

Chapter 1

Liang was born into a family of cultivators. His parents were both powerful cultivators who had attained the highest levels of spiritual energy. Liang was the youngest of five children, and his siblings were all prodigies in the art of cultivation. They had all attained high levels of spiritual energy at a young age and were already well on their way to becoming powerful cultivators.

Liang, on the other hand, struggled to harness his spiritual energy. He had always been a late bloomer, and his parents had worried that he might never attain the same level of power as his siblings. But Liang never gave up on his dream of becoming a powerful cultivator. He knew that he had to work harder than anyone else to achieve his goal.

One day, while on a walk in the forest, Liang stumbled upon a strange portal. Without hesitation, he stepped through it and found himself in the spirit world. The spirit world was a place where the laws of nature did not apply, and the spirits that inhabited it were incredibly powerful.

Liang soon discovered that the portal was created by a powerful spirit who had been watching him for some time. The spirit revealed to Liang that he had the potential to become one of the most powerful cultivators in the spirit world, but he would need to undergo rigorous training to do so.

Liang accepted the challenge and began his training. The spirit taught him how to control his spiritual energy and how to channel it into powerful attacks. Liang trained day and night, pushing himself to his limits. He faced many challenges along the way, but he never gave up.

As Liang's power grew, so did his reputation in the spirit world. Other cultivators began to take notice of him, and many challenged him to battles. Liang proved himself time and time again, defeating even the most powerful opponents.

Chapter 2

But as Liang's power grew, so did his arrogance. He began to believe that he was invincible and that no one could defeat him. This arrogance led to his downfall when he faced a powerful enemy who was more skilled than he was.

Defeated and humiliated, Liang realized that he had lost sight of what was truly important in his journey to become a powerful cultivator. He had become so focused on gaining power that he had forgotten about the people who had helped him along the way.

Liang returned to the spirit world and sought out the spirit who had trained him. He apologized for his arrogance and asked for forgiveness. The spirit forgave him and reminded him that true power came from within, not from external sources.

Liang returned to the mortal world, humbled but wiser. He continued to cultivate, but this time with a new perspective. He understood that the journey to become a powerful cultivator was not just about gaining power but also about learning humility and compassion.