
Young Miss Strike Back!

Death... That was all Lin Xiaoxiao got as she tried to walk down the red carpet at an awards show. Well, it should have been her death but when she woke from the darkness, she found her self in the body Xi Xiaoxiao. A girl who was the unwanted daughter of the Xi family. Beaten and enslaved, treated worse than an ant crawling on the ground. Lin Xiaoxiao promised she would get revenge on the Xi family for treating a little girl in such a horrific way. While taking back her title of top actress of the entertainment world at the same time! As an ex-top actress who can stop her? The one thing she did not count on was this devilish man who forced a kiss on her and whats worse is her body and soul cant resist him! "Little beauty how about you help me warm my bed tonight?" "I told you a thousand times don't call me little beauty! As for warming your bed... Not happening." "Then how about I warm your bed then?" "Mmm... This I can agree to. But after it is warm you will need to leave so I can go to bed. I'll be in the other room, take your time." "Then I will just warm your body Instead." ".......Ah! Okay...." *Warning Sexual Content In Some Chapters* Check out my newest novel Phantasia: The Princess Knight Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne join the new discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/ **Cover not mine! Only added the text to it! All rights to the original Artist.**

invayne · perkotaan
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141 Chs

Grandma Shen Sets A Wedding Date

After Su Lei left everyone went back to celebrating Lin Xiaoxiao being pregnant. Lin Xiaoxiao had a feeling that this would not be the last time she saw Su Lei. She couldn't help but shiver when she remembered how Su Lei caressed her hand. 

"Xiao'er are you okay are you cold?" Grandma Shen saw Lin Xiaoxiao shake and thought that Lin Xiaoxiao might have caught a chill. 

Seeing how concerned Grandma Shen was Lin Xiaoxiao smiled as she shook her head. "No Grandma I'm fine." 

"Good! Good!  Ok, now that Xiao'er is pregnant I think we should set a date for your wedding. I was thinking of holding it next month on the fifteenth. Xiao'er is that day okay for you?" Grandma Shen's sudden declaration made everyone go silent.

"Grandma I would love to get married as early as possible but the issue is I'm not old enough. I'm only eighteen..." Lin Xiaoxiao before was planning to get married at twenty and then have a baby but after the incidents with her father the urge to have a baby and giving it a life that she never had, had taken over her rational judgment. But at the same time, Lin Xiaoxiao in her past life was twenty-five when she died. So her natural maternal instincts are stronger. So combined with that and her love for Shen Xing her whole head was clouded. Though she does not regret it one bit. She was very excited to be with child. 

"Hah! That is nothing to worry about. I have a few friends in the Civil Affairs Office so it's fine. After dinner, we will all go over to get your marriage registration signed and then hold the wedding next month." Grandma Shen stated flatly. She was not leaving any room for rejection.

Hearing Grandma Shen's words Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes widen in surprise. If what Grandma Shen said was true then her and Xing can get married tonight! Thinking of this a smile bloomed on Lin Xiaoxiao's face as her cheeks turned a little red. Lin Xiaoxiao peeked over at Shen Xing to see if he had any qualms on the matter only to see him staring back at her as he gave her a smile and a slight nod to say it was fine.

"Then we will do as Grandmother says. Xiaoxiao and I will register our marriage tonight." Shen Xing was rather happy about this because this will make his baby girl officially Madam Shen. 

"Good! Every once and awhile the old bat has some good ideas. I knew i married her for a reason!" Grandpa Shen was in high spirits to know that his family was being extended.

"You old bastard what did you just say? Are you saying that I never have anything good to say most of the time?" Grandma Shen's face turned red with anger.

"Old... Honey, I was just joking around please don't be angry with me." Once Grandma Shen got angry, the high and mighty Grandpa Shen turned into a meek rabbit of a husband as he tried to get himself out of trouble.

Seeing the old couple bickering back and forth, Lin Xiaoxiao could see how well the two got along. She thought this is how a family should be. She reached over and grabbed Qin Mei's hand who was sitting next to her and then leaned her head on Qin Mei's shoulder. 

Qin Mei patted the back of Lin Xiaoxiao's hand as she said: "This is going a lot faster than I expected but as long as you, my daughter is happy I will support you one hundred percent."

"Thank you, mom. If it was not for you I would have most likely have died a long time ago. You kept me alive while I was in a coma. You helped me escape from the clutches of the Xia family. And to top it all off you became my mother and cared for me as if I had come out of your own womb. Mom, no matter what happens in the future I will always be there for you no matter what. I love you dearly and hope you will have a wonderful life. Maybe at some time, you can find a nice man as well to settle down with. But just remember I will always be here for you." Lin Xiaoxiao truly owed a lot to Qin Mei. She had helped her to the point that there was no way Lin Xiaoxiao would be able to pay her back. All she could do was be filial and wish her mother the happiness she deserves.

A tear rolled down Qin Mei's cheek. Just these words alone were enough to make everything she did worth it. To have a daughter that cared about her to this extent really made her happy. Qin Mei reached her arm over and pulled Lin Xiaoxiao into a hug as she kissed the top of her head.

Heyo! Author here, so Xiaoxiao is finally gonna marry!

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Also, check out my other novel: Ah Chun.

Thank you all for reading!

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