
Young Rich and Nameless

After a period of poverty and suffering, a young man inherits a family fortune, instantly becoming a billionaire. New challenges emerge as ex-girlfriends among other people that once looked down on him now pursue him for his new found wealth.

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27 Chs

Alice Wants to Reconcile

This time, the onlookers all started turning against George. "What a scumbag. How can you do that to her? You're despicable."

"Jerk! Don't you think of leaving her?"

A group of girls rushed up and surrounded George. They hurled insults right in his face. All of them scolding him for being a scumbag and a coward.

Meanwhile, a group of male students surrounded Alice to comfort her. "Don't cry. What do you need him for? There are so many men in the world. Yeah. I'm not bad, for example. Girl, you are so good looking. Why are you afraid of not being able to find a boyfriend? If I was lucky enough to be your man, you would never have to worry about anything."

George never would've thought that Alice would actually go so far. He was completely overwhelmed by the crowd of women, all shouting at him at once. He didn't know how he could convince everyone of the truth. He and Alice had never even been together sexually. She had only allowed him to go as far as holding her hand. And even that had depended on her mood. They had never kissed, let alone gone far enough for her to get pregnant. George was speechless. His mind was spinning because of what Alice said. He had no way to explain himself, but he couldn't just leave either. He could only helplessly get trapped and scolded.

Alice snickered happily, and walked over toward him at a leisurely pace. "All right. You can let him go now. Leave the rest to me." She said to the girls surrounding him.

"Uh, no, if we let him go, he might just run away."

"Yeah. We are here for you. If you have something to say, say it. If you want to teach this poor excuse of a man a lesson, we'll help." They stayed standing where they were surrounding George and refusing to let him go.

Alice started to panic a little. This was a really nosy determined group of women. "Uh, no need. He won't run. You can leave now. Thank you for your good intentions," Alice said, "But I have some things I want to say to him in private."

Seeing Alice's troubled expression, they started to back down. "All right, then we'll let you guys talk alone. Yeah, scumbag, we'll let you go for now. But if you try to leave her, we'll get you. We'll make sure everyone knows just what you've done. The whole school will know just how heartless you are." They had obviously been completely deceived by Alice's lies.

"Come on, George. Let's go." Alice took George's arm and firmly pulled him away from the group. He had no choice but to follow her.

"Alice, what exactly do you want? Even after our breakup, you're still trying to mess with me. I don't get it."

Seeing that a few people were still looking in their direction, she quickened into their pace. "Don't be in such a hurry. Let's find a quiet place first."

He suppressed his impatience and continued letting her drag him along. Once they had reached a more private spot. She finally let go of him.

"George, how much did you actually win? You've treated everyone to a super expensive meal. Do you still have money left over?"

She was trying to keep her tone gentle, but George was able to see through everything with a single glance. "Weren't you just saying that you don't care how much money I got and you don't even care if I have any money at all. What does any of this have to do with you anyway?" He sneered. "Don't forget. You were the one who broke up with me."

George's suspicions were confirmed again and again. Alice had only reached out to him because of his money. He wasn't surprised when she had come back to try and win him over again because he had already figured out her true nature. She was a woman who would sell her soul for money and luxury. She would do anything to get what she wanted. The only thing he didn't expect was that she would come looking for him so quickly.

"But..." Alice looked into his eyes, lost for what she could possibly say. Her face started to turn red. He felt good seeing the anger and shame in Alice's expression.

He thought he might as well make her regret it a little more. So he said, "Alice, you know me very well. And you know how I felt about you. I used to be very generous with how much money I spent on you. If you wanted a beautiful dress, I would buy it for you, even if it meant I went without a meal or two. If you wanted to look good in shoes, I would just wear out the same clothes to threads. If you wanted a new smartphone, then I'd pick up an extra part-time job. "

"George, I know you treated me well. So I'm regretting what I did now. And I want to start over with you." Her heart trembled. And she quickly said, "Come on, George. Let's make up. You still want to be nice to me like that, don't you?"

Hearing Alice say she was sorry, George made another stab. "No, you broke up with me and you and I have nothing to do with each other anymore."

Sure enough, Alice's face turned even uglier. It was hard to tell if she was ashamed or angry. George was very satisfied and was about to leave.

"Wait, wait." She panicked.

No matter what, she knew she couldn't let him leave. But George didn't listen to her at all. In fact, he sped up as he walked away. She ran after him.

"George, please don't go." She leaned her head against his back and hugged him tightly with both hands. Feeling him struggling, she held on even tighter and managed to force out a few tears. Making a sobbing sound, she said pitifully, "George, I made a mistake. I actually like you a lot. I didn't mean to make you leave. I had a reason for what I did. It's just that I didn't want you to know what it really was."

George found her outburst funny and laughed out loud. He couldn't believe she was still trying this on him. She really thought of herself as a tragic heroine out of some romance novel. She was addicted to acting. He realized he was curious what she would come up with next. If she claimed it wasn't her intention to break up with him just because he was poor, and she didn't like him, what possible excuse would she try and make him believe.

"Really, I'm being serious." Obviously, she had also noticed his reaction and knew that he thought she was joking.

She continued to forcefully explain. "You were always so good to me. How could I not know and remember that? I saw it all and kept it to myself. I only broke up with you because my parents found out we were getting into a relationship. They didn't want me to fall in love too soon. They think all boys in school are unreliable and they forced me to break it off. They said if I didn't, they would come to the school and report you for something you didn't do to get you kicked out." She looked carefully at him after she finished her sentence.

"Really? That's what you've got?" George couldn't believe that was the fake story she had gone with. Early love, unreliable? Forced to break up by her parents?

"It's true." Alice nodded her head vigorously. "Ever since I broke up with you, it's been hard on me day and night. I can't eat or sleep at all. I'm so miserable. I thought I could be strong, but when I saw you again, I realized that I couldn't let you go and I couldn't leave you after all."

"I'm not buying it. I'm pretty sure you only want to make up with me because I've got money now," George replied skeptically. He knew she would just leave him again the second she didn't think he was rich enough.

"How can you possibly say that? You really think I'm that kind of person," Alice cried out.

"George, you can insult my looks and my body, but you absolutely cannot insult my character nor my unshakeable feelings toward you. I truly love you. And I truly want to reconcile with you."

"Ha!" He couldn't help but chuckle. The more she talked, the weirder and falser it all sounded.