
Your Touch of Happiness

Okato Bohiko, a guy who is afraid to express his feelings towards others. With a rough childhood from the past. He finds out he's actually gay it changes it all! Highschool he meets a guy who he's interested in and everything changes, with everything rough for him, a love novel begins!^^

Kawaii_galaxykit · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Middle School

(𝑶𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒐 𝑨𝒈𝒆:11)

Few Years Go On...

When Okato got to the age of 11, he was able to start middle school. It was hard for him, those days showing up with scratches all over, on his back from head to toe even on his face as well.

Classmates would start to stare and gossip from all around the school. Even though he had it rough for him being at home. School was a bit hard for him, he had decent grades. He did well on tests and made one or two friends because they were all afraid of him because of the scars and scratches.

How ever even if that was bad enough, he was picked on because each day he look sad and gloomy. Kids who been in his class for a while now, know not to mess with him, hearing rumors of him jumping into fights, fighting as well wasn't the way he wanted it to all go.

To him and himself he was the silent kid because he was afraid to make more new friends. Those friends I mention weren't afraid of him, they were his senpias because they were one year older than him, Kamida and Akiro.

They were the type of kids who didn't care, who you are or where your from. They were the ones who are there and encouraged you to be your best and try.

Kamida Okatan, was the type of guy who is outgoing, with alot a personality traits like no other. You could say he's friendly but he's super forgetful when it comes to things.

He became Okatan's friend, since the first day of becoming a middle schooler, even if they were seventh graders, they did have a rough start just like no other.

Now for Akiro Toyoko, she was the type of girl who is a animal lover with a creative positive personality with the best attitude who is very supportive of others . Even when times are hard she manages a smile, with her friendly ego she is someone who can easy be hurt.

She's a girl who is a bit sensitive to words but with her strong confidence to fight off those negative words and comments, she is able to over come those who seek trouble with anyone she cares about.

How she met Okato was during school, at lunch the first day of seventh grade just like Kamida did but a little bit different. She met him when she had no where else to sit during lunch hour. With no where to sit and intrested by the looks and personalities of the other kids, she looks around and finds him sitting alone with nobody else. While his first friend running late he joins them as well.

With new friends to explore, his school life gets a bit more complicated and interesting as it begins.