.

Alexis had just been given a crash course on the 'birds and the bees' and had an absent expression while mumbling to herself.

"It's over… Miss Fonda thinks I'm a 'thirsty woman'…" Alexis wallowed in the shame of having Miss Fonda who was the nurse, physical ed instructor, and female dorm supervisor, thinking she was doing 'inappropriate' things with another student.

Worst of all, Miss Fonda was quite tame and supportive of Alexis, instead of scolding her…

Alexis was left grabbing her aching head while shaking in place with her fists clenched.

Sensing danger, I tried to back away and called out to her, "Hey… Lexis? You still… alive?"

"Ahhh!!" Alexis stormed off, probably to smash her head into a wall.

I on the other hand just watched her absentmindedly… she had seemed a little more childish after the little pep-talk I gave her.

It wasn't a bad thing as I felt we had grown closer as friends, but it was still a surprising sight.

After all, from what I've heard, Alexis was a model student in everyone's eyes and was always mature.


Inside Fonda Fontaine's office, Fonda was overlooking study material while talking to herself.

"Maybe I should suggest advancing the schedule for some of the health classes... Kids these days are much more… daring…? No, forward...? Hm... free?" Fonda said to herself as she readjusted her schedule and decided to make a note to talk to Chancellor Sheppard about moving up the sex ed classes.

"Well, at least those two would make a good couple…" Fonda mumbled to herself with a smile.

"Couple? Miss Fontaine is talking about couples? Has she finally found a man!?" A female obelisk blue student walked in with an excited face overhearing a bit of Fonda's muttering and exclaiming excitedly.

As a third year, the girl was fully aware that Miss Fonda's love life was completely non-existent, so even the possibility of her finally finding a man was exciting for the girl.

However, her excited shout did not go unnoticed by the other female students in the halls.

"Wait!? Miss Fonda and a guy!?'" All the girls in the hallway gathered around and berated Fonda with questions.

Fonda herself began to sweat in a mix of overwhelm, indignation, and shame.

She wasn't going to reveal a student's personal life, but her dating life was a sore spot for her to say the least.

I mean who was she going to date at this academy... Crowler?

No way, even she had standards! But... she wasn't getting any younger...

Now being berated about such a thing, by her long-term students, Fonda felt an unjust rage filling her chest.

"Oh Girls~ Today we'll be doing some intensive exercise~" Fonda giggled with a somewhat terrifying aura.

Hearing her, the room instantly died down as every student there was a third year and knew what 'intensive exercise' meant. It was hell.

"W-wait Miss Fontaine, w-we didn't mean to…"

Sadly no one heard the sophmores' pleas as Miss Fonda's terrifying smile silented the room.


"Y-Yes Miss Fonda...!" The entire room reluctantly nodded.

Things get spicy~

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