

This story follows the life of rei a 21 yrs old detective solving the case of the murder which has been going.

AKiOfficial · Seni bela diri
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-so you are taking up this case i'm sure the three of you already know the basic of this case if you manage to read the newspaper everyday but if you don't then the case files will be there for you anyway in the workspace.

-So let me give the brief of this case so basically as you probably know that the recent cases of murder that has been happening till now and still proceeding that is why we were given a order by the government to solve this case and arrest the murderer. 

so basically like always the government sucks at solving cases and is given us these aren't they 

-that is true but remember you can't say that in front of people even tho this is independent organisation but still the government always have eyes on us and watch every thing we do.

why watch us so much and keep track on our movement why can't they do