A millennium had passed, and everything had lost its meaning in his eyes. Many heroes emerged from generation to generation, but he stood the test of time. That was his life, waiting for someone to come along and defeat him, but no one did. Nobody dared. Nobody tried. How can he allow this to happen? With the aid of his magic, he rose from his throne and set out into another world in search of excitement and, perhaps, a worthwhile adventure. What would happen if this last boss decided to venture into the human world for fun? PS: This novel has joined Fantasy Carnival
The soldiers were surprised and in awe at the same time because of what Cygnus had done. They looked at him in a new light and realized that perhaps he was not as weak as they thought him to be. That's understandable because he even became an apprentice of the Magus Maximus. They must have thought of him as weak because of his pale and sickly complexion.
"What's the matter? Am I not allowed to help?" Cygnus looked at them with a smug look on his face. He especially took the time to give the heroes a lingering look.
"Of course not, younger master, we were just surprised. You can always help us." Marcus grinned as he sheathed his sword and went up to the young master.
They were lucky because the young master chose to join them. Now, if the heroes don't want to help them there would be the young master behind their back. He looked at the direction of the heroes and gave them a sneer.