
Your Beast

Reincarnated in a new world Ryu met a beast that is considered a mythical creature, with his beast they fought countless battles and travelled long adventures.

SpaceTortoise · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Your Beast

I walked closely to the figure that was lying down at the floor.

"Are you awake?"

The room was dark but also has enough light for me to see what was the figure that was on the ground.

It has a tale and horn.

"A dragon?!"

The dragon's breathing was that of an old man that will soon meet his end.

I got close to the dragon and tried to help it.

I sat down in my butt and held its paw. A light manifested that temporarily blinded me.

Blinded by the light i felt a sting in my back.

I regained vision of my surroundings, I checked what was the sting that i felt in my back.

My hands swept trough my back, i felt nothing on my back the sting that i felt was also gone.

I stared at the dragon.

"...I know your already awake"

The dragon that was pretending to be unconscious rised and stepped back.

"Relax im not going to hurt you"

"...How could i believe an inferior human"

The dragon said her voice sounded similar to that of a girl.

"Your a dragon right?"


The dragon didn't repond.

"I have one thing to ask you"

"What is it?" said by the dragon with a wary voice

"Why did a light came out when i held your hands?"

"...You held my hands?" The dragon said in a surprise look.

"Ehem i guess your not a bad person."

"...Huh how could you know? maybe im bad person and your just mistaken"

"I wouldn't be mistaken because the light that happened earlier was because of a contract"

"My grandmother used to say when i was still a little dragon that dragons are a race that was made from the evil god and to form a contract with a dragon you need to be kind"

The dragon stared at me with her huge eyes.

"Since we both are bound by a contract why don't we introduce ourselves to each other, I am Sylp a dragon and you are?"

I have already understand what happened.

"I am Ryu nice to meet you"

We both talked for a little while.

"I should leave know since i wouldn't want my parents to worry"

"Ok then lets leave know"

"...Huh your coming? i don't know if you should come your size and appearance would scare my parents"

"No worries i can shrink and hide my true form" after sylp said that her body glowed and she became a dog

"Wow the mighty dragon that was boasting earlier is now a dog" i teased

"Shut up"

"Then lets depart"

Sylp and i walked side by side and chatted on our mind with telepathy.

I arrived at the door of my house.

I opened the door and entered inside. Sylp now in a form of a dog walked behind me as i made my way to the kitchen.

The kitchen where my mom usually cooked our food was empty.

"Mom" i said

"Yes honey im at your room"

I made my way to the room my mom was seating at my bed along with my father. Perhaps they were chatting earlier as they have such a happy expressions.

"Mom i found a dog earlier she was so cute so i brought her home, can i adopt her please"

"But adopting a dog means you have to take responsibility of her and that means feeding washing and grooming the dog"

"I will take responsibility i promise so please let me adopt her"

My mom and dad looked at each other.

"Ok will let you adopt her"


It was already evening so mom and dad left the room and prepared for dinner.

"...Hah im tired"

"well i practically drained your mana so i shouldn't be surprise but your just 3 years old right? how did you get that much mana?"

"...Oh ever since i became 1 year old i began to increase my mana capacity"

"I shouldn't be surprise anymore the fact that your still conscious means you have an overwhelming control over your mana"

I smiled awkwardly.

"Honey its dinner time" my mothers lovely voice resounded all over the house


I left my room.

Sylp followed me and we ate dinner.

"...Hah so good"

"...Ehe its my cooking you know of course its good"

My mother said while blushing and my father kept on teasing her.

I hope this moment will last forever.

After we finished eating i washed up and headed to my room.

Sylp was already asleep.

I got on my bed and dicided to also sleep.

The morning sun kissed my cheek.

A lot of thing happened and now i have a beast bond.

I woke up completely refreshed.

In the afternoon it was said that a noble would be visiting town.

So everyone prepared.

Afternoon came the people welcomed the nobles that has arrived with warm greetings.

The nobles that was on a carriage looked at the people.

A noble man and woman was riding the carriage along with one girl i pressume it was their daughter.

I made my way back to home and practiced my mana.

Two days has passed since a noble came to town.

I was practicing with sylp on the cave where i met her.

"I guess its time for you to try and do that" sylp said

"Do what"


"Dragonifi what now"

"Its dragonification you idiot"

"How am i supposed to do that?"

"Remember the sting you felt on your back? it was a rune that was engraved on you try concentrating mana at the rune and you can activate it"

Concentrate mana on my back?

I began to pour the mana in my body to my back.

There was a warm sensastion on my back.

My vision became clearer floating particles all over the cave. I assumed it was mana the rune that was originally at my back extended to my arm.

I tried casting a fire spell. That spell that was supposed to manifest, red particles gathered where i tried casting the spell.

I tried it on various elements and it resulted on blue particles was water white for ice brown for earth yellow for light green for wind red for fire and black for electricity.

"Surprised? that's one of the ability's of dragons. Why don't you try pouring mana on the runes in your arm"

I poured mana into my arms but nothing happened i tried again but nothing happened.

"I guess its still not accessible, well no can do you just have to put up with the augmented eyes for now"

After practicing we decided to head home.